640 research outputs found

    Qualidade e conservação da uva Superior Seedless sob atmosfera controlada.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito do emprego da tecnologia Cargofresh de AC associada ao emprego de SO2 e ao envolvimento do pallet com filme plástico, sobre a vida útil de armazenamento da uva 'Superior Seedless' produzida no Vale do São Francisco

    Nematicidal and fertilizing effects of chicken manure, fresh and composted olive mill wastes on organic melon

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    Abstract The fertilizing and nematicidal effects of three organic amendments were evaluated in a pot experiment on melon plants infested by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. A soil artificially infested with 4 eggs and juveniles/ ml soil of the nematode was amended with: a) virgin olive pomace (VOP); b) composted olive pomace (COP); c) chicken manure based fertilizer (CM) and d) chicken manure based fertilizer combined with the biological control agent Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 251, brand name BioAct WG (CMB). VOP was applied at doses of 11 (VOP-A), 22 (VOP-B) and 44 t/ha (VOP-C); COP at 4.5 (COP-A), 9 (COP-B) and 18 t/ha (COP-C); CM at 3 t/ha and CMB at 3 t/ha combined with 4 kg/ha of BioAct WG. Untreated soil was used as control. The treatments CM, CMB, VOP-B and COP-B were established on the basis of N requirement of melon plants (120 kg/ha) taking into account soil and amendments N availability. Two weeks later amendment application and nematode inoculation, the soil was poured in 4.8 l clay pots which were arranged in a greenhouse according to a randomized block design with ten replications for each treatment. A one-month old melon seedling (cv. Galia) was transplanted in each pot and organic farming management practices were used during the growing period. At the end of the experiment, 60 days after transplant, plants were uprooted and height, fresh and dry shoot and root weights were recorded. Root gall index, on the roots, caused by the nematode attack, was estimated according to a 0–5 scale. Final nematode population density and reproduction rate were also calculated for each pot. All data were subjected to statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means compared according to Least Significant Difference's Test. Nematode population and root infestation were significantly suppressed by the addition of all amendments, compared to untreated control. However, CM and CMB resulted in a total more suppressive effect and in a significantly higher plant growth in comparison to all the other treatments. A significant correlation was found between root gall index and eggs and juveniles/g root and final nematode population density. No signifycant correlations were found between nematological parameters or plant growth parameters and amendment doses

    Avaliação do amaciamento de melão Galia 'Solar King' tratado com 1-MCP (1-metilciclopropreno) através da firmeza da polpa e tomografia de RM.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de doses de 1-MCP (0, 100, 300 e 900 ppb) sobre o amaciamento da polpa (firmeza e tomografia de RM) e a formação da região de abscisão do pedúnculo, durante o armazenamento (24,5 ± 0,9ºC e 86,4 ± 7,9%) de melão Galia 'Solar King'. O 1-MCP atrasou a evolução de ambas as variáveis. As melhores respostas foram obtidas com 300 e 900 ppb, recomendando-se a primeira como dose econômica

    The identification of the optical companion to the binary millisecond pulsar J0610-2100 in the Galactic field

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    We have used deep V and R images acquired at the ESO Very Large Telescope to identify the optical companion to the binary pulsar PSR J0610-2100, one of the black-widow millisecond pulsars recently detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Telescope in the Galactic plane. We found a faint star (V~26.7) nearly coincident (\delta r ~0".28) with the pulsar nominal position. This star is visible only in half of the available images, while it disappears in the deepest ones (those acquired under the best seeing conditions), thus indicating that it is variable. Although our observations do not sample the entire orbital period (P=0.28 d) of the pulsar, we found that the optical modulation of the variable star nicely correlates with the pulsar orbital period and describes a well defined peak (R~25.6) at \Phi=0.75, suggesting a modulation due to the pulsar heating. We tentatively conclude that the companion to PSR J0610-2100 is a heavily ablated very low mass star (~ 0.02Msun) that completely filled its Roche Lobe.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures - Accepted for pubblication in Ap

    Conservação pós-colheita de melão Galia 'Solar King' a temperatura ambiente sob influência de 1 - MCP (1 - metilciclopropeno).

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de doses de 1-MCP (0, 100, 300 e 900 ppb) no comportamento respiratório e na qualidade pós-colheita de melão Galia 'Solar King', em temperatura ambiente (24,5 ± 0,9ºC e 86,4 ± 7,9%). O 1-MCP reduziu a atividade respiratória e atrasou o pico de produção de etileno mas não afetou o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, a acidez total titulável, o pH e a aparência externa. Contudo, a aparência interna dos frutos tratados foi melhor, principalmente na concentração de 300 ppb. Além da melhor aparência, aquela dose possibilitou atividade respiratória mais baixaSuplemento 2. Edição do 42 Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura e 11 Congresso Latino Americano de Horticultura, Uberlândia, jul. 2002

    The genomic landscape of 8-oxodG reveals enrichment at specific inherently fragile promoters

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    8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) is the most common marker of oxidative stress and its accumulation within the genome has been associated with major human health issues such as cancer, aging, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. The characterization of the different genomic sites where 8-oxodG accumulates and the mechanisms underlying its formation are still poorly understood. Using OxiDIP-seq, we recently derived the genome-wide distribution of 8-oxodG in human non-tumorigenic epithelial breast cells (MCF10A). Here, we identify a subset of human promoters that accumulate 8-oxodG under steady-state condition. 8-oxodG nucleotides co-localize with double strand breaks (DSBs) at bidirectional and CG skewed promoters and their density correlate with RNA Polymerase II co-occupancy and transcription. Furthermore, by performing OxiDIP-seq in quiescent (G0) cells, we found a strong reduction of oxidatively-generated damage in the majority of 8-oxodG-positive promoters in the absence of DNA replication. Overall, our results suggest that the accumulation of 8-oxodG at gene promoters occurs through DNA replication-dependent or -independent mechanisms, with a possible contribution to the formation of cancer-associated translocation events

