5,972 research outputs found

    Temporal and spatial distribution of stratospheric trace gases over Antarctica in August and September, 1987

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    There have been a large number of suggestions made concerning the origin of the Antarctic 'ozone hole' since its discovery; these changes include stratospheric chemistry, or changes in the solar input, or combinations of these effects. Supporting or refuting these theories requires a wide variety of data for comparison with the predictions. In Aug. and Sept., 1987, a field observation expedition was made over Antarctica from a base in Punta Arenas, Chile. Two aircraft, an ER-2 with in-situ instruments flew at altitudes up to 18 km measuring ozone, water, ClO, BrO, NO sub x, particles, and meteorological parameters in the ozone layer. A DC-8 flew at altitudes of 10 to 12 km, below the ozone layer, using remote sensing instruments for measuring composition and aerosol content of the ozone layer, as well as in-situ instruments for measuring composition at aircraft altitudes. The obsevation of a number of chemical species and their correlation with each other and with meteorological parameters gives a useful set of data for comparison with various theories

    Infrared measurements of column amounts of stratospheric constituents in the Antarctic winter, 1987

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    The discovery of Farman et al. of recent large depletions of ozone in the Antarctic stratosphere in the austral spring has aroused great interest because of its serious potential consequences, as well as its surprising nature. An airborne expedition, including 21 experiments on two aircraft, was mounted for Punta Arenas, Chile, in August and September, 1987, to gather a wide range of data to understand the origins and implications of this phenomenon, known as the ozone hole. As a part of this expedition, a high resolution Fourier transform spectrometer was flown on the DC-8, measuring the column amount of a number of trace gases above the flight altitude. Column results are presented only from the flight of September 21; results from other flights are included in an accompanying paper. The deduced column for ozone HCl, and NO2 deduced from the spectra, plotted as a function of latitude are shown. It should be noted that there are many other factors varying as well as the latitude, but latitude seems to be the variable which most clearly provides a passage across the vortex boundary. It can be seen that south 76 degrees S., the column of ozone, HCl, and NO2, all decreas markedly, The ratio of HCl to Hf, normally about 5:1 in midlatitudes, approaches unity. Clearly the chemistry of chlorine and nitrogen are disturbed in the region of low ozone. While dynamical theories could perhaps explain a reduction of these three gases in the same region, since all are of stratospheric origin, it is difficult to see how any purely dynamical mechanism could produce the observed HCl:HF ratio, since the two gases have similar origins. A close look at other species to be reported as well as the correlation with other measurements, such as ClO supports the conclusion that the ozone depletion is a result of chemical processes which deplete HCl and NOx relative to the midlatitude situation

    Photoconductivity of high voltage space insulating materials: Measurements with metal electrodes

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    The electrical conductivities of high voltage insulating materials were measured in the dark and under various intensities of illumination. The materials investigated included FEP Teflon, Kapton-H, fused quartz, and parylene. Conductivities were determined as functions of temperature between 22 and 100 C and light intensity between 0 and 2.5 kW/m2. The thickness dependence of the conductivity was determined for Teflon and Kapton, and the influence of spectral wavelengths on the conductivity was determined in several cases. All measurements were made in a vacuum to simulate a space environment, and all samples had metallic electrodes. The conductivity of Kapton was permanently increased by exposure to light; changes as great as five orders of magnitude were observed after six hours of illumination

    Nonlinear ac stationary response and dynamic magnetic hysteresis of quantum uniaxial superparamagnets

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    The nonlinear ac stationary response of uniaxial paramagnets and superparamagnets - nanoscale solids or clasters with spin number S ~ 10^0 - 10^4 - in superimposed uniform ac and dc bias magnetic fields of arbitrary strength, each applied along the easy axis of magnetization, is determined by solving the evolution equation for the reduced density matrix represented as a finite set of three-term differential-recurrence relations for its diagonal matrix elements. The various harmonic components of the magnetization, dynamic magnetic hysteresis loops, etc. are then evaluated via matrix continued fractions indicating a pronounced dependence of the nonlinear response on S arising from the quantum spin dynamics. In the linear response approximation, the results concur with existing solutions.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, 33 refererence

    Field dependence of the temperature at the peak of the ZFC magnetization

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    The effect of an applied magnetic field on the temperature at the maximum of the ZFC magnetization, MZFCM_{ZFC}, is studied using the recently obtained analytic results of Coffey et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 80}(1998) 5655) for the prefactor of the N\'{e}el relaxation time which allow one to precisely calculate the prefactor in the N\'{e}el-Brown model and thus the blocking temperature as a function of the coefficients of the Taylor series expansion of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The present calculations indicate that even a precise determination of the prefactor in the N\'{e}el-Brown theory, which always predicts a monotonic decrease of the relaxation time with increasing field, is insufficient to explain the effect of an applied magnetic field on the temperature at the maximum of the ZFC magnetization. On the other hand, we find that the non linear field-dependence of the magnetization along with the magnetocrystalline anisotropy appears to be of crucial importance to the existence of this maximum.Comment: 14 LaTex209 pages, 6 EPS figures. To appear in J. Phys.: Condensed Matte

    Thermally activated escape rates of uniaxial spin systems with transverse field

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    Classical escape rates of uniaxial spin systems are characterized by a prefactor differing from and much smaller than that of the particle problem, since the maximum of the spin energy is attained everywhere on the line of constant latitude: theta=const, 0 =< phi =< 2*pi. If a transverse field is applied, a saddle point of the energy is formed, and high, moderate, and low damping regimes (similar to those for particles) appear. Here we present the first analytical and numerical study of crossovers between the uniaxial and other regimes for spin systems. It is shown that there is one HD-Uniaxial crossover, whereas at low damping the uniaxial and LD regimes are separated by two crossovers.Comment: 4 PR pages, 3 figures, final published versio

    Study of the Mechanisms of Flux Pinning in Type 2 Superconductors

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    Flux pinning mechanisms in type-2 semiconductors and specific heat measurements on annealed and deformed pure niobium sample

    Magnetization dynamics of two interacting spins in an external magnetic field

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    The longitudinal relaxation time of the magnetization of a system of two exchange coupled spins subjected to a strong magnetic field is calculated exactly by averaging the stochastic Gilbert-Landau-Lifshitz equation for the magnetization, i.e., the Langevin equation of the process, over its realizations so reducing the problem to a system of linear differential-recurrence relations for the statistical moments (averaged spherical harmonics). The system is solved in the frequency domain by matrix continued fractions yielding the complete solution of the two-spin problem in external fields for all values of the damping and barrier height parameters. The magnetization relaxation time extracted from the exact solution is compared with the inverse relaxation rate from Langer's theory of the decay of metastable states, which yields in the high barrier and intermediate-to-high damping limits the asymptotic behaviour of the greatest relaxation time.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures. The paper has been revised and new results added (e.g., Fig. 5
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