14 research outputs found

    La nutrizione nel paziente oncologico: a che punto siamo?

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    SommarioLa prima osservazione che la malnutrizione e la perdita di peso contribuiscano alla morte dei malati di cancro in maniera significativa e indipendentemente dagli effetti del tumore stesso risale a più di 70 anni fa. Da allora l'intervento nutrizionale, inteso sia come screening sia come trattamento medico orientato alla ricerca e alla cura della malnutrizione, ha assunto sempre più significato nella gestione della patologia tumorale. Ciò sia al suo esordio sia durante la naturale evoluzione della malattia, anche quando accompagnata dai trattamenti medici convenzionali (radioterapia, chemioterapia, chirurgia e cure palliative). La nutrizione artificiale nelle sue diverse declinazioni (supplementi nutrizionali orali, nutrizione enterale e parenterale), la farmacoterapia, il protocollo enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) e l'immunonutrizione sono ad oggi gli strumenti a nostra disposizione per invertire o almeno arrestare il processo prima che sopraggiunga la cachessia. Questa breve rassegna nasce con l'intento di descrivere a che punto siamo nel trattamento nutrizionale del paziente oncologico e quali sono ad oggi le evidenze di efficacia dei vari interventi nei diversi momenti di malattia

    contemporary infectious exanthems an update

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    An exanthem is a skin rash that may be associated with mucous membrane eruption, fever or other symptoms. It may develop as manifestation of an infectious disease or as adverse reaction to drugs. Beside the 'classical exanthems' commonly occurring in childhood, other exanthems, defined as 'atypical' for the different morphology and causal agents, may occur. Among the atypical exanthems with infectious etiology, viral, bacterial, parasitic and helminth infections are implicated. We describe herein etiology and epidemiology of the atypical exanthems caused by infectious agents. In case of exanthem, to make a correct etiological diagnosis is crucial for both the patient and community concerning issues such as time off school, immunizations and risk in pregnancy and immunocompromised individuals

    Anti-hypothalamus autoantibodies in anorexia nervosa: a possible new mechanism in neuro-physiological derangement?

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    Purpose: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious and complex mental disorder affecting mainly young adult women. AN patients are characterized by low body weight in combination with self-induced starvation, intense fear of gaining weight, and distortion of body image. AN is a multifactorial disease, linked by recent evidence to a dysregulation of the immune system. Methods: In this pilot study, 22 blood serums from AN patients were tested for the presence of autoantibodies against primate hypothalamic periventricular neurons by immunofluorescence and by a home-made ELISA assay. Cellular fluorescence suggests the presence of autoantibodies which are able to recognize these neurons (both to body cell and fiber levels). By means of ELISA, these autoantibodies are quantitatively evaluated. In addition, orexigenic and anorexigenic molecules were measured by ELISA. As control, 18 blood serums from healthy age matched woman were analysed. Results: All AN patients showed a reactivity against hypothalamic neurons both by immunofluorescence and ELISA. In addition, ghrelin, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), and agouti-related peptide (AGRP) were significantly higher than in control serums (p < 0.0001). In contrast, leptin was significantly lower in AN patients than controls (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Immunoreaction and ELISA assays on AN blood serum suggest the presence of autoantibodies AN related. However, it is not easy to determine the action of these antibodies in vivo: they could interact with specific ligands expressed by hypothalamic cells preventing their physiological role, however, it is also possible that they could induce an aspecific stimulation in the target cells leading to an increased secretion of anorexigenic molecules. Further studies are needed to fully understand the involvement of the immune system in AN pathogenesis

    A retrospective study of cutaneous drug reactions in an outpatient population

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    Background Adverse cutaneous drug reactions (ACDR) are unexpected cutaneous changes occurring at drug dosages that are normally used for disease prophylaxis, diagnosis or treatment. Objective The aim of the study was to determine the clinical types of ACDR, the causative agents, the latency time between drug intake and onset of ACDR and the recovery time in an outpatient population.Method Ninety-five patients diagnosed with ACDR at the Department of Dermatology of the University of Genoa between 2003 and 2012 were retrospectively studied. Results Antimicrobials, especially cephalosporins, were the most responsible for ACDR, followed by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antihypertensives. The most common clinical manifestations were exanthema (42.1\ua0%), erythema multiforme (10.53\ua0%) and vasculitis (9.53\ua0%). Patients with peripheral eosinophilia showed a more severe clinical manifestation, they were treated with systemic therapies and their recovery time was longer. Conclusion It is important to have an appropriate clinical approach according to the ACDR severity degree. We think that eosinophilia may characterise severe cutaneous eruptions and that it should always be investigated when ACDR is suspected in order to manage the patient with the appropriate treatment

    Prevention of non-melanoma skin cancers with nicotinamide in transplant recipients: a case-control study

