23 research outputs found

    Propagation of chaos for interacting particles subject to environmental noise

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    A system of interacting particles described by stochastic differential equations is considered. As oppopsed to the usual model, where the noise perturbations acting on different particles are independent, here the particles are subject to the same space-dependent noise, similar to the (noninteracting) particles of the theory of diffusion of passive scalars. We prove a result of propagation of chaos and show that the limit PDE is stochastic and of inviscid type, as opposed to the case when independent noises drive the different particles.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AAP1120 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Rough nonlocal diffusions

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    We consider a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation driven by a deterministic rough path which describes the conditional probability of a McKean-Vlasov diffusion with "common" noise. To study the equation we build a self-contained framework of non-linear rough integration theory which we use to study McKean-Vlasov equations perturbed by rough paths. We construct an appropriate notion of solution of the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation and prove well-posedness.Comment: 55 pages. Corrected minor typos in version

    Mean field limit of interacting filaments and vector valued non linear PDEs

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    Families of NN interacting curves are considered, with long range, mean field type, interaction. A family of curves defines a 1-current, concentrated on the curves, analog of the empirical measure of interacting point particles. This current is proved to converge, as NN goes to infinity, to a mean field current, solution of a nonlinear, vector valued, partial differential equation. In the limit, each curve interacts with the mean field current and two different curves have an independence property if they are independent at time zero. This set-up is inspired from vortex filaments in turbulent fluids, although for technical reasons we have to restrict to smooth interaction, instead of the singular Biot-Savart kernel. All these results are based on a careful analysis of a nonlinear flow equation for 1-currents, its relation with the vector valued PDE and the continuous dependence on the initial conditions

    Existence and uniqueness by Kraichnan noise for 2D Euler equations with unbounded vorticity

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    We consider the 2D Euler equations on R2\mathbb{R}^2 in vorticity form, with unbounded initial vorticity, perturbed by a suitable non-smooth Kraichnan transport noise, with regularity index α∈(0,1)\alpha\in (0,1). We show weak existence for every H˙−1\dot{H}^{-1} initial vorticity. Thanks to the noise, the solutions that we construct are limits in law of a regularized stochastic Euler equation and enjoy an additional L2([0,T];H−α)L^2([0,T];H^{-\alpha}) regularity. For every p>3/2p>3/2 and for certain regularity indices α∈(0,1/2)\alpha \in (0,1/2) of the Kraichnan noise, we show also pathwise uniqueness for every LpL^p initial vorticity. This result is not known without noise

    Stochastic interactive particles systems, propagation of chaos and convergence to Vlasov like equations.

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    Studio della convergenza delle soluzioni di equazioni descriventi un sistema di particelle interagenti alle soluzioni di equazioni di tipo Vlasov. Alcuni risultati di esistenza ed unicità nel caso di coefficienti Lipschiziani e in un caso particolari con coefficiente non regolare

    Pathwise McKean--Vlasov theory with additive noise

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    We take a pathwise approach to classical McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations with additive noise, as e.g. exposed in Sznitmann [34]. Our study was prompted by some concrete problems in battery modelling [19], and also by recent progress on rough-pathwise McKean-Vlasov theory, notably Cass--Lyons [9], and then Bailleul, Catellier and Delarue [4]. Such a ``pathwise McKean-Vlasov theory'' can be traced back to Tanaka [36]. This paper can be seen as an attempt to advertize the ideas, power and simplicity of the pathwise appproach, not so easily extracted from [4, 9, 36]. As novel applications we discuss mean field convergence without a priori independence and exchangeability assumption; common noise and reflecting boundaries. Last not least, we generalize Dawson--Gärtner large deviations to a non-Brownian noise setting

    Rough McKean-Vlasov dynamics for robust ensemble Kalman filtering

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    Motivated by the challenge of incorporating data into misspecified and multiscale dynamical models, we study a McKean-Vlasov equation that contains the data stream as a common driving rough path. This setting allows us to prove well-posedness as well as continuity with respect to the driver in an appropriate rough-path topology. The latter property is key in our subsequent development of a robust data assimilation methodology: We establish propagation of chaos for the associated interacting particle system, which in turn is suggestive of a numerical scheme that can be viewed as an extension of the ensemble Kalman filter to a rough-path framework. Finally, we discuss a data-driven method based on subsampling to construct suitable rough path lifts and demonstrate the robustness of our scheme in a number of numerical experiments related to parameter estimation problems in multiscale contexts