1,849 research outputs found

    Damping capacity of a model steel structure

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    The damping capacities of seven model steel structures, each consisting of a heavy steel platform supported on four columns, have been determined from forced vibration tests. The vibrations were produced by an eccentric-mass vibration generator, and the amplitudes ranged from small displacements up to slightly greater than yield displacement. The tests were terminated at the higher amplitudes once fatigue cracks formed in any of the joint welds in the columns. For vibration amplitudes up to a critical amplitude slightly less than yield displacement, the damping factors of the structures were constant, independent of amplitude, and ranged between .15 and .25~ for different structures. At vibration amplitudes greater than the critical amplitude, the damping factors of the structures became functions of amplitude. For example, the damping factor of one test structure increased from .15 to 1.~ as the displacement amplitude increased from 1.1 to 1.4 inches. The last structure tested revealed that a few cycles of vibration at amplitudes greater than the critical amplitude would increase these values slightly. Finally, the results summarized above are compared with the results of: {i) experimental work conducted by Lazan; {ii) reversed loading tests conducted on cantilever beams of similar construction to those tested in the work described in this report; and (iii) experimental work conducted by Hanson

    The dynamic behavior of steel frame and truss buildings

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    This report describes experimental and analytical studies of the dynamic behavior of the East Building of the University of California\u27s new Medical Center at San Francisco, California. It also describes experimental tests conducted on the East Building\u27s mechanical service tower and on an adjacent elevator tower. Experimental tests on the East Building were conducted in the summers of 1964 and 1965. Vibrations were produced by eccentric-masstype vibration generators. Frequency responses, time responses, and mode shapes were observed. In the summer 1964 tests, the first mode east-west had 2% of critical damping and the first mode north-south had 1.8%; the values of damping for the higher modes lay in the range 0.4% to 0.9% of critical In the summer 1965 tests, the damping capacity measurements were mostly in the range 5 to 10% of critical. The cause of this increase in damping capacity was investigated in the fall 1965 tests. The fall 1965 tests showed that although the East Building was designed as free-standing, it was dynamically coupled to its adjacent buildings The relatively large damping capacity of this coupled system has been attributed to the Coulomb damping provided by non-structural connections between buildings An analytical model of the East Building was formulated to provide behavior corresponding to the summer 1964 test results. A standard openframe- type model was found capable of representing the dynamic behavior of the real structure. The analytical model was subjected to the El Centro earthquake ground acceleration record in a digital computer analysis. With 5% critical damping in the first few modes, no members of the frame yielded, but when the intensity of the earthquake was increased by a factor of 1.3, some members did yield

    Arctic lagoon and nearshore food webs: Relative contributions of terrestrial organic matter, phytoplankton, and phytobenthos vary with consumer foraging dynamics

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    Characterizing energy flow and trophic linkages is fundamental to understanding the functioning and resilience of Arctic ecosystems under increasing pressure from climate change and anthropogenic exploitation. We used carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes to examine trophic dynamics and the relative contribution of terrestrial organic matter, water column phytoplankton, and phytobenthos (benthic micro- and macro-autotrophs as well as sea ice algae) to the food webs supporting 45 macroconsumers in three Arctic coastal lagoon ecosystems (Krusenstern, Sisualik, Akulaaq) and the adjacent Kotzebue Sound with varying degrees of connectivity in Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Alaska. A two-source (water column particulate organic matter and benthic sediment organic matter), two-isotope trophic dynamics model informed by a Bayesian isotope mixing model revealed that the Lagoon-Kotzebue Sound coastal ecosystem supported consumers along a trophic position continuum from primary consumers, including amphipods, copepods, and clams to trophic level five predators, such as seastars, piscivorous fishes, seals, and seabirds. The relative contribution of the three primary producer end members, terrestrial organic matter (41 ± 21%), phytoplankton (25 ± 21%), and phytobenthos (34 ± 23%) varied as a function of: 1) consumer foraging ecology and 2) consumer location. Suspension feeders received most of their carbon from food webs based on phytoplankton (49 ± 11%) and terrestrial organic matter (23 ± 5%), whereas herbivores and detritivores received the majority of their carbon from phytobenthos-based food webs, 58 ± 10% and 60 ± 8%, respectively. Omnivores and predators showed more even distributions of resource reliance and greater overall variance among species. Within the invertebrates, the importance of terrestrial organic matter decreased and phytobenthos increased with increasing trophic position. The importance of terrestrial organic matter contribution increased with lagoon proximity to major rivers inputs and isolation from Kotzebue Sound. Several taxa with cultural and subsistence food importance to local communities showed significant reliance (30–90% of baseline carbon) on food chains linked to fresh terrestrial organic matter. Our study indicates that terrestrial-marine linkages are important to the function of Arctic coastal lagoon ecosystems and artisanal fisheries. These linkages are likely to strengthen in the future with regional changes in erosion and runoff associated with climate change and anthropogenic disturbance

