388 research outputs found
Los vínculos entre tecnología y práctica especializada en rehabilitación : el modelo de la tecnología gimnástica en la España del siglo XIX
La tecnología gimnástica ha mostrado un papel determinante en la configura¬ción la especialidad médica de rehabilitación y medicina física. Su estudio constituye un eje fundamental para comprender la fuerte división del trabajo existente en este campo, con una especialidad médica y diversas profesiones ligadas a la rehabilita¬ción y la fisioterapia. Este proceso se produjo en dos fases bien diferenciadas en su estructura: la absorción de los saberes y los desarrollos tecnológicos formulados por los gimnastas de principios del siglo XIX, y la delegación en el uso de estos mismo dispositivos, de utilidad diagnóstica escasa y de gran consumo de tiempo de trabajo. Ambos factores favorecieron la aparición de las nuevas profesiones
Monolingual and bilingual spanish-catalan speech recognizers developed from SpeechDat databases
Under the SpeechDat specifications, the Spanish member of SpeechDat consortium has recorded a Catalan database that includes one
thousand speakers. This communication describes some experimental work that has been carried out using both the Spanish and the
Catalan speech material.
A speech recognition system has been trained for the Spanish language using a selection of the phonetically balanced utterances from
the 4500 SpeechDat training sessions. Utterances with mispronounced or incomplete words and with intermittent noise were discarded.
A set of 26 allophones was selected to account for the Spanish sounds and clustered demiphones have been used as context dependent
sub-lexical units. Following the same methodology, a recognition system was trained from the Catalan SpeechDat database. Catalan
sounds were described with 32 allophones. Additionally, a bilingual recognition system was built for both the Spanish and Catalan
languages. By means of clustering techniques, the suitable set of allophones to cover simultaneously both languages was determined.
Thus, 33 allophones were selected. The training material was built by the whole Catalan training material and the Spanish material
coming from the Eastern region of Spain (the region where Catalan is spoken).
The performance of the Spanish, Catalan and bilingual systems were assessed under the same framework. The Spanish system exhibits
a significantly better performance than the rest of systems due to its better training. The bilingual system provides an equivalent
performance to that afforded by both language specific systems trained with the Eastern Spanish material or the Catalan SpeechDat
corpus.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
A New Model for Matching Advanced Boosting Systems to Automotive Diesel Engines
[EN] Boosting technologies have been key enablers for automotive engines development through downsizing and
downspeeding. In this situation, numerous multistage boosting systems have appeared in the last decade. The complexity
arising from multistage architectures requires an efficient matching methodology to obtain the best overall powertrain
The paper presents a model aimed to choose the best 2-stage boosting system architecture able to meet required criteria
on boosting pressure, EGR ratios for both short and long route loops while respecting the engine thermo-mechanical limits
such as in-cylinder pressure, compressor outlet temperature and exhaust manifold temperature. The model includes
filling-and-emptying 0D elements together with mean value. The engine model is set in a way that, for given requirements
and boosting system layout, calculates in seconds if the requirements will be achieved and the position of variable
geometry, waste-gate, EGR and by-pass valves. The model is thus inversed thanks to a new representation of turbine
maps that converts the classical iterative matching procedure in straight forward. The model can be also used in a
predictive manner to calculate the engine transient response.
The model has been calibrated to 3 different turbocharged diesel engines. The model gives good results provided that
wave effects are not important. This is the case of compact exhaust manifolds, typically used in turbocharged diesel
engines, below 3500 rpm. Tuned intake air lines can be taken into account through a tuning parameter affecting boosting
An example is given in the paper for the matching procedure in a 2-stage, double route EGR, including steady and
transient results.This work has been partially financed by the Univeristat Politècnica de València through the Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo 2012, project PAID-06-2012 DECOAH.Galindo, J.; Luján, JM.; Climent, H.; Guardiola, C.; Varnier, O. (2014). A New Model for Matching Advanced Boosting Systems to Automotive Diesel Engines. SAE International Journal of Engines. 7(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.4271/2014-01-1078S1147
Los vínculos entre tecnología y práctica especializada en rehabilitación: el modelo de la tecnología gimnástica en la España del siglo XIX
La tecnología gimnástica ha mostrado un papel determinante en la configuración la especialidad médica de rehabilitación y medicina física. Su estudio constituye un eje fundamental para comprender la fuerte división del trabajo existente en este campo, con una especialidad médica y diversas profesiones ligadas a la rehabilitación y la fisioterapia. Este proceso se produjo en dos fases bien diferenciadas en su estructura: la absorción de los saberes y los desarrollos tecnológicos formulados por los gimnastas de principios del siglo XIX, y la delegación en el uso de estos mismo dispositivos, de utilidad diagnóstica escasa y de gran consumo de tiempo de trabajo. Ambos factores favorecieron la aparición de las nuevas profesiones.PB97-0782-C03-02 financiado por la DGICY
Cognitive processes associated with the professional development of the mathematics teacher
