1,914 research outputs found

    Sound propagation from a simple source in a wind tunnel

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    The nature of the acoustic field of a simple source in a wind tunnel under flow conditions was examined theoretically and experimentally. The motivation of the study was to establish aspects of the theoretical framework for interpreting acoustic data taken (in wind) tunnels using in wind microphones. Three distinct investigations were performed and are described in detail

    Investigation of the effects of a moving acoustic medium on jet noise measurements

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    Noise from an unheated sonic jet in the presence of an external flow is measured in a free-jet wind tunnel using microphones located both inside and outside the flow. Comparison of the data is made with results of similar studies. The results are also compared with theoretical predictions of the source strength for jet noise in the presence of flow and of the effects of sound propagation through a shear layer

    Analytical modeling of the structureborne noise path on a small twin-engine aircraft

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    The structureborne noise path of a six passenger twin-engine aircraft is analyzed. Models of the wing and fuselage structures as well as the interior acoustic space of the cabin are developed and used to evaluate sensitivity to structural and acoustic parameters. Different modeling approaches are used to examine aspects of the structureborne path. These approaches are guided by a number of considerations including the geometry of the structures, the frequency range of interest, and the tractability of the computations. Results of these approaches are compared with experimental data

    An Overview of Two Incidents Involving African American Fraternities at Indiana University

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    The current campus climate facing African American Greek fraternal organizations at Indiana University (IU) can be examined through critical incidents of the past. A historical analysis of data sources associated with two incidents involving these organizations at IU provides a better understanding of the challenges students in these organizations may face. This paper aims to provide practitioners with an understanding of how specific policy changes for these fraternities may affect their members, as well as the student body they serve

    The acoustic characteristics of turbomachinery cavities

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    Internal fluid flows are subject not only to self-sustained oscillations of the purely hydrodynamic type but also to the coupling of the instability with the acoustic mode of the surrounding cavity. This situation is common to turbomachinery, since flow instabilities are confined within a flow path where the acoustic wavelength is typically smaller than the dimensions of the cavity and flow speeds are low enough to allow resonances. When acoustic coupling occurs, the fluctuations can become so severe in amplitude that it may induce structural failure of engine components. The potential for catastrophic failure makes identifying flow-induced noise and vibration sources a priority. In view of the complexity of these types of flows, this report was written with the purpose of presenting many of the methods used to compute frequencies for self-sustained oscillations. The report also presents the engineering formulae needed to calculate the acoustic resonant modes for ducts and cavities. Although the report is not a replacement for more complex numerical or experimental modeling techniques, it is intended to be used on general types of flow configurations that are known to produce self-sustained oscillations. This report provides a complete collection of these models under one cover

    A Map of the Universe

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    We have produced a new conformal map of the universe illustrating recent discoveries, ranging from Kuiper belt objects in the Solar system, to the galaxies and quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This map projection, based on the logarithm map of the complex plane, preserves shapes locally, and yet is able to display the entire range of astronomical scales from the Earth's neighborhood to the cosmic microwave background. The conformal nature of the projection, preserving shapes locally, may be of particular use for analyzing large scale structure. Prominent in the map is a Sloan Great Wall of galaxies 1.37 billion light years long, 80% longer than the Great Wall discovered by Geller and Huchra and therefore the largest observed structure in the universe.Comment: Figure 8, and additional material accessible on the web at: http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~mjuric/universe

    Observations and Implications of the Star Formation History of the LMC

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    We present derivations of star formation histories based on color-magnitude diagrams of three fields in the LMC from HST/WFPC2 observations. A significant component of stars older than 4 Gyr is required to match the observed color-magnitude diagrams. Models with a dispersion-free age-metallicity relation are unable to reproduce the width of the observed main sequence; models with a range of metallicity at a given age provide a much better fit. Such models allow us to construct complete ``population boxes'' for the LMC based entirely on color-magnitude diagrams; remarkably, these qualitatively reproduce the age-metallicity relation observed in LMC clusters. We discuss some of the uncertainties in deriving star formation histories. We find, independently of the models, that the LMC bar field has a larger relative component of older stars than the outer fields. The main implications suggested by this study are: 1) the star formation history of field stars appears to differ from the age distribution of clusters, 2) there is no obvious evidence for bursty star formation, but our ability to measure bursts shorter in duration than \sim 25% of any given age is limited by the statistics of the observed number of stars, 3) there may be some correlation of the star formation rate with the last close passage of the LMC/SMC/Milky Way, but there is no dramatic effect, and 4) the derived star formation history is probably consistent with observed abundances, based on recent chemical evolution models.Comment: Accepted by AJ, 36 pages including 12 figure

