301 research outputs found

    Proposal of a new indicator to define ductility applied to corroded steel reinforcement on concrete structures

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    The carbonation of concrete or the chlorides ingress in such quantity to reach the level of bars is triggers of reinforcement corrosion. One of the most significant effects of reinforcing steel corrosion on reinforced concrete structures is the decline in the ductility-related properties of the steel. Reinforcement ductility has a decisive effect on the overall ductility of reinforced concrete structures. Different Codes classify the type of steel depending on their ductility defined by the minimum values of several parameters. Using indicators of ductility associating different properties can be advantageous on many occasions. It is considered necessary to define the ductility by means of a single parameter that considers strength values and deformation simultaneously. There are a number of criteria for defining steel ductility by a single parameter. The present experimental study addresses the variation in the ductility of concrete-embedded steel bars when exposed to accelerated corrosion. This paper analyzes the suitability of a new indicator of ductility used in corroded bars

    Specific skills assessment learned by students of building engineering and technical architecture in topics relating to durability and control of concrete structures

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    In many university courses such as Building Engineering or Technical Architectural, the high density of the contents included in the curriculum, make the student, after graduation, unable to develop the skills already acquired and evaluated in the disciplines of the first courses. From the Group of Educational Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) "Teaching of Structural Concrete" (GIEHE) we have conducted a study in which are valued specific skills acquired by students after the first courses of career. We have worked with students from UPM fourth-year career and with Technical Architecture students who have completed their studies and also have completed the Adaptation Course of Technical Architecture to the Building Engineer. The work is part of the Educational Innovation Project funded by the UPM "Integration of training and assessment of generic and specific skills in structural concrete" We have evaluated specific skills learned in the areas of durability and control of structural concrete structures. The results show that overall, students are not able to fully develop the skills already acquired earlier, even being these essential to their professional development. Possibly, the large amount of content taught in these degrees together with a teaching and assessment of "flat profile", ie, which are presented and evaluated with the same intensity as the fundamental and the accessory, are causes enough to cause these results

    Analysis of teaching experience based on teaching by the case method. Application to reinforcing wooden floors

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    The technique of reinforcement of wooden floors is a matter clearly multidisciplinary. The teaching of the subject using the "traditional" method, explaining the theory first and then proposing and solving problems has not been successful. This paper discusses the results of a teaching experiencie. It has been the teaching of the subject by the case method. The results are clearly superior to those obtained with the traditional methodology

    Teaching based on the case method of building collective protection

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    One of the fundamental aspects in the adaptation of the teaching to the European higher education is changing based models of teacher education to models based on student learning. In this work we present an educational experience developed with the teaching method based on the case method, with a clearly multidisciplinary. The experience has been developed in the teaching of analysis and verification of safety rails. This is a multidisciplinary field that presents great difficulties during their teaching. The use of the case method has given good results in the competences achieved by student

    Blended learning in the design of collective protections in building works

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    The design of collective protections of construction works is a topic that is integrated within one of the MBTI subjects. This paper presents an experience for teaching the design of collective protection in building works. Teaching has been done in a bended way. This subject is taught as part of the content of a wider subject included in the Master "Building Technological Innovation" (MBTI) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). This Master's degree is a postgraduate of research nature. Graduating in MBTI implies that students are in a position to begin their PhD thesis. At this stage, often students are not able to follow the rigour established by the schedule of classes. For this reason it is interesting that part of the teaching is developed in a non-classroom based way

    A Rule-Learning Approach for Detecting Faults in Highly Configurable Software Systems from Uniform Random Samples

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    Software systems tend to become more and more configurable to satisfy the demands of their increasingly varied customers. Exhaustively testing the correctness of highly configurable software is infeasible in most cases because the space of possible configurations is typically colossal. This paper proposes addressing this challenge by (i) working with a representative sample of the configurations, i.e., a ``uniform'' random sample, and (ii) processing the results of testing the sample with a rule induction system that extracts the faults that cause the tests to fail. The paper (i) gives a concrete implementation of the approach, (ii) compares the performance of the rule learning algorithms AQ, CN2, LEM2, PART, and RIPPER, and (iii) provides empirical evidence supporting our procedure

