21 research outputs found

    Sonographically determined anomalies and outcome in 170 chromosomally abnormal fetuses

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    Structural pathology and outcome were studied in 170 chromosomally abnormal fetuses. Numerical chromosomal abnormalities were established in 158 (93 per cent) cases, of which 110 (71 per cent) represented trisomies, 30 (18 per cent) Turner syndrome, and 18 (11 per cent) triploidy. Structural chromosomal abnormalities were diagnosed in 12 (7 per cent) cases. Gestational age at referral was significantly shorter for pregnancies with Turner syndrome than for the other chromosomal abnormalities. Referral before 20 weeks of gestation was mainly based on fetal structural pathology alone (92 per cent); after 20 weeks, patients were referred because of structural pathology combined with small for gestational age, oligohydramnios, or polyhydramnios. Referral as a result of suspected multiple organ pathology occurred in 73.5 per cent of pregnancies. An abnormal amniotic fluid volume was present in 59/170 (34.5 per cent) chromosomally affected pregnancies, i.e., oligohydramnios in 31 and polyhydramnios in 28 cases. Birth weight was below the tenth percentile in over half of the chromosomally abnormal fetuses, except for Turnersyndrome. Fetal outcome was poor, with a survival rate at 1 month of 30 per cent for trisomies which was mainly determined by trisomy 21 (14/18=77.5 per cent)

    Increased prevalence of abnormal vertebral patterning in fetuses and neonates with trisomy 21

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    Purpose: To assess the prevalence of an abnormal number of ribs in a cohort of fetuses and neonates with trisomy 21 and compare this with a subgroup of fetuses without anomalies. Materials and methods: Radiographs of 67 deceased fetuses, neonates, and infants that were diagnosed with trisomy 21 were reviewed. Terminations of pregnancy were included. The control group was composed of 107 deceased fetuses, neonates, and infants without known chromosomal abnormalities, structural malformations, infections or placental pathology. Cases in which the number of thoracic ribs or presence of cervical ribs could not be reliably assessed were excluded. The literature concerning vertebral patterning in trisomy 21 cases and healthy subjects was reviewed. Results: Absent or rudimentary 12th thoracic ribs were found in 26/54 (48.1%) cases with trisomy 21 and cervical ribs were present in 27/47 (57.4%) cases. This prevalence was significantly higher compared to controls (28/100, 28.0%, Χ2(1) = 6.252, p = .012 and 28/97, 28.9%, Χ2(1) = 10.955, p < .001, respectively). Conclusions: Rudimentary or absent 12th thoracic ribs and cervical ribs are significantly more prevalent in deceased fetuses and infants with trisomy 21

    Tracheal agenesis: approach towards this severe diagnosis. Case report and review of the literature

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    Tracheal agenesis (TA) is a severe congenital disorder with often an unexpected emergency presentation. There is complete or partial absence of the trachea below the larynx, with presence or absence of a tracheoesophageal fistula (TOF). A neonate with TA is described, and another 48 cases found in literature are reviewed. Due to absence of a TOF, five cases were diagnosed prenatally because of congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS). When a TOF is present, polyhydramnion and several other congenital malformations seen on the ultrasound examination should alert clinicians of potential tracheal problems. Prenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may provide a definitive diagnosis. Postnatal diagnosis is based on recognition of specific clinical signs in the newborn with TA: respiratory distress with breathing movement without appropriate air entry, no audible cry, and failed endotracheal intubation. Despite progress in surgical interventions, mortality remains high. Prenatal diagnosis of TA is possible, but only if a TOF is absent resulting in CHAOS. Prenatal diagnosis of polyhydramnion and other congenital malformation should alert clinicians of potential tracheal problems. Prenatal MRI may provide a definitive diagnosis

    International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) - the propagation of knowledge in ultrasound for the improvement of OB/GYN care worldwide: experience of basic ultrasound training in Oman.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of a new ISUOG (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology) Outreach Teaching and Training Program delivered in Muscat, Oman. METHODS: Quantitative assessments to evaluate knowledge and practical skills were administered before and after an ultrasound course for sonologists attending the ISUOG Outreach Course, which took place in November, 2017, in Oman. Trainees were selected from each region of the country following a national vetting process conducted by the Oman Ministry of Health. Twenty-eight of the participants were included in the analysis. Pre- and post-training practical and theoretical scores were evaluated and compared. RESULTS: Participants achieved statistically significant improvements, on average by 47% (p < 0.001), in both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Specifically, the mean score in the theoretical knowledge test significantly increased from 55.6% (± 14.0%) to 81.6% (± 8.2%), while in the practical test, the mean score increased from 44.6% (± 19.5%) to 65.7% (± 23.0%) (p < 0.001). Performance was improved post-course among 27/28 participants (96.4%) in the theoretical test (range: 14 to 200%) and among 24/28 (85.7%) trainees in the practical skills test (range: 5 to 217%). CONCLUSION: Application of the ISUOG Basic Training Curriculum and Outreach Teaching and Training Course improved the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of local health personnel. Long-term re-evaluation is, however, considered imperative to ascertain and ensure knowledge retention

