18 research outputs found

    “Para ir longe, não precisa de velocidade”: uma homenagem a Raul Aragão Rocha

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    Raul Aragão Rocha (1993-2017), pernambucano, estudante de sociologia da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), cientista social por vocação, dedicado à questão da paz no trânsito, solidário, entusiasta, empenhado no tema da mobilidade. Membro fundador do Observatório de Brasília Metropolitana, ativista do Rodas da Paz, do Bike Anjo, interessado pela história de Brasília e pelo impacto do automóvel para os moradores dessa cidade. Ciclista experiente, foi atropelado por um carro entre a UnB e a sua ca..

    “Para ir longe, não precisa de velocidade”

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    Raul Aragão Rocha (1993-2017), pernambucano, estudante de sociologia da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), cientista social por vocação, dedicado à questão da paz no trânsito, solidário, entusiasta, empenhado no tema da mobilidade. Membro fundador do Observatório de Brasília Metropolitana, ativista do Rodas da Paz, do Bike Anjo, interessado pela história de Brasília e pelo impacto do automóvel para os moradores dessa cidade. Ciclista experiente, foi atropelado por um carro entre a UnB e a sua casa num sábado à tarde na L2 Norte. Não suportou os graves ferimentos e faleceu no dia seguinte, 22 de outubro de 2017. Um jovem foi atropelado por um outro jovem. Um de bicicleta e o outro de carro, em alta velocidade. A questão do carro em Brasília, objeto de estudo de Raul, tem sua síntese e resposta com a sua própria vida. O direito à cidade, à mobilidade e à própria vida ficam evidenciados neste caso específico

    Prevalence and factors associated with functional dependency in homebound elderly people in Brazil

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    Introduction: Population ageing is a worldwide reality that requires attention, and a concern for healthy and functional ageing is increasingly the focus of government policies and programmes.Objective: To identify the prevalence of homebound elderly people, and the influence of sociodemographic and economic characteristics on their functional dependency.Methods: Cross-sectional study with 178 homebound elderly people assisted by a family healthcare unit in Vitória, ES, Brazil. Functional independence was measured by the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and the sociodemographic and economic variables were collected by a questionnaire developed by the authors. Binary logistic regression was used to determine the influence of the sociodemographic and economic characteristics on the risk of being functionally dependent.Results: Forty-eight percent of the participants were functional dependents, 80% were female, 72% belonged to the fourth age, 74% were white, 63% were widowed, 78% had retired, 90% had children, 83% had a caregiver, 52% had low education and 40% had low income. Logistic regression indicated that having a caregiver increased by 40 times the chance of being functionally dependent (OR = 40.2; 95%CI 4.8–355.4) and having between one to eight years of education decreased the chance of functional dependency (OR = 0.2; 95%CI 0.04-0.9).Conclusions: The prevalence of functional dependency was very high in this sample, and since the presence of a caregiver was the strongest and significant predictor of functional dependency, we suggest that guidance and support should be offered to caregivers, followed   by a family healthcare strategy, to make consistent efforts with the objective of improving  functional recovery and independence of homebound elderly.Introduction: Population ageing is a worldwide reality that requires attention, and a concern for healthy and functional ageing is increasingly the focus of government policies and programmes.Objective: To identify the prevalence of homebound elderly people, and the influence of sociodemographic and economic characteristics on their functional dependency.Methods: Cross-sectional study with 178 homebound elderly people assisted by a family healthcare unit in Vitória, ES, Brazil. Functional independence was measured by the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and the sociodemographic and economic variables were collected by a questionnaire developed by the authors. Binary logistic regression was used to determine the influence of the sociodemographic and economic characteristics on the risk of being functionally dependent.Results: Forty-eight percent of the participants were functional dependents, 80% were female, 72% belonged to the fourth age, 74% were white, 63% were widowed, 78% had retired, 90% had children, 83% had a caregiver, 52% had low education and 40% had low income. Logistic regression indicated that having a caregiver increased by 40 times the chance of being functionally dependent (OR = 40.2; 95%CI 4.8–355.4) and having between one to eight years of education decreased the chance of functional dependency (OR = 0.2; 95%CI 0.04-0.9).Conclusions: The prevalence of functional dependency was very high in this sample, and since the presence of a caregiver was the strongest and significant predictor of functional dependency, we suggest that guidance and support should be offered to caregivers, followed   by a family healthcare strategy,  to make consistent efforts with the objective of improving  functional recovery and independence of homebound elderly

    Mechanical performance of experimental acrylic resins modified by nanoparticles after chemical and mechanical degradation