    Estudio de la evolución de la velocidad de ultrasonidos en probetas de hormigón con distintos grados de humedad

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    El hormigón es uno de los materiales más utilizados en el mundo de la construcción y la ingeniería a lo largo de la Historia. El comportamiento y las propiedades de este material a lo largo del tiempo son objeto de numerosos estudios debido a las características monolíticas y mecánicas que presenta y a la abundancia de sus componentes en la naturaleza. [1] Se ha realizado un estudio experimental sobre probetas cúbicas de hormigón en masa (dimensiones: 10x10x10 cm) de la evolución de la velocidad de propagación de ultrasonidos (US) a través del hormigón y el grado en que afectan distintas variables a dicha velocidad, y su posible relación con su resistencia a compresión. Se han fabricado 32 probetas con hormigón H-25, tomando dos dosificaciones diferentes en cuanto a la relación agua/cemento (A/C) (A/C=0,5 y A/C=0,6), y empleando dos tipos distintos de árido grueso. Sobre dichas probetas se han llevado a cabo medidas periódicas de velocidad de propagación de US y del grado de humedad que adquieren durante el tiempo de curado en cámara húmeda y durante su endurecimiento en ambiente de laboratorio hasta su rotura a compresión. También se las sometió a ensayos de rotura a compresión con el fin de determinar posibles dependencias entre la resistencia a rotura adquirida y la máxima deformación experimentada con dicha velocidad de propagación y contenido de humedad. [2] [3] Una vez realizados los ensayos, se puede observar un comportamiento respecto a la velocidad de propagación a través del hormigón. El ambiente al que se expone el hormigón es determinante a la hora de establecer correlaciones entre la velocidad y el contenido de humedad. En cuanto a la fase de ensayos destructivos, se observa una evolución frente a esfuerzos de compresión similar, presentando una resistencia y un límite elástico un 16% aproximadamente superior en el hormigón con menor cantidad de humedad (relación A/C=0,5)

    Group Decision-Making Based on Artificial Intelligence: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Decisions concerning crucial and complicated problems are seldom made by a single person. Instead, they require the cooperation of a group of experts in which each participant has their own individual opinions, motivations, background, and interests regarding the existing alternatives. In the last 30 years, much research has been undertaken to provide automated assistance to reach a consensual solution supported by most of the group members. Artificial intelligence techniques are commonly applied to tackle critical group decision-making difficulties. For instance, experts' preferences are often vague and imprecise; hence, their opinions are combined using fuzzy linguistic approaches. This paper reports a bibliometric analysis of the ample literature published in this regard. In particular, our analysis: (i) shows the impact and upswing publication trend on this topic; (ii) identifies the most productive authors, institutions, and countries; (iii) discusses authors' and journals' productivity patterns; and (iv) recognizes the most relevant research topics and how the interest on them has evolved over the years

    Rough Sets: a Bibliometric Analysis from 2014 to 2018

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    Along almost forty years, considerable research has been undertaken on rough set theory to deal with vague information. Rough sets have proven to be extremely helpful for a diversity of computer-science problems (e.g., knowledge discovery, computational logic, machine learning, etc.), and numerous application domains (e.g., business economics, telecommunications, neurosciences, etc.). Accordingly, the literature on rough sets has grown without ceasing, and nowadays it is immense. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the research published for the last five years. To do so, it analyzes 4,038 records retrieved from the Clarivate Web of Science database, identifying (i) the most prolific authors and their collaboration networks, (ii) the countries and organizations that are leading research on rough sets, (iii) the journals that are publishing most papers, (iv) the topics that are being most researched, and (v) the principal application domains

    The online case study development for the teaching of building structures reinforcement

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    The Reinforcement of Building Structures is one of the topics of the Master in Building Innovation Technology (MBIT) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Since the beginning of the delivery of this master, case studies have been chosen as the teaching methodology. For the 2011-2012 course the online education of this subject was implemented, instead of the classical learning based on attendance. Through ICT’s (Information and Communication Technologies) students are provided with much more and more selective information than through the classical learning. ICT’s can be used for search, enquiries and reporting. Using the online tools has been proved, through the results obtained and based on the surveys made amongst students, to be a successful experience