5 research outputs found

    Characterization and Modeling of Atrioventricular Conduction during Atrial Fibrillation

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    La fibrilación auricular (FA) es una de las arritmias cardiacas más comunes, la cual afecta alrededor del 10% de la población de más de 70 años. En FA, los impulsos eléctricos auriculares generados por el nodo sinusal son sustituidos por impulsos eléctricos desorganizados. Esto esta asociado con un bombardeo irregular de activaciones auriculares hacia el nodo AV. Dado que el nodo AV no puede conducir todas estas activaciones, algunas de ellas son bloqueadas en el nodo. Esta propiedad de filtrado que tiene el nodo es fundamental para mantener el ritmo cardiaco en un rango compatible con la vida. Sin embargo, la respuesta ventricular durante FA presenta intervalos RR (tiempo entre dos activaciones) más cortos e irregulares que durante ritmo sinusal. Al ser el nodo AV la única estructura responsable para la conducción de los latidos auriculares hacia los ventrículos, las estrategias terapéuticas para controlar el ritmo cardiaco durante FA tratan de utilizar y ajustar las propiedades de conducción del nodo. Sin embargo, sigue sin estar suficientemente entendido el papel que dichas propiedades de conducción juegan para controlar y modular la respuesta ventricular durante FA. Durante el desarrollo de la presente tesis se han investigado en diferentes especies y con diversas técnicas algunas de las principales características de la conducción del nodo AV con la intención de aportar mayor conocimiento sobre esta intrigante estructura del corazón. Específicamente, se ha analizado uno de los fenómenos más enigmáticos de la respuesta ventricular durante FA: la aparición de patrones de respuesta ventricular multimodales al construir histogramas de RR obtenidos a partir de registros de larga duración. En la literatura se han sugerido diversas teorías que pudiesen explicar la aparición de estos múltiples intervalos RR predominantes. En el desarrollo de la presente disertación se mostrarán algunos resultados incompatibles con dichas teorías, razón por la cual se presenta y defiende una nueva hipótesis que sugiere que los intervalos RR predominantes están relacionados con el proceso fibrilatorio auricular.Martínez Climent, BA. (2011). Characterization and Modeling of Atrioventricular Conduction during Atrial Fibrillation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10985Palanci

    Optical imaging of voltage and calcium in isolated hearts: Linking spatiotemporal heterogeneities and ventricular fibrillation initiation

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    [EN] Background Alternans have been associated with the development of ventricular fibrillation and its control has been proposed as antiarrhythmic strategy. However, cardiac arrhythmias are a spatiotemporal phenomenon in which multiple factors are involved (e.g. calcium and voltage spatial alternans or heterogeneous conduction velocity) and how an antiarrhythmic drug modifies these factors is poorly understood. Objective The objective of the present study is to evaluate the relation between spatial electrophysiological properties (i.e. spatial discordant alternans and conduction velocity) and the induction of ventricular fibrillation (VF) when a calcium blocker is applied. Methods The mechanisms of initiation of VF were studied by simultaneous epicardial voltage and calcium optical mapping in isolated rabbit hearts using an incremental fast pacing protocol. The additional value of analyzing spatial phenomena in the generation of unidirectional blocks and reentries as precursors of VF was depicted. Specifically, the role of action potential duration (APD), calcium transients (CaT), spatial alternans and conduction velocity in the initiation of VF was evaluated during basal conditions and after the administration of verapamil. Results Our results enhance the relation between (1) calcium spatial alternans and (2) slow conduction velocities with the dynamic creation of unidirectional blocks that allowed the induction of VF. In fact, the administration of verapamil demonstrated that calcium and not voltage spatial alternans were the main responsible for VF induction. Conclusions VF induction at high activation rates was linked with the concurrence of a low conduction velocity and high magnitude of calcium alternans, but not necessarily related with increases of APD. Verapamil can postpone the development of cardiac alternans and the apparition of ventricular arrhythmias.This work was funded in part by the CIBERCV (Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red Enfermedades Cardiovasculares), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI14/00857, PI16/01123, DTS16/0160, PI17/01059, PI17/01106 and IJCI-2014-22178); Spanish Ministry of Ecomomy (TEC2013-46067-R); Generalitat Valenciana Grants (APOSTD/2017 and APOSTD/2018) and projects (GVA/2018/103), EIT-Health 19600 AFFINE and cofound by FEDER.Hernández-Romero, I.; Guillem Sánchez, MS.; Figuera, C.; Atienza, F.; Fernández-Avilés, F.; Martínez Climent, BA. (2019). Optical imaging of voltage and calcium in isolated hearts: Linking spatiotemporal heterogeneities and ventricular fibrillation initiation. PLoS ONE. 14(5):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0215951S115145Hayashi, M., Shimizu, W., & Albert, C. M. (2015). The Spectrum of Epidemiology Underlying Sudden Cardiac Death. 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    Minimal configuration of body surface potential mapping for discrimination of left versus right dominant frequencies during atrial fibrillation

