103 research outputs found

    Activated carbons of varying pore structure eliminate the bioavailability of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin to a mammalian (mouse) model

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    The use of activated carbon (AC) as an in situ sorbent amendment to sequester polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) present in contaminated soils and sediments has recently gained attention as a novel remedial approach. This remedy could be implemented at much lower cost while minimizing habitat destruction as compared to traditional remediation technologies that rely on dredging/excavation and landfilling. Several prior studies have demonstrated the ability of AC amendments to reduce pore water concentrations and hence bioaccumulation of PCDD/Fs in invertebrate species. However, our recent study was the first to show that AC had the ability to sequester 2,3,7,8‑tetrachlorodibenzo‑p‑dioxin (TCDD) in a form that eliminated bioavailability to a mammalian (mouse) model. Here we show that three commercially available ACs, representing a wide range of pore size distributions, were equally effective in eliminating the bioavailability of TCDD based upon two sensitive bioassays, hepatic induction of cyp1A1 mRNA and immunoglobulin M antibody-forming cell response. These results provide direct evidence that a wide range of structurally diverse commercially available ACs may be suitable for use as in situ sorbent amendments to provide a cost-effective remedy for PCDD/F contaminated soils and sediments. Potentially, adaption of this technology would minimize habitat destruction and be protective of ecosystem and human health

    Synthesis and evaluation of Fe3O4-impregnated activated carbon for dioxin removal

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    Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans (PCDD/PCDFs) are highly toxic organic pollutants in soils and sediments which persist over timescales that extend from decades to centuries. There is a growing need to develop effective technologies for remediating PCDD/Fs-contaminated soils and sediments to protect human and ecosystem health. The use of sorbent amendments to sequester PCDD/Fs has emerged as one promising technology. A synthesis method is described here to create a magnetic activated carbon composite (AC-Fe3O4) for dioxin removal and sampling that could be recovered from soils using magnetic separation. Six AC-Fe3O4 composites were evaluated (five granular ACs (GACs) and one fine-textured powder AC(PAC)) for their magnetization and ability to sequester dibenzo-p-dioxin (DD). Both GAC/PAC and GAC/PAC-Fe3O4 composites effectively removed DD from aqueous solution. The sorption affinity of DD for GAC-Fe3O4 was slightly reduced compared to GAC alone, which is attributed to the blocking of sorption sites. The magnetization of a GAC-Fe3O4 composite reached 5.38 emu/g based on SQUID results, allowing the adsorbent to be easily separated from aqueous solution using an external magnetic field. Similarly, a fine-textured PAC-Fe3O4 composite was synthesized with a magnetization of 9.3 emu/g

    Automated High-Content Live Animal Drug Screening Using C. elegans Expressing the Aggregation Prone Serpin α1-antitrypsin Z

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    The development of preclinical models amenable to live animal bioactive compound screening is an attractive approach to discovering effective pharmacological therapies for disorders caused by misfolded and aggregation-prone proteins. In general, however, live animal drug screening is labor and resource intensive, and has been hampered by the lack of robust assay designs and high throughput work-flows. Based on their small size, tissue transparency and ease of cultivation, the use of C. elegans should obviate many of the technical impediments associated with live animal drug screening. Moreover, their genetic tractability and accomplished record for providing insights into the molecular and cellular basis of human disease, should make C. elegans an ideal model system for in vivo drug discovery campaigns. The goal of this study was to determine whether C. elegans could be adapted to high-throughput and high-content drug screening strategies analogous to those developed for cell-based systems. Using transgenic animals expressing fluorescently-tagged proteins, we first developed a high-quality, high-throughput work-flow utilizing an automated fluorescence microscopy platform with integrated image acquisition and data analysis modules to qualitatively assess different biological processes including, growth, tissue development, cell viability and autophagy. We next adapted this technology to conduct a small molecule screen and identified compounds that altered the intracellular accumulation of the human aggregation prone mutant that causes liver disease in α1-antitrypsin deficiency. This study provides powerful validation for advancement in preclinical drug discovery campaigns by screening live C. elegans modeling α1-antitrypsin deficiency and other complex disease phenotypes on high-content imaging platforms

    Bioavailability of clay-adsorbed dioxin to Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 and its associated genome-wide shifts in gene expression

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    Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans are a group of chemically-related pollutants categorically known as dioxins. Some of their chlorinated congeners are among the most hazardous pollutants that persist in the environment. This persistence is due in part to the limited number of bacteria capable of metabolizing these compounds, but also to their limited bioavailability in soil. We used Sphingomonas wittichii strain RW1 (RW1), one of the few strains able to grow on dioxin, to characterize its ability to respond to and degrade clay-bound dioxin. We found that RW1 grew on and completely degraded dibenzo-p-dioxin (DD) intercalated into the smectite clay saponite (SAP). To characterize the effects of DD sorption on RW1 gene expression, we compared transcriptomes of RW1 grown with either free crystalline DD or DD intercalated clay, i.e. sandwiched between the clay interlayers (DDSAP). Free crystalline DD appeared to cause greater expression of toxicity and stress related functions. Genes coding for heat shock proteins, chaperones, as well as genes involved in DNA repair, and efflux were up-regulated during growth on crystalline dioxin compared to growth on intercalated dioxin. In contrast, growth on intercalated dioxin up-regulated genes that might be important in recognition and uptake mechanisms, as well as surface interaction/attachment/biofilm formation such as extracellular solute-binding protein and LuxR. These differences in gene expression may reflect the underlying adaptive mechanisms by which RW1 cells sense and deploy pathways to access dioxin intercalated into clay. These data show that intercalated DD remains bioavailable to the degrading bacterium with implications for bioremediation alternatives

