45 research outputs found

    A comparison of presettlement and modern forest composition along an elevation gradient in central New Hampshire

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    Tree species composition is influenced not only by edaphic and climatic factors but also by natural and human-caused disturbances. To understand interactions among these influences, we compared forest species composition data from the time of European settlement with modern data. We derived elevation data for 2529 trees mapped by early land surveys (1770–1850) across a 1000 m elevation gradient in central New Hampshire and compared these with modern data (2004–2009) from the Forest Inventory and Analysis program (123 plots containing 2126 trees) and from permanent plots representing case studies of different land-use histories. Spruce and beech are much less abundant today at all elevations than they were prior to settlement, while maples and birches have increased. Fir, hemlock, pines, and oaks have changed little in distribution, although pines and oaks increased in abundance somewhat. Land-use history (agriculture below 500 m and cutting of various intensities at all elevations) is likely the primary explanation for these shifts, although climate change is also an important factor for some. A clearer understanding of presettlement forest composition improves our ability to separate the relative importance of natural and human-driven influences on the species composition of today’s forests

    Estimating Historical Forest Density From Land‐Survey Data: A Response to Baker and Williams (2018)

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    In the Western United States, historical forest conditions are used to inform land management and ecosystem restoration goals (North et al. 2009, Stephens et al. 2016). This interest is based on the premise that historical forests were resilient to ecological disturbances (Keane et al. 2018). Researchers throughout the United States have used the General Land Office (GLO) surveys of the late 19th and early 20th centuries to estimate historical forest conditions (Bourdo 1956, Schulte and Mladenoff 2001, Cogbill et al. 2002, Paciorek et al. 2016). These surveys were conducted throughout the United States and represent a systematic, historical sample of trees across a broad geographic area. A challenge of using GLO survey data is the accurate estimation of tree density from sparse witness tree data. Levine et al. (2017) tested the accuracy and precision of four plotless density estimators that can be applied to GLO survey sample data, including the Cottam (Cottam and Curtis 1956), Pollard (Pollard 1971), Morisita (Morisita 1957), and mean harmonic Voronoi density (MHVD; Williams and Baker 2011) estimators. The Cottam, Pollard, and Morisita are count‐based plotless density estimators (PDE) and have a history of being applied to GLO data (e.g., Kronenfeld and Wang 2007, Rhemtulla et al. 2009, Hanberry et al. 2012, Maxwell et al. 2014, Goring et al. 2016). The MHVD estimator is an area‐based PDE that has been applied by the study\u27s authors to sites in the western United States (Baker 2012, 2014), but had not been independently evaluated. Levine et al. (2017) found that the Morisita estimator was the least biased and most precise estimator for estimating density from GLO survey data, with a relative root mean square error ranging from 0.11 to 0.78 for the six study sites. Levine et al. (2017) also demonstrated the MHVD approach consistently overestimated density from 16% to 258% in all six study areas that were analyzed

    Statistically-Estimated Tree Composition for the Northeastern United States at Euro-American Settlement

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    We present a gridded 8 km-resolution data product of the estimated composition of tree taxa at the time of Euro-American settlement of the northeastern United States and the statistical methodology used to produce the product from trees recorded by land surveyors. Composition is defined as the proportion of stems larger than approximately 20 cm diameter at breast height for 22 tree taxa, generally at the genus level. The data come from settlement-era public survey records that are transcribed and then aggregated spatially, giving count data. The domain is divided into two regions, eastern (Maine to Ohio) and midwestern (Indiana to Minnesota). Public Land Survey point data in the midwestern region (ca. 0.8-km resolution) are aggregated to a regular 8 km grid, while data in the eastern region, from Town Proprietor Surveys, are aggregated at the township level in irregularly-shaped local administrative units. The product is based on a Bayesian statistical model fit to the count data that estimates composition on the 8 km grid across the entire domain. The statistical model is designed to handle data from both the regular grid and the irregularly-shaped townships and allows us to estimate composition at locations with no data and to smooth over noise caused by limited counts in locations with data. Critically, the model also allows us to quantify uncertainty in our composition estimates, making the product suitable for applications employing data assimilation. We expect this data product to be useful for understanding the state of vegetation in the northeastern United States prior to large-scale Euro-American settlement. In addition to specific regional questions, the data product can also serve as a baseline against which to investigate how forests and ecosystems change after intensive settlement. The data product is being made available at the NIS data portal as version 1.0

