58 research outputs found

    Evaluating the impact of operating a falls prevention community of practice on falls in a residential aged care setting

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    Background/Purpose: Falls are a leading adverse event in residential aged care (RAC) settings with prevention a global aim. The purpose of this study was to determine whether operating a falls prevention community of practice (CoP) delivering evidence-based prevention interventions could change the rate of falls and injurious falls in a RAC setting. Methods: A prospective quasi-experimental pre/post design was conducted. Participants were 13 RAC sites (779 beds) of a single RAC organization, with 20 multidisciplinary staff volunteering as CoP members. Results: Falls rates pre CoP were 10.1/1,000 occupied bed days (OBD) compared with 10.9 /1,000 OBD post CoP operation [coefficient 0.7, 95% CI -33.5, 34.9 (p=0.967)]. This was confounded by identified differences and changes in defining falls between sites. The rate of injurious falls resulting in fractures pre CoP was 0.2/1,000 OBD compared with 0.1/1,000 OBD post CoP; [coefficient -0.3, 95% CI -1.1, 0.4 (p=0.423)]. Conclusion: A falls prevention CoP operating for 18 months was unable to reduce falls rates in that time frame but there was a trend to a reduction in falls resulting in fracture. Additional time for implementation and evaluation of falls prevention interventions will be required in complex settings, such as RAC organizations, in the absence of additional funding. Valid comparisons of falls rates and injurious falls rates within the RAC population require the adoption of standardized definitions to improve reporting reliability

    Comparing two strategies of dynamic intensity modulated radiation therapy (dIMRT) with 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT) in the hypofractionated treatment of high-risk prostate cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To compare two strategies of dynamic intensity modulated radiation therapy (dIMRT) with 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT) in the setting of hypofractionated high-risk prostate cancer treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>3DCRT and dIMRT/Helical Tomotherapy(HT) planning with 10 CT datasets was undertaken to deliver 68 Gy in 25 fractions (prostate) and simultaneously delivering 45 Gy in 25 fractions (pelvic lymph node targets) in a single phase. The paradigms of pelvic vessel targeting (iliac vessels with margin are used to target pelvic nodes) and conformal normal tissue avoidance (treated soft tissues of the pelvis while limiting dose to identified pelvic critical structures) were assessed compared to 3DCRT controls. Both dIMRT/HT and 3DCRT solutions were compared to each other using repeated measures ANOVA and post-hoc paired t-tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When compared to conformal pelvic vessel targeting, conformal normal tissue avoidance delivered more homogenous PTV delivery (2/2 t-test comparisons; p < 0.001), similar nodal coverage (8/8 t-test comparisons; p = ns), higher and more homogenous pelvic tissue dose (6/6 t-test comparisons; p < 0.03), at the cost of slightly higher critical structure dose (D<sub>dose</sub>, 1–3 Gy over 5/10 dose points; p < 0.03). The dIMRT/HT approaches were superior to 3DCRT in sparing organs at risk (22/24 t-test comparisons; p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>dIMRT/HT nodal and pelvic targeting is superior to 3DCRT in dose delivery and critical structure sparing in the setting of hypofractionation for high-risk prostate cancer. The pelvic targeting paradigm is a potential solution to deliver highly conformal pelvic radiation treatment in the setting of nodal location uncertainty in prostate cancer and other pelvic malignancies.</p

    My independent streak may get in the way\u27: how older adults respond to falls prevention education in hospital

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine how providing individualised falls prevention education facilitated behaviour change from the perspective of older hospital patients on rehabilitation wards and what barriers they identified to engaging in preventive strategies. Design: A prospective qualitative survey. Methods: Older patients (n=757) who were eligible (mini-mental state examination score\u3e23/30) received falls prevention education while admitted to eight rehabilitation hospital wards in Western Australia. Subsequently, 610 participants were surveyed using a semistructured questionnaire to gain their response to the in-hospital education and their identified barriers to engaging in falls prevention strategies. Deductive content analysis was used to map responses against conceptual frameworks of health behaviour change and risk taking. Results: Participants who responded (n=473) stated that the education raised their awareness, knowledge and confidence to actively engage in falls prevention strategies, such as asking for assistance prior to mobilising. Participants’ thoughts and feelings about their recovery were the main barriers they identified to engaging in safe strategies, including feeling overconfident or desiring to be independent and thinking that staff would be delayed in providing assistance. The most common task identified as potentially leading to risk-taking behaviour was needing to use the toilet. Conclusions: Individualised education assists older hospital rehabilitation patients with good levels of cognition to engage in suitable falls prevention strategies while on the ward. Staff should engage with patients to understand their perceptions about their recovery and support patients to take an active role in planning their rehabilitation

