439 research outputs found

    Die dood van die kind.

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    Die dood van Totius se twee kinders in 1920 was die aanleiding tot wat as sy beste bundel beskou word, Passieblomme; maar hierdie bundel is ook op ’n wel sonderlinge wyse vanaf sy eerste bundel as ’t warevoorberei; vóór Passieblomme het hy reeds ’n hele aantal gedigte oor die dood van die kind geskryf

    Waardering vir en 'n versoek aan prof. Labuschagne.

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    Daar is van die Nederlandse taalkundige Verdenius gesê dat diegene wat nie by hom klas geloop het nie, die ware Verdenius nie geken het nie, want hy het betreklik weinig gepubliseer en was veel groter taalkundige as wat hierdie gepubliseerde werk kon laat vermoed het

    Onbedoelde land (Bernard Odendaal)

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    Pirouette.Aniel Botha. Kaapstad: Quellerie, 2012.66 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7958-0032-0

    Noudat slapende honde (Ronelda Kamfer)

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    Tendense in vyf nuwe digbundels

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    This article reviews five recent (2008–2009) Afrikaans poetry collections by Antjie Krog, Johann de Lange, Joan Hambidge, Danie Marais and Loftus Marais respectively. Through an integrative discussion the reviewer establishes a number of key tendencies such as these poets’ ongoing concern with the nature of poetry or the act of writing, their exploration of intertextual meaning, their parodying or debunking of poetic conventions or their poetical appropriation of the ordinary.&nbsp

    An investigation of impact breakage of rocks using the split Hopkinson pressure bar

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    Discrete element methods (DEM) are being used to provide detailed impact histories of the particles in comminution devices, such as mills. To match this immense detail of information, far more informative breakage tests than those that are generally conducted are now required. The split Hopkinson pressure bar apparatus is used in this study, as it allows the calculation of breakage forces and absorbed energies. The geometry of rock particles has been identified as significant, so this project undertook to identify the influence of shape on the breakage pattern of blue stone. Comparisons are then made between the breakage pattern of angular rocks and rounded, milled rocks for single impact fracture and consecutive impact loading at low energy. Results of this experiment indicate that although breakage for both geometries occurs over a similar energy range, rounded particles have the greater probability of fracture because they absorb more of the impact energy for a given loading. Size distributions of progeny show that five pebbles or more are sufficient to predict the distribution of most particles in small energy regimes. Cumulative impact testing shows that considerably more energy is required to break a rock through cumulative damage than through a single impact—this is of considerable importance in the light of the indications from DEM simulations that most breakage in a mill will be from cumulative damage rather than single impact breakage

    Polyphasic taxonomic characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from spontaneous sorghum fermentations used to produce ting, a traditional South African food

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    Ting, an indigenous cooked fermented food made from sorghum flour, is consumed extensively in South Africa. Due to the spontaneous nature of the sorghum fermentation considerable variations in the sensory and microbial quality of the end-product may occur, thus hampering large-scale production of this food. The use of starter cultures purified from the fermented sorghum may be an alternative approach to obtain ting of consistent quality. The aim of this study was therefore to identify the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) associated with ting fermentation using a polyphasic approach. Phenotypic characterization and sequence analysis of the genes encoding the 16S subunit of the ribosomal RNA (rrs) and phenylalanyl tRNA synthase (pheS) were used. The results of these analyses showed that ting fermentation involved at least three different species of LAB, i.e. Lactobacillus fermentum, L. plantarum and L. rhamnosus. To our knowledge, this is the first report of polyphasic taxonomic characterization of LAB from this food. This research forms an essential first step towards the development of relevant starter cultures to produce ting of consistent quality

    Assessment of the genetic diversity of geographical unrelated Microcystis aeruginosa strains using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs)

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    Molecular marker analysis is becoming increasingly capable of identifying informative genetic variation. Amplified fragment length polymorphism markers (AFLPs) are among the recent innovations in genetic marker technologies, and provide a greater capacity for genome coverage and more reproducible results than previous technologies. We have investigated the usefulness of AFLP, which is based on the selective amplification of genomic restriction fragments by PCR, to differentiate between geographical unrelated Microcystis strains. In total 23 strains were subjected to the AFLP fingerprinting. After analysis of the data on the basis of the average linkage method, known as the Unweighted Pair Group Method using Arithmetic averages (UPGMA), a dendrogram with four clusters was obtained. Cluster 1 consisted mainly of the NIES strains that originated from Japan, while in cluster 2 the European strains grouped together. The South African strains that originated from the northern part of the country group together in cluster 3, while the strains collected from the central and southern regions group together with the US strains in cluster 4. The study had reveals extensive evidence for the applicability of AFLP in cyanobacterial taxonomy, and furthermore clearly demonstrates the superior discriminative power of AFLP towards the differentiation of geographical unrelated Microcystis aeruginosa strains that belong to the same species, as well as highlighting the potential of this fingerprinting method in evolutionary studies.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (5), pp. 389-399, 200


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    The diphenyl­phosphine groups in the title compound, C29H31NP2, are staggered relative to the PNP backbone. The N atom adopts an almost planar geometry with the two P atoms and the C atom attached to it, in order to accommodate the steric bulk of the phenyl groups and the alkyl group. Three C atoms of the 1,2-dimethylpropylamine group are disordered over two positions in a 9:1 ratio. The mol­ecules pack diagonally in the unit cell across the ac plane in a head-to-tail fashion