    Easy on that trigger dad: a study of long term family photo retrieval

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    We examine the effects of new technologies for digital photography on people's longer term storage and access to collections of personal photos. We report an empirical study of parents' ability to retrieve photos related to salient family events from more than a year ago. Performance was relatively poor with people failing to find almost 40% of pictures. We analyze participants' organizational and access strategies to identify reasons for this poor performance. Possible reasons for retrieval failure include: storing too many pictures, rudimentary organization, use of multiple storage systems, failure to maintain collections and participants' false beliefs about their ability to access photos. We conclude by exploring the technical and theoretical implications of these findings

    Collaborative writing with young people with disabilities: raising new questions of authorship and agency

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    The process of communication between author and reader is a critical issue in examining any text. When considering the communication of ideas from young people whose voices are seldom heard, the journey from author to audience has particular significance. The construction of children and young people as ‘authors’ is important, especially for those with learning difficulties or who struggle to comply with the current emphasis on spelling, punctuation and grammar. This article relates to a UK Research-Council-funded three-year collaborative research project involving the co-creation of fictional stories with young people with disabilities to represent aspects of their lives. Drawing on frameworks from narratology, I analyse the co-creation of one of the stories, and present an interpretation and elaboration of the discourse structure of narrative fiction to illustrate the complexities of the relationship between the multi-faceted ‘author’ and community ‘reader’ of these stories. The combination of qualitative research and fictional prose has particular characteristics and implications for the dissemination and communication of research findings; while extending feminist critique of Barthes’ claim for the death of the author provides new insights for engaging children in writing with their own voice

    Benthic community response to ice algae and phytoplankton in Ny Ålesund, Svalbard

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    Author Posting. © Inter-Research, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of Inter-Research for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Marine Ecology Progress Series 310 (2006): 1-14, doi:10.3354/meps310001.We assessed the digestibility and utilization of ice algae and phytoplankton by the shallow, subtidal benthos in Ny Ålesund (Kongsfjord) on Svalbard (79°N, 12°E) using chlorophyll a (chl a), essential fatty acids (EFAs) and stable isotopes as tracers of food consumption and assimilation. Intact benthic communities in sediment cores and individuals of dominant benthic taxa were given ice algae, phytoplankton, 13C-enriched ice algae or a no food addition control for 19 to 32 d. Ice algae and phytoplankton had significantly different isotopic signatures and relative concentrations of fatty acids. In the food addition cores, sediment concentrations of chl a and the EFA C20:5(n-3) were elevated by 80 and 93%, respectively, compared to the control after 12 h, but decreased to background levels by 19 d, suggesting that both ice algae and phytoplankton were rapidly consumed. Whole core respiration rates in the ice algae treatments were 1.4 times greater than in the other treatments within 12 h of food addition. In the ice algae treatment, both suspension and deposit feeding taxa from 3 different phyla (Mollusca, Annelida and Sipuncula) exhibited significant enrichment in ÎŽ13C values compared to the control. Deposit feeders (15% uptake), however, exhibited significantly greater uptake of the 13C-enriched ice algae tracer than suspension feeders (3% uptake). Our study demonstrates that ice algae are readily consumed and assimilated by the Arctic benthos, and may be preferentially selected by some benthic species (i.e. deposit feeders) due to their elevated EFA content, thus serving as an important component of the Arctic benthic food web.Funding for this study came from the National Science Foundation (Grant numbers OPP- 0514115 to W.G.A.; OPP-0222410 to L.M.C.; OPP-0222408 to M.-Y.S.; OPP0222500 to G.R.L.), the Norwegian Research Council (Grant number 151815-720 to M.L.C.), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through Bates College and the Maine Marine Research Fund