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    [EN] Background: Ablation of drivers maintaining atrial fibrillation (AF) has been demonstrated as an effective therapy. Drivers in the form of rapidly activated atrial regions can be noninvasively localized to either left or right atria (LA, RA) with body surface potential mapping (BSPM) systems. This study quantifies the accuracy of dominant frequency (DF) measurements from reduced-leads BSPM systems and assesses the minimal configuration required for ablation guidance. Methods: Nine uniformly distributed lead sets of eight to 66 electrodes were evaluated. BSPM signals were registered simultaneously with intracardiac electrocardiograms (EGMs) in 16 AF patients. DF activity was analyzed on the surface potentials for the nine leads configurations, and the noninvasive measures were compared with the EGM recordings. Results: Surface DF measurements presented similar values than panoramic invasive EGM recordings, showing the highest DF regions in corresponding locations. The noninvasive DFs measures had a high correlation with the invasive discrete recordings; they presented a deviation of 0.8 for leads configurations with 12 or more electrodes. Conclusions: Reduced-leads BSPM systems enable noninvasive discrimination between LA versus RA DFs with similar results as higher-resolution 66-leads system. Our findings demonstrate the possible incorporation of simplified BSPM systems into clinical planning procedures for AF ablation.This work was supported in part by Generalitat-Valenciana Grants [ACIF/2013/021]; Instituto de SaludCarlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion [PI13/00903, PI13-01882, PI14/00857, PI16/01123, TEC2013-46067-R, DTS16/0160 and IJCI-2014-22178] cofound by FEDER.; Spanish Society of Cardiology [Clinical research Grants 2015]; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion [Red RICRD12.0042.0001]; and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [P01-HL039707, P01-HL087226 and R01-HL118304].Rodrigo Bort, M.; Climent Martínez, BA.; Liberos Mascarell, A.; Fernández-Avilés, F.; Atienza, F.; Guillem Sánchez, MS.; Berenfeld, O. (2017). Minimal configuration of body surface potential mapping for discrimination of left versus right dominant frequencies during atrial fibrillation. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 40(8):940-946. https://doi.org/10.1111/pace.13133S940946408Atienza, F., Almendral, J., Ormaetxe, J. M., Moya, Á., Martínez-Alday, J. D., Hernández-Madrid, A., … Jalife, J. (2014). Comparison of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Drivers and Circumferential Pulmonary Vein Isolation in Atrial Fibrillation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 64(23), 2455-2467. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2014.09.053Narayan, S. M., Krummen, D. E., Clopton, P., Shivkumar, K., & Miller, J. M. (2013). Direct or Coincidental Elimination of Stable Rotors or Focal Sources May Explain Successful Atrial Fibrillation Ablation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 62(2), 138-147. