862 research outputs found

    Coherent, multi-heterodyne spectroscopy using stabilized optical frequency combs

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    The broadband, coherent nature of narrow-linewidth fiber frequency combs is exploited to measure the full complex spectrum of a molecular gas through multi-heterodyne spectroscopy. We measure the absorption and phase shift experienced by each of 155,000 individual frequency comb lines, spaced by 100 MHz and spanning from 1495 nm to 1620 nm, after passing through a hydrogen cyanide gas. The measured phase spectrum agrees with Kramers-Kronig transformation of the absorption spectrum. This technique can provide a full complex spectrum rapidly, over wide bandwidths, and with hertz-level accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Some Methodological Aspects of the Arkansas Mental Health Survey

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    Adaptive dual-comb spectroscopy in the green region

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    Dual-comb spectroscopy is extended to the visible spectral range with a set-up based on two frequency-doubled femtosecond ytterbium-doped fiber lasers. The dense rovibronic spectrum of iodine around 19240 cm-1 is recorded within 12 ms at Doppler-limited resolution with a simple scheme that only uses free-running femtosecond lasers

    On the notion of conditional symmetry of differential equations

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    Symmetry properties of PDE's are considered within a systematic and unifying scheme: particular attention is devoted to the notion of conditional symmetry, leading to the distinction and a precise characterization of the notions of ``true'' and ``weak'' conditional symmetry. Their relationship with exact and partial symmetries is also discussed. An extensive use of ``symmetry-adapted'' variables is made; several clarifying examples, including the case of Boussinesq equation, are also provided.Comment: 18 page

    The type II phase resetting curve is optimal for stochastic synchrony

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    The phase-resetting curve (PRC) describes the response of a neural oscillator to small perturbations in membrane potential. Its usefulness for predicting the dynamics of weakly coupled deterministic networks has been well characterized. However, the inputs to real neurons may often be more accurately described as barrages of synaptic noise. Effective connectivity between cells may thus arise in the form of correlations between the noisy input streams. We use constrained optimization and perturbation methods to prove that PRC shape determines susceptibility to synchrony among otherwise uncoupled noise-driven neural oscillators. PRCs can be placed into two general categories: Type I PRCs are non-negative while Type II PRCs have a large negative region. Here we show that oscillators with Type II PRCs receiving common noisy input sychronize more readily than those with Type I PRCs.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    A note on behaviour at an isotropic singularity

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    The behaviour of Jacobi fields along a time-like geodesic running into an isotropic singularity is studied. It is shown that the Jacobi fields are crushed to zero length at a rate which is the same in every direction orthogonal to the geodesic. We show by means of a counter-example that this crushing effect depends crucially on a technicality of the definition of isotropic singularities, and not just on the uniform degeneracy of the metric at the singularity.Comment: 13 pp. plain latex. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Baryon resonances from a novel fat-link fermion action

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    We present first results for masses of positive and negative parity excited baryons in lattice QCD using an O(a^2) improved gluon action and a Fat Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action in which only the irrelevant operators are constructed with fat links. The results are in agreement with earlier calculations of N^* resonances using improved actions and exhibit a clear mass splitting between the nucleon and its chiral partner, even for the Wilson fermion action. The results also indicate a splitting between the lowest J^P = 1/2^- states for the two standard nucleon interpolating fields.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, talk given by W.Melnitchouk at LHP 2001 workshop, Cairns, Australi

    Existence of topological hairy dyons and dyonic black holes in anti-de Sitter SU(N) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    We investigate dyonic black hole and dyon solutions of four-dimensional SU(N) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory with a negative cosmological constant. We derive a set of field equations in this case, and prove the existence of non-trivial solutions to these equations for any integer N, with 2N − 2 gauge degrees of freedom. We do this by showing that solutions exist locally at infinity, and at the event horizon for black holes and the origin for solitons. We then prove that we can patch these solutions together regularly into global solutions that can be integrated arbitrarily far into the asymptotic regime. Our main result is to show that dyonic solutions exist in open sets in the parameter space, and hence that we can find non-trivial dyonic solutions in a number of regimes whose magnetic gauge fields have no zeros, which is likely important to the stability of the solutions. Keywords : Dyons, Black holes, topological, SU(N), EYM, Existenc

    Global Stability of a Premixed Reaction Zone (Time-Dependent Liñan’s Problem)

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    Global stability properties of a premixed, three-dimensional reaction zone are considered. In the nonadiabatic case (i.e., when there is a heat exchange between the reaction zone and the burned gases) there is a unique, spatially one-dimensional steady state that is shown to be unstable (respectively, asymptotically stable) if the reaction zone is cooled (respectively, heated) by the burned mixture. In the adiabatic case, there is a unique (up to spatial translations) steady state that is shown to be stable. In addition, the large-time asymptotic behavior of the solution is analyzed to obtain sufficient conditions on the initial data for stabilization. Previous partial numerical results on linear stability of one-dimensional reaction zones are thereby confirmed and extended