2,559 research outputs found

    Returning magnetic flux in sunspot penumbrae

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    We study the presence of reversed polarity magnetic flux in sunspot penumbra. We applied a new regularized method to deconvolve spectropolarimetric data observed with the spectropolarimeter SP onboard Hinode. The new regularization is based on a principal component decomposition of the Stokes profiles. The resulting Stokes profiles were inverted to infer the magnetic field vector using SIR. We find, for the first time, reversed polarity fields at the border of many bright penumbral filaments in the whole penumbra.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Four related benzazepine derivatives in a reaction pathway leading to a benzazepine carboxylic acid : hydrogen-bonded assembly in zero, one, two and three dimensions

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    The authors thank ‘Centro de Instrumentacion Cientıfico-Tecnica of Universidad de Jaen’ and the staff for data collection. AP, SAG and CMS thank Colciencias for financial support (grant No. 1102–521–28229). JC thanks the Consejerıa de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa (Junta de Andalucıa, Spain) and the Universidad de Jaen for financial support.(2R*,4S*)-Methyl 2,3,4,5-tetra­hydro-1,4-ep­oxy-1H-benz[b]azepine-2-carboxyl­ate, C12H13NO3, (I), and its reduction product (2R*,4S*)-methyl 4-hy­droxy-2,3,4,5-tetra­hydro-1H-benz[b]azepine-2-carboxyl­ate, C12H15NO3, (II), both crystallize as single enanti­omers in the space group P212121, while the hydrolysis product (2RS,4SR)-4-hy­droxy-2,3,4,5-tetra­hydro-1H-benz[b]azepine-2-carb­oxy­lic acid, C11H13NO3, (III), and the lactone (2RS,5SR)-8-(trifluoromethoxy)-5,6-dihydro-1H-2,5-methanobenz[e][1,4]oxazocin-3(2H)-one, C12H10F3NO3, (IV), both crystallize as racemic mixtures in the space group P21/c. The mol­ecules of compound (IV) are linked into centrosymmetric R22(10) dimers by N-HO hydrogen bonds, and those of compound (I) are linked into chains by C-H(arene) hydrogen bonds. A combination of O-HO and O-HN hydrogen bonds links the mol­ecules of com­pound (III) into sheets containing equal numbers of R44(14) and R44(26) rings, and a combination of C-H(arene) hydrogen bonds and three-centre O-H(N,O) hydrogen bonds links the mol­ecules of compound (II) into a three-dimensional frame­work structure. Comparisons are made with some related compounds.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Spatial deconvolution of spectropolarimetric data: an application to quiet Sun magnetic elements

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    Observations of the Sun from the Earth are always limited by the presence of the atmosphere, which strongly disturbs the images. A solution to this problem is to place the telescopes in space satellites, which produce observations without any (or limited) atmospheric aberrations. However, even though the images from space are not affected by atmospheric seeing, the optical properties of the instruments still limit the observations. In the case of diffraction limited observations, the PSF establishes the maximum allowed spatial resolution, defined as the distance between two nearby structures that can be properly distinguished. In addition, the shape of the PSF induce a dispersion of the light from different parts of the image, leading to what is commonly termed as stray light or dispersed light. This effect produces that light observed in a spatial location at the focal plane is a combination of the light emitted in the object at relatively distant spatial locations. We aim to correct the effect produced by the telescope's PSF using a deconvolution method, and we decided to apply the code on Hinode/SP quiet Sun observations. We analyze the validity of the deconvolution process with noisy data and we infer the physical properties of quiet Sun magnetic elements after the deconvolution process.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Variación de las características mecánicas de armaduras de alta ductilidad B500SD en función de su grado de corrosión / Mechanical properties variation of B500SD high ductility reinforcement regarding its corrosion degree

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    Los efectos de la corrosión sobre las armaduras se manifiestan por la pérdida de sección y la variación de las propiedades mecánicas relacionadas con la ductilidad. En este trabajo se han ensayado a tracción 96 barras de acero B500SD que previamente se han sometido a niveles variables de corrosión. Los resultados muestran que los alargamientos de las barras disminuyen y el cociente entre la tensión máxima y el límite elástico aumenta conforme el nivel de corrosión avanza. A partir del estudio del efecto de entalla y de la distinta constitución metalográfica del acero a nivel de sección debido a su procedimiento de fabricación se pueden explicar los fenómenos anteriores

    Nonsurgical Strategies for the Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

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    Temporomandibular disorders are common maxillofacial disturbs of different etiologies (traumatic, inflammatory, degenerative, or congenital) that course with pain and dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint. The treatment of these disorders includes systematically administered drugs (especially nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs and corticoids), physical therapies, and minimally invasive therapies that require intraarticular injections. These techniques are directed to clean or drain the articular cavity, to deliver intraarticularly drugs, biologically active compounds (as platelet-rich plasma), or to enhance lubrication (hyaluronic acid). Moreover, minimally invasive strategies are used in regenerative medicine for to deliver cells and stem cells, and nano- or micro-biomaterials. Surgery of temporomandibular disorders is only used in grave diseases that require arthrodesis or remotion of the temporomandibular joint. This review updates the nonsurgical therapeutic strategies to treat temporomandibular disorders, focusing the attention in the articular delivery or hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma, two minimally invasive widely used at present

    Design of a Direct Drive Wave Energy Conversion System for the Seaquest Concept

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    Abstract In this work the investigation and design of a Direct Drive Wave Energy Conversion System for the Seaquest Concept is presented. It involves all the steps of the project, from the marine environment analysis to the problems linked to the connection to the grid, passing through the sizing procedure of an innovative arc-shaped electrical generator, in which the flux-switching principle has been applied, then through its analysis, optimization and performance verification by FEA, and then the study of the most suitable control strategies. Particular attention has been given to all the specificities this new particular generator presents: non-constant rotational speed, reciprocating motion, border effects. This arch-shaped generator has then been compared to a traditional rotating machine directly coupled with the shaft and moved by the pendulu

    Transient-Receptor Potential (TRP) and Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs) in the Sensory Organs of Adult Zebrafish

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    Sensory information from the aquatic environment is required for life and survival of zebrafish. Changes in the environment are detected by specialized sensory cells that convert different types of stimuli into electric energy, thus originating an organ-specific transduction. Ion channels are at the basis of each sensory modality and are responsible or are required for detecting thermal, chemical, or mechanical stimuli but also for more complex sensory processes as hearing, olfaction, taste, or vision. The capacity of the sensory cells to preferentially detect a specific stimulus is the result of a characteristic combination of different ion channels. This chapter summarizes the current knowledge about the occurrence and localization of ion channels in sensory organs of zebrafish belonging to the superfamilies of transient-receptor potential and acid-sensing ion channels that are involved in different qualities of sensibility superfamilies in the sensory organs of zebrafish. This animal model is currently used to study some human pathologies in which ion channels are involved. Furthermore, zebrafish is regarded as an ideal model to study in vivo the transient-receptor potential ion channels

    Alimentación otoñal de la Cerceta Común (Anas crecca) en el Delta del Ebro

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