    The Gaia spectrophotometric standard stars survey -II. Instrumental effects of six ground-based observing campaigns

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    The Gaia SpectroPhotometric Standard Stars (SPSS) survey started in 2006, it was awarded almost 450 observing nights, and accumulated almost 100,000 raw data frames, with both photometric and spectroscopic observations. Such large observational effort requires careful, homogeneous, and automated data reduction and quality control procedures. In this paper, we quantitatively evaluate instrumental effects that might have a significant (i.e.,≥\geq1%) impact on the Gaia SPSS flux calibration. The measurements involve six different instruments, monitored over the eight years of observations dedicated to the Gaia flux standards campaigns: DOLORES@TNG in La Palma, EFOSC2@NTT and ROSS@REM in La Silla, [email protected] in Calar Alto, BFOSC@Cassini in Loiano, and [email protected] in San Pedro Martir. We examine and quantitatively evaluate the following effects: CCD linearity and shutter times, calibration frames stability, lamp flexures, second order contamination, light polarization, and fringing. We present methods to correct for the relevant effects, which can be applied to a wide range of observational projects at similar instruments.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astron. Nach

    Potential of native and bioprocessed brewers' spent grains as organic soil amendments

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    Introduction: The use of novel soil amendments and the exploitation of plant growth-promoting microorganisms are considered promising tools for developing a more sustainable agriculture in times when ensuring high-yield productions with limited resources is essential. Methods: In this study, the potential of brewers' spent grain (BSG), the major by-product of the brewing industry, as organic soil amendment, was investigated. Bioprocessed BSG, obtained by an enzymatic treatment coupled with fermentation, together with native BSG, were used as amendments in a pot-trial. An integrated analytical approach aimed at assessing the modification of the physicochemical properties of a typical Mediterranean alkaline agricultural soil, and the plant growth-promoting effect on escarole (Cichorium endivia var. Cuartana), was carried out. Results: The use of biomasses led to soil organic content and total nitrogen content up to 72 and 42% higher, compared to the unamended soils. Moreover, the lower pH and the higher organic acids content doubled phosphorus availability. Although the number of leaves per plant in escaroles from pots amended with native and bioprocessed BSG did not show any difference compared to plants cultivated on unamended pots, the average fresh weight per escarole head, was higher in pots amended with bioprocessed BSG. Discussion: Hence, the results collected so far encourage BSG application for agricultural purpose, while solving the problem of disposing of such abundant side stream

    Automatically Extracted Machine Learning Features from Preoperative CT to Early Predict Microvascular Invasion in HCC: The Role of the Zone of Transition (ZOT)

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    Background: Microvascular invasion (MVI) is a consolidated predictor of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence after treatments. No reliable radiological imaging findings are available for preoperatively diagnosing MVI, despite some progresses of radiomic analysis. Furthermore, current MVI radiomic studies have not been designed for small HCC nodules, for which a plethora of treatments exists. This study aimed to identify radiomic MVI predictors in nodules <= 3.0 cm by analysing the zone of transition (ZOT), crossing tumour and peritumour, automatically detected to face the uncertainties of radiologist's tumour segmentation. Methods: The study considered 117 patients imaged by contrast-enhanced computed tomography; 78 patients were finally enrolled in the radiomic analysis. Radiomic features were extracted from the tumour and the ZOT, detected using an adaptive procedure based on local image contrast variations. After data oversampling, a support vector machine classifier was developed and validated. Classifier performance was assessed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis and related metrics. Results: The original 89 HCC nodules (32 MVI+ and 57 MVI-) became 169 (62 MVI+ and 107 MVI-) after oversampling. Of the four features within the signature, three are ZOT heterogeneity measures regarding both arterial and venous phases. On the test set (19MVI+ and 33MVI-), the classifier predicts MVI+ with area under the curve of 0.86 (95%CI (0.70-0.93), p similar to 10(-5)), sensitivity = 79% and specificity = 82%. The classifier showed negative and positive predictive values of 87% and 71%, respectively. Conclusions: The classifier showed the highest diagnostic performance in the literature, disclosing the role of ZOT heterogeneity in predicting the MVI+ status

    The puzzling properties of the Helium White Dwarf orbiting the millisecond pulsar PSR J1911-5958A in NGC 6752

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    We have used phase-resolved high-resolution images and low resolution spectra taken at the ESO Very Large Telescope, to study the properties of the low-mass Helium White Dwarf companion to the millisecond pulsar \psr (hereafter COM J1911−-5958A), in the halo of the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 6752. The radial velocity curve confirms that \com is orbiting the pulsar and allows to derive a systemic velocity of the binary system nicely in agreement with that of NGC 6752. This strongly indicates that the system is a member of the cluster, despite its very offset position (∼74\sim 74 core radii) with respect to the core. Constraints on the orbital inclination (\gapp 70^\circ) and pulsar mass (1.2−1.5M⊙1.2-1.5 {\rm M_\odot}) are derived from the mass ratio MPSR/MCOM=7.49±0.64M_{PSR}/M_{COM}= 7.49\pm0.64 and photometric properties of COM J1911−-5958A. The light curve in B-band shows two phases of unequal brightening (Δ\Deltamag∼0.3\sim 0.3 and 0.2, respectively) located close to quadratures and superimposed on an almost steady baseline emission: this feature is quite surprising and needs to be further investigated.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in APJletter
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