4,492 research outputs found

    Trauma-Informed Care in a School Setting: Occupational Therapy Interventions to Promote Emotional Regulation

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    PICO Question What trauma-informed occupational therapy interventions improve emotional regulation and participation in school-based tasks for students? Objectives Define trauma and note its prevalence among school-aged children Describe principles of Trauma-Informed Care and its importance in a school setting. Describe current research to determine best practice using a Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) approach in schools for OT practitioner

    Le rÎle de senataxine dans la résolution des hybrides ARN: ADN aux cassures double brins de l'ADN

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    Les gĂšnes transcriptionellement actifs peuvent ĂȘtre la source de l'instabilitĂ© du gĂ©nome via de nombreux mĂ©canismes. Ces gĂšnes sont caractĂ©risĂ©s par la formation de structures secondaires telles que les hybrides ADN : ARN. Ils se forment lorsque l'ARN sortant l'ARN polymĂ©rase II s'hybride au simple brin d'ADN. De nombreuses Ă©tudes ont montrĂ©es que l'accumulation de ces hybrides peut mener Ă  la crĂ©ation de dommages Ă  l'ADN. Parmi ces dommages, les Cassures Double Brins (CDB) sont les plus dangereuses pour la cellule puisqu'elles peuvent produire des mutations et des rĂ©arrangements chromosomiques. Il existe deux mĂ©canismes de rĂ©paration majeurs dans la cellule : la Jonction Non-Homologue des ExtrĂ©mitĂ©s (NHEJ) et la Recombinaison Homologue (HR). Mon Ă©quipe a rĂ©cemment montrĂ© que les CDB localisĂ©es dans les gĂšnes transcrits sont prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement rĂ©parĂ©s par HR. De plus, de nombreuses Ă©tudes ont montrĂ©es une interaction entre transcription et rĂ©paration des CDB. Au vue de ces rĂ©sultats, nous avons donc Ă©mis l'hypothĂšse que les gĂšnes transcriptionellement actifs pourraient ĂȘtre rĂ©parĂ©s par un mĂ©canisme spĂ©cifique nĂ©cessitant l'activitĂ© de protĂ©ines associĂ©es Ă  la transcription : "RĂ©paration couplĂ©e Ă  la transcription". Durant ma thĂšse, je me suis intĂ©ressĂ©e au rĂŽle de deux protĂ©ines dans la rĂ©paration des rĂ©gions transcrites en utilisant la lignĂ©e cellulaire DIvA (DSB Induction via AsiSI) qui permet l'induction de cassures annotĂ©es sur tout le gĂ©nome. PremiĂšrement, nous avons montrĂ© que la rĂ©paration des CDB dans des loci transcrits nĂ©cessitent une hĂ©licase ADN : ARN connue : sĂ©nataxine (SETX). AprĂšs induction d'une cassure dans un gĂšne, SETX est recrutĂ©e ce qui permet la rĂ©solution d'hybride ADN : ARN (cartographiĂ© par DRIP-seq). Nous avons aussi montrĂ© que SETX permet le recrutement de RAD51 et limite les jonctions illĂ©gitimes des CDB et par consĂ©quent promeut la survie des cellules aprĂšs induction des cassures. Cette Ă©tude montre que les CDB dans les loci transcrits requiĂšrent la rĂ©solution spĂ©cifique des hybrides ADN : ARN par SETX pour permettre une rĂ©paration prĂ©cise et est absolument indispensable pour la survie cellulaire. DeuxiĂšmement, nous avons montrĂ© une interaction entre SETX et Bloom (BLM) une G4 DNA hĂ©licase dans la rĂ©paration des CDB dans les rĂ©gions transcrites. Nous avons montrĂ© que BLM est aussi recrutĂ©e au CDB dans les loci transcrits oĂč elle est nĂ©cessaire Ă  la rĂ©section et Ă  la fidĂ©litĂ© de rĂ©paration. De façon importante, nous avons montrĂ© que la dĂ©plĂ©tion de BLM restaure le dĂ©faut de survie cellulaire observĂ© dans les cellules dĂ©plĂ©tĂ©es pour SETX aprĂšs induction des CDB. La dĂ©plĂ©tion d'autres hĂ©licases G4 (RTEL1, FANCJ) promeut aussi la survie des cellules dĂ©plĂ©tĂ©es pour SETX aprĂšs dommages. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent une interaction entre les hĂ©licases G4 et la rĂ©solution des hybrides ADN : ARN dans la rĂ©paration des gĂšnes actifs. En conclusion, ces Ă©tudes permettent une meilleure comprĂ©hension de la spĂ©cificitĂ© de la rĂ©paration des rĂ©gions transcrites du gĂ©nome, et notamment l'identification de protĂ©ines impliquĂ©es dans la "RĂ©paration couplĂ©e Ă  la Transcription".Actively transcribed genes can be the source of genome instability through numerous mechanisms. Those genes are characterized by the formation of secondary structures such as RNA-DNA hybrids. They are formed when nascent RNA exiting RNA polymerase II hybridizes single stranded DNA. Numerous studies have shown that RNA-DNA hybrids accumulation can lead to DNA damages. Among those damages, DNA double strand breaks (DSB) are the most deleterious for cells since they can generate mutations and chromosomal rearrangements. Two major repair mechanisms exist in the cell: Non-Homologous End-Joining (NHEJ) and Homologous recombination (HR). My lab showed recently that DSB occurring in transcribed genes are preferentially repaired by HR. Moreover, multiple studies have shown a cross talk between transcription and DSB repair. Those results led us to propose that actively transcribed genes could be repaired by a specific mechanism implicating proteins associated with transcription: "Transcription-coupled DSB repair". During my PhD, using the DIvA (DSB Induction via AsiSI) cell line allowing the induction of annotated DSB through the genome, I worked on 2 projects focusing on DSB repair in transcribed genes. First, we showed that DSB repair in transcribed loci requires a known RNA: DNA helicase: senataxin (SETX). After DSB induction in an active gene, SETX is recruited which allows RNA-DNA hybrid resolution (mapped by DRIP-seq). We also showed that SETX activity allows RAD51 loading and limits DSB illegitimate rejoining and consequently promotes cell survival after DSB induction. This study shows that DSB in transcribed loci require specific RNA-DNA hybrids removal by SETX for accurate repair. Second, we showed an interplay between SETX and Bloom (BLM) a G4 DNA helicase in DSB repair induced in transcribed loci. We showed that BLM is also recruited at DSB in transcribed loci where it promotes resection and repair fidelity. Strikingly, we showed that BLM depletion rescued the survival defects observed in SETX depleted cells following DSB induction. Knock down of other G4-helicases (RTEL1, FANCJ) also promoted cell survival in SETX depleted cells upon damage. Those data suggest an interplay between G4 helicases and RNA: DNA resolution for DSB repair in active genes. Altogether, these studies promote a better understanding of the specificity of DSB repair in transcriptionally active genes, and notably identification of proteins involved in "Transcription-coupled DSB repair"

