31 research outputs found

    Contextualització, definició i característiques de la gimnàstica aquàtica

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    L’anàlisi de l’evolució de les pràctiques físiques de lleure en la nostra societat, ens revela que les activitats aquàtiques de condicionament físic saludable, mitjançant la música i la recreació, es consoliden de manera important. Aquestes propostes, a causa de nous plantejaments conceptuals i de formes d’actuació de l’actual societat, s’entenen de manera eclèctica, tot superant les limitacions que aportaven d’altres models tradicionals. En conseqüència, ha sorgit una àmplia varietat d’opcions d’exercitació que necessiten ser situades, definides i delimitades amb precisió per garantir que l’avenç quantitatiu esmentat també ho sigui a nivell qualitatiu, de tal manera que es pugui tutelar adequadament aquest procès emergent

    Contextualización, definición y características de la gimnasia acuática

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    El análisis de la evolución de las prácticas físicas de ocio en nuestra sociedad, nos revela que las actividades acuáticas de acondicionamiento físico saludable a través de la música y la recreación se consolidan de manera importante. Tales propuestas, debido a nuevos planteamientos conceptuales y modos de actuación de la actual sociedad, se entienden de manera ecléctica, superando las limitaciones que aportaban otros modelos tradicionales. En consecuencia, ha surgido una amplia variedad de opciones de ejercitación que necesitan ser ubicadas, definidas y delimitadas con precisión para garantizar que dicho avance cuantitativo también lo sea a nivel cualitativo, de tal forma que se pueda tutelar adecuadamente este emergente proceso

    Exercicis per a l’entrenament de la musculatura flexora del tronc en el medi aquàtic

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    Pel que fa a l’exercitació abdominal en el medi terrestre s’han realitzat estudis múltiples que han avaluat diversos aspectes. Malgrat això, s’ha de ressaltar que fins avui son escasses les publicacions que s’han centrat en aprofundir de manera qualitativa i/o quantitativa en l’exercitació abdominal en el medi aquàtic. A partir d’un estudi bidimensional de fotogrametria i vídeo s’ha realitzat un anàlisi cinemàtica de 12 exercicis aquàtics de flexió de tronc que involucren la musculatura abdominal. L’estudi està en les seves fases preliminars, motiu per al qual es va dur a terme amb únic subjecte. El model antropomètric utilitzat per a l’anàlisi cinemàtica va consistir en un model alàmbric de tres segments: cuixa, pelvis i zona lumbar. Aquests tres segments determinen els dos angles d’interès: angle dels malucs i angle lumbar. Els resultats obtinguts han corroborat l’eficàcia i seguretat de la majoria dels moviments proposats. Amb les dades que aporta aquest estudi s’obren noves possibilitats d’actuació per als diversos àmbits de pràctica física saludable en el medi aquàtic, oferint a més a més, una alternativa teòrica i pràctica a la típica idea de “sortir-se de la piscina” per a realitzar aquests exercicis

    Ejercicios para el entrenamiento de la musculatura flexora del tronco en el medio acuático

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    Al respecto de la ejercitación abdominal en el medio terrestre se han realizado múltiples estudios que han evaluado diversos aspectos. Sin embargo, se debe resaltar que hasta la fecha son escasas las publicaciones que se han centrado en ahondar de manera cualitativa y/o cuantitativa en la ejercitación abdominal en el medio acuático. A partir de un estudio bidimensional de fotogrametría y vídeo se ha realizado un análisis cinemático de 12 ejercicios acuáticos de flexión de tronco que involucran la musculatura abdominal. El estudio está en sus fases preliminares, por lo que se llevó a cabo con un único sujeto. El modelo antropométrico utilizado para el análisis cinemático consistió en un modelo alámbrico de 3 segmentos: muslo, pelvis y zona lumbar. Estos tres segmentos determinan los dos ángulos de interés: ángulo de cadera y ángulo lumbar. Los resultados obtenidos han corroborado la eficacia y seguridad de la mayoría de los movimientos propuestos. Con los datos que se aportan en este estudio se abren nuevas posibilidades de actuación para los diversos ámbitos de práctica física saludable en el medio acuático, ofreciendo, además, una alternativa teórica y práctica a la típica idea de “salirse de la piscina” para realizar dichos ejercicios