    Tracking the spatial diffusion of influenza and norovirus using telehealth data: A spatiotemporal analysis of syndromic data

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    Background: Telehealth systems have a large potential for informing public health authorities in an early stage of outbreaks of communicable disease. Influenza and norovirus are common viruses that cause significant respiratory and gastrointestinal disease worldwide. Data about these viruses are not routinely mapped for surveillance purposes in the UK, so the spatial diffusion of national outbreaks and epidemics is not known as such incidents occur. We aim to describe the geographical origin and diffusion of rises in fever and vomiting calls to a national telehealth system, and consider the usefulness of these findings for influenza and norovirus surveillance. Methods: Data about fever calls (5- to 14-year-old age group) and vomiting calls (≥ 5-year-old age group) in school-age children, proxies for influenza and norovirus, respectively, were extracted from the NHS Direct national telehealth database for the period June 2005 to May 2006. The SaTScan space-time permutation model was used to retrospectively detect statistically significant clusters of calls on a week-by-week basis. These syndromic results were validated against existing laboratory and clinical surveillance data. Results: We identified two distinct periods of elevated fever calls. The first originated in the North-West of England during November 2005 and spread in a south-east direction, the second began in Central England during January 2006 and moved southwards. The timing, geographical location, and age structure of these rises in fever calls were similar to a national influenza B outbreak that occurred during winter 2005–2006. We also identified significantly elevated levels of vomiting calls in South-East England during winter 2005–2006. Conclusion: Spatiotemporal analyses of telehealth data, specifically fever calls, provided a timely and unique description of the evolution of a national influenza outbreak. In a similar way the tool may be useful for tracking norovirus, although the lack of consistent comparison data makes this more difficult to assess. In interpreting these results, care must be taken to consider other infectious and non-infectious causes of fever and vomiting. The scan statistic should be considered for spatial analyses of telehealth data elsewhere and will be used to initiate prospective geographical surveillance of influenza in England.

    The development, design, testing, refinement, simulation and application of an evaluation framework for communities of practice and social-professional networks

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    Background. Communities of practice and social-professional networks are generally considered to enhance workplace experience and enable organizational success. However, despite the remarkable growth in interest in the role of collaborating structures in a range of industries, there is a paucity of empirical research to support this view. Nor is there a convincing model for their systematic evaluation, despite the significant potential benefits in answering the core question: how well do groups of professionals work together and how could they be organised to work together more effectively? This research project will produce a rigorous evaluation methodology and deliver supporting tools for the benefit of researchers, policymakers, practitioners and consumers within the health system and other sectors. Given the prevalence and importance of communities of practice and social networks, and the extent of investments in them, this project represents a scientific innovation of national and international significance. Methods and design. Working in four conceptual phases the project will employ a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to develop, design, field-test, refine and finalise an evaluation framework. Once available the framework will be used to evaluate simulated, and then later existing, health care communities of practice and social-professional networks to assess their effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes. Peak stakeholder groups have agreed to involve a wide range of members and participant organisations, and will facilitate access to various policy, managerial and clinical networks. Discussion. Given its scope and size, the project represents a valuable opportunity to achieve breakthroughs at two levels; firstly, by introducing novel and innovative aims and methods into the social research process and, secondly, through the resulting evaluation framework and tools. We anticipate valuable outcomes in the improved understanding of organisational performance and delivery of care. The project's wider appeal lies in transferring this understanding to other health jurisdictions and to other industries and sectors, both nationally and internationally. This means not merely publishing the results, but contextually interpreting them, and translating them to advance the knowledge base and enable widespread institutional and organisational application

    Spatial growth rate of emerging SARS-CoV-2 lineages in England, September 2020-December 2021

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    This paper uses a robust method of spatial epidemiological analysis to assess the spatial growth rate of multiple lineages of SARS-CoV-2 in the local authority areas of England, September 2020–December 2021. Using the genomic surveillance records of the COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium, the analysis identifies a substantial (7.6-fold) difference in the average rate of spatial growth of 37 sample lineages, from the slowest (Delta AY.4.3) to the fastest (Omicron BA.1). Spatial growth of the Omicron (B.1.1.529 and BA) variant was found to be 2.81× faster than the Delta (B.1.617.2 and AY) variant and 3.76× faster than the Alpha (B.1.1.7 and Q) variant. In addition to AY.4.2 (a designated variant under investigation, VUI-21OCT-01), three Delta sublineages (AY.43, AY.98 and AY.120) were found to display a statistically faster rate of spatial growth than the parent lineage and would seem to merit further investigation. We suggest that the monitoring of spatial growth rates is a potentially valuable adjunct to outbreak response procedures for emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants in a defined population

    Polarized ATR-FTIR Study of Smectite in Aqueous Suspension

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