    Educators\u27 perspectives about how older hospital patients can engage in a falls prevention education programme: a qualitative process evaluation

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    Objectives: Falls are the most frequent adverse event reported in hospitals. Patient and staff education delivered by trained educators significantly reduced falls and injurious falls in an older rehabilitation population. The purpose of the study was to explore the educators’ perspectives of delivering the education and to conceptualise how the programme worked to prevent falls among older patients who received the education. Design: A qualitative exploratory study. Methods: Data were gathered from three sources: conducting a focus group and an interview (n=10 educators), written educator notes and reflective researcher field notes based on interactions with the educators during the primary study. The educators delivered the programme on eight rehabilitation wards for periods of between 10 and 40 weeks. They provided older patients with individualised education to engage in falls prevention and provided staff with education to support patient actions. Data were thematically analysed and presented using a conceptual framework. Results: Falls prevention education led to mutual understanding between staff and patients which assisted patients to engage in falls prevention behaviours. Mutual understanding was derived from the following observations: the educators perceived that they could facilitate an effective three-way interaction between staff actions, patient actions and the ward environment which led to behaviour change on the wards. This included engaging with staff and patients, and assisting them to reconcile differing perspectives about falls prevention behaviours. Conclusions: Individualised falls prevention education effectively provides patients who receive it with the capability and motivation to develop and undertake behavioural strategies that reduce their falls, if supported by staff and the ward environment

    Tailored Education Increased Capability and Motivation for Fall Prevention in Older People After Hospitalization

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    Recently hospitalized older people are at risk of falls and face barriers to undertaking fall prevention strategies after they return home from hospital. The authors examined the effects of tailored education delivered by physiotherapists on the knowledge (capability) and the motivation of older people to engage in fall prevention after hospital discharge. Utilizing data gathered from a recent trial, data was analyzed from 390 people who were 60 years and over without impaired cognition (>7/10 abbreviated mental test score) and discharged from three Australian hospitals. Motivation and capability were measured at baseline in the hospital and at 6-months after hospital discharge by blinded assistants using structured surveys. Bivariate analysis using generalized linear modeling explored the impact of education on the capability and motivation. Engagement in fall prevention strategies was entered as an independent variable during analysis to determine associations with capability and motivation. The education significantly improved capability [−0.4, 95% CI (−0.7, −0.2), p < 0.01] and motivation [−0.8, 95% CI (−1.1, −0.5), p < 0.01] compared with social-control at the time of hospital discharge. In contrast, social-control participants gained capability and motivation over the 6-months, and no significant differences were found between groups in capability [0.001, 95% CI (−0.2, 0.2), p = 0.9] and motivation [−0.01, 95% CI (−0.3, 0.3), p = 0.9] at follow-up. Tailored fall prevention education is recommended around hospital discharge. Participants still needed to overcome barriers to falls prevention engagement post hospitalization. Thus, tailored education along with direct clinical services such as physiotherapy and social supports is warranted for older people to avoid falls and regain function following hospitalization

    Reducing falls in older adults recently discharged from hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Older adults are known to have increased falls rates and functional decline following hospital discharge, with substantial economic healthcare costs. This systematic review aimed to synthesise the evidence for effective falls prevention interventions in older adults recently discharged from hospital. Methods: Literature searches of six databases of quantitative studies conducted from 1990 to June 2017, reporting falls outcomes of falls prevention interventions for community-dwelling older adults discharged from hospital were included. Study quality was assessed using a standardised JBI critical appraisal tool (MAStARI) and data pooled using Rev-Man Review Manager® Results: Sixteen studies (total sample size N= 3,290, from eight countries, mean age 77) comprising 12 interventions met inclusion criteria. We found home hazard modification interventions delivered to those with a previous falls history (1 study), was effective in reducing the number of falls (RR 0.63, 95%CI 0.43, 0.93, Low GRADE evidence). Home exercise interventions (3 studies) significantly increased the proportion of fallers (OR 1.74, 95%CI 1.17, 2.60, Moderate GRADE evidence), and did not significantly reduce falls rate (RR 1.27, 95%CI 0.99, 1.62, Very Low GRADE evidence) or falls injury rate (RR1.16, 95%CI, 0.83,1.63, Low GRADE evidence). Nutritional supplementation for malnourished older adults (1 study) significantly reduced the proportion of fallers (HR 0.41, 95% CI 0.19, 0.86, Low GRADE evidence). Conclusion: The recommended falls prevention interventions for older adults recently discharged from hospital are to provide home hazard minimisation particularly if they have a recent previous falls history and consider nutritional supplementation if they are malnourished

