1,909 research outputs found

    Relato de intervenção em psicologia: identidade social do agente comunitário de saúde

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    The profession of Community Health Agent (ACS) is still new in Brazil's National Health System (SUS). Therefore, it is perceived that there are certain difficulties in the comprehension of this professional's identity, due to his characteristic of acting as a link between the Primary Healthcare Unit (UBS) and the community. The objective of this article is to report on an intervention in Psychology carried out with Community Health Agents from a UBS located in the continental region of Vitória (Southeastern Brazil). The intervention aimed to identify social identity aspects that interfere in the quality of life and in the work of this professional. Fifteen workshops with an average of eleven participants were held between the months of June and December of 2008. Some questions were perceived in the group: interaction difficulties within the group and with the other professionals from the unit; low sense of belonging; low self-esteem; difficulty in constructing alternatives of change. With the work done by the Psychology, it was possible to perceive changes in the way that the agents dealt with the daily problems, thinking of the group in a collective way and perceiving their profession as something important to the SUS. This enabled, despite the questions inherent in the professional praxis, to construct strategies to deal with the difficulties and promote quality of life in the workplace.A profissão de Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) é ainda nova no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Em função disso, percebe-se a existência de certas dificuldades na compreensão da identidade desses profissionais, pela sua característica de atuar como elo da Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) com a comunidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar uma intervenção em Psicologia realizada com Agentes Comunitários de Saúde de uma UBS da região continental de Vitória (ES). A intervenção teve como intuito identificar aspectos da identidade social que interferem na qualidade de vida e no trabalho desses profissionais. Foram realizadas 15 oficinas com média de 11 participantes, entre junho e dezembro de 2008. Algumas questões foram percebidas no grupo: dificuldade de interação entre si e com os demais profissionais da unidade; pouco sentimento de pertença; baixa auto-estima; dificuldade em construir alternativas para mudança. Com o trabalho realizado pela Psicologia, foi possível perceber mudanças na forma como as agentes lidavam com os problemas do dia a dia, pensando no grupo de maneira mais coletiva, percebendo sua profissão como importante para o SUS, o que permitiu, apesar das questões inerentes à prática profissional, construir estratégias para lidar com suas dificuldades e promover qualidade de vida no trabalho

    Transvestites and transexual people in the context of education: a literature review

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    The article aimed to analyze the literature published in the format of scientific articles about the inclusion of transvestites and transsexual in the context of education in Brazil. We identified the descriptors "Education", “Transvestites" and "Transsexuals" in the Virtual Health Library (Dec’s BVS) and collected, in the Periódicos Capes plataform, 232 articles, of which 19 met the inclusion/exclusion criteria, which were analyzed descriptively by pairs, through a literature review protocol elaborated by the authors. As results, eight articles composed the final sample that discuss the inclusion of these subjects from two aspects: Transsexual/ transvestite students transsexual/transvestite teachers. It was noticed that the educational spaces, especially the school, are one of the most hostile spaces for those who break with the norms of gender, being not prepared (and even not being interested) in working the true inclusion of these people

    Direitos Humanos como Ética da vida: O paradigma neoliberal versus a luta pelos direitos fundamentais

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    O tema que nos propusemos pesquisar foi o dos "Direitos Humanos como Ética da Vida: o paradigma neoliberal versus a luta pelos direitos fundamentais". Temos visto que, antes de valorizar a vida como um todo, a preocupação maior nos últimos tempos tem sido a economia, o consumo, a busca desenfreada pela satisfação de desejos individuais, a exclusão do diferente, do Outro, gerando um grande cansaço por causa da "sociedade do desempenho" e da otimização. Assim, tivemos como objetivo analisar, segundo a perspectiva de alguns autores, especialmente Byung-Chul Han e Enrique Dussel, como a visão neoliberal influencia na maneira como lidamos com a luta pelos Direitos Humanos. Dentro disso, procuramos entender os conceitos de justiça, de globalização e neoliberalismo, verificar possibilidades de fortificar a luta pelos direitos humanos e concretizar direitos ainda não explicitados pela lei positiva, enfatizando o caráter ético dessa empreitada e a importância da alteridade. A metodologia utilizada foi a de análise de textos de pensadores contemporâneos. As fontes de pesquisas foram livros e periódicos, artigos e teses na plataforma do Scielo. Frente ao perigo de uma história única, de uma sociedade que exige cada vez mais eficiência e agilidade nos resultados, na exploração de todas as energias humanas em prol do sistema econômico vigente, defendemos a vida em primeiro lugar. Nosso mundo está fadado ao fim se não começarmos a cuidar dele e de cada pessoa. Para nós, o compromisso com a vida humana é ético e não negociável

