22 research outputs found
Les coalitions mutiniveaux d'action publique. Un modÚle interprétatif des conflits pour l'eau dans les Amériques
Cet article propose une approche analytique des conflits et de l'action publique en matiĂšre de gestion des eaux urbaines basĂ©e sur les coalitions multi-niveaux d'action publique. Cette derniĂšre est rendue nĂ©cessaire pour articuler quatre niveaux dâanalyse : replacer les luttes sociales et politiques pour l'accĂšs Ă l'eau ainsi que la variable politique au centre de l'analyse ; analyser les effets de la « transition Ă©cologique », dont le changement climatique, comme de simples enjeux sociopolitiques appropriĂ©s par les protagonistes des conflits et de l'action publique ; rĂ©introduire ces luttes et enjeux dans une approche multi-niveaux, c'est-Ă -dire sortir des seules dimensions territoriales ou inversement internationales ; interroger l'apparente contradiction, dans l'action publique contemporaine, entre le renforcement de l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des logiques d'action publique d'une part, et la constitution d'espaces relativement homogĂšnes de pouvoir, de dĂ©cision et d'action d'autre part. L'article propose une dĂ©finition des coalitions multi-niveaux comme des systĂšmes de prĂ©fĂ©rences collectifs qui influencent le contenu des politiques publiques (idĂ©es/causes, dĂ©cisions, instruments, dispositifs) et leur implĂ©mentation ; des rassemblements d'acteurs qui Ă©mergent des mobilisations sur des enjeux de politique publique (dĂ©finition des prix de l'eau ; installation d'un nouveau captage ; nĂ©gociation d'un nouveau contrat de mise en service, etc.) ; mais des rassemblements, souvent trĂšs hĂ©tĂ©roclites, qui se dĂ©finissent aussi par des systĂšmes d'Ă©carts entre eux ; et, enfin, des groupes d'acteurs qui s'inscrivent dans le processus d'Ă©tirement des politiques entre l'international et le territorial, et pris dans l'enchevĂȘtrement et les circulations entre ces niveaux de l'action publique. Les conflits et les luttes de l'action publique sur l'eau s'entendent alors Ă la fois comme l'opposition entre ces coalitions porteuses de reprĂ©sentations des enjeux et de solutions pour y rĂ©pondre, et comme des systĂšmes d'Ă©carts sociologiques entre les membres de ces coalitions. Dans une premiĂšre partie, l'article prĂ©sente les objectifs d'une recherche sur la gestion des eaux urbaines dans les AmĂ©riques dans le cadre duquel est forgĂ©e cette approche analytique par les coalitions multi-niveaux. Dans une seconde partie, l'article dĂ©tail les quatre dĂ©fis analytiques. Dans la troisiĂšme partie, l'article prĂ©sente une dĂ©finition des coalitions multi-niveaux
Retreat into scientism, paradoxes of transparency, and corruption in education
Um dos sintomas da razĂŁo indolente (SANTOS, 2006) Ă© o recuo ao cientificismo, o qual tem sido, particularmente, acentuado nas polĂticas, cada vez mais hegemĂŽnicas, de avaliação, de prestação de contas e de responsabilização. Por isso, um dos objetivos deste texto Ă© o de colocar em causa este aparente consenso
cientificista (ou este consenso supostamente transideolĂłgico) e fazer uma breve incursĂŁo exploratĂłria ao que aqui se designa de paradoxos da transparĂȘncia. Considera-se que esses paradoxos traduzem a existĂȘncia de tensĂ”es e contradiçÔes relativas a uma dimensĂŁo central dos discursos polĂticos e educacionais contemporĂąneos. Com isso, o artigo pretende dar continuidade a uma linha de pesquisa que tem procurado sublinhar a relevĂąncia da necessidade de complexificar e dar maior rigor teĂłrico-conceptual Ă accountability em educação. Finalmente, tentando abrir caminho para o desenvolvimento de novas articulaçÔes e anĂĄlises, chama-se a atenção para a corrupção na educação cuja complexidade ainda Ă© insuficientemente
conhecida e pesquisada, nomeadamente, nas suas relaçÔes com as problemĂĄticas da transparĂȘncia e da accountability. Admite-se que as prĂĄticas de corrupção em educação, em muitas situaçÔes, sĂŁo (paradoxalmente) induzidas pela necessidade de dar resposta Ă governação baseada nos nĂșmeros, nos rankings e nas (supostas) evidĂȘncias, anulando completamente as expectativas legĂtimas em torno da transparĂȘncia dos processos educacionais e das decisĂ”es polĂticas.One symptom of âindolent reasonâ (SANTOS, 2006) is the retreat into scientism, which is especially marked in the increasingly hegemonic policies surrounding assessment, reporting and accountability. As such, one of the aims of this paper is to call into question this apparent consensus on scientism (a supposedly trans-ideological
