39 research outputs found

    Urban SAFE50: Modeling, Controlling, and Testing Safe UAS Operations in Low Altitude Settings

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    The research and development of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are quickly progressing as industries and hobbyist societies recognize their utility. NASA is focused on the technology development and safety considerations surrounding commercial use of UAVs. Urban SAFE50 (Safe Autonomous Flight Environment within the notional last 50 feet of operation of 55 pound class UAS (Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems)) is focused on the necessary real-time decision algorithms and flight models prevalent in low-altitude, high-density city environments. Construction of on-board controls to respond to motor failure and wind dynamics as well as a database of computational flight models and battery discharge profiles will help policymakers to predict and regulate unmanned aircraft flight safely and effectively

    orbitize!: A Comprehensive Orbit-fitting Software Package for the High-contrast Imaging Community

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    orbitize! is an open-source, object-oriented software package for fitting the orbits of directly imaged objects. It packages the Orbits for the Impatient (OFTI) algorithm and a parallel-tempered Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm into a consistent and intuitive Python API. orbitize! makes it easy to run standard astrometric orbit fits; in less than 10 lines of code, users can read in data, perform one fit using OFTI and another using MCMC, and make two publication-ready figures. Extensive pedagogical tutorials, intended to be navigable by both orbit-fitting novices and seasoned experts, are available on our documentation page. We have designed the orbitize! API to be flexible and easy to use/modify for unique cases. orbitize! was designed by members of the exoplanet imaging community to be a central repository for algorithms, techniques, and know-how developed by this community. We intend for it to continue to expand and change as the field progresses and new techniques are developed, and call for community involvement in this process. Complete and up-to-date documentation is available at orbitize.info, and the source code is available at github.com/sblunt/orbitize

    Structured inquiry-based learning: Drosophila GAL4 enhancer trap characterization in an undergraduate laboratory course.

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    We have developed and tested two linked but separable structured inquiry exercises using a set of Drosophila melanogaster GAL4 enhancer trap strains for an upper-level undergraduate laboratory methods course at Bucknell University. In the first, students learn to perform inverse PCR to identify the genomic location of the GAL4 insertion, using FlyBase to identify flanking sequences and the primary literature to synthesize current knowledge regarding the nearest gene. In the second, we cross each GAL4 strain to a UAS-CD8-GFP reporter strain, and students perform whole mount CNS dissection, immunohistochemistry, confocal imaging, and analysis of developmental expression patterns. We have found these exercises to be very effective in teaching the uses and limitations of PCR and antibody-based techniques as well as critical reading of the primary literature and scientific writing. Students appreciate the opportunity to apply what they learn by generating novel data of use to the wider research community

    Overfitting Affects the Reliability of Radial Velocity Mass Estimates of the V1298 Tau Planets

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    Mass, radius, and age measurements of young (<100 Myr) planets have the power to shape our understanding of planet formation. However, young stars tend to be extremely variable in both photometry and radial velocity, which makes constraining these properties challenging. The V1298 Tau system of four ~0.5 Rjup planets transiting a pre-main sequence star presents an important, if stress-inducing, opportunity to directly observe and measure the properties of infant planets. Su\'arez-Mascare\~no et al. (2021) published radial-velocity-derived masses for two of the V1298 Tau planets using a state-of-the-art Gaussian Process regression framework. The planetary densities computed from these masses were surprisingly high, implying extremely rapid contraction after formation in tension with most existing planet formation theories. In an effort to further constrain the masses of the V1298 Tau planets, we obtained 36 RVs using Keck/HIRES, and analyzed them in concert with published RVs and photometry. Through performing a suite of cross validation tests, we found evidence that the preferred model of SM21 suffers from overfitting, defined as the inability to predict unseen data, rendering the masses unreliable. We detail several potential causes of this overfitting, many of which may be important for other RV analyses of other active stars, and recommend that additional time and resources be allocated to understanding and mitigating activity in active young stars such as V1298 Tau.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures; published in A

    A Systematic Study of Mid-Infrared Emission from Core-Collapse Supernovae with SPIRITS