    Antenatal Workup of Early Megacystis and Selection of Candidates for Fetal Therapy

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    Objective: To investigate the best criteria for discriminating fetuses with isolated posterior urethral valves from those theoretically not eligible for fetal treatment because of complex megacystis, high chance of spontaneous resolution, and urethral atresia. Methods: A retrospective national study was conducted in fetuses with megacystis detected before 17 weeks’ gestation (early megacystis). Results: In total, 142 cases with fetal megacystis were included in the study: 52 with lower urinary tract obstruction, 29 with normal micturition at birth, and 61 with miscellaneous syndromal associations, chromosomal and multiple structural abnormalities (complex megacystis). Only a nuchal translucency > 95th centile, and not a longitudinal bladder diameter ≤15 mm (p = 0.24), significantly increased the risk of complex megacystis (p 12 mm, and without ultrasound evidence of umbilical cord cysts

    Using three-dimensional ultrasound in predicting complex gastroschisis:A longitudinal, prospective, multicenter cohort study

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    Objective: To determine whether complex gastroschisis (ie, intestinal atresia, perforation, necrosis, or volvulus) can prenatally be distinguished from simple gastroschisis by fetal stomach volume and stomach-bladder distance, using three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound. Methods: This multicenter prospective cohort study was conducted in the Netherlands between 2010 and 2015. Of seven university medical centers, we included the four centers that performed longitudinal 3D ultrasound measurements at a regular basis. We calculated stomach volumes (n = 223) using Sonography-based Automated Volume Count. The shortest stomach-bladder distance (n = 241) was determined using multiplanar visualization of the volume datasets. We used linear mixed modelling to evaluate the effect of gestational age and type of gastroschisis (simple or complex) on fetal stomach volume and stomach-bladder distance. Results: We included 79 affected fetuses. Sixty-six (84%) had been assessed with 3D ultrasound at least once; 64 of these 66 were liveborn, nine (14%) had complex gastroschisis. With advancing gestational age, stomach volume significantly increased, and stomach-bladder distance decreased (both P <.001). The developmental changes did not differ significantly between fetuses with simple and complex gastroschisis, neither for fetal stomach volume (P =.85), nor for stomach bladder distance (P =.78). Conclusion: Fetal stomach volume and stomach-bladder distance, measured during pregnancy using 3D ultrasonography, do not predict complex gastroschisis

    Fetal megacystis: a lot more than LUTO

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    ABSTRACT Objective Fetal megacystis presents a challenge in terms of counseling and management because of its varied etiology and evolution. The aim of this study was to present a comprehensive overview of the underlying etiologies and structural anomalies associated with fetal megacystis. Methods This was a retrospective multicenter study of cases referred to the fetal medicine unit of one of the eight academic hospitals in The Netherlands with a diagnosis of fetal megacystis. For each case, data on and measurements of fetal urinary tract and associated structural anomalies were collected. All available postmortem examinations and postnatal investigations were reviewed in order to establish the final diagnosis. In the first trimester, fetal megacystis was defined as longitudinal bladder diameter (LBD) ≥ 7 mm, and in the second and third trimesters as an enlarged bladder failing to empty during an extended ultrasound examination lasting at least 40 min. Results Of the 541 pregnancies with fetal megacystis, it was isolated (or solely accompanied by other signs of lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO)) in 360 (67%) cases and associated with other abnormal ultrasound findings in 181 (33%) cases. The most common associated ultrasound anomaly was an increased nuchal translucency thickness (22%), followed by single umbilical artery (10%) and cardiac defect (10%). A final diagnosis was established in 418 cases, including 222 (53%) cases with isolated LUTO and 60 (14%) infants with normal micturition or minor isolated urological anomalies. In the remaining 136 (33%) cases, concomitant developmental or chromosomal abnormality or genetic syndrome was diagnosed. Overall, 40 chromosomal abnormalities were diagnosed, including trisomy 18 (n = 24), trisomy 21 (n = 5), Turner syndrome (n = 5), trisomy 13 (n = 3) and 22q11 deletion (n = 3). Thirty-two cases presented with anorectal malformations involving the anus, rectum and urogenital tract. In cases with confirmed urethral and anal atresia, megacystis occurred early in pregnancy and the bladder appeared severely distended (the LBD (in mm) was equal to or greater than twice the gestational age (in weeks)). Fetal macrosomia was detected in six cases and an overgrowth syndrome was detected in four cases, comprising two infants with Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome and two with Sotos syndrome. Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome was diagnosed in five (1%) cases and prenatally suspected only in one case. Conclusions Although the main cause of fetal megacystis is LUTO, an enlarged fetal bladder can also be present as a concomitant finding of miscellaneous genetic syndromes, developmental disturbances and chromosomal abnormalities. We provide an overview of the structural anomalies and congenital disorders associated with fetal megacystis and propose a practical guide for the differential diagnosis of genetic syndromes and chromosomal and developmental abnormalities in pregnancies presenting with fetal megacystis, focusing on the morphological examination of the fetus