consensus), and briefly explore what we define as the paradoxes of transparency. These paradoxes are found to reveal the existence of tensions and contradictions concerning a central aspect of current political and educational discourse. In doing so, the article seeks to continue a line of study which has aimed to emphasize the significance of the need for a more complex, and theoretically and conceptually rigorous understanding of accountability in education. Finally, in an attempt to pave the way for further discussion and analysis, attention is drawn to corruption in education, the complex nature of which remains insufficiently understood and studied,
notably in terms of its relationship with the problems of transparency and accountability. It is acknowledged that practices of corruption within education are, in many situations, (paradoxically) caused by the need to answer to a system of governance based on numbers, league tables, and (supposed) truths, completely nullifying legitimate expectations about the transparency of educational processes and policy decisions.Trabalho financiado por Fundos Nacionais atravĂ©s da FCT â Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia â no Ăąmbito do Projeto PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
France in the 1990s : How Judges Came to the Private Sector and Why Their Skills Were Valued
France in the 90s saw some judges being recruited as "judicial experts" by a few big French companies. Although only a handful of judges and a few firms were involved the phenomenon is worth analysing. On the one hand the transfer of judges to the private sector could be considered particularly striking because from an historical perspective the basic principles of conduct in the public and private sectors have been considered to be at opposite ends of the spectrum. More precisely, a neutral approach to the search for money and power would not normally be considered compatible with a search for market share. On the other hand the way in which the institutions have adjusted to this possibility is revealing. The means are apparently now available to give judges leave of absence to work in the private sector while safeguarding their old job for them should they ever need it. In parallel to this the recruitment of judges has also begun to change the definition of what constitutes acceptable business practice in the private sector. This paper attempts to explain how it is that some French firms have come to value the French judicial ability so highly. By focusing on the transformations in the relative strengths of the different parties in France in the 1990s that have lead to the rise of a new economic order, the paper shows how the private sector became interested in judges with a particular expertise in certain economic matters while at the same time these judges have taken advantage of the new historical context to put into practice their conception of the way of how business principles should be elaborated by emphasising preventive judicial risk
La conversion d'un savoir judiciaire en un capital symbolique au service de multinationales françaises
International audienceBy focusing on the transformations of the field of power in France during the '90s that led to the rise of a new economic order, this paper shows how the private sector became interested in judges with a particular expertise in certain economic matters. By emphasizing preventive judicial risk, these judges have simultaneously taken advantage of the new historical context to put into practice their conception of how business principles should be elaborated.Depuis la deuxiĂšme moitiĂ© des annĂ©es 1990, on observe en France un phĂ©nomĂšne inĂ©dit dans le secteur privĂ© : des magistrats de l'ordre judiciaire ont Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ©s par de grands patrons. Bien que ce fait soit circonscrit et ne concerne que quelques magistrats, il n'en demeure pas moins significatif des transformations du monde Ă©conomique et de la reprĂ©sentation du corps judiciaire. Au regard des principes tant de l'univers judiciaire que du secteur privĂ©, le rapprochement du magistrat et de l'entrepreneur ne va pas de soi. L'article propose de restituer la logique de cette rencontre improbable et suggĂšre une interprĂ©tation Ă propos de l'attraction que suscite la compĂ©tence judiciaire pour le secteur privĂ©. Les mutations qui affectent le champ du pouvoir ont crĂ©Ă© les conditions d'une porositĂ© entre des univers aux normes diffĂ©renciĂ©es, permis la valorisation de trajectoires d'exception et amorcĂ© le transfert d'une approche prĂ©ventive des risques judiciaires au cĆur mĂȘme de l'entreprise
The semi-arid area of the Sun Corridor, Pima County (AZ)
International audienc
Legitimités asymétriques et hybridations organisationnelles face à l'importation de pratiques étrangÚres : le secteur de l'eau en Allemagne