    Thickness-Dependent Coloration Properties of Glass Substrate Viologen-Based Electrochromic Devices

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    Proceedings of: E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting. Symposium G. New trends in chromogenic materials and devices. Warsaw, Poland, September 19-23, 2009.Blue viologen-based electrochromic devices on glass substrates were constructed with different internal active layer thickness by means of a thermoplastic spacer (DuPontTM surlyn1702). Optical measurements, chronoamperometry, and cyclic voltammetry (CV) were the techniques used for characterization. Coloration properties such as switching times for coloring and bleaching processes, coloration efficiency, and effective charge density, previously studied for a single device, are now obtained for several devices with different thicknesses.This work was supported by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid under Grant S2009/ESP-1781, FACTOTEM-2.Publicad

    The validity and reliability of a new instrumented device for measuring ankle dorsiflexion range of motion

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    PURPOSE/BACKGROUND: A restriction in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM) has been linked to several clinical manifestations such as metatarsalgia, heel pain, nerve entrapment, ankle joint equinus, patellar and ankle injuries. The purpose of the present study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Leg Motion system for measuring ankle dorsiflexion ROM. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive repeated-measures study. METHODS: Twenty-six healthy male university students were recruited to test the reliability of the Leg Motion system, which is a portable tool used for assessment of ankle dorsiflexion during the weight-bearing lunge test. The participants were tested two times separated by two weeks and measurements were performed at the same time of the day by the same single rater. To test the validity of the Leg Motion system, other maximal ankle dorsiflexion ROM assessments (goniometer, inclinometer and measuring tape) were measured in a single session (i.e., the first test session) during the weight-bearing lunge position using a standard goniometer, a digital inclinometer and a measuring tape measure with the ability to measure to the nearest 0.1 cm. RESULTS: Paired t-tests showed the absence of significant differences between right and left limb measurements of dorsiflexion in all tests. Mean values ± standard deviations were as follows: Leg Motion test (left 11.6cm±3.9; right 11.9cm ±4.0), tape measure (left 11.6cm±4.0; right 11.8cm±4.2), goniometer (left 40.6º±5.2; right 40.6º±5.2), and digital inclinometer (left 40.0º±5.8; right 39.9º±5.6). The Leg Motion composite values (i.e., average of the two legs) showed a significant (p<0.05) positive correlation with the tape measure (r=0.99), with the goniometer (r=0.66), and with the digital inclinometer (r=0.72). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study provide evidence to support the use of the Leg Motion system as a valid, portable, and easy to use alternative to the weight-bearing lunge test to assess ankle dorsiflexion ROM in healthy participants

    Effects of multicomponent and power training programs using elastic devices on motor function, body composition, and metabolic, bone and inflammatory profile in older adults

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    Background: It is needed to understand what type of training strategy can be the most effective for contributing to a healthier, active, and more independent elderly population. Nowadays, there are novel types of training interventions and devices, but only little is known regarding whether these can provoke positive benefits in this target population. Concretely, no evidence has examined the effectiveness of high-speed resistance training and multicomponent training in older adults in respect of not only physical function but also bone, immunity, and metabolic status. Developing an understanding these novel training strategies can ultimately provide a viable alternative to traditional modes of exercise training for a broader range of participants

    The Effect of Moderate- Versus High-Intensity Resistance Training on Systemic Redox State and DNA Damage in Healthy Older Women

