41,604 research outputs found

    Faint counts as a function of morphological type in a hierarchical merger model

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    The unprecedented resolution of the refurbished Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has led to major advances in our understanding of galaxy formation. The high image quality in the Medium Deep Survey and Hubble Deep Field has made it possible, for the first time, to classify faint distant galaxies according to morphological type. These observations have revealed a large population of galaxies classed as irregulars or which show signs of recent merger activity. Their abundance rises steeply with apparent magnitude, providing a likely explanation for the large number of blue galaxies seen at faint magnitudes. We demonstrate that such a population arises naturally in a model in which structure forms hierarchically and which is dynamically dominated by cold dark matter. The number counts of irregular, spiral and elliptical galaxies as a function of magnitude seen in the HST data are well reproduced in this model.We present detailed predictions for the outcome of spectroscopic follow-up observations of the HST surveys. By measuring the redshift distributions of faint galaxies of different morphological types, these programmes will provide a test of the hierarchical galaxy formation paradigm and might distinguish between models with different cosmological parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figures included. To be published as a Letter in Monthly Notices of the RAS. Postscript version available at http://star-www.dur.ac.uk/~cmb/counts.htm

    Distribution of the very first PopIII stars and their relation to bright z~6 quasars

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    We discuss the link between dark matter halos hosting the first PopIII stars and the rare, massive, halos that are generally considered to host bright quasars at high redshift z~6. The main question that we intend to answer is whether the super-massive black holes powering these QSOs grew out from the seeds planted by the first intermediate massive black holes created in the universe. This question involves a dynamical range of 10^13 in mass and we address it by combining N-body simulations of structure formation to identify the most massive halos at z~6 with a Monte Carlo method based on linear theory to obtain the location and formation times of the first light halos within the whole simulation box. We show that the descendants of the first ~10^6 Msun virialized halos do not, on average, end up in the most massive halos at z~6, but rather live in a large variety of environments. The oldest PopIII progenitors of the most massive halos at z~6, form instead from density peaks that are on average one and a half standard deviations more common than the first PopIII star formed in the volume occupied by one bright high-z QSO. The intermediate mass black hole seeds planted by the very first PopIII stars at z>40 can easily grow to masses m_BH>10^9.5 Msun by z=6 assuming Eddington accretion with radiative efficiency \epsilon~0.1. Quenching of the black hole accretion is therefore crucial to avoid an overabundance of supermassive black holes at lower redshift. This can be obtained if the mass accretion is limited to a fraction \eta~6*10^{-3} of the total baryon mass of the halo hosting the black hole. The resulting high end slope of the black hole mass function at z=6 is \alpha ~ -3.7, a value within the 1\sigma error bar for the bright end slope of the observed quasar luminosity function at z=6.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, ApJ accepte

    Beyond capitalism and liberal democracy: on the relevance of GDH Cole’s sociological critique and alternative

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    This article argues for a return to the social thought of the often ignored early 20th-century English thinker GDH Cole. The authors contend that Cole combined a sociological critique of capitalism and liberal democracy with a well-developed alternative in his work on guild socialism bearing particular relevance to advanced capitalist societies. Both of these, with their focus on the limitations on ‘free communal service’ in associations and the inability of capitalism to yield emancipation in either production or consumption, are relevant to social theorists looking to understand, critique and contribute to the subversion of neoliberalism. Therefore, the authors suggest that Cole’s associational sociology, and the invitation it provides to think of formations beyond capitalism and liberal democracy, is a timely and valuable resource which should be returned to

    Exponential Mixing for a Stochastic PDE Driven by Degenerate Noise

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    We study stochastic partial differential equations of the reaction-diffusion type. We show that, even if the forcing is very degenerate (i.e. has not full rank), one has exponential convergence towards the invariant measure. The convergence takes place in the topology induced by a weighted variation norm and uses a kind of (uniform) Doeblin condition.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    System and method for moving a probe to follow movements of tissue

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    An apparatus is described for moving a probe that engages moving living tissue such as a heart or an artery that is penetrated by the probe, which moves the probe in synchronism with the tissue to maintain the probe at a constant location with respect to the tissue. The apparatus includes a servo positioner which moves a servo member to maintain a constant distance from a sensed object while applying very little force to the sensed object, and a follower having a stirrup at one end resting on a surface of the living tissue and another end carrying a sensed object adjacent to the servo member. A probe holder has one end mounted on the servo member and another end which holds the probe

    Measuring the galaxy power spectrum and scale-scale correlations with multiresolution-decomposed covariance -- I. method

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    We present a method of measuring galaxy power spectrum based on the multiresolution analysis of the discrete wavelet transformation (DWT). Since the DWT representation has strong capability of suppressing the off-diagonal components of the covariance for selfsimilar clustering, the DWT covariance for popular models of the cold dark matter cosmogony generally is diagonal, or jj(scale)-diagonal in the scale range, in which the second scale-scale correlations are weak. In this range, the DWT covariance gives a lossless estimation of the power spectrum, which is equal to the corresponding Fourier power spectrum banded with a logarithmical scaling. In the scale range, in which the scale-scale correlation is significant, the accuracy of a power spectrum detection depends on the scale-scale or band-band correlations. This is, for a precision measurements of the power spectrum, a measurement of the scale-scale or band-band correlations is needed. We show that the DWT covariance can be employed to measuring both the band-power spectrum and second order scale-scale correlation. We also present the DWT algorithm of the binning and Poisson sampling with real observational data. We show that the alias effect appeared in usual binning schemes can exactly be eliminated by the DWT binning. Since Poisson process possesses diagonal covariance in the DWT representation, the Poisson sampling and selection effects on the power spectrum and second order scale-scale correlation detection are suppressed into minimum. Moreover, the effect of the non-Gaussian features of the Poisson sampling can be calculated in this frame.Comment: AAS Latex file, 44 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Overview of SERI's high efficiency solar cell research

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    The bulk of the research efforts supported by the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) High Efficiency Concepts area has been directed towards establishing the feasibility of achieving very high efficiencies, 30% for concentrator and more than 20% for thin film flat plate, in solar cell designs which could possibly be produced competitively. The research has accomplished a great deal during the past two years. Even though the desired performance levels have not yet been demonstrated, based on the recent progress, a greater portion of the terrestrial photovoltaics community believes that these efficiencies are attainable. The program will now allocate a larger portion of resources to low cost, large area deposition technology. The program is currently shifting greater emphasis on to the study of crystal growth in order to provide the understanding and tools needed to design a large area process