1,360 research outputs found

    Justiça e Juízes de Foro. Justiça e Juízes de Fora

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    This study deals with the link between jurisdiction judges, therefore agents of municipal power, and juízes de fora, delegates of royal power. Initially we outline the major signs of the control of local power by sovereigns, essentially translated into the nomination of magistrates and judges for municipalities by the King, and we will seek to characterize these magistrates. Then we discuss the evolution of internal municipal justice and the increase in the number of justice officials. We conclude with the municipalities’ appeals submitted to the Parliament in order to judge the agreements and disagreements of jurisdictional justice and outside justice

    As Cidades Medievais Portuguesas - População

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    Justiça e Juízes de Foro. Justiça e Juízes de Fora

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    This study deals with the link between jurisdiction judges, therefore agents of municipal power, and juízes de fora, delegates of royal power. Initially we outline the major signs of the control of local power by sovereigns, essentially translated into the nomination of magistrates and judges for municipalities by the King, and we will seek to characterize these magistrates. Then we discuss the evolution of internal municipal justice and the increase in the number of justice officials. We conclude with the municipalities’ appeals submitted to the Parliament in order to judge the agreements and disagreements of jurisdictional justice and outside justice

    A Diplomática em Portugal : Balanço e estado actual

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    O Paradigma Religioso e Social da Morte dos Santos. Da Alta Idade Média a Undecentos

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    Programa de Pós Graduação em História - UFRGS, 60 Anos CAPE

    A vida quotidiana medieval portuguesa. Percurso historiográfico

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    The historiographic overview presented begins with a very early book written in the 1960s by Antonio Henrique de Oliveira Marques, A Sociedade Medieval Portuguesa. Aspectos da Vida Quotidiana (Portuguese Medieval Society. Aspects of Everyday Life) and ends with the collective work published in 2012, História da Vida Privada em Portugal (A History of Private Life in Portugal), the first volume of which focuses on the Middle Ages. We seek to chart a course between these two milestones, setting out developments in studies of economic, social, religious and cultural history and the history of mentalities that have dealt with aspects of everyday life: the home, the dining table and other forms of conviviality, in more rural or urban environments; work days and festive occasions; devotions, religiosity and death; and family, women and children.Na síntese historiográfica que iremos apresentar tomamos como ponto de partida o livro muito precoce, escrito nos anos sessenta por Antonio Henrique de Oliveira Marques, A Sociedade Medieval Portuguesa. Aspectos da Vida Quotidiana para chegarmos à obra colectiva, publicada em 2012, História da Vida Privada em Portugal, que, no seu volume primeiro, contempla a Idade Média. Entre estes marcos procuraremos traçar um percurso da evolução dos estudos de história económica, social, religiosa, cultural e das mentalidades que trataram a vida quotidiana da casa, da mesa e da convivialidade, em ambientes mais rurais ou urbanos, os dias do trabalho ou os tempos extraordinários festivos, as devoções, a religiosidade e a morte ou a família, a mulher e a criança

    A Monarquia Portuguesa na conjuntura de Aljubarrota

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    El poder concejil en Portugal en la Edad Media: un balance historiográfico

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    Entroncando con las diversas síntesis realizadas en Portugal sobre la producción historiográfica medieval, en este estudio se presenta un balance de los trabajos publicados sobre temática municipal, especialmente en la última década del pasado siglo y los años iniciales de éste, al tiempo que se sugieren nuevas líneas de investigación. Resumen Inglés......: In line with various studies carried out in Portugal relating to medieval historiography, this paper offers an account of the research relating to municipal matters that was published in the final decade of the last century and the initial years of the present century. Proposals for new fields of research are also put forward

    Doutor Cónego Avelino de Jesus da Costa: O Professor, o Mestre (*)

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    O Paradigma Religioso e Social da Morte dos Santos. Da Alta Idade Média a Undecentos

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    Programa de Pós Graduação em História - UFRGS, 60 Anos CAPE
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