6,577 research outputs found

    Unlocking Undergraduate Problem Solving

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    It is difficult to find good problems for undergraduates. In this article, we explore an interesting problem that can be used in virtually any mathematics course. We then offer natural generalizations, state and prove some related results, and ultimately end with several open problems suitable for undergraduate research. Finally, we attempt to shed some light on what makes a problem interesting

    Supersymmetric Electroweak Baryogenesis in the WKB approximation

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    We calculate the baryon asymmetry generated at the electroweak phase transition in the minimal supersymmetric standard model, treating the particles in a WKB approximation in the bubble wall background. A set of diffusion equations for the particle species relevant to baryon generation, including source terms arising from the CP violation associated with the complex phase δ\delta of the μ\mu parameter, are derived from Boltzmann equations, and solved. The conclusion is that δ\delta must be \gsim 0.1 to generate a baryon asymmetry consistent with nucleosynthesis. We compare our results to several other recent computations of the effect, arguing that some are overestimates.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, corrected some criticisms of hep-ph/9702409; to appear in Phys. Lett.

    No new limit on the size distribution of gamma-ray bursts

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    The results of a study (Carter et. al.) of gamma ray bursts using long duration balloon exposure are analyzed. Arguments are presented against the conclusion that the size spectrum extrapolates to a power law with index from -1.0 to -0.5, and that therefore the gamma ray bursts are of galactic origin. It is claimed that the data are consistent with an upper limit over 100 times that proposed, and that therefore no conclusion can be drawn from the measurements regarding the nature or origin of gamma ray bursts. The resulting upper limit to the rate of occurrence of small bursts lies above the -1.5 index power law extrapolation of the size spectrum of known events, i.e., greater than the rate expected from an infinitely extended source region

    Testing for Features in the Primordial Power Spectrum

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    Well-known causality arguments show that events occurring during or at the end of inflation, associated with reheating or preheating, could contribute a blue component to the spectrum of primordial curvature perturbations, with the dependence k^3. We explore the possibility that they could be observably large in CMB, LSS, and Lyman-alpha data. We find that a k^3 component with a cutoff at some maximum k can modestly improve the fits (Delta chi^2=2.0, 5.4) of the low multipoles (l ~ 10 - 50) or the second peak (l ~ 540) of the CMB angular spectrum when the three-year WMAP data are used. Moreover, the results from WMAP are consistent with the CBI, ACBAR, 2dFGRS, and SDSS data when they are included in the analysis. Including the SDSS galaxy clustering power spectrum, we find weak positive evidence for the k^3 component at the level of Delta chi' = 2.4, with the caveat that the nonlinear evolution of the power spectrum may not be properly treated in the presence of the k^3 distortion. To investigate the high-k regime, we use the Lyman-alpha forest data (LUQAS, Croft et al., and SDSS Lyman-alpha); here we find evidence at the level Delta chi^2' = 3.8. Considering that there are two additional free parameters in the model, the above results do not give a strong evidence for features; however, they show that surprisingly large bumps are not ruled out. We give constraints on the ratio between the k^3 component and the nearly scale-invariant component, r_3 < 1.5, over the range of wave numbers 0.0023/Mpc < k < 8.2/Mpc. We also discuss theoretical models which could lead to the k^3 effect, including ordinary hybrid inflation and double D-term inflation models. We show that the well-motivated k^3 component is also a good representative of the generic spikelike feature in the primordial perturbation power spectrum.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; added new section on theoretical motivation for k^3 term, and discussion of double D-term hybrid inflation models; title changed, added a new section discussing the generic spikelike features, published in IJMP

    Bald Eagle Investigations

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    Narrow-line Laser Cooling by Adiabatic Transfer

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    We propose and demonstrate a novel laser cooling mechanism applicable to particles with narrow-linewidth optical transitions. By sweeping the frequency of counter-propagating laser beams in a sawtooth manner, we cause adiabatic transfer back and forth between the ground state and a long-lived optically excited state. The time-ordering of these adiabatic transfers is determined by Doppler shifts, which ensures that the associated photon recoils are in the opposite direction to the particle's motion. This ultimately leads to a robust cooling mechanism capable of exerting large forces via a weak transition and with reduced reliance on spontaneous emission. We present a simple intuitive model for the resulting frictional force, and directly demonstrate its efficacy for increasing the total phase-space density of an atomic ensemble. We rely on both simulation and experimental studies using the 7.5~kHz linewidth 1^1S0_0 to 3^3P1_1 transition in 88^{88}Sr. The reduced reliance on spontaneous emission may allow this adiabatic sweep method to be a useful tool for cooling particles that lack closed cycling transitions, such as molecules.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Supersymmetric electroweak phase transition: beyond perturbation theory

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    We compute the three-dimensional effective action for the minimal supersymmetric standard model, which describes the light modes of the theory near the finite-temperature electroweak phase transition, keeping the one-loop corrections from the third generation quarks and squarks. Using the lattice results of Kajantie et al. for the phase transition in the same class of 3-D models, we find that the strength of the phase transition is sufficient for electroweak baryogenesis, in much broader regions of parameter space than have been indicated by purely perturbative analyses. In particular we find that, while small values of \tan\beta are favored, positive results persist even for arbitrarily large values of \tan\beta if the mass of the A^0 boson is between 40 and 100 GeV, a region of parameters which has not been previously identified as being favorable for electroweak baryogenesis