57 research outputs found


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    Both a durable solution and an instrument of protection, resettlement is available to only a tiny fraction of the world’s refugees. UNHCR has launched a large-scale resettlement programme for Iraqi refugees but places are limited and it is the degree of ‘vulnerability’ that will ultimately determine prospects for resettlement

    Maulini, O., Desjardins, J., Étienne, R., Guibert, P. et Paquay, L. (2015). À qui profite la formation continue des enseignants ?

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    DerriĂšre un titre un peu provocateur, cet ouvrage collectif avance l’hypothĂšse d’une formation continue « levier principal du processus de professionnalisation », en postulant qu’elle ne se contente pas de prolonger la formation initiale. Droit ou obligation, « ressource utile » ou « contrainte absurde », la formation continue se dĂ©roule de façon « continuĂ©e », « permanente », tout au long de la vie professionnelle. Elle Ă©volue, mĂȘme si subsiste une logique descendante « de remise Ă  niveau ou..

    Meeting the global protein supply requirements of a growing and ageing population

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024.Human dietary patterns are a major cause of environmental transformation, with agriculture occupying ~ 50% of global land space, while food production itself is responsible for ~ 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions and 70% of freshwater use. Furthermore, the global population is also growing, such that by 2050, it is estimated to exceed ~ 9 billion. While most of this expansion in population is expected to occur in developing countries, in high-income countries there are also predicted changes in demographics, with major increases in the number of older people. There is a growing consensus that older people have a greater requirement for protein. With a larger and older population, global needs for protein are set to increase. This paper summarises the conclusions from a Rank Prize funded colloquium evaluating novel strategies to meet this increasing global protein need

    Rootstock genotype impact on nitrogen signalling and development of the scion in Grapevine

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    Ce travail de recherche a eu pour objectif de caractĂ©riser l’influence du gĂ©notype de porte-greffes sur le dĂ©veloppement du greffon notamment Ă  travers l’étude des mĂ©canismes relatifs Ă  la signalisation azotĂ©e et hormonale. Dans ce contexte, deux porte-greffes, 1103 Paulsen (1103P) et Riparia Gloire de Montpellier (RGM), induisant respectivement une forte et faible vigueur du greffon, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Une analyse du transcriptome racinaire a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e chez des plants greffĂ©s impliquant ces deux gĂ©notypes dans un systĂšme split-root oĂč la disponibilitĂ© en azote Ă©tait hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne. Une rĂ©ponse plus prononcĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e pour le gĂ©notype RGM, ainsi qu’une rĂ©gulation temporelle diffĂ©rente entre les deux gĂ©notypes, notamment concernant des gĂšnes clĂ©s de la rĂ©ponse au nitrate intervenant dans la rĂ©gulation de la croissance des racines ou dans la signalisation hormonale. D’un point de vue dĂ©veloppemental, une rĂ©gulation Ă©troite de la production des racines latĂ©rales et des rameaux latĂ©raux par la disponibilitĂ© en azote a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence chez RGM. D’autre part, les propriĂ©tĂ©s intrinsĂšques de chaque porte-greffe semblent ĂȘtre confĂ©rĂ©es au greffon induisant notamment une ramification plus importante de celui-ci lorsque le porte-greffe 1103P est utilisĂ©. La caractĂ©risation fonctionnelle des gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans la voie de biosynthĂšse des strigolactones et la rĂ©alisation de bio-essais ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence la production de composĂ©s de type strigolactones chez la Vigne. Ces travaux suggĂšrent aussi une balance contrastĂ©e entre les strigolactones et les cytokinines au sein des deux gĂ©notypes, corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  leur capacitĂ© de contrĂŽle de la croissance du greffon. L’ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une rĂ©ponse transcriptomique et dĂ©veloppementale Ă  la disponibilitĂ© en azote toujours plus prononcĂ©e pour le gĂ©notype connu pour confĂ©rer le moins de vigueur au greffon, RGM.This work aimed to characterize the impact of the rootstock genotype on the scion development especially through the study of the mechanisms related to nitrogen and hormonal signalling. In that context, two rootstocks were studied, 1103 Paulsen (1103P) and Riparia Gloire de Montpellier (RGM), inducing high and low scion vigour, respectively. A transcriptomic analysis was performed on roots of grafted plants involving both genotypes, cultivated in a split-root system where the nitrogen availability was heterogeneous. A more pronounced response was observed for RGM together with a different temporal regulation between both rootstocks, in particular concerning the expression of key genes of the nitrate response involved in root growth regulation or in hormonal signaling. Concerning plant development, a clear impact of the nitrogen availability on the production of lateral roots and shoot branching was highlighted for RGM. Moreover, the intrinsic properties of each rootstock seemed to be conferred to the scion inducing especially a higher shoot branching when the rootstock 1103P was used. The functional characterization of the genes involved in the strigolactone biosynthesis pathway and bioassays highlighted the production of strigolactone-like compounds in Grapevine. These experiments suggest also a contrasted balance between strigolactones and cytokinins within each rootstock genotype, correlated with their ability to control the scion growth. Taking together, these results showed a pronounced transcriptomic and developmental response to nitrogen availability for the genotype conferring the lowest scion vigour, RG