    Assessing precipitation from a dual-polarisation X-band radar campaign using the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model

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    A set of Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPEs) from a dual-polarisation X-band radar observation campaign in a mountainous area of Northern Scotland is assessed with reference to observed river flows as well as being compared to estimates from the UK C-band radar and raingauge networks. Employing estimation methods of varying complexity, the X-band QPEs are trialled as alternative inputs to Grid-to-Grid (G2G), a distributed hydrological model, to produce simulated river flows for comparison with observations. This hydrological assessment complements and extends a previous meteorological assessment that used point raingauge data only. Precipitation estimates for two periods over the observation campaign in 2016 (March to April and June to August) are assessed. During the second period, increased incorporation of dual-polarisation variables into the radar processing chain is found to be of considerable benefit, whereas during the first period the low height of the melting layer often restricts their use. As a result of the complex topography in Northern Scotland, the Lowest Usable Elevation (LUE) of the X-band radar observations is found to be a stronger indicator of the hydrological model performance than range from the radar. For catchments with an LUE of less than 3 km, the best X-band QPE typically performs better for modelling river flow than using an estimate from the UK C-band radar network. The hydrological assessment framework used here brings fresh insights into the performance of the different QPEs, as well as providing a stimulus for targeted improvements to dual-polarisation radar-based QPEs that have wider relevance beyond the case study situation

    Stellar Populations in Three Outer Fields of the LMC

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    We present HST photometry for three fields in the outer disk of the LMC extending approximately four magnitudes below the faintest main sequence turnoff. We cannot detect any strongly significant differences in the stellar populations of the three fields based on the morphologies of the color-magnitude diagrams, the luminosity functions, and the relative numbers of stars in different evolutionary stages. Our observations therefore suggest similar star formation histories in these regions, although some variations are certainly allowed. The fields are located in two regions of the LMC: one is in the north-east field and two are located in the north-west. Under the assumption of a common star formation history, we combine the three fields with ground-based data at the same location as one of the fields to improve statistics for the brightest stars. We compare this stellar population with those predicted from several simple star formation histories suggested in the literature, using a combination of the R-method of Bertelli et al (1992) and comparisons with the observed luminosity function. The only model which we consider that is not rejected by the observations is one in which the star formation rate is roughly constant for most of the LMC's history and then increases by a factor of three about 2 Gyr ago. Such a model has roughly equal numbers of stars older and younger than 4 Gyr, and thus is not dominated by young stars. This star formation history, combined with a closed box chemical evolution model, is consistent with observations that the metallicity of the LMC has doubled in the past 2 Gyr.Comment: 30 pages, includes 10 postscript figures. Figure 1 avaiable at ftp://charon.nmsu.edu/pub/mgeha/LMC. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Leo A: A Late-Blooming Survivor of the Epoch of Reionization in the Local Group

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    As part of a major program to use isolated Local Group dwarf galaxies as near-field probes of cosmology, we have obtained deep images of the dwarf irregular galaxy Leo A with the Advanced Camera for Surveys aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. From these images we have constructed a color-magnitude diagram (CMD) reaching apparent [absolute] magnitudes of (M475, M814) > (29.0 [+4.4], 27.9 [+3.4]), the deepest ever achieved for any irregular galaxy beyond the Magellanic Clouds. We derive the star-formation rate (SFR) as a function of time over the entire history of the galaxy. We find that over 90% of all the star formation that ever occurred in Leo A happened more recently than 8 Gyr ago. The CMD shows only a very small amount of star formation in the first few billion years after the Big Bang; a possible burst at the oldest ages cannot be claimed with high confidence. The peak SFR occurred ~1.5-4 Gyr ago, at a level 5-10 times the current value. Our modelling indicates that Leo A has experienced very little metallicity evolution; the mean inferred metallicity is consistent with measurements of the present-day gas-phase oxygen abundance. We cannot exclude a scenario in which ALL of the ancient star formation occurred prior to the end of the era of reionization, but it seems unlikely that the lack of star formation prior to ~8 Gyr ago was due to early loss or exhaustion of the in situ gas reservoir.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters; 5 pages, 3 figures (2 in color); uses emulateapj.st