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    This study investigated effects of a 16-week progressive resistance training program (RTP) with elastic bands at two different intensities on systemic redox state, DNA damage, and physical function in healthy older women. METHODS: Participants were randomly assigned to the high-intensity group (HIGH; n = 39), moderate-intensity group (MOD; n = 31), or control group (CG; n = 23). The exercise groups performed an RTP twice a week with three to four sets of 6 (HIGH) or 15 (MOD) repetitions of six overall body exercises at a perceived exertion rate of 8-9 on the OMNI-Resistance Exercise Scale for use with elastic bands. Thiol redox state was determined by reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), and GSSG/GSH in blood mononuclear cells. Degree of DNA damage was assessed by presence of the oxidized DNA base molecule 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in urine. Physical function monitoring was based on the arm curl, chair stand, up and go, and 6-min walk tests. RESULTS: The HIGH group showed a significant increase in 8-OHdG (+71.07%, effect size [ES] = 1.12) and a significant decrease in GSH (-10.91, ES = -0.69), while the MOD group showed a significant decrease in 8-OHdG levels (-25.66%, ES = -0.69) with no changes in thiol redox state. GSH levels differed significantly between the HIGH and CG groups posttest. The exercise groups showed significant improvements in physical function with no differences between groups. CONCLUSION: RTP at a moderate rather than high intensity may be a better strategy to reduce DNA damage in healthy older women while also increasing independence

    An All-Organic Flexible Visible Light Communication System

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    Visible light communication systems can be used in a wide variety of applications, from driving to home automation. The use of wearables can increase the potential applications in indoor systems to send and receive specific and customized information. We have designed and developed a fully organic and flexible Visible Light Communication system using a flexible OLED, a flexible P3HT:PCBM-based organic photodiode (OPD) and flexible PCBs for the emitter and receiver conditioning circuits. We have fabricated and characterized the I-V curve, modulation response and impedance of the flexible OPD. As emitter we have used a commercial flexible organic luminaire with dimensions 99 × 99 × 0.88 mm, and we have characterized its modulation response. All the devices show frequency responses that allow operation over 40 kHz, thus enabling the transmission of high quality audio. Finally, we integrated the emitter and receiver components and its electronic drivers, to build an all-organic flexible VLC system capable of transmitting an audio file in real-time, as a proof of concept of the indoor capabilities of such a system.This Project was funded by Comunidad de Madrid through the SINFOTON-CM Research Program (S2013/MIT-2790), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación and European Union's FEDER through the TEC2016-77242-C3-(1-R, 2-R and 3-R) AEI/FEDER, UE Projects

    Zalypsis has in vitro activity in acute myeloid blasts and leukemic progenitor cells through the induction of a DNA damage response

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    [EN]Although the majority of patients with acute myeloid leukemia initially respond to conventional chemotherapy, relapse is still the leading cause of death, probably because of the presence of leukemic stem cells that are insensitive to current therapies. We investigated the antileukemic activity and mechanism of action of zalypsis, a novel alkaloid of marine origin. The activity of zalypsis was studied in four acute myeloid leukemia cell lines and in freshly isolated blasts taken from patients with acute myeloid leukemia before they started therapy. Zalypsis-induced apoptosis of both malignant and normal cells was measured using flow cytometry techniques. Gene expression profiling and western blot studies were performed to assess the mechanism of action of the alkaloid. Zalypsis showed a very potent antileukemic activity in all the cell lines tested and potentiated the effect of conventional antileukemic drugs such as cytarabine, fludarabine and daunorubicin. Interestingly, zalypsis showed remarkable ex vivo potency, including activity against the most immature blast cells (CD34(+) CD38(-) Lin(-)) which include leukemic stem cells. Zalypsis-induced apoptosis was the result of an important deregulation of genes involved in the recognition of double-strand DNA breaks, such as Fanconi anemia genes and BRCA1, but also genes implicated in the repair of double-strand DNA breaks, such as RAD51 and RAD54. These gene findings were confirmed by an increase in several proteins involved in the pathway (pCHK1, pCHK2 and pH2AX). The potent and selective antileukemic effect of zalypsis on DNA damage response mechanisms observed in acute myeloid leukemia cell lines and in patients' samples provides the rationale for the investigation of this compound in clinical trials