    Influence du génotype de porte-greffe dans la signalisation azotée et le développement du greffon chez la vigne

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    This work aimed to characterize the impact of the rootstock genotype on the scion development especially through the study of the mechanisms related to nitrogen and hormonal signalling. In that context, two rootstocks were studied, 1103 Paulsen (1103P) and Riparia Gloire de Montpellier (RGM), inducing high and low scion vigour, respectively. A transcriptomic analysis was performed on roots of grafted plants involving both genotypes, cultivated in a split-root system where the nitrogen availability was heterogeneous. A more pronounced response was observed for RGM together with a different temporal regulation between both rootstocks, in particular concerning the expression of key genes of the nitrate response involved in root growth regulation or in hormonal signaling. Concerning plant development, a clear impact of the nitrogen availability on the production of lateral roots and shoot branching was highlighted for RGM. Moreover, the intrinsic properties of each rootstock seemed to be conferred to the scion inducing especially a higher shoot branching when the rootstock 1103P was used. The functional characterization of the genes involved in the strigolactone biosynthesis pathway and bioassays highlighted the production of strigolactone-like compounds in Grapevine. These experiments suggest also a contrasted balance between strigolactones and cytokinins within each rootstock genotype, correlated with their ability to control the scion growth. Taking together, these results showed a pronounced transcriptomic and developmental response to nitrogen availability for the genotype conferring the lowest scion vigour, RGMCe travail de recherche a eu pour objectif de caractĂ©riser l’influence du gĂ©notype de porte-greffes sur le dĂ©veloppement du greffon notamment Ă  travers l’étude des mĂ©canismes relatifs Ă  la signalisation azotĂ©e et hormonale. Dans ce contexte, deux porte-greffes, 1103 Paulsen (1103P) et Riparia Gloire de Montpellier (RGM), induisant respectivement une forte et faible vigueur du greffon, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Une analyse du transcriptome racinaire a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e chez des plants greffĂ©s impliquant ces deux gĂ©notypes dans un systĂšme split-root oĂč la disponibilitĂ© en azote Ă©tait hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne. Une rĂ©ponse plus prononcĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e pour le gĂ©notype RGM, ainsi qu’une rĂ©gulation temporelle diffĂ©rente entre les deux gĂ©notypes, notamment concernant des gĂšnes clĂ©s de la rĂ©ponse au nitrate intervenant dans la rĂ©gulation de la croissance des racines ou dans la signalisation hormonale. D’un point de vue dĂ©veloppemental, une rĂ©gulation Ă©troite de la production des racines latĂ©rales et des rameaux latĂ©raux par la disponibilitĂ© en azote a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence chez RGM. D’autre part, les propriĂ©tĂ©s intrinsĂšques de chaque porte-greffe semblent ĂȘtre confĂ©rĂ©es au greffon induisant notamment une ramification plus importante de celui-ci lorsque le porte-greffe 1103P est utilisĂ©. La caractĂ©risation fonctionnelle des gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans la voie de biosynthĂšse des strigolactones et la rĂ©alisation de bio-essais ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence la production de composĂ©s de type strigolactones chez la Vigne. Ces travaux suggĂšrent aussi une balance contrastĂ©e entre les strigolactones et les cytokinines au sein des deux gĂ©notypes, corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  leur capacitĂ© de contrĂŽle de la croissance du greffon. L’ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une rĂ©ponse transcriptomique et dĂ©veloppementale Ă  la disponibilitĂ© en azote toujours plus prononcĂ©e pour le gĂ©notype connu pour confĂ©rer le moins de vigueur au greffon, RGM

    Residual brand awareness following the termination of a long-term event sponsorship and the appointment of a new sponsor

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    Metadata onlyThis study examined brand awareness after a change in sponsor and audience perceptions about the sponsors and the event before and after the change. A survey of the audience at a surfing event was conducted. The findings were that the original sponsor maintained high awareness levels with the audience, particularly awareness of the previously sponsored event, thereby supporting the proposition that long‐term sponsorship supports long‐term brand awareness. Secondly, the research found that a change in sponsorship does not necessarily lead to changes in respondents' perceptions of the event. Thirdly, the research showed that there was a mismatch in the values of the original sponsor and the event, whereas the current sponsor had a closer match with the event's values. Sponsorships change fairly frequently and it would be of interest to sponsors to know the extent to which benefits continue to accrue after they have stopped sponsoring an event. Since almost no research has been carried out on residual awareness and awareness decay, this paper should contribute to knowledge about the cessation of sponsorships, as well as to the broader field of sponsorship knowledge

    Le premier empereur / LĂ©andre Cochetel

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