16 research outputs found

    Polemiche sopra i due massimi sistemi: Galileo e il Piccolo Teatro

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    The paper, based on phd dissertation about the relationship between Piccolo Theatre of Milan and local audience community, analyzes the debate rised by catholics politicians around the show Life of Galileo (1963), on the most important italian newspapers and in City Council. These protests, though being speciously raised against that specific show, were an attack towards the artistic independence of Piccolo Theatre, aiming for more pluralism in a public institution financed by the City.L’articolo, tratto dalla tesi dottorale dedicata ai rapporti fra il Piccolo Teatro di Milano e la comunitĂ  spettatoriale, analizza le polemiche sollevate - in particolare dalla DC - a partire dallo spettacolo brechtiano Vita di Galileo (1963) sulle principali testate giornalistiche e all’interno del Consiglio Comunale. Tali polemiche, pur utilizzando lo spettacolo come pretesto, accusano il Piccolo Teatro di parzialitĂ  politica e ne mettono in discussione l’autonomia artistica, premendo per un maggior pluralismo proprio in virtĂč della sua natura di teatro pubblico sovvenzionato dal Comune

    A glimpse of these forgotten arts. Metodologie di recupero del sapere marziale.

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    Abstract – IT La trattatistica marziale, pur nella sua natura di documento scritto, rappresenta il tentativo di archiviazione di un sapere performatico, comprensibile e trasmissibile in modo efficace solo attraverso la mediazione di un corpo umano che ne riattivi i contenuti, e li renda quindi disponibili alla fruizione in un tempo successivo a quello in cui il documento Ăš stato redatto. Partendo da questi presupposti, basandosi sulle testimonianze dirette di studiosi e schermidori, questa ricerca verte sull'analisi del lavoro svolto negli ultimi anni intorno al MS I.33 (London Tower Fetchbuch) nel tentativo di recuperare le conoscenze relative alla scherma di spada e brocchiero di fine XIII secolo. Di particolare interesse risulta la comparazione fra i differenti approcci metodologici utilizzati da due distinti poli di studio (Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo e ASD Septem Custodie) e la diversa natura dei testi d'arrivo prodotti al termine. Abstract – EN Even though FechtbĂŒcher (combat manuals) are written documents, they represent the attempt to archive physical knowledge which can only be effectively understood and communicated by a human body reactivating its content, making it again available after the manual was written. Starting from that assumption, and building on direct evidence provided by researchers and fencers, this survey focuses on the analysis of the work conducted on MS I.33 (London Tower Fechtbuch) in an attempt to recover the knowledge of sword and buckler fencing in the late 13th century. Particular interest is raised by the comparison between the different approaches chosen by two research centers (Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo and ASD Septem Custodie), which resulted in the production of two different texts

    Marco Martinelli, Aristofane a Scampia. Come far amare i classici agli adolescenti con la non-scuola

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    "Piccolo Teatro di Milano": a map of relational strategies between stage and audience

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    La ricerca ù costituita dal tentativo di realizzare una mappatura delle attività del Piccolo Teatro di Milano relative alle strategie di relazione con il pubblico, tanto in termini di formazione dello spettatore quanto di concezione dello stesso come elemento partecipe di una comunità. Sono stati presi in esame tre distinti nuclei, in parte sovrapponibili a tre fasi della storia del teatro milanese ed esemplificativi di differenti tipologie di azione. 1) Fondazione del Piccolo Teatro e il background progettuale che la precede, analizzata attraverso i contributi giornalistici di Paolo Grassi e Giorgio Strehler, in cui vengono esplicitate le linee guida che si concretizzeranno del progetto anche con largo anticipo rispetto al 1947; 2) Iniziative di contatto e creazione di un rapporto con il pubblico attuate negli anni Sessanta, considerate in parallelo con le grandi polemiche di stampo extra-teatrale che a partire dall'attività del Piccolo Teatro coinvolgono l'ambiente culturale e politico intorno al tema dell'autonomia artistica; 3) Sviluppo di una presenza digitale costituita dagli spazi promozionali/informativi (sito web), relazionali (social network) e didattico/divulgativi (archivio multimediale).The aim of this research is to create a map of all the strategies of “Piccolo Teatro di Milano” related to theatre/audience relationship, about audience education and belonging of the spectator to the community. Three distinct units have been taken into examination, and these are partially superimposable on three historical periods of Piccolo Teatro's history, and are examples of different methods of action. 1) Foundation of “Piccolo Teatro di Milano”, and the planning background that precedes it, analyzed through the various newspaper articles by Paolo Grassi and Giorgio Strehler. In these articles, the major project guidelines are explained sooner than 1947; 2) Initiatives concerning the contact with a main audience, and creation of a connection with said audience, in the contemporary era of the Sixties. This has to be taken into consideration together with the great protest of an extra-theater context, that starting from the activity of the Piccolo Teatro, involve both the cultural and political milieu which surrounded the independence of artistic activity; 3) Development of a web activity, through social networks, websites and digital archives