This paper proposes a model of professional development based on Sfard’s stages of interiorisation, condensation and reification, which highlights the teacher’s cognitive processes. The model is applied to the case study of a primary teacher participating in a collaborative project for professional development. This adaptation of Sfard’s stages proves to be of special value when interpreting the process of the teacher’s professional development from a cognitive perspective. Procesos cognitivos asociados al desarrollo profesional del profesor de matemáticas Este artículo propone un modelo de desarrollo profesional que pone de relieve los procesos cognitivos del profesor, en relación con las fases de interiorización, condensación y cosificación del trabajo de Sfard. El modelo se aplica al caso de una maestra que participa en un proyecto colaborativo de desarrollo profesional. La adaptación de las fases de Sfard se muestra valiosa para interpretar el proceso de desarrollo profesional de la maestra desde una perspectiva cognitiva. Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/3509Nº de citas en WOS (2017): 1 (Citas de 2º orden, 0)Nº de citas en SCOPUS (2017); 1 (Citas de 2º orden, 1
Analysis of pollutant emissions and fuel consumption, during real driving cycles in different intake temperature scenarios
[EN] Current European vehicle homologation regulations are increasingly restrictive. Recently, World-wide light-duty test cycle (WLTC) and Real driving emissions (RDE) cycles have been introduced as type approval tests for new vehicles. This document studies the effect of intake temperature on pollutant emissions and fuel consumption of a Euro 6 Diesel engine when tested under WLTC and RDE. The tests have been performed by setting the temperature at the outlet of the water charge air cooler (WCAC) at 35 degrees C and 20 degrees C in different tests. To do that, the air-cooler was immersed in a temperature-controlled water bath. This temperature reduction can be produced due to an improvement in the WCAC in the same ambient temperature or also with the same WCAC in case of the ambient temperature is lower. All tests have been carried out in an engine test bench, eliminating the uncertainty involved on the road (driving mode, traffic, ambient temperature, etc.). Once the WLTC and RDE cycles were performed, carbon dioxide (CO2) and pollutant results were analyzed. Nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions were considerably reduced when the engine intake temperature air was decreased, concretely a 7.1% in RDE and 11.63% in WLTC and the CO2 emissions were also cut down around 1%.Luján, JM.; Climent, H.; Ruiz-Rosales, S.; Redondo-Puelles, F. (2023). Analysis of pollutant emissions and fuel consumption, during real driving cycles in different intake temperature scenarios. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering. 237(2-3):455-468. https://doi.org/10.1177/095440702210784024554682372-
Un modelo cognitivo para interpretar el desarrollo profesional de los profesores de matemáticas. Ejemplificación en un entorno colaborativo
A partir del trabajo de Sfard en relación con las fases de interiorización, condensación y cosificación para explicar los procesos cognitivos referidos al aprendizaje de las matemáticas, realizamos una propuesta de modelo interpretativo del desarrollo profesional. A continuación, analizamos sus características aplicándolo al caso de una maestra participante en un entorno colaborativo de desarrollo profesional, evidenciando de este modo las potencialidades del modelo.Based on Sfard's stages of interiorisation, condensation and reification, which she applies to explain the cognitive processes in relation to the mathematical learning, we propose an interpretative model of professional development. We analyse its features and then the model is applied to the case study of a primary teacher participating in a collaborative project for professional development. This way we show the model's potentialities
Analysis and optimization of subcritical two-stage vapor injection heat pump systems
Two of the major problems of heat pump systems working in extreme conditions are the loss of efficiency
of the system and the high compressor discharge temperatures. One possibility in order to overcome these
issues is to perform the compression in two stages. In this frame the use of vapor injection two stage cycles
represent an economic and effective solution. This study analyzes the influence of design parameters and
injection conditions for two different configurations of two stage cycles, for four refrigerants (R407C, R290,
R22 and R32). Design parameters, such as the displacement ratio, are optimized in terms of COP in ideal
conditions for both injection systems. A deeper analysis taking into account the efficiencies of the
compressor is done finding that two stage systems could reach improvements of 30% in terms of COP
compared with one stage systems and that a bad design of this type of systems could represent a loss
of improvement between 6% and 10%. Finally a method to control the system at any operating point in
order to make it works in its optimum is done. From all the analysis, guidelines for the optimum design
and control of such systems are obtained in terms of capacity, Coefficient of Performance (COP), seasonal
performance factor and discharge temperature criteria.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through the project rsf. DPI 2011-26771-C02-01. The authors are grateful for the given support.Redon Climent, A.; Navarro Peris, E.; Pitarch, M.; Gonzálvez Maciá, J.; Corberán Salvador, JM. (2014). Analysis and optimization of subcritical two-stage vapor injection heat pump systems. Applied Energy. 124:231-240. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.02.066S23124012
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