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2013.03.021Haissaguerre, M., Hocini, M., Denis, A., Shah, A. J., Komatsu, Y., Yamashita, S., … Dubois, R. (2014). Driver Domains in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation, 130(7), 530-538. doi:10.1161/circulationaha.113.005421Atienza, F., Almendral, J., Jalife, J., Zlochiver, S., Ploutz-Snyder, R., Torrecilla, E. G., … Berenfeld, O. (2009). Real-time dominant frequency mapping and ablation of dominant frequency sites in atrial fibrillation with left-to-right frequency gradients predicts long-term maintenance of sinus rhythm. Heart Rhythm, 6(1), 33-40. doi:10.1016/j.hrthm.2008.10.024Lim, H. S., Zellerhoff, S., Derval, N., Denis, A., Yamashita, S., Berte, B., … Haissaguerre, M. (2015). Noninvasive Mapping to Guide Atrial Fibrillation Ablation. Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics, 7(1), 89-98. doi:10.1016/j.ccep.2014.11.004Rodrigo, M., Guillem, M. S., Climent, A. M., Pedrón-Torrecilla, J., Liberos, A., Millet, J., … Berenfeld, O. (2014). Body surface localization of left and right atrial high-frequency rotors in atrial fibrillation patients: A clinical-computational study. Heart Rhythm, 11(9), 1584-1591. doi:10.1016/j.hrthm.2014.05.013Guillem, M. S., Climent, A. M., Millet, J., Arenal, Á., Fernández-Avilés, F., Jalife, J., … Berenfeld, O. (2013). Noninvasive Localization of Maximal Frequency Sites of Atrial Fibrillation by Body Surface Potential Mapping. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 6(2), 294-301. doi:10.1161/circep.112.000167Lux, R. L., Smith, C. R., Wyatt, R. F., & Abildskov, J. A. (1978). Limited Lead Selection for Estimation of Body Surface Potential Maps in Electrocardiography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-25(3), 270-276. doi:10.1109/tbme.1978.326332Finlay, D. D., Nugent, C. D., Donnelly, M. P., & Black, N. D. (2008). Selection of optimal recording sites for limited lead body surface potential mapping in myocardial infarction and left ventricular hypertrophy. Journal of Electrocardiology, 41(3), 264-271. doi:10.1016/j.jelectrocard.2008.02.009Guillem, M. S., Castells, F., Climent, A. M., Bodí, V., Chorro, F. 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Distinctive Patterns of Dominant Frequency Trajectory Behavior in Drug-Refractory Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Preliminary Characterization of Spatiotemporal Instability. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 25(4), 371-379. doi:10.1111/jce.12331Sanders, P., Berenfeld, O., Hocini, M., Jaïs, P., Vaidyanathan, R., Hsu, L.-F., … Haïssaguerre, M. (2005). Spectral Analysis Identifies Sites of High-Frequency Activity Maintaining Atrial Fibrillation in Humans. Circulation, 112(6), 789-797. doi:10.1161/circulationaha.104.517011Atienza, F., Almendral, J., Moreno, J., Vaidyanathan, R., Talkachou, A., Kalifa, J., … Berenfeld, O. (2006). Activation of Inward Rectifier Potassium Channels Accelerates Atrial Fibrillation in Humans. Circulation, 114(23), 2434-2442. doi:10.1161/circulationaha.106.63373