    The processing and content of family narratives in emerging adulthood: gender, family functioning, and associations with identity development

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the family narratives of emerging adults. While previous studies have found that interpretative narrative content in adolescents\u27 family narratives is related to identity development, this relation has not been explored in emerging adulthood. One hundred and fifty-eight university students, most in their first year, were asked to provide written narratives of times for the family that were happy, difficult, or transitional, as well as a narrative about themselves commonly told by the family. I examined the relationship between interpretive processing and identity within and across these narrative types, controlling for family dysfunction and factual content, as well as examining moderation by gender and family dysfunction. Results showed that interpretive processing is uniquely important for the identity development of males, and post-hoc analyses revealed that this might be in part due to romantic relationship status. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of examining narrative prompts separately and the developmental implications of the unique relationship for young men as well as exploring the concept of a master family narrative within individual families and American culture

    Understanding the Costs and Benefits of Deepwater Oil Drilling Regulation

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual framework for understanding how analysis of costs and benefits might be incorporated into an assessment of regulatory policies affecting deepwater drilling. We begin by providing a framework for analyzing the life-cycle impacts of oil drilling and its alternatives, including onshore drilling and importing oil from abroad. We then provide background estimates of the different sources of oil supplied in the United States, look at how other oil supply sources might respond to regulations on deepwater drilling, and consider the economic costs of these regulations. After providing a comprehensive description of the potential costs and benefits from various types of drilling—including, when possible, estimates of the magnitude of these benefits and costs—we discuss the extent to which these costs and benefits may already be taken into account (or reinforced) through the legal, regulatory, and tax systems and through market mechanisms. We conclude by presenting a framework and simple example of how a cost–benefit analysis might be used to inform regulation of deepwater drilling, and sum up the policy implications of our work.catastrophic oil spill, cost-benefit analysis, government regulation, liability