    Ultrasound markers for prediction of complex gastroschisis and adverse outcome: longitudinal prospective nationwide cohort study

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    Objectives: To identify antenatal ultrasound markers that can differentiate between simple and complex gastroschisis and assess their predictive value. Methods: This was a prospective nationwide study of pregnancies with isolated fetal gastroschisis that underwent serial longitudinal ultrasound examination at regular specified intervals between 20 and 37 weeks' gestation. The primary outcome was simple or complex (i.e. involving bowel atresia, volvulus, perforation or necrosis) gastroschisis at birth. Fetal biometry (abdominal circumference and estimated fetal weight), the occurrence of polyhydramnios, intra- and extra-abdominal bowel diameters and the pulsatility index (PI) of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) were assessed. Linear mixed modeling was used to compare the individual trajectories of cases with simple and those with complex gastroschisis, and logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the strength of association between the ultrasound parameters and outcome. Results: Of 104 pregnancies with isolated fetal gastroschisis included, four ended in intrauterine death. Eighty-one (81%) liveborn infants with simple and 19 (19%) with complex gastroschisis were included in the analysis. We found no relationship between fetal biometric variables and complex gastroschisis. The SMA-PI was significantly lower in fetuses with gastroschisis than in healthy controls, but did not differentiate between simple and complex gastroschisis. Both intra- and extra-abdominal bowel diameters were larger in cases with complex, compared to those with simple, gastroschisis (P < 0.001 and P < 0.005, respectively). The presence of intra-abdominal bowel diameter ≥ 97.7th percentile on at least three occasions, not necessarily on successive examinations, was associated with an increased risk of the fetus having complex gastroschisis (relative risk, 1.56 (95% CI, 1.02–2.10); P = 0.006; positive predictive value, 50.0%; negative predictive value, 81.4%). Conclusions: This large prospective longitudinal study found that intra-abdominal bowel dilatation when present repeatedly during fetal development can differentiate between simple and complex gastroschisis; however, the positive predictive value is low, and therefore the clinical usefulness of this marker is limited

    Perinatal complications in patients with unisutural craniosynostosis : An international multicentre retrospective cohort study

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    Purpose Craniosynostosis may lead to hampered fetal head molding and birth complications. To study the interaction between single suture craniosynostosis and delivery complications, an international, multicentre, retrospective cohort study was performed. Materials and methods All infants born between 2006 and 2012 in the Netherlands and Sweden with sagittal or metopic suture synostosis were included. All births were included as a reference population. The primary outcome measure was rate of medically assisted labor. The secondary outcomes included method of conception, term of birth and fetal position. Results We included 152 trigonocephaly patients, 272 scaphocephaly patients and 1.954.141 controls. A higher rate of assisted reproductive technology (ART) was found in patients with trigonocephaly (13%) and scaphocephaly (7%) compared to controls (3%, p < 0.001). Scaphocephaly resulted in more postterm births (8% vs 4%, p < 0.001). Trigonocephaly patients showed more preterm births (11% vs 6%, p < 0.001), breech position was more frequent (10% vs 4%, p = 0.003) and labor was more often induced. Rate of assisted delivery, including cesarean section, was significantly higher in both patient groups. Conclusions Scaphocephaly leads to more postterm births and an increased rate of cesarean sections. Trigonocephaly is related to ART, and in addition higher rates of breech position and cesarean section are found. Prenatal detection of single suture craniosynostosis could improve perinatal care