8,629 research outputs found

    Real-time co-ordinated scheduling using a genetic algorithm

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    Real-time co-ordination is an emerging approach to operational engineering management aimed at being more comprehensive and widely applicable than existing approaches. Schedule management is a key characteristic of operational co-ordination related to managing the planning and dynamic assignment of tasks to resources, and the enactment of the resulting schedules, throughout a changeable process. This paper presents the application of an agent-oriented system, called the Design Co-ordination System, to an industrial case study in order to demonstrate the appropriate use of a genetic algorithm for the purpose of real-time scheduling. The application demonstrates that real-time co-ordinated scheduling can provide significant reductions in time to complete the computational design process

    Development of ride comfort criteria for mass transit systems

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    Two studies were conducted on the effects of simultaneous sinusoidal vibration in the vertical and lateral axes on ratings of discomfort in human subjects in a simulated passenger aircraft. In the first experiment each of 24 subjects experienced each of ten levels of vertical frequency in combination with each of ten levels of lateral frequency vibration and rated the discomfort produced on a nine-point, unipolar scale. In the second experiment 72 subjects experienced one of four levels of vertical frequency at each of four levels of vertical amplitude combined with 16 (or 4 x 4) lateral frequency and amplitude conditions. The results of these two studies strongly suggest that there are effects on discomfort that occur when subjects are vibrated in several axes at once that cannot be assessed with research using vibration in only one axis

    Training Big Random Forests with Little Resources

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    Without access to large compute clusters, building random forests on large datasets is still a challenging problem. This is, in particular, the case if fully-grown trees are desired. We propose a simple yet effective framework that allows to efficiently construct ensembles of huge trees for hundreds of millions or even billions of training instances using a cheap desktop computer with commodity hardware. The basic idea is to consider a multi-level construction scheme, which builds top trees for small random subsets of the available data and which subsequently distributes all training instances to the top trees' leaves for further processing. While being conceptually simple, the overall efficiency crucially depends on the particular implementation of the different phases. The practical merits of our approach are demonstrated using dense datasets with hundreds of millions of training instances.Comment: 9 pages, 9 Figure

    Paralympic legacy: exploring the impact of the Games on the perceptions of young people with disabilities

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    The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games aimed to deliver a legacy to citizens of the United Kingdom, which included inspiring a generation of young people to participate in sport. This study aimed to understand the legacy of the Paralympic Games for children with disabilities. Eight adolescents (11-16 years of age) with physical disabilities were interviewed about their perceptions of the Paralympic Games. Thematic analysis found three key themes which further our understanding about the Paralympic legacy. These were: Paralympians as role models; changing perceptions of disability and the motivating nature of the Paralympics. Findings demonstrate the Games were inspirational for children with disabilities, improving their self-perceptions. This is discussed in relation to previous literature and core recommendations are made

    Technology adoption in the BIM implementation for lean architectural practice

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    Justification for Research: the construction companies are facing barriers and challenges in BIM adoption as there is no clear guidance or best practice studies from which they can learn and build up their capacity for BIM use in order to increase productivity, efficiency, quality, and to attain competitive advantages in the global market and to achieve the targets in environmental sustainability. Purpose: this paper aims to explain a comprehensive and systemic evaluation and assessment of the relevant BIM technologies as part of the BIM adoption and implementation to demonstrate how efficiency gains have been achieved towards a lean architectural practice. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research is undertaken through a KTP (Knowledge transfer Partnership) project between the University of Salford and the John McCall Architects based in Liverpool, which is an SME (Small Medium Enterprise). The overall aim of KTP is to develop Lean Design Practice through the BIM adoption and implementation. The overall BIM implementation approach uses a socio-technical view in which it does not only consider the implementation of technology but also considers the socio-cultural environment that provides the context for its implementation. The technology adoption methodology within the BIM implementation approach is the action research oriented qualitative and quantitative research for discovery, comparison, and experimentation as the KTP project with JMA provides an environment for “learning by doing” Findings: research has proved that BIM technology adoption should be undertaken with a bottom-up approach rather than top-down approach for successful change management and dealing with the resistance to change. As a result of the BIM technology adoption, efficiency gains are achieved through the piloting projects and the design process is improved through the elimination of wastes and value generation. Originality/Value: successful BIM adoption needs an implementation strategy. However, at operational level, it is imperative that professional guidelines are required as part of the implementation strategy. This paper introduces a systematic approach for BIM technology adoption based on a case study implementation and it demonstrates a guideline at operational level for other SME companies of architectural practices

    Neglected nephropathy

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    Copyright to Australian Family Physician. Reproduced with permission. Permission to reproduce must be sought from the publisher, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.BACKGROUND Diabetic nephropathy is a significant contributor to the morbidity, mortality and health care cost among patients with diabetes. With increasing understanding of this problem, the natural progression of diabetic nephropathy can potentially be changed. OBJECTIVE This article examines the natural history of diabetic nephropathy and provides guidelines on detection, management and future treatment possibilities of this complication. DISCUSSION Prevention and slowing progression are the most important aspects of the management of diabetic nephropathy. This involves monitoring renal function and risk factors for renal damage and early active intervention. The angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and receptor antagonists are important components of therapy, both for controlling hypertension and for slowing the progression of micro and macroalbuminuria. When microalbuminuria occurs, intensive intervention on a range of risk factors can halve the number of those suffering a cardiovascular event or progressing to macroalbuminuria. When renal insufficiency occurs, particularly when creatinine clearance is <30 mL/minute, referral to an nephrologist should be considered.Tuck Y Yong, Patrick J Phillips, P Toby H Coate

    Effect of vibration in combined axes on subjective evaluation of ride quality

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    The effects of simultaneous sinusoidal vibration in the vertical and lateral axes on ratings of discomfort were investigated. The first experiment concentrated on the effects of variation of frequency in the two axes, and the second study concentrated on the effects of amplitude variation in the two axes

    Women's Experiences and Involvement in Decision-Making in Relation to Planned Cesarean Birth: An Interview Study

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    Actively engaging women in decision-making about their own care is critical to providing woman-centered maternity care. The aim was to understand women's mode-of-birth preferences and shared decision-making experiences during planned cesarean birth (CB). Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with 33 women who had planned CB at eight Australian metropolitan hospitals. Inductive thematic analysis was conducted using NVivo-12. Many women preferred a vaginal birth but were willing to have a CB if the clinician recommended. Most women looked to their clinicians for information and guidance. Although many women reported receiving enough information to make informed decisions, others felt pressured into having or not having a CB, or expected to make decisions themselves. Women wished for longer consultation times, more information, and care continuity

    Mesenchymal stem cells for kidney transplantation

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    Published online: July 24, 2014The long term consequence of immunosuppressive therapy in kidney transplantation has prompted investigation of alternative means to modify the immune response to the allograft. Cell based therapies are potentially attractive as they may provide a long lasting immunomodulatory effect, may repair tissues and reduce the necessity to take immunosuppressive drug therapy. Of the current cell therapies, mesenchymal stem cells have now been trialled in small numbers of human kidney transplantation with apparent safety and potential efficacy. Many issues however need to be resolved before these cells will become mainstays of transplant immunosuppression including ex vivo modification to enhance immunomodulatory properties, cell number, route and frequency of administration as well as cellular source of origin.Bron Lett, Kisha N Sivanathan, P Toby Coate