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    We present a systematic study of mid-infrared emission from 141 nearby supernovae (SNe) observed with Spitzer/IRAC as part of the ongoing SPIRITS survey. We detect 8 Type Ia and 36 core-collapse SNe. All Type Ia/Ibc SNe become undetectable within three years of explosion, whereas 22 ± 11% of Type II SNe continue to be detected. Five Type II SNe are detected even two decades after discovery (SN 1974E, 1979C, 1980K, 1986J, and 1993J). Warm dust luminosity, temperature, and a lower limit on mass are obtained by fitting the two IRAC bands, assuming an optically thin dust shell. We derive warm dust masses between 10^(−6) and 10^(−2) M⊙ and dust color temperatures between 200 and 1280 K. This observed warm dust could be pre-existing or newly created, but in either case represents a lower limit to the dust mass because cooler dust may be present. We present three case studies of extreme SNe. SN 2011ja (II-P) was over-luminous ([4.5] = −15.6 mag) at 900 days post explosion with increasing hot dust mass, suggesting either an episode of dust formation or intensifying circumstellar material (CSM) interactions heating up pre-existing dust. SN 2014bi (II-P) showed a factor of 10 decrease in dust mass over one month, suggesting either dust destruction or reduced dust heating. The IR luminosity of SN 2014C (Ib) stayed constant over 800 days, possibly due to strong CSM interaction with an H-rich shell, which is rare among stripped-envelope SNe. The observations suggest that this CSM shell originated from an LBV-like eruption roughly 100 years pre-explosion. The observed diversity demonstrates the power of mid-IR observations of a large sample of SNe

    Rising from the Ashes: Mid-infrared Re-brightening of the Impostor SN 2010da in NGC 300

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    We present multi-epoch mid-infrared (IR) photometry and the optical discovery observations of the "impostor" supernova (SN) 2010da in NGC 300 using new and archival Spitzer Space Telescope images and ground-based observatories. The mid-infrared counterpart of SN 2010da was detected as Spitzer Infrared Intensive Transient Survey (SPIRITS) 14bme in the SPIRITS, an ongoing systematic search for IR transients. Before erupting on 2010 May 24, the SN 2010da progenitor exhibited a constant mid-IR flux at 3.6 and only a slight ~10% decrease at 4.5 μm between 2003 November and 2007 December. A sharp increase in the 3.6 μm flux followed by a rapid decrease measured ~150 days before and ~80 days after the initial outburst, respectively, reveal a mid-IR counterpart to the coincident optical and high luminosity X-ray outbursts. At late times, after the outburst (~2000 days), the 3.6 and 4.5 μm emission increased to over a factor of two times the progenitor flux and is currently observed (as of 2016 Feb) to be fading, but still above the progenitor flux. We attribute the re-brightening mid-IR emission to continued dust production and increasing luminosity of the surviving system associated with SN 2010da. We analyze the evolution of the dust temperature (T_d ~ 700–1000 K), mass (M_d ~ 0.5–3.8 × 10^(−7) M⊙), luminosity (L_(IR) ~ 1.3–3.5 × 10^4 L⊙), and the equilibrium temperature radius (R_(eq) ~ 6.4–12.2 au) in order to resolve the nature of SN 2010da. We address the leading interpretation of SN 2010da as an eruption from a luminous blue variable high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) system. We propose that SN 2010da is instead a supergiant (sg)B[e]-HMXB based on similar luminosities and dust masses exhibited by two other known sgB[e]-HMXB systems. Additionally, the SN 2010da progenitor occupies a similar region on a mid-IR color–magnitude diagram (CMD) with known sgB[e] stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The lower limit estimated for the orbital eccentricity of the sgB[e]-HMXB (e > 0.82) from X-ray luminosity measurements is high compared to known sgHMXBs and supports the claim that SN 2010da may be associated with a newly formed HMXB system

    A Systematic Study of Mid-Infrared Emission from Core-Collapse Supernovae with Spirits