International audienceIn the reunified Germany, municipalities and professional associations have reacted differently to the introduction of foreign private operators into the water sector which is traditionally regarded as public and local. This fact leads us to question the relevance of the analysis of organizational change put forward by both new institutionalism in sociology and policy transfer approaches. Indeed, these two approaches overlook the importance of political dynamics in the acceptance or the rejection of a foreign standard. By highlighting the conflicting legitimacies and organizational combinations that have arisen in the German water sector following the attempts to partially privatize the urban services, this article suggests that the decision of whether or not to import foreign private management practices in this sector should be correlated to the local issues and interests at work. The authors therefore show how much the process of the institutionalization of an organizational change, through a transfer of norms coming from abroad, is something that can hardly be taken for granted depending as it does on local configurations.Dans l'Allemagne rĂ©unifiĂ©e, les municipalitĂ©s et les associations professionnelles ont rĂ©agi diffĂ©remment face Ă l'arrivĂ©e d'opĂ©rateurs privĂ©s Ă©trangers dans le secteur de l'eau, traditionnellement public et local. Ce constat invite Ă reconsidĂ©rer l'analyse des changements organisationnels proposĂ©e par les thĂšses du nouvel institutionnalisme sociologique et celles du transfert des politiques publiques. En effet, celles-ci ne prennent pas suffisamment en compte les dynamiques politiques qui interrogent ou entravent l'adoption de modĂšles exogĂšnes. En rĂ©vĂ©lant les conflits de lĂ©gitimitĂ© et les compromis organisationnels que suscite la privatisation partielle du secteur de l'eau en Allemagne, l'article suggĂšre Ă quel point les maniĂšres d'importer (ou non) un dispositif d'origine Ă©trangĂšre dĂ©pendent des enjeux et des intĂ©rĂȘts locaux. Il montre ainsi combien l'institutionnalisation d'un changement organisationnel, par transfert, est loin d'aller de soi, et varie selon les configurations d'acteurs en prĂ©sence
Gouverner le local Ă lâEst de lâEurope : acteurs publics et acteurs eÌconomiques transnationaux
International audienc
Delivering more than water: The Salt River Project:the invention of an adaptive partnership of water management
This paper establishes the complexity of determining the "public" or "private" nature of water delivery systems, by analyzing the genesis and evolution of one water system in the Western U.S.: the Salt River Project. The kind of cooperative model that has most often been documented in small coops in developing countries can also be seen in the U.S. with its vast socio-technical network that has been developed since 1900. Originally mainly an effort to help rural farmers, the Salt River Project has undergone a shift towards an emphasis on economic and urban growth and servicing major cities in central Arizona. How this shift was possible and its current implications are problematized in light of sustainability of the SRP model despite increasing water scarcity in the Wes
Du Reclamation Act de 1902 aux méga-projets federaux: Une perspective socio-historique sur la genÚse des politiques hydriques aux USA : le cas de l'Ouest étatsunien
Cet article se propose dâapporter un Ă©clairage aux problĂšmes de pĂ©nurie dâeau que vit actuellement lâouest des Etats-Unis. A travers un travail de reconstitution historique des politiques hydriques de la rĂ©gion, lâarticle dĂ©fend lâidĂ©e que la pĂ©nurie dâeau actuelle doit se comprendre, en partie, comme le rĂ©sultat de lâaction des Ă©lites Ă©conomiques, politiques et administratives qui ont conçu les politiques hydriques aux USA. Plus concrĂštement, la pĂ©nurie dâeau, au-delĂ du cycle de sĂ©cheresse actuel, est le rĂ©sultat de la production dâune vision du dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique traversĂ©e par des intĂ©rĂȘts et des logiques contradictoires relatifs Ă lâexploitation des ressources naturelles, largement conçue comme un facteur dĂ©terminant de croissance
Reinventing water conservation
In a context of uncertainty linked to the ecological transition, the issue of managing the scarcity of natural resources has become an essential factor in the study of environmental policy (Markard, Raven, ruïŹer, 2012; Lubell, 2013; Hornberger, Hess, Gilligan, 2015). Faced with the collective ideals of the âgovernance of the commons,â (Ostrom, 1990; Ingold, 2008) crisis situations are particularly revealing of ongoing changes (Bakker, 2010; BarraquĂ©, 2011; Lascoumes, 2012). From this point of view, the drought that has aïŹected the American Southwest for the last ïŹfteen years illustrates the diïŹculties encountered in terms of regulating the environmental impact of human activities (Lynn-Ingram, Malamud-Roam, 2013). Tis chapter aims to examine the implementation of ecological measures in water policies which, traditionally, have been subordinated to the imperatives of the regionâs economic development (Worster, 1985; Reisner, 1986; Pincetl, 2011)