340 research outputs found

    Crustal fault reactivation facilitating lithospheric folding/buckling in the central Indian Ocean

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    High-quality, normal-incidence seismic reflection data confirm that tectonic deformation in the central Indian Ocean occurs at two spatial scales: whole lithosphere folding with wavelengths varying between 100 and 300 km, and compressional reactivation of crustal faults with a characteristic spacing of c. 5 km. Faults penetrate through the crust and probably into the upper mantle. Both types of deformation are driven by regional large intraplate stresses originating from the Indo-Eurasian collision. Numerical modelling of the spatial and temporal relationships between these two modes of deformations shows that, in agreement with geophysical observations, crustal faults are reactivated first with stick-slip behaviour. Subsequent lithospheric folding does not start until horizontal loading has significantly reduced the mechanical strength of the lithosphere, as predicted by elasto-plastic buckling theory. Modelling suggests that lithospheric folding does not develop in the absence of fault reactivation. Crustal fault reactivation, therefore, appears to be a key facilitating mechanism for oceanic lithospheric buckling in the central Indian Ocean

    A lithospheric cross-section through the Swiss Alps—II. Constraints on the mechanical structure of a continent-continent collision zone

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    The calculation of strength profiles along the European Geotraverse (EGT) through the Swiss Alps yields constraints on the large-scale vertical and lateral mechanical structure through the Alpine continent-continent collision zone. Strength profiles are evaluated for different assumptions on petrological stratification and strain rate and are based on temperature-depth profiles derived from transient thermo-kinematic modelling of the Neoalpine orogeny. The main contribution to the total strength results from the mantle lithosphere, which is strongly controlled by temperature. In contrast, the crustal contribution is mainly determined by variations in petrological stratification. A direct correlation between surface heat flow and the total strength of the crust, the mantle lithosphere and the entire lithosphere (crust and mantle lithosphere) is not observed. Our results demonstrate that in tectonically active areas a transient thermal model, along with detailed knowledge of the deep structure and petrology, is necessary to evaluate lithospheric strength envelopes. Inside the collision zone, strain rate has a strong control on the bottom of the mechanically strong crust, whereas outside the collision zone the effect is less significant. The cut-off depth of seismicity along the profile, which correlates largely with the bottom of the mechanically strong crust, deviates from the 300-400°C isotherm. The inferred effective elastic thickness for the Molasse Basin north of the Alps is in agreement with flexural modelling results, whereas for the Southern Alps the predictions deviat

    Територія і кордон як фактори формування етнічної ідентичності (за матеріалами досліджень прикордонних територій Брянської області)

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    В статье на основе современного исследования, проведённого среди населения Брянской области России, которое проживает на пограничье с Беларусью и Украиной, отражён процесс формирования этнической идентичности у местных подростков (16–18 лет). Также проанализирован ряд идентичных критериев, факторов исторического взаимодействия трёх восточнославянских народов в сфере образования, культуры, языка, конфессиональной принадлежности и т. п.Based on the modern investigation amongst the Russian Briansk Oblast people living on the frontier with Byelorussia and Ukraine there is an elucidation of the ethnical identity formative process amidst the local teenagers (16–18-year-old). Moreover analysed is a number of the identical criteria and factors of the historical interrelations of the three Eastern Slavonic nations in the fields of education, culture, language, confession, etc

    TOPO-EUROPE: Coupled Deep Earth - Surface Processes in Europe

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    TOPO-EUROPE is a multidisciplinary international research program that addresses the interaction of processes inherent to the deep Earth (lithosphere, mantle) with surface processes (erosion, climate, sea level), which together shaped the topography of Europe. The objective of the TOPO-EUROPE project is to assess neotectonic deformation rates and to quantify related geo-risks, such as earthquakes, flooding, landslides, rock falls and volcanism. Research, incorporating iterative data interactive modelling, focuses on the lithosphere memory and neotectonics, with special attention on the thermo-mechanical structure of the lithosphere, mechanisms controlling large-scale plate boundary and intraplate deformations, anomalous subsidence and uplift, and links with surface processes and topography evolution. The TOPO-EUROPE natural laboratories, in which these processes are analysed, cover a wide range of geodynamic settings. These include the post-collisional Alpine/Carpathian/Pannonian-Basin system, the very active Aegean-Anatolian and Apennines-Tyrrhenian orogens and back-arc basins, the Caucasus-Levant area in the Arabia-Europe collision zone, the Iberian Peninsula caught up between Alpine orogens, the meta-stable West and Central European Platform, the stable East-European Platform and the seismically active and elevated Scandinavian continental margin. The TOPO-EUROPE project is a component of the International Lithosphere Program and was initiated with the support of Academia Europaea. A European Science Foundation EUROCORES project provides funding for part of the TOPO-EUROPE research. Other parts of TOPO-EUROPE require support by participating organization