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    Different materials have been incorporated into the polymethylmethacrylate matrix to improve its performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion (DC), the flexural strength (FS), the elasticity modulus (EM), and the effect of

    Morbidity of schistosomiasis mansoni in a low endemic setting in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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    Introduction: Despite the advances of disease control programs, severe forms of schistosomiasis are prevalent. The prevalence of the disease in areas frequented by tourists urges for permanent prevention and control. The aim of this study was to describe the morbidity of schistosomiasis in the district of Ant?nio Pereira, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods: The proportion of positives was defined by Kato-Katz coproscopy and urinary POC-CCA rapid test. Hepatosplenic form was diagnosed using abdominal ultrasound. Results: Out of 180 participants,97 were examined by Kato-Katz, with 4 (4.1%) being positive. Thirtyfour (22.1%) out of 154 were positive by POC-CCA. Five (2.8%) of 177 examined by ultrasound had hepatosplenic form. One of them had undergone splenectomy. One (0.6%)participant had myeloradiculopathy. Conclusions: Severe forms of schistosomiasis are still prevalent in low endemic areas and should be thoroughly investigated

    Facing Covid-19 and its socio-environmental relations : empowering local networks for access to water as a right in the ARIS of DF

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    O projeto tem por objetivo desencadear um processo de pesquisa-ação que ao mesmo tempo que reúne o conhecimento científico de forma interdisciplinar promove a dialógica com os saberes não universitários oriundos do saber popular tendo em vista o empoderamento das famílias e suas redes de apoio moradoras das Áreas de Relevante Interesse Social – ARIS (aprovadas pelo PDOT – Plano Diretor de Ordenamento Territorial). Famílias estas que estejam vivendo momento de agravamento de sua condição de cidadania, sobrevivência ou seja, de vulnerabilidade social, neste momento de expansão da COVID-19 por se encontrarem sem acesso a água potável fornecida pela CAESB no Distrito Federal

    “Para ir longe, não precisa de velocidade”

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    Raul Aragão Rocha (1993-2017), pernambucano, estudante de sociologia da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), cientista social por vocação, dedicado à questão da paz no trânsito, solidário, entusiasta, empenhado no tema da mobilidade. Membro fundador do Observatório de Brasília Metropolitana, ativista do Rodas da Paz, do Bike Anjo, interessado pela história de Brasília e pelo impacto do automóvel para os moradores dessa cidade. Ciclista experiente, foi atropelado por um carro entre a UnB e a sua casa num sábado à tarde na L2 Norte. Não suportou os graves ferimentos e faleceu no dia seguinte, 22 de outubro de 2017. Um jovem foi atropelado por um outro jovem. Um de bicicleta e o outro de carro, em alta velocidade. A questão do carro em Brasília, objeto de estudo de Raul, tem sua síntese e resposta com a sua própria vida. O direito à cidade, à mobilidade e à própria vida ficam evidenciados neste caso específico

    Changements dans les coulisses de Brasilia (les ambiguïtés du processus de maintien de Vila Planalto (1956-2006))

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    Brasilia est peut-être la plus emblématique des villes planifiées modernes. Son processus de formation est ici considéré à partir de l'analyse de Vila Planalto, noyau non prévu au cœur de Brasilia. Il s'agit d'un campement pionnier établi pour la construction de la ville puis demeuré illégal pendant plus de 30 ans, jusqu'à sa reconnaissance officielle en tant que patrimoine, comme témoignage des débuts de Brasilia. La question des supports sociaux (Robert Castel, 1995) est retenue en tant que facteur essentiel pour la survie de Vila Planalto. Comment un espace de relégation est-il devenu un espace de la mémoire ? Le parcours de constitution de cet espace est tracé depuis ses fondements, en analysant sa formation, sa consolidation, ses dynamiques et ses prospectives.Brasilia is perhaps the most emblematical of contemporary planned cities. We will approach its formation process from the point of view of one of its units, Vila Planalto, wich provides a unique perspective insofar as it is an unpredicted urban nucleus inside Brasilia Pilot Plan. Vila Planalto was a worker's camp prior to Brasilia's inauguration, and afterwards a clandestine settlement for more than 30 years until its final recognition as national heritage, witness to the birth of the new Brazilian capital. The concept of "social supports" (Robert Castel, 1995) will come into play as crucial means to Vila Planalto's survival. How did a dejected space manage to become a site for shared memory ? We will follow Vila Planalto's trajectory from its foundation and trough its formation, consolidation, dynamics and prospects.PARIS3-BU (751052102) / SudocPARIS-Fondation MSH (751062301) / SudocSudocFranceF