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    The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present a systematic study of mid-infrared emission from 141 nearby supernovae (SNe) observed with Spitzer/IRAC as part of the ongoing SPIRITS survey. We detect 8 Type Ia and 36 core-collapse SNe. All Type Ia/Ibc SNe become undetectable within three years of explosion, whereas 22 ± 11% of Type II SNe continue to be detected. Five Type II SNe are detected even two decades after discovery (SN 1974E, 1979C, 1980K, 1986J, and 1993J). Warm dust luminosity, temperature, and a lower limit on mass are obtained by fitting the two IRAC bands, assuming an optically thin dust shell. We derive warm dust masses between 10-6 and 10-2 M o and dust color temperatures between 200 and 1280 K. This observed warm dust could be pre-existing or newly created, but in either case represents a lower limit to the dust mass because cooler dust may be present. We present three case studies of extreme SNe. SN 2011ja (II-P) was over-luminous ([4.5] = -15.6 mag) at 900 days post explosion with increasing hot dust mass, suggesting either an episode of dust formation or intensifying circumstellar material (CSM) interactions heating up pre-existing dust. SN 2014bi (II-P) showed a factor of 10 decrease in dust mass over one month, suggesting either dust destruction or reduced dust heating. The IR luminosity of SN 2014C (Ib) stayed constant over 800 days, possibly due to strong CSM interaction with an H-rich shell, which is rare among stripped-envelope SNe. The observations suggest that this CSM shell originated from an LBV-like eruption roughly 100 years pre-explosion. The observed diversity demonstrates the power of mid-IR observations of a large sample of SNe. © 2017

    Phytophthora Diversity in Pennsylvania Nurseries and Greenhouses Inferred from Clinical Samples Collected over Four Decades

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    The increasing movement of exotic pathogens calls for systematic surveillance so that newly introduced pathogens can be recognized and dealt with early. A resource crucial for recognizing such pathogens is knowledge about the spatial and temporal diversity of endemic pathogens. Here, we report an effort to build this resource for Pennsylvania (PA) by characterizing the identity and distribution of Phytophthora species isolated from diverse plant species in PA nurseries and greenhouses. We identified 1137 Phytophthora isolates cultured from clinical samples of &gt;150 plant species submitted to the PA Department of Agriculture for diagnosis from 1975 to 2019 using sequences of one or more loci and morphological characteristics. The three most commonly received plants were Abies, Rhododendron, and Pseudotsuga. Thirty-six Phytophthora species identified represent all clades, except 3 and 10, and included a distinct subgroup of a known species and a prospective new species. Prominent pathogenic species such as P. cactorum, P. cinnamomi, P. nicotianae, P. drechsleri, P. pini, P. plurivora, and P. sp. kelmania have been found consistently since 1975. One isolate cultured from Juniperus horizontalis roots did not correspond to any known species, and several other isolates also show considerable genetic variation from any authentic species or isolate. Some species were isolated from never-before-documented plants, suggesting that their host range is larger than previously thought. This survey only provides a coarse picture of historical patterns of Phytophthora encounters in PA nurseries and greenhouses because the isolation of Phytophthora was not designed for a systematic survey. However, its extensive temporal and plant coverage offers a unique insight into the association of Phytophthora with diverse plants in nurseries and greenhouses

    Glidden at Walmart: There for You

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    Hectic, busy, tiring—these are just a few words our target markets use to describe their day-to-day lives. Millennials, young families, and Baby Boomers all feel the pressure of life. With jobs, schoolwork, and family, they find it hard to keep up. Because of these busy lifestyles, savvy consumers crave home improvement solutions that are both quick and reliable. Glidden offers a solution to these issues by placing its top-quality paint in the most convenient store on Earth, Walmart. The University of Nebraska–Lincoln NSAC Team has created a plan to promote this symbiotic relationship of Glidden’s quality and Walmart’s convenience as an invaluable asset for any Millennial, young family, or Baby Boomer to pursue. Glidden paint at a convenient location appeals to Millennials, young families, and Baby Boomers. However, home improvement stores already have a firm hold on the paint retail market. The partnership of Glidden at Walmart must define itself as different enough to break the status quo. When we conducted our research, we wanted to find the point where the attributes of Walmart meet what consumers want from a paint retailer. The audience generally views Walmart as the ultimate one-stop shop for anything and everything they need. With paint specifically, the audience wants an affordable, high-quality product. Furthermore, we found that life events inspire people to paint. Many of these life events happen so quickly that there is often little time to get the job done. In conclusion, consumers want a convenient, high-quality solution to their DIY projects. That is where Glidden at Walmart comes in. Glidden at Walmart is convenient. Glidden at Walmart is helpful. Glidden at Walmart is superior quality. Glidden at Walmart is . . . There for you. This entire campaign focuses on highlighting the partnership between Glidden and Walmart. We promote this through traditional, online, and in-store methods. Furthermore, we show Glidden at Walmart being there for you in the form of personal assistance, engaging point-of-purchase, and public relations strategies. This entire campaign demonstrates how Glidden at Walmart is truly there for you