    TEMPRANILLO is a regulator of juvenility in plants

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    Many plants are incapable of flowering in inductive daylengths during the early juvenile vegetative phase (JVP). Arabidopsis mutants with reduced expression of TEMPRANILLO (TEM), a repressor of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) had a shorter JVP than wild-type plants. Reciprocal changes in mRNA expression of TEM and FT were observed in both Arabidopsis and antirrhinum, which correlated with the length of the JVP. FT expression was induced just prior to the end of the JVP and levels of TEM1 mRNA declined rapidly at the time when FT mRNA levels were shown to increase. TEM orthologs were isolated from antirrhinum (AmTEM) and olive (OeTEM) and were expressed most highly during their juvenile phase. AmTEM functionally complemented AtTEM1 in the tem1 mutant and over-expression of AmTEM prolonged the JVP through repression of FT and CONSTANS (CO). We propose that TEM may have a general role in regulating JVP in herbaceous and woody species

    A phenomenological exploration of exercise mental toughness: perceptions of exercise leaders and regular exercisers

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    Although elite sport has provided an ideal context for exploring mental toughness (MT), currently, there is scant research examining how this construct might be equally applicable in exercise settings, where high rates of attrition have been reported. The present research, therefore, aimed to address this gap, and to understand and conceptualise exercise mental toughness (EMT) through in-depth phenomenological interviews with a range of exercise leaders and exercise participants. Seven qualified and experienced exercise leaders and seven regular and frequent exercisers from formal exercise environments (i.e. gym and fitness classes) were interviewed. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed independently by members of the interdisciplinary research team. Key themes were agreed and member checking was used to promote trustworthiness of interpretations. MT was recognisable in exercise settings, with 10 general dimensions found to be relatively consistent with conceptualisations derived from elite sport (e.g. commitment, focus, emotional control, etc.). Importantly, present findings reveal how mentally tough exercisers think and behave in exercise settings. Some negative consequences were also reported such as over-training and training with injuries. The article also discusses how components of EMT may be valuable in terms of exercise maintenance and relapse prevention during exercise behaviour change

    Earthquake research in China

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    A visit to China of an American seismological delegation, which took place October 5 to November 5, 1974, is covered in this report. The Americans were sponsored by the Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China (CSCPRC), and the hosts in China were the Scientific and Technical Association and the State Seismological Bureau. The CSCPRC is sponsored jointly by the National Academy of Sciences, the Social Science Research Council, and the American Council of Learned Societies. The visit had its origins in an invitation extended in January 1973 by Carl Kisslinger, as President of the Seismological Society of America, to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to send representatives to a Symposium on Earthquake Prediction Research. Although the Chinese declined to participate, this invitation was one step towards a reciprocal exchange of seismologists between the United States and the People's Republic of China. Several months after Kisslinger's letter the CSCPRC visited Peking. Their purpose was to arrange an exchange program with the Chinese Scientific and Technical Association. Prompted by Kisslinger, the committee's proposals for American delegations included seismology. Not only was this particular exchange accepted, but the Chinese in turn suggested that a Chinese seismology group visit the United States