    Role of Large Igneous Provinces in continental break-up varying from “Shirker” to “Producer”

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    Traditionally, the emplacement of the Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) is considered to have caused continental break-up. However, this does not always seem to be the case, as illustrated by, for example, the Siberian Traps, one of the most voluminous flood basalt events in Earth history, which was not followed by lithospheric rupture. Moreover, the classical model of purely active (plume-induced) rifting and continental break-up often fails to do justice to widely varying tectonic impacts of Phanerozoic LIPs. Here, we show that the role of the LIPs in rupture of the lithosphere ranges from initial dominance (e.g., Deccan LIP) to activation (e.g., Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, CAMP) or alignment (e.g., Afar LIP). A special case is the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP), formed due to the “re-awakening” of the Iceland plume by the lateral propagation of the spreading ridge and the simultaneous approach of the plume conduit to adjacent segments of the thinner overlying lithosphere. The proposed new classification of LIPs may provide useful guidance for future research, particularly with respect to some inherent limitations of the common paradigm of purely passive continental break-up and the assumption of a direct link between internal mantle dynamics and the timing of near-surface magmatism

    Політика українських урядів щодо формування системи навчальних закладів національних меншин за часів виборювання державності (1917-1920 рр.)

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    У статті мова йде про політику Центральної Ради, урядів гетьмана П. Скоропадського та Директорії УНР щодо створення мережі загальноосвітніх шкіл національних меншин. З'ясовується комплекс проблем, які доводилось вирішувати з освітніх питань, та особливості формування мережі шкіл національних меншин залежно від змін історичних подій.В статье речь идёт о политике Центральной Рады, правительства гетмана П. Скоропадского и Директории УНР по вопросу формирования сети общеобразовательных школ национальных меньшинств. Изучается комплекс проблем, которые приходилось решать в образовательной сфере, и особенности формирования сети школ национальных меньшинств в зависимости от изменений исторических событий.The article is devoted to the policy of Central Rada, getman P.Skoropatsky's government and Directory UNR which organized the system of secondary schools for national minorities. Complex of problems which had been solved in the context of educational sphere and the specific of forming of the system of educational establishments for national minorities depending on historical events are analysed

    фольклорно-етнографічні матеріали на сторінках журналу «Основа»

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    In the article folk and ethnographical materials of the «Osnova» magazine are analyzed. The role of this edition in development of the ethnography is defined

    Large scale deformation in a locked collisional boundary: Interplay between subsidence and uplift, intraplate stress and inherited lithospheric structure in the late stage of the SE Carpathians evolution.

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    The interplay between slab dynamics and intraplate stresses in postcollisional times creates large near-surface deformation, particularly in highly bent orogens with significant lateral variations in mechanical properties. This deformation is expressed through abnormal foredeep geometries and contrasting patterns of vertical movements. Intraplate folding is often the controlling mechanism, particularly when the orogenic belt is locked. The study of these tectonic processes in the SE Carpathians indicates a generalized subsidence period during latest Miocene-Pliocene times driven by the slab-pull and an intraplate folding due to an overall Quaternary inversion. The latter accommodates -5 km ESE-ward movement of this area with respect to the neighboring units, which creates complicated three-dimensional deformation patterns potentially driven at a larger scale by the interaction between the Adriatic indentor and the entire Carpathians system. The lithospheric anisotropy inherited from the subduction times concentrates strain and induces large-scale deformation far away from the active plate margins. This anisotropy is dynamic because of deep mantle processes related to the subducted slab during postcollisional times, such as thermal reequilibration or increase in slab dip. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union