    The Changing Nature of the Maine Woods

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    The Changing Nature of the Maine Woods is both a fascinating introduction to the forests of Maine and a detailed but accessible narrative of the dynamism of these ecosystems. This is natural history with a long view, starting with an overview of the state\u27s geological history, the reemergence of the forest after glacial retreat, and the surprising changes right up to European arrival. The authors create a vivid picture of Maine forests just before the impact of Euro-Americans and trace the profound transformations since settlement. Ambitious in its geographic range, this book explores how and why Maine forests differ across the state, from the top of Mount Katahdin to the coast. Through groundbreaking research and engaging narratives, the authors assess key ecological forces such as climate change, insects and disease, nonnative organisms, natural disturbance, and changing land use to create a dramatic portrait of Maine forests--past, present, and future. This book both synthesizes the latest scientific discoveries regarding the changing forest and relates the findings to an educated lay and academic audience.https://scholarworks.umf.maine.edu/publications/1002/thumbnail.jp

    The forests of presettlement New England, USA: spatial and compositional patterns based on town proprietor surveys.

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    Abstract Aim This study uses the combination of presettlement tree surveys and spatial analysis to produce an empirical reconstruction of tree species abundance and vegetation units at different scales in the original landscape. Location The New England study area extends across eight physiographic sections, from the Appalachian Mountains to the Atlantic Coastal Plain. The data are drawn from 389 original towns in what are now seven states in the north-eastern United States. These towns have early land division records which document the witness trees growing in the town before European settlement (c. seventeenth to eighteenth century AD). Methods Records of witness trees from presettlement surveys were collated from towns throughout the study area (1.3 · 10 5 km 2 ). Tree abundance was averaged over townwide samples of multiple forest types, integrating proportions of taxa at a local scale (10 2 km 2 ). These data were summarized into genus groups over the sample towns, which were then mapped [geographical information system (GIS)], classified (Cluster Analysis) and ordinated [detrended correspondence analysis (DCA)]. Modern climatic and topographic variables were also derived from GIS analyses for each town and all town attributes were quantitatively compared. Distributions of both individual species and vegetation units were analysed and displayed for spatial analysis of vegetation structure. Results The tally of 153,932 individual tree citations show a dominant latitudinal trend in the vegetation. Spatial patterns are concisely displayed as pie charts of genus composition arrayed on sampled towns. Detailed interpolated frequency surfaces show spatial patterns of range and abundance of the dominant taxa. Oak, spruce, hickory and chestnut reach distinctive range limits within the study area. Eight vegetation clusters are distinguished. The northern vegetation is a continuous geographical sequence typified by beech while the southern vegetation is an amorphous group typified by oak. Main conclusions The wealth of information recorded in the New England town presettlement surveys is an ideal data base to elucidate the natural patterns of vegetation over an extensive spatial area. The timing, town-wide scale, expansive coverage, quantitative enumeration and unbiased estimates are critical advantages of proprietor lotting surveys in determining original tree distributions. This historical-geographical approach produces a vivid reconstruction of the natural vegetation and species distributions as portrayed on maps. The spatial, vegetational and environmental patterns all demonstrate a distinct Ôtension zoneÕ separating Ônorthern hardwoodÕ and Ôcentral hardwoodÕ towns. The presettlement northern hardwood forests, absolutely dominated by beech, forms a continuum responding to a complex climatic gradient of altitude and latitude. The oak forests to the south are distinguished by non-zonal units, probably affected by fire. Although at the continental scale, the forests seem to be a broad transition, at a finer scale they respond to topography such as the major valleys or the northern mountains. This study resets some preconceptions about the original forest, such as the overestimation of the role of pine, hemlock and chestnut and the *Correspondence: 82 Walker Lane, Plainfield, VT 05667 USA

    Taxa groupings with stem counts and occurrences within 701 colonial towns that met the minimum threshold to be included in the analysis.

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    <p>Taxa groupings with stem counts and occurrences within 701 colonial towns that met the minimum threshold to be included in the analysis.</p

    Changes in landscape β diversity between the pre-colonial and the modern forest taxa as shown though the distribution of town-to-town compositional dissimilarities (Sørensen's distance).

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    <p>Higher values correspond to higher β diversity. The box represents the inner quartile range of inter-town compositional dissimilarity. The horizontal line indicates the median. The whiskers extend to 1.5 times the inner quartile range.</p