191 research outputs found

    The Lovasz number of random graphs

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    We study the Lovasz number theta along with two further SDP relaxations theta1, theta1/2 of the independence number and the corresponding relaxations of the chromatic number on random graphs G(n,p). We prove that these relaxations are concentrated about their means Moreover, extending a result of Juhasz, we compute the asymptotic value of the relaxations for essentially the entire range of edge probabilities p. As an application, we give an improved algorithm for approximating the independence number in polynomial expected time, thereby extending a result of Krivelevich and Vu. We also improve on the analysis of an algorithm of Krivelevich for deciding whether G(n,p) is k-colorable

    Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    Random instances of constraint satisfaction problems such as k-SAT provide challenging benchmarks. If there are m constraints over n variables there is typically a large range of densities r=m/n where solutions are known to exist with probability close to one due to non-constructive arguments. However, no algorithms are known to find solutions efficiently with a non-vanishing probability at even much lower densities. This fact appears to be related to a phase transition in the set of all solutions. The goal of this extended abstract is to provide a perspective on this phenomenon, and on the computational challenge that it poses

    The Lovász Number of Random Graphs

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    This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.We study the Lovász number ϑ\vartheta along with two related SDP relaxations ϑ1/2\vartheta_{1/2}, ϑ2\vartheta_2 of the independence number and the corresponding relaxations ϑˉ\bar\vartheta, ϑˉ1/2\bar\vartheta_{1/2}, ϑˉ2\bar\vartheta_2 of the chromatic number on random graphs Gn,pG_{n,p}. We prove that ϑ,ϑ1/2,ϑ2(Gn,p)\vartheta,\vartheta_{1/2},\vartheta_2(G_{n,p}) are concentrated about their means, and that ϑˉ,ϑˉ1/2,ϑˉ2(Gn,p)\bar\vartheta,\bar\vartheta_{1/2},\bar\vartheta_2(G_{n,p}) in the case p0p0 is a constant. As an application, we give improved algorithms for approximating the independence number of Gn,pG_{n,p} and for deciding kk-colourability in polynomial expected time.Peer Reviewe

    The condensation phase transition in the regular kk-SAT model

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    Much of the recent work on random constraint satisfaction problems has been inspired by ingenious but non-rigorous approaches from physics. The physics predictions typically come in the form of distributional fixed point problems that are intended to mimic Belief Propagation, a message passing algorithm, applied to the random CSP. In this paper we propose a novel method for harnessing Belief Propagation directly to obtain a rigorous proof of such a prediction, namely the existence and location of a condensation phase transition in the random regular kk-SAT model.Comment: Revised version based on arXiv:1504.03975, version

    Going after the k-SAT Threshold

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    Random kk-SAT is the single most intensely studied example of a random constraint satisfaction problem. But despite substantial progress over the past decade, the threshold for the existence of satisfying assignments is not known precisely for any k3k\geq3. The best current results, based on the second moment method, yield upper and lower bounds that differ by an additive kln22k\cdot \frac{\ln2}2, a term that is unbounded in kk (Achlioptas, Peres: STOC 2003). The basic reason for this gap is the inherent asymmetry of the Boolean value `true' and `false' in contrast to the perfect symmetry, e.g., among the various colors in a graph coloring problem. Here we develop a new asymmetric second moment method that allows us to tackle this issue head on for the first time in the theory of random CSPs. This technique enables us to compute the kk-SAT threshold up to an additive ln212+O(1/k)0.19\ln2-\frac12+O(1/k)\approx 0.19. Independently of the rigorous work, physicists have developed a sophisticated but non-rigorous technique called the "cavity method" for the study of random CSPs (M\'ezard, Parisi, Zecchina: Science 2002). Our result matches the best bound that can be obtained from the so-called "replica symmetric" version of the cavity method, and indeed our proof directly harnesses parts of the physics calculations

    Belief Propagation on replica symmetric random factor graph models

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    According to physics predictions, the free energy of random factor graph models that satisfy a certain "static replica symmetry" condition can be calculated via the Belief Propagation message passing scheme [Krzakala et al., PNAS 2007]. Here we prove this conjecture for two general classes of random factor graph models, namely Poisson random factor graphs and random regular factor graphs. Specifically, we show that the messages constructed just as in the case of acyclic factor graphs asymptotically satisfy the Belief Propagation equations and that the free energy density is given by the Bethe free energy formula