2,914 research outputs found

    Live Organ and Tissue Transplants from Minor Donors in Massachusetts

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    This article examines the system of providing court approval for organ and tissue transplants from minor donors as it operates in Massachusetts. It focuses principally on the substantive interests of prospective donors and on the extent to which the current procedures afford them adequate protection. It begins by examining the requirement of consent and demonstrates the necessity of judicial authorization of minor donors\u27 participation in transplant procedures. Next, it analyzes the current Massachusetts practice and assess its capacity to afford minor donors adequate protection from the possible dangers of serving as an organ or tissue donor. It suggests that the Massachusetts system has not adequately protected minor transplant donors.This article concludes by proposing a number of reforms in the present practice to increase its capacity to protect minor donors

    Survey of Wholesale and Retail Buyers in the Six Southern States of the North Central Region

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    Technology has improved production of aquaculture products and reduced unit costs such that reasonably dependable supplies of fish and seafood are available to the markets. This study describes current distribution channels at the wholesale and retail levels for farm-raised and wild-caught species in the North Central Region (NCR), and evaluates both buyer attitudes towards farm-raised products and interest in specific species. Suppliers of fish and seafood products are experiencing a growth in consumer demand. United States per capita consumption of edible fish and seafood increased from 12.8 pounds in 1980 to 15.9 pounds in 1989, and is expected to reach more than 20 pounds per capita by the year 2000 (U.S. Department of Commerce 1990). This is attributed to increased average income, changing consumer demographics, and the present wave of health consciousness (Blaylock et al. 1987). As “Baby Boomers” approach middle age and the number of senior citizens increase, the health benefits derived from eating fish are becoming important issues

    Osteology of the American Plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides

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    The Hippoglossoides platessoides skeleton is described and figured; for these purposes 17 specimens were observed. Study material was prepared by fleshing and disarticulation or by clearing and staining. Skull lengths of the specimens examined ranged from 27 to 68 mm and total lengths from 181 to 851 mm. Paired lacrymals constitute the only suborbital elements, although canal ossicles occur on both sides. A single nasal houses a portion of the supraorbital lateral-line canal of the right eye. Right elements of the oromandibular region are anterior and ventral to their left counterparts. Three left jaw bones, premaxillary, maxillary and dentary, are longer than the right elements. Tooth-bearing structures are represented by the premaxillaries, dentaries, pharyngobranchials (2-4) and ceratobranchials (5). The spine of the neural process of the first trunk vertebra extends well above the cranium whereas its arch in part lies sessile on the second centrum. Additional pleural and epipleural ribs may be found on the right side. Lateral apophyses are confined to the right side but arise from trunk and caudal centra. The specialized caudal skeleton consists of 18 branched lepidotrichs, 1 parhypural, 2 hypural plates and 2 epurals

    On-Line Process Fiber Optic Refractometer for Measuring Edible Oil Hydrogenation

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    The process of edible oil partial hydrogenation has improved steadily over the past decades, but few on-line process instruments exist capable of measuring the extent of hydrogenation. This work describes the design of a prototype, on-line fiber optic refractometer for controlling and monitoring of oils. It uses an established correlation between the degree of hydrogenation of an edible oil and its refractive index (Rl). The refractometer cell uses a bare optical fiber in direct contact with processing oil. Equations are given describing the power transmission characteristics of an optical fiber as a function of its cladding Rl. Comparisons between calculated and experimental data are shown using test liquids flowing through the refractometer

    Spin-guides and spin-splitters: Waveguide analogies in one-dimensional spin chains

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    Here we show a direct mapping between waveguide theory and spin chain transport, opening an alternative approach to quantum information transport in the solid-state. By applying temporally varying control profiles to a spin chain, we design a virtual waveguide or 'spin-guide' to conduct individual spin excitations along defined space-time trajectories of the chain. We explicitly show that the concepts of confinement, adiabatic bend loss and beamsplitting can be mapped from optical waveguide theory to spin-guides (and hence 'spin-splitters'). Importantly, the spatial scale of applied control pulses is required to be large compared to the inter-spin spacing, and thereby allowing the design of scalable control architectures.Comment: 5 figure

    Aeroelastic Response and Protection of Space Shuttle External Tank Cable Trays

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    Sections of the Space Shuttle External Tank Liquid Oxygen (LO2) and Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) cable trays are shielded from potentially damaging airloads with foam Protuberance Aerodynamic Load (PAL) Ramps. Flight standard design LO2 and LH2 cable tray sections were tested with and without PAL Ramp models in the United States Air Force Arnold Engineering Development Center s (AEDC) 16T transonic wind tunnel to obtain experimental data on the aeroelastic stability and response characteristics of the trays and as part of the larger effort to determine whether the PAL ramps can be safely modified or removed. Computational Fluid Dynamic simulations of the full-stack shuttle launch configuration were used to investigate the flow characeristics around and under the cable trays without the protective PAL ramps and to define maximum crossflow Mach numbers and dynamic pressures experienced during launch. These crossflow conditions were used to establish wind tunnel test conditions which also included conservative margins. For all of the conditions and configurations tested, no aeroelastic instabilities or unacceptable dynamic response levels were encountered and no visible structural damage was experienced by any of the tested cable tray sections. Based upon this aeroelastic characterization test, three potentially acceptable alternatives are available for the LO2 cable tray PAL Ramps: Mini-Ramps, Tray Fences, or No Ramps. All configurations were tested to maximum conditions, except the LH2 trays at -15 deg. crossflow angle. This exception is the only caveat preventing the proposal of acceptable alternative configurations for the LH2 trays as well. Structural assessment of all tray loads and tray response measurements from launches following the Shuttle Return To Flight with the existing PAL Ramps will determine the acceptability of these PAL Ramp alternatives
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