    Corneal Pachymetry and Endothelial Microscopy by Slit-Lamp

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    A slit-lamp biomicroscope Visionix VX75 has been equipped with a high-resolution digital sensor. A specular reflection technique at an angular magnification of 36× performed by the slit-lamp biomicroscope is used to develop a procedure to (i) measure the thickness of the human cornea by measuring the distance between the two reflections of its anterior and posterior surfaces and (ii) capture suitable images for morphometric analyses of the corneal endothelium’s cell mosaic. The examples of morphometric analysis of these images are reported. The biases due to the dioptric power of the anterior surface of the cornea, the oblique observation, and the asymmetry of the digital biomicroscope are discussed. These biases can be corrected by a specific calibration

    Effects of aqueous-supplementing artificial tears in wearers of biweekly replacement contact lenses vs wearers of daily disposable contact lenses

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    Purpose: To compare the effects of artificial tears (ATs) in wearers of biweekly replacement silicone hydrogel contact lenses (BW-Ws) and wearers of daily disposable contact lenses (DD-Ws) of the same material. Materials and Methods: The aqueous-supplementing ATs, OPTOyalA and OPTOidro, were assigned to be used for 2 weeks to healthy and young subjects: 1) 20 (8 and 12, respectively) BW-Ws wearing silicone hydrogel somofilcon A CLs (Clariti Elite), 2) 18 (9 and 9, respectively) DD-Ws wearing silicone hydrogel somofilcon A CLs (Clarity 1 Day), and 3) a control group of 33 (16 and 17, respectively) N-Ws. Ocular symptoms and comfort, tear volume and stability, and ocular surface condition were assessed by Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), 5-Item Dry Eye Questionnaire (DEQ5), tear meniscus height (TMH), non-invasive tear break-up time (NIBUT), and evaluation of ocular redness (OR). The assessment was performed before and after 15 days of use of the ATs in the 3 groups (BW-Ws, DD-Ws, and N-Ws). Results: No clear significant difference was noted in symptoms and signs between OPTOyalA and OPTOidro irrespectively of the group of people studied. ATs use for 15 days produced a significant improvement in DEQ5 and OR in DD-Ws (Δ=-34%, p=0.006; Δ=-23%, p<0.001) and in N-Ws (Δ=-21%, p=0.001; Δ=-10%, p=0.006) but not in BW-Ws (Δ=-5%, p=0.072; Δ=-2%, p=0.257). No significant change was noted for TMH. Conclusion: In young and healthy subjects, the aqueous-supplementing effect of the ATs under consideration is more a rinsing and tear replacem ent effect than an increase in tear volume, and it produces an improvement of the eye redness and ocular symptoms. Contact lens wear influenced the effectiveness of ATs in a way which is correlated with the CL replacement schedule

    Timing of hospital admission in labour: latent versus active phase, mode of birth and intrapartum interventions: a correlational study

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    Background Hospitalization of women in latent labour often leads to a cascade of unnecessary intrapartum interventions, to avoid potential disadvantages the recommendation should be to stay at home to improve women’s experience and perinatal outcomes. Aim The primary aim of this study was to investigate the association between hospital admission diagnosis (latent vs active phase) and mode of birth. The secondary aim was to explore the relationship between hospital admission diagnosis, intrapartum intervention rates and maternal/neonatal outcomes. Methods A correlational study was conducted in a large Italian maternity hospital. Data from January 2013 to December 2014 were collected from the hospital electronic records. 1.446 records of low risk women were selected. These were dichotomized into two groups based on admission diagnosis: ‘latent phase’ or ‘active phase’ of labour. Findings 52.7% of women were admitted in active labour and 47.3% in the latent phase. Women in the latent phase group were more likely to experience a caesarean section or an instrumental birth, artificial rupture of membranes, oxytocin augmentation and epidural analgesia. Admission in the latent phase was associated with higher intrapartum interventions, which were statistically correlated to the mode of birth. Conclusions Women admitted in the latent phase were more likely to experience intrapartum interventions, which increase the probability of caesarean section. Maternity services should be organized around women and families needs, providing early labour support, to enable women to feel reassured facilitating their admission in labour to avoid the cascade of intrapartum interventions which increases the risk of caesarean section

    How should a video-call service for early labour be provided? A qualitative study of midwives’ perspectives in the United Kingdom and Italy

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    ProblemWomen in early labour are typically encouraged to delay admission to the maternity unit, but they may find this challenging without appropriate professional support.BackgroundPrior to the pandemic, research conducted with midwives and women showed positivity towards using video-technology for early labour, with concerns raised about privacy.AimTo explore midwives’ perspectives on potential use of video-calls during early labourMethodsA multi-centre descriptive qualitative study was undertaken in UK and Italy. Ethical approval was gained prior to commencing the study and ethical processes were followed. Seven virtual focus groups were conducted with 36 participants, 17 midwives working in the UK and 19 midwives working in Italy. Line-by-line thematic analysis was performed and themes agreed by the research team.FindingsThe findings include three main themes: 1) who, where, when and how: key aspects to consider for an effective video-call service in early labour; 2) video-call content and expected contribution; 3) potential barriers to address.DiscussionMidwives responded positively to the concept of video-calling in early labour and provided detailed suggestions on how an ideal video-call service for early labour should be provided to maximise effectiveness, safety and quality of care.ConclusionGuidance, support and training should be provided to midwives and healthcare professionals, with dedicated resources for an early labour video-call service that is accessible, acceptable, safe, individualised and respectful for mothers and families. Further research should systematically explore clinical, psychosocial and service feasibility and acceptability