    Investigation of Galactic open cluster remnants: The case of NGC 7193

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    Galactic open clusters (OCs) that survive the early gas-expulsion phase are gradually destroyed over time by the action of disruptive dynamical processes. Their final evolutionary stages are characterized by a poorly populated concentration of stars called an open cluster remnant (OCR). This study is devoted to assessing the real physical nature of the OCR candidate NGC 7193. GMOS/Gemini spectroscopy of 53 stars in the inner target region were obtained to derive radial velocities and atmospheric parameters. We also employed photometric and proper motion data. The analysis method consists of the following steps: (i) analysis of the statistical resemblance between the cluster and a set of field samples with respect to the sequences defined in color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs); (ii) a 5-dimensional iterative exclusion routine was employed to identify outliers from kinematical and positional data; (iii) isochrone fitting to the Ks × (J-Ks) CMD of the remaining stars and the dispersion of spectral types along empirical sequences in the (J-H) × (H-Ks)diagram were checked. A group of stars was identified for which the mean heliocentric distance is compatible with that obtained via isochrone fitting and whose metallicities are compatible with each other. Fifteen of the member stars observed spectroscopically were identified together with another 19 probable members. Our results indicate that NGC 7193 is a genuine OCR, of a once very populous OC, for which the following parameters were derived: d = 501±46 pc, t = 2.5±1.2Gyr, 〈[Fe/H]〉 = -0.17±0.23 and E(B-V) = 0.05±0.05. Its luminosity and mass functions show depletion of low mass stars, confirming the OCR is in a dynamically evolved state.Fil: de Souza Angelo, Mateus. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Coelho Dos Santos, Joao Francisco. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Barbosa Corradi, Wagner José. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: De Souza Maia, Francisco Ferreira. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Piatti, Andres Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin

    Between performance and writing: a look at contemporary expanded literature in marginal-peripheral poetry by Nívea Sabino

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    Pretende-se nesse artigo construir uma leitura analítica sobre as vozes, corpos e espaços entre a performance e a escrita da poeta Nívea Sabino, que participa da cena/movimento/circuito dos saraus e slams marginais-periféricos de Belo Horizonte (MG). Para isso, apresentamos uma breve incursão pelas estéticas do marginal e do periférico em contraponto ao espaço/lugar da literatura contemporânea contestada, relacionando o contexto sociocultural dessa produção literária à margem com as vozes, escritas e performances do movimento e circuito de saraus e slams. Da produção escrita de Nívea, teremos como base um dos poemas do livro Interiorana, como suporte, para entendermos uma literatura que nasce e é criada no “entre” a performance e a escrita.The aim of this article is to build an analytical reading about the voices, bodies and spaces between the performance and the writing of the poet Nívea Sabino who participates in the scene / movement / circuit of the marginal-peripheral recitals and slams of Belo Horizonte-MG. For this, we present a brief incursion into the aesthetics of the marginal and the peripheral as opposed to the space / place of the contested contemporary literature, relating the socio-cultural context of this literary production on the margin with the voices, writings and performances of the movement and circuit of recitals and slams. From Nívea’s written production we will have as a base one of the poems from the book Interiorana, as a support, to understand a literature that is born and created in the “between” of performance to writing

    Shear bond strength of composite resin luted in bovine teeth by different luting techniques

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate Z250 (3M/ESPE) composite resin shear bond strength, luted to bovine enamel using Zync Phosphat, Glass Ionomer cement and resin luting cement with 3 different composite resin superficial treatment. It was made 75 specimens of bovine incisors and composite resin, that was conformed in a 3mm matrix, lightcured during 20 seconds. The specimens were devided in 5 groups: Group 1 – luted with Zync Phosphat; Group 2 – luted with Glass Ionomer cement; Group 3 – luted with resin luting cement; Group 4 – luted with resin luting cement and composite resin etching/bonding; Group 5 – luted with resin luting cement and composite resin Al2O3 microetching. The specimens were tested in Universal testing machine, throught shear bonding strength, with 0,5 mm/minute speed. Results were statistically analysed by ANOVA and Tukey tests (α= 0,05), that showed Group 4 (resin luting cement and composite resin etching/bonding) has being statistically superior from the others; Group 3 (Resin luting cement) and Group 5 (Resin luting cement and composite resin microetching) did not show statistically significant difference from each other; Group 1(Zync Phosphat) and Group 2 (GIC) showed lowest bond strength and did not show statistically significant difference from each other. The best demonstrated composite resin cementation technique was resin luting cement and restorations etching/bonding, in relation to shear bond strength

    Local application of statins in the treatment of experimental periodontal disease in rats

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    Objective The objective of this study was to evaluate the local effects of statins as adjuvants for treatment by scaling and root planing (SRP) of periodontal disease induced in rats. Material and Methods Ninety rats were used in the present experiment. Periodontal disease was induced in all animals using a cotton thread placed in the left first mandibular molar. After 7 days of induction, the bandage was removed and the animals were divided into three groups: 1) NT group (n=30), no treatment; 2) SRP group (n=30): SRP and irrigation with control gel; 3) S group (n=30) - SRP and irrigation with Simvastatin. Ten animals from each group were euthanized at 7, 15 and 30 days after treatment. Gingival biopsy specimens were processed to analyze the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 8 (MMP-8). The mandibles were removed and submitted to radiographic and laboratory processing for histometric analysis. Results The S group showed a significantly lower expression of MMP-8 compared to NT and SRP groups in all experimental periods. In the radiographic and histometric analyses between the groups, S group showed a significantly lower bone loss (BL) compared to NT and SRP groups in all experimental periods. Conclusions Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that locally applied statin was effective as an adjuvant treatment for SRP in rats with induced periodontal disease