    Interpretative and predictive modelling of Joint European Torus collisionality scans

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    Transport modelling of Joint European Torus (JET) dimensionless collisionality scaling experiments in various operational scenarios is presented. Interpretative simulations at a fixed radial position are combined with predictive JETTO simulations of temperatures and densities, using the TGLF transport model. The model includes electromagnetic effects and collisions as well as □(→┬E ) X □(→┬B ) shear in Miller geometry. Focus is on particle transport and the role of the neutral beam injection (NBI) particle source for the density peaking. The experimental 3-point collisionality scans include L-mode, and H-mode (D and H and higher beta D plasma) plasmas in a total of 12 discharges. Experimental results presented in (Tala et al 2017 44th EPS Conf.) indicate that for the H-mode scans, the NBI particle source plays an important role for the density peaking, whereas for the L-mode scan, the influence of the particle source is small. In general, both the interpretative and predictive transport simulations support the experimental conclusions on the role of the NBI particle source for the 12 JET discharges

    Variability of Target Volume Delineation in Cervical Esophageal Cancer

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    PURPOSE: Three-dimensional (3D) conformal radiation therapy (CRT) assumes and requires the precise delineation of the target volume. To assess the consistency of target volume delineation by radiation oncologists, who treat esophageal cancers, we have performed a transCanada survey. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One of three case presentations, including CT scan images, of different stages of cervical esophageal cancer was randomly chosen and sent by mail. Respondents were asked to fill in questionnaires regarding treatment techniques and to outline boost target volumes for the primary tumor on CT scans, using ICRU-50 definitions. RESULTS: Of 58 radiation oncologists who agreed to participate, 48 (83%) responded. The external beam techniques used were mostly anterior-posterior fields, followed by a multifield boost technique. Brachytherapy was employed by 21% of the oncologists, and concurrent chemotherapy by 88%. For a given case, and the three volumes defined by ICRU-50 (i.e., gross tumor volume [GTV], clinical target volume [CTV], and planning target volume [PTV]) we determined: 1. The total length in the cranio-caudal dimension; 2. the mean diameter in the transverse slice that was located in a CT slice that was common to all participants; 3. the total volume for each ICRU volume; and 4. the (5, 95) percentiles for each parameter. The PTV showed a mean length of 14.4 (9.6, 18.0) cm for Case A, 9.4 (5.0, 15.0) cm for Case B, 11.8 (6.0, 16.0) cm for Case C, a mean diameter of 6.4 (5.0, 9.4) cm for Case A, 4.4 (0.0, 7.3) cm for Case B, 5.2 (3.9, 7.3) cm for Case C, and a mean volume of 320 (167, 840) cm3 for Case A and 176 (60, 362) cm3 for Case C. The results indicate variability factors (95 percentile divided by 5 percentile values) in target diameters of 1.5 to 2.6, and in target lengths of 1.9 to 5.0. CONCLUSION: There was a substantial inconsistency in defining the planning target volume, both transversely and longitudinally, among radiation oncologists. The potential benefits of 3D treatment planning with high-precision dose delivery could be offset by this inconsistency in target-volume delineation by radiation oncologists. This may be particularly important for multicenter clinical trials, for which quality assurance of this step will be essential to the interpretation of results

    Radiation Treatment for Cervical Esophagus: Patterns of Practice Study in Canada, 1996

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    PURPOSE: To assess the patterns of practice among Canadian radiation oncologists who treat esophageal cancers, using a trans-Canada survey, completed at the end of 1996. METHODS AND MATERIALS: One of 3 case presentations of different stages of cervical esophageal cancer was randomly assigned and sent to participating radiation oncologists by mail. Respondents were asked to fill in questionnaires regarding treatment techniques and to outline target volumes for the boost phase of radiotherapy. Radiation oncologists from 26 of 27 (96%) of all Canadian centers participated. RESULTS: High-energy X-rays (\u3e/= 10 MV) were employed by 68% of the respondents in part of the treatment course. The majority (83%) of the radiation oncologists used at least two phases of treatment. Very few, 10 of 59 (17%), responses started with multifield treatment. The most frequently used prescription dose was 60 Gy/30 fractions/6 weeks, given with concurrent chemotherapy. Dose prescriptions were to the isocenter in 39 of 48 (81%) or to a particular isodose line in 9 of 48 (19%) of respondents. CONCLUSION: There was a variety of radiation treatment techniques in this trans-Canada survey. The majority of the patients had combined cisplatin-based chemoradiation. The isocenter was not used consistently as a dose prescription point
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