An investigation of impact breakage of rocks using the split Hopkinson pressure bar


Discrete element methods (DEM) are being used to provide detailed impact histories of the particles in comminution devices, such as mills. To match this immense detail of information, far more informative breakage tests than those that are generally conducted are now required. The split Hopkinson pressure bar apparatus is used in this study, as it allows the calculation of breakage forces and absorbed energies. The geometry of rock particles has been identified as significant, so this project undertook to identify the influence of shape on the breakage pattern of blue stone. Comparisons are then made between the breakage pattern of angular rocks and rounded, milled rocks for single impact fracture and consecutive impact loading at low energy. Results of this experiment indicate that although breakage for both geometries occurs over a similar energy range, rounded particles have the greater probability of fracture because they absorb more of the impact energy for a given loading. Size distributions of progeny show that five pebbles or more are sufficient to predict the distribution of most particles in small energy regimes. Cumulative impact testing shows that considerably more energy is required to break a rock through cumulative damage than through a single impact—this is of considerable importance in the light of the indications from DEM simulations that most breakage in a mill will be from cumulative damage rather than single impact breakage

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