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    Nicotinamide is the precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), an essential cofactor for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. It has recently been reported to be effective in reducing the rates of new non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs) and actinic keratosis (AKs). We studied the efficacy of oral nicotinamide as treatment for AKs in transplant recipients. We recruited 38 transplant (eight liver and 30 kidney) patients with single or multiple AKs. Nineteen patients were randomly assigned to Group 1 and took nicotinamide 500 mg/daily (cases); the other 19 patients were randomly assigned to Group 2 without nicotinamide (controls). At baseline, AKs were identified, measured, and photographed for follow-up. Five patients underwent an AK biopsy for histopathology. Statistical analyses were performed using the Student t test. At baseline, no statistically significant differences were observed regarding AK size between the two groups. After six months, among the cases, AKs had significantly decreased in size in 18/19 patients (88%). Among these 18 patients, seven patients (42%) had shown complete clinical regression and no patient developed new AKs. Conversely, among the controls, 91% showed an increase in AK size and/or developed new AKs. Seven pre-existing AKs progressed to squamous-cell carcinoma. Nicotinamide appears to be effective in preventing and treating AKs, although the mechanisms are still unclear. Further studies with a larger sample of organ transplant recipients and a longer follow-up period are needed to further support our conclusions

    Primary syphilis of the oropharynx: an unusual location of a chancre

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    A 33-year-old man presented with a two-week history of an asymptomatic ulcer of the oropharynx and submandibular lymph nodes swelling. Laboratory examinations were normal, but serological tests revealed positivity for rapid plasma reagin, Treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay and anti-T. pallidum IgM antibodies. Since the patient denied any homosexual relationship, a biopsy of the lesion was performed, which confirmed primary syphilis. The patient received an intramuscular injection of Benzathine Penicillin G (2.4 MU) with complete resolution of the lesion. Extragenital chancres occur in at least 5% of patients with primary syphilis, and the oral mucosa is the most frequent location as a consequence of orogenital/oroanal contact with an infectious lesion. Because of their transient nature, these oral ulcerations are often underestimated by the patient or by any unsuspecting clinician. Health professionals should consider the recent sexual history of their patients and should be prepared to recognise oral and systemic manifestations of sexually transmitted infections

    Safety and Efficacy of Eucaloric Very Low-Carb Diet (EVLCD) in Type 1 Diabetes: A One-Year Real-Life Retrospective Experience

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    A eucaloric very low carbohydrate diet (EVLCD) is a diet with a daily caloric intake equal to the total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) with a carbohydrate content of <50 g/day. The literature on very low carbohydrate diets (VLCD) in type 1 diabetes (DM 1) is limited, although recently published scientific studies have highlighted their safety and efficacy in managing DM 1. In this retrospective analysis, we report the clinical data of 33 patients affected by DM 1 carrying out insulin therapy who switched voluntarily from their usual diet (high carb, low fat) to an EVLCD. Our aim is to evaluate the glycemic control, the amount of insulin needed in order to maintain glycemic control and safety of EVLCD. The switch improved glycemic control (mean glycated hemoglobin decreased from 8.3% to 6.8% (p < 0.01). The number of patients who reached a glycated hemoglobin value of <7% increased statistically from 12% to 57% (p < 0.01), and there was a statistically significant decrease (p < 0.01) in the units of daily insulin (from 36.7 +/- 14.9 IU to 28.9 +/- 9.1 IU) A reduction from 54% to 24% in clinical level 2 hypoglycemia episodes was reported. No cases of severe hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis were observed. The results of the study support that EVLCD in DM 1 seems safe and effective when adopted under tight medical supervision

    A Survey of Current Knowledge on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Sexual Behaviour in Italian Adolescents

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    Worldwide, 500 million people a year acquire a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Adolescents, accounting for 25% of the sexually active population, are the most affected. To analyze sexual behavior among Italian adolescents and their knowledge of STDs, with the goal of preventing their transmission, a questionnaire was administered to 2867 secondary school students (1271 males and 1596 females) aged 14-21 years. For the study, 1492 students were interviewed in Genoa (Northern Italy) and 1375 in Lecce (Southern Italy). For 37% of the respondents, parents and teachers were the main source of information on sex, and 95% believed that school should play the primary role in sex education. However, only 9% considered the sex education they received in school good. Noteworthy, only 0.5% of the teenagers recognized the sexually transmitted diseases from a list of diseases, and 54% of them did not know what a Pap test was. Confusion about the meaning of contraception and prevention was evident; only 22% knew that condoms and abstinence are the only methods for preventing STDs. Finally, a consistent number of students are exposed to risk factors for STDs transmission; e.g., alcohol and recreational drug use, promiscuity and improper condom use. On the basis of our study, there is an urgent need for the introduction of sex education as a proper subject in Italian schools