    Clinical Characteristics and Electrophysiological Mechanisms Underlying Brugada ECG in Patients With Severe Hyperkalemia

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    [EN] Background-Several metabolic conditions can cause the Brugada ECG pattern, also called Brugada phenotype (BrPh). We aimed to define the clinical characteristics and outcome of BrPh patients and elucidate the mechanisms underlying BrPh attributed to hyperkalemia. Methods and Results-We prospectively identified patients hospitalized with severe hyperkalemia and ECG diagnosis of BrPh and compared their clinical characteristics and outcome with patients with hyperkalemia but no BrPh ECG. Computer simulations investigated the roles of extracellular potassium increase, fibrosis at the right ventricular outflow tract, and epicardial/endocardial gradients in transient outward current. Over a 6-year period, 15 patients presented severe hyperkalemia with BrPh ECG that was transient and disappeared after normalization of their serum potassium. Most patients were admitted because of various severe medical conditions causing hyperkalemia. Six (40%) patients presented malignant arrhythmias and 6 died during admission. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that higher serum potassium levels (odds ratio, 15.8; 95% CI, 3.1-79; P=0.001) and male sex (odds ratio, 17; 95% CI, 1.05-286; P=0.045) were risk factors for developing BrPh ECG in patients with severe hyperkalemia. In simulations, hyperkalemia yielded BrPh by promoting delayed and heterogeneous right ventricular outflow tract activation attributed to elevation of resting potential, reduced availability of inward sodium channel conductance, and increased right ventricular outflow tract fibrosis. An elevated transient outward current gradient contributed to, but was not essential for, the BrPh phenotype. Conclusions-In patients with severe hyperkalemia, a BrPh ECG is associated with malignant arrhythmias and all-cause mortality secondary to resting potential depolarization, reduced sodium current availability, and fibrosis at the right ventricular outflow tract.This work was funded in part by the CIBERCV (Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red Enfermedades Cardiovasculares), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI14/00857, DTS16/0160, PI17/1059, PI01106), Spanish Ministry of Ecomomy (TEC2013-46067-R) and the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).Rivera-Juárez, A.; Hernández-Romero, I.; Puertas, C.; Zhang-Wang, S.; Sánchez-Álamo, B.; Martins, R.; Figuera, C.... (2019). Clinical Characteristics and Electrophysiological Mechanisms Underlying Brugada ECG in Patients With Severe Hyperkalemia. Journal of the American Heart Association. 8(3):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.118.010115S11583Brugada, P., & Brugada, J. (1992). 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    Noninvasive Assessment of Complexity of Atrial Fibrillation Correlation With Contact Mapping and Impact of Ablation

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    [EN] Background: It is difficult to noninvasively phenotype atrial fibrillation (AF) in a way that reflects clinical end points such as response to therapy. We set out to map electrical patterns of disorganization and regions of reentrant activity in AF from the body surface using electrocardiographic imaging, calibrated to panoramic intracardiac recordings and referenced to AF termination by ablation. Methods: Bi-atrial intracardiac electrograms of 47 patients with AF at ablation (30 persistent, 29 male, 63 +/- 9 years) were recorded with 64-pole basket catheters and simultaneous 57-lead body surface ECGs. Atrial epicardial electrical activity was reconstructed and organized sites were invasively and noninvasively tracked in 3-dimension using phase singularity. In a subset of 17 patients, sites of AF organization were targeted for ablation. Results: Body surface mapping showed greater AF organization near intracardially detected drivers than elsewhere, both in phase singularity density (2.3 +/- 2.1 versus 1.9 +/- 1.6; P=0.02) and number of drivers (3.2 +/- 2.3 versus 2.7 +/- 1.7; P=0.02). Complexity, defined as the number of stable AF reentrant sites, was concordant between noninvasive and invasive methods (r(2)=0.5; CC=0.71). In the subset receiving targeted ablation, AF complexity showed lower values in those in whom AF terminated than those in whom AF did not terminate (P<0.01). Conclusions: AF complexity tracked noninvasively correlates well with organized and disorganized regions detected by panoramic intracardiac mapping and correlates with the acute outcome by ablation. This approach may assist in bedside monitoring of therapy or in improving the efficacy of ongoing ablation procedures.This article was supported in part by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional; IJCI-2014-22178, DTS16/00160; PI14/00857, PI16/01123; PI17/01059; PI17/01106), Generalitat Valenciana Grants (APOSTD/2017 and APOSTD/2018) and projects (GVA/2018/103); National Institutes of Health (Dr Narayan: R01 HL85537; K24 HL103800); EITHealth 19600 AFFINE.Rodrigo Bort, M.; Martínez Climent, BA.; Hernández-Romero, I.; Liberos Mascarell, A.; Baykaner, T.; Rogers, AJ.; Alhusseini, M.... (2020). Noninvasive Assessment of Complexity of Atrial Fibrillation Correlation With Contact Mapping and Impact of Ablation. 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