    Ask a Feminist: A Conversation with Cathy J. Cohen on Black Lives Matter, Feminism, and Contemporary Activism

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    Herein, Sarah J. Jackson interviews Cathy J. Cohen on the potentials for feminist theory in racial justice movements. Topics addressed include the barriers and bridges between activists and academics, the unique ways in which race and gender intersect in state violence, challenges for feminist academics of color engaged in activism, and the shape of the #BlackLivesMatter movement

    Links Between Environmental Conditions and Whole Body Regeneration of a Colonial Ascidian

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    Botrylloides diegensis is among the most common colonial ascidian invaders with the ability to undergo whole body regeneration (WBR), as do other botryllid ascidians. This phenomenon allows entire adult zooids to arise from minute fragments of vascular tissue including single ampullae. With the global spread and unknown environmental range of B. diegensis this study focuses on the ecological component in the process of WBR, particularly the influences of temperature and salinity on the rate of regeneration. Six adult colonies were collected and clonal replicates were established allow comparison of regeneration at a variable field site (16-19 °C;28-31 salinity) and a fixed lab setting (14 °C; 33 salinity). Using clonal replicates, each genotype was subjected to four ampullar isolation treatments : 1- Single, one ampulla; 2- Double, two ampullae; 3- Triple, three ampullae; 4- Quad, four ampullae. Daily microscope photographs were taken to track the process of WBR. Preliminary results showed an unanticipated and clear difference in mortality between field and lab replicates. Field replicates showed a loss of ampullae across all four treatments at a more rapid rate than those in the lab setting. Observations suggest other environmental stressors also influenced field individuals, such as more predators and marine invertebrate settlers in competition for space. This data contributes knowledge on the importance of environmental conditions and on what the most suitable conditions are in the process of regeneration. Further work will provide guidelines towards management of B. diegensis in identifying conditions inhibiting WBR. Ongoing genetic analysis will additionally assist in defining the unknown distribution and native region of B. diegensis in order to conserve invaded habitats

    Are Middle School Counseling Programs Meeting Early Adolescent Needs? A Survey of Principals and Counselors

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    This article explores the needs of middle school students in regards to how their school provides for their academic, career, personal, and social development. School counselors and administrators in the state of New Jersey completed an online survey that explored how well their programs attend to the needs of their students and the guidelines set forth by the American School Counselor Association. A discussion is provided which explores multiple aspects of the data. The authors explore the perceptions of respondents on their guidance program’s effect on students. The relationship between the counselor’s and administrator’s perceptions is also discussed

    Performance variation in Leptasterias spp. among populations and habitats

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    Leptasterias spp. are six rayed sea stars that are found in rocky intertidal habitats ranging from the California coast to Alaska. In central California, Leptasterias spp. can be found in a variety of intertidal habitats in mixed populations. There are multiple clades that represent these populations and it is thought that they may vary behaviorally, including habitat preference. To investigate this individuals were collected from Pigeon Point, San Mateo, CA and characterized into two habitat categories according to where they were found: rocky habitat and pool habitat. To test for behavioral variation among habitats, righting response was used as a performance measure. Righting response time was measured in the field and was repeatedly measured in the lab under controlled conditions. It is hypothesized that individuals living in pool habitats are more mobile due to wave action and therefore will have a faster righting response. This study suggests that there may be significant performance differences among these habitat preferences and that this may also be reflected in the genetics. A methodology for further investigating these suggestions is offered here

    Traitement de données bioinformatiques massives (Big Data)

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    The volumes of bioinformatics data available on the Web are constantly increasing.Access and joint exploitation of these highly distributed data (i.e, available in distributed Webdata sources) and highly heterogeneous (in text or tabulated les including images, in dierentformats, described with dierent levels of detail and dierent levels of quality ...) is essential forthe biological knowledge to progress. The purpose of this short report is to present in a simpleway the problems of the joint use of bioinformatics data.Les volumes des donnees bioinformatiques disponibles sur le Web sont en constanteaugmentation. L'acces et l'exploitation conjointe de ces donnees tres reparties (i.e., disponiblesdans des sources de donnees distribuees sur le Web) et fortement heterogenes (sous forme textuelleou sous forme de chiers tabules, incluant ou non des images, decrites avec dierents niveaux dedetails et de qualite. . . ), est essentielle pour que les connaissances en biologie puissent progresser.L'objectif de ce rapport est de presenter de facon simple les problemes poses par l'utilisationconjointe des donnees bioinformatiques
