1,208 research outputs found

    Emotional engagements predict and enhance social cognition in young chimpanzees

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    Social cognition in infancy is evident in coordinated triadic engagements, that is, infants attending jointly with social partners and objects. Current evolutionary theories of primate social cognition tend to highlight species differences in cognition based on human-unique cooperative motives. We consider a developmental model in which engagement experiences produce differential outcomes. We conducted a 10-year-long study in which two groups of laboratory-raised chimpanzee infants were given quantifiably different engagement experiences. Joint attention, cooperativeness, affect, and different levels of cognition were measured in 5- to 12-month-old chimpanzees, and compared to outcomes derived from a normative human database. We found that joint attention skills significantly improved across development for all infants, but by 12 months, the humans significantly surpassed the chimpanzees. We found that cooperativeness was stable in the humans, but by 12 months, the chimpanzee group given enriched engagement experiences significantly surpassed the humans. Past engagement experiences and concurrent affect were significant unique predictors of both joint attention and cooperativeness in 5- to 12-month-old chimpanzees. When engagement experiences and concurrent affect were statistically controlled, joint attention and cooperation were not associated. We explain differential social cognition outcomes in terms of the significant influences of previous engagement experiences and affect, in addition to cognition. Our study highlights developmental processes that underpin the emergence of social cognition in support of evolutionary continuity

    Let's treat everyone with HIV now: what happens next?

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    The effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the treatment and prevention of HIV infection has been firmly established and is no longer subject to debate. The earliest possible ART preserves immune function, prevents infection and neoplasms, and prevents the sexual transmission of HIV. Almost all HIV treatment guidelines now recommend ART initiation at the time of diagnosis, and UNAIDS and the 2015 US National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) have described plans to detect and treat 85–90% of people with HIV infection, regardless of disease stage

    Asymmetry of the latent heat signature in b-axis oriented single crystal Gd Si Ge

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    A 100 micron fragment of a b-axis oriented single crystal Gd Si Ge has been studied using microcalorimetry, enabling the separate measurement of the heat capacity and the latent heat. The sample was taken from the same crystal previously studied with Hall probe imaging, which showed that the phase transition is seeded by a second phase of Gd Si Ge nanoplatelets on the increasing field sweep direction only. The multiple transition features observed in the latent heat signature suggests a nucleation size of approximately 20 μm, consistent with the lengthscale suggested by Hall imaging. The difference in nucleation and growth process with field sweep direction is clearly identified in the latent heat. We show that the latent heat contribution to the entropy change is of the order of 50% of the total entropy change and unlike other systems studied, the transition does not broaden (and the latent heat contribution does not diminish significantly) as magnetic field and temperature are increased within the parameter range explored in these experiments

    Protecting the Baryon Asymmetry with Thermal Masses

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    We consider the evolution of baryon number BB in the early universe under the influence of rapid sphaleron interactions and show that BB will remain nonzero at all times even in the case of BL=0B-L = 0. This result arises due to thermal Yukawa interactions that cause nonidentical dispersion relations (thermal masses) for different lepton families. We point out the relevance of our result to the Affleck-Dine type baryogenesis.Comment: 11pp., plain tex, UMN-TH-1248/94, CfPA-TH-94-1

    Strange nucleon form factors in the perturbative chiral quark model

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    We apply the perturbative chiral quark model at one loop to calculate the strange form factors of the nucleon. A detailed numerical analysis of the strange magnetic moments and radii of the nucleon, and also the momentum dependence of the form factors is presented.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Milk Fat Content and DGAT1 Genotype Determine Lipid Composition of the Milk Fat Globule Membrane

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    During secretion of milk fat globules, triacylglycerol (TAG) droplets are enveloped by a phospholipid (PL) trilayer. Globule size has been found to be related to polar lipid composition and fat content, and milk fat content and fatty acid composition have been associated with the diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) K232A polymorphism; however, the association between the DGAT1 polymorphism and fat globule size and polar lipid composition has not been studied. The ratio between polar and neutral lipids as well as the composition of the polar lipids in milk has industrial as well as nutritional and health implications. Understanding phenotypic and genotypic factors influencing these parameters could contribute to improving milk lipid composition for dairy products. The focus of the present study was to determine the effect of both fat content and DGAT1 polymorphism on PL/TAG ratio, as a marker for milk fat globule size, and detailed PL composition. Milk samples were selected from 200 cows such that there were equal numbers of samples for the different fat contents as well as per DGAT1 genotype. Samples were analyzed for neutral and polar lipid concentration and composition. PL/TAG ratio was significantly associated with both fat content and DGAT1 genotype. Phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine concentrations were associated with fat content*DGAT1 genotype with a stronger association for the AA than the KK genotype. Sphingomyelin concentration tended to interact with fat content*DGAT1 genotype. Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) concentration showed a biphasic response to fat content, suggesting that multiple biological processes influence its concentration. These results provide a new direction for controlling polar lipid concentration and composition in milk through selective breeding of cows

    Symmetry, dimension and the distribution of the conductance at the mobility edge

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    The probability distribution of the conductance at the mobility edge, pc(g)p_c(g), in different universality classes and dimensions is investigated numerically for a variety of random systems. It is shown that pc(g)p_c(g) is universal for systems of given symmetry, dimensionality, and boundary conditions. An analytical form of pc(g)p_c(g) for small values of gg is discussed and agreement with numerical data is observed. For g>1g > 1, lnpc(g)\ln p_c(g) is proportional to (g1)(g-1) rather than (g1)2(g-1)^2.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX, 5 figures and 2 tables include

    Lyapunov exponents for products of complex Gaussian random matrices

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    The exact value of the Lyapunov exponents for the random matrix product PN=ANAN1...A1P_N = A_N A_{N-1}...A_1 with each Ai=Σ1/2GicA_i = \Sigma^{1/2} G_i^{\rm c}, where Σ\Sigma is a fixed d×dd \times d positive definite matrix and GicG_i^{\rm c} a d×dd \times d complex Gaussian matrix with entries standard complex normals, are calculated. Also obtained is an exact expression for the sum of the Lyapunov exponents in both the complex and real cases, and the Lyapunov exponents for diffusing complex matrices.Comment: 15 page

    Antimatter from the cosmological baryogenesis and the anisotropies and polarization of the CMB radiation

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    We discuss the hypotheses that cosmological baryon asymmetry and entropy were produced in the early Universe by phase transition of the scalar fields in the framework of spontaneous baryogenesis scenario. We show that annihilation of the matter-antimatter clouds during the cosmological hydrogen recombination could distort of the CMB anisotropies and polarization by delay of the recombination. After recombination the annihilation of the antibaryonic clouds (ABC) and baryonic matter can produce peak-like reionization at the high redshifts before formation of quasars and early galaxy formation. We discuss the constraints on the parameters of spontaneous baryogenesis scenario by the recent WMAP CMB anisotropy and polarization data and on possible manifestation of the antimatter clouds in the upcoming PLANCK data.Comment: PRD in press with minor change