50 research outputs found

    Simulador de inversiones en redes de distribución de MT para la mejora del TIEPI

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    Este proyecto fin de carrera tiene por objeto elaborar una herramienta para relacionar los diferentes tipos de inversiones en las líneas de Media Tensión con las mejoras de calidad que se producen, teniendo en cuenta siempre la inversión más eficiente desde el punto de vista económico y técnico. Para ello, se analizará el problema de la calidad del servicio en los sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica, haciendo hincapié en la continuidad del suministro. La necesidad de elaborar un Simulador de Inversiones que ayude a los técnicos de las compañías eléctricas distribuidoras es de suma importancia, ya que las inversiones económicas que hacen dichas compañías para mejorar la continuidad de suministro son limitadas y por tanto las líneas eléctricas en las que se van a hacer actuaciones y el tipo de actuaciones a acometer tienen que ser escogidas en función de su mayor eficiencia. No se pretende realizar el análisis técnico de los hechos físicos que provocan los cortes del suministro, ya que existe una bibliografía importante que trata los mismos, sino que se pretende abarcar el problema de la calidad enlazando los aspectos regulativo y técnico, con el objetivo de ayudar a los planificadores de red en la difícil tarea de decidir donde realizar las inversiones oportunas para mejorar el suministro eléctrico. Para la elaboración de nuestro Simulador de Inversiones se recurrirá a los estudios realizados en otros proyectos donde se han analizado los elementos que componen la red de distribución, con las características que afectan a la calidad, tales como la tasa de fallos, los tiempos de interrupción, energía no suministrada etc. Además se utilizarán métodos de análisis de la calidad estudiados en otras tesis, donde se puede modelar cualquier medida de mejora de la misma.Ingeniería Técnica en Electricida

    El primer any d'un periodista bosnià refugiat a Barcelona

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    Failing Our Troops: A Critical Assessment of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual

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    In June 2015, the Department of Defense (DoD) General Counsel issued a massive new manual intended to provide the U.S. military with its first unified guidance on the international law governing armed conflict. U.S. armed forces previously had to rely on individual service publications that were frequently out of date and sometimes inconsistent, particularly with respect to the interpretation of customary legal rules

    Utveckling av stationsmiljö med smart teknik

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    The essay deals with the development of the train station environment with smart technology. The purpose is to identify the current needs on train stations and to give proposals of technical solutions. The study contains five different parts: a literature study, a survey, an interview, an analysis and a discussion. The study for the research includes three different groups. The first survey study was conducted with a group which included both travellers and non-travellers, and the second survey study was done with a group of employees at a station. The interview was done with a group of specialists in the fields of smart technology and planning of infrastructure. The essay shows that train stations today are inadequate in different areas and need improvement. For a train station to become smarter, the basic needs must be fulfilled before anything else. A smart train station needs to fulfil the personal requirement, and offer support to an individual without the individual having to ask for it. The essay identifies that the travellers most important needs on a train station are clear and accessible information and guidance at a train station. Smart technology is defined as a technology that gives support and simplifies peoples living, and from the purpose of the essay, a simplification of the journey. With the studies completed are we able to determine that the development of a smart station from a global perspective is a current development. And an innovative way of thinking at present

    Globoside and the mucosal pH mediate parvovirus B19 entry through the epithelial barrier.

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    Parvovirus B19 (B19V) is transmitted primarily via the respiratory route, however, the mechanism involved remains unknown. B19V targets a restricted receptor expressed in erythroid progenitor cells in the bone marrow. However, B19V shifts the receptor under acidic conditions and targets the widely expressed globoside. The pH-dependent interaction with globoside may allow virus entry through the naturally acidic nasal mucosa. To test this hypothesis, MDCK II cells and well-differentiated human airway epithelial cell (hAEC) cultures were grown on porous membranes and used as models to study the interaction of B19V with the epithelial barrier. Globoside expression was detected in polarized MDCK II cells and the ciliated cell population of well-differentiated hAEC cultures. Under the acidic conditions of the nasal mucosa, virus attachment and transcytosis occurred without productive infection. Neither virus attachment nor transcytosis was observed under neutral pH conditions or in globoside knockout cells, demonstrating the concerted role of globoside and acidic pH in the transcellular transport of B19V. Globoside-dependent virus uptake involved VP2 and occurred by a clathrin-independent pathway that is cholesterol and dynamin-dependent. This study provides mechanistic insight into the transmission of B19V through the respiratory route and reveals novel vulnerability factors of the epithelial barrier to viruses

    Adaptive boosting method for mitigating ethnicity and age group unfairness

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    Machine learning algorithms make decisions in various fields, thus influencing people’s lives. However, despite their good quality, they can be unfair to certain demographic groups, perpetuating socially induced biases. Therefore, this paper deals with a common unfairness problem, unequal quality of service, that appears in classification when age and ethnicity groups are used. To tackle this issue, we propose an adaptive boosting algorithm that aims to mitigate the existing unfairness in data. The proposed method is based on the AdaBoost algorithm but incorporates fairness in the calculation of the instance’s weight with the goal of making the prediction as good as possible for all ages and ethnicities. The results show that the proposed method increases the fairness of age and ethnicity groups while maintaining good overall quality compared to traditional classification algorithms. The proposed method achieves the best accuracy in almost every sensitive feature group. Based on the extensive analysis of the results, we found that when it comes to ethnicity, interestingly, White people are likely to be incorrectly classified as not being heroin users, whereas other groups are likely to be incorrectly classified as heroin users

    Mankato State College Freshman Enrollment, 1967-1972: A Spatial Analysis of Student Origin

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    A mobile application for effort estimation in agile development methods

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    Ocenjevanje truda pri razvoju programske opreme je proces, ki lahko zelo pomaga pri planiranju projekta. V diplomskem delu predstavimo proces ocenjevanja truda, elemente procesa ter aktivnosti, katere se izvajajo. Osredotočamo se na ocenjevanje truda pri agilnem razvoju informacijskih sistemov ter klasificiramo obstoječe metode in pregledamo njihove prednosti in slabosti. Odločimo se za predstavitev pogosto uporabljene metode za ocenjevanje truda pri agilnem razvoju, in sicer Planning poker. Po analizi trga ugotovimo pomanjkljivosti obstoječih rešitev in določimo funkcionalnosti lastne rešitve. Prikažemo arhitekturo lastne rešitve in končni izdelek. Na koncu prikažemo izvedeni eksperiment z mobilno aplikacijo ter rezultate eksperimenta.Software development effort estimation is a process that can help in planning a project. We introduce effort estimation process, its elements, and activities that occur in it. We focus on effort estimation in agile software development and classify existing methods with review of their pros and cons. We decide to present frequently used effort estimation method in agile software development, Planning poker. After market analysis, we identify weaknesses and define functionalities of our solution. Afterwards, we show architecture of our solution and final product. At the end, we explain the performed experiment with mobile application and its results