203 research outputs found

    A qualitative optimization technique for biophysical neuron models with many parameters

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    We present a novel computational technique that enables more efficient optimization of qualitative features in biophysical neural models

    Timing and Reconstruction of the Most Recent Common Ancestor of the Subtype C Clade of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype C is responsible for more than 55% of HIV-1 infections worldwide. When this subtype first emerged is unknown. We have analyzed all available gag (p17 and p24) and env (C2-V3) subtype C sequences with known sampling dates, which ranged from 1983 to 2000. The majority of these sequences come from the Karonga District in Malawi and include some of the earliest known subtype C sequences. Linear regression analyses of sequence divergence estimates (with four different approaches)were plotted against sample year to estimate the year in which there was zero divergence from the reconstructed ancestral sequence. Here we suggest that the most recent common ancestor of subtype C appeared in the mid- to late 1960s. Sensitivity analyses, by which possible biases due to oversampling from one district were explored, gave very similar estimates

    Distant field BHB stars and the mass of the Galaxy II: Photometry and spectroscopy of UKST candidates 16<B<19.5, 11<R<52 kpc

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    This is the second in a series of papers presenting a new calculation of the mass of the Galaxy based on radial velocities and distances for a sample of faint 16 < B < 21.3 field blue horizontal-branch (BHB) stars. We present accurate BV CCD photometry and spectra for 142 candidate A-type stars selected from ub_jr photometry of UK Schmidt telescope plates in six high-Galactic-latitude fields. Classification of these candidates produces a sample of 60 BHB stars at distances of 11-52 kpc from the Sun (mean 28 kpc), with heliocentric line-of-sight velocities accurate to 15 km/s, and distance errors < 10%. We provide a summary table listing coordinates and velocities of these stars. The measured dispersion of the radial component of the Galactocentric velocity for this sample is 108+-10 km/s, in agreement with a recent study of the distant halo by Sirko and coworkers. Measurements of the Ca II K line indicate that nearly all the stars are metal-poor with a mean [Fe/H] = -1.8 with dispersion 0.5. Subsequent papers will describe a second survey of BHBs to heliocentric distances 70 < R < 125 kpc and present a new estimate of the mass of the Galaxy.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Distant Field BHB Stars III: Identification of a probable outer halo stream at Galactocentric distance r = 70 kpc

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    We present VLT-FORS1 spectra of a sample of 34 faint 20.0 < g* < 21.1 A-type stars selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release, with the goal of measuring the velocity dispersion of blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars in the remote Galactic halo, R~80kpc. We show that colour selection with 1.08 < u*-g* < 1.40 and -0.2 < g*-r* < -0.04 minimises contamination of the sample by less luminous blue stragglers. In classifying the stars we confine our attention to the 20 stars with spectra of signal-to-noise ratio > 15 per Angstrom. Classification produces a sample of eight BHB stars at distances 65-102 kpc from the Sun (mean 80 kpc), which represents the most distant sample of Galactic stars with measured radial velocities. The dispersion of the measured radial component of the velocity with respect to the centre of the Galaxy is 58+-15km/s. This value is anomalously low in comparison with measured values for stars at smaller distances, as well as for satellites at similar distances. Seeking an explanation for the low measured velocity dispersion, further analysis reveals that six of the eight remote BHB stars are plausibly associated with a single orbit. Three previously known outer halo carbon stars also appear to belong to this stream. The velocity dispersion of all nine stars relative to the orbit is only 15+-4 km/s. Further observations along the orbit are required to trace the full extent of this structure on the sky.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Human parvovirus B19 infection and hydrops fetalis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded lung and liver tissue from 23 cases of non immune hydrops fetalis and five control cases, in which hydrops were due to syphilis (3) and genetic causes (2), were examined for the presence of human parvovirus B19 by DNA hybridisation. Using in situ hybridisation with a biotynilated probe one positive case was detected. Using 32P-labelled probes in a dot blot assay format, five further positives were obtained. These were all confirmed as positive by a nested polymerase chain reaction assay. Electron microscopy revealed virus in all these five positive cases. The six B19 DNA positive cases of hydrops fetalis were from 1974, 1980, 1982, 1987 and 1988, four of which occurred during the second half of the year, confirming the seasonality of the disease

    Parvovirus B19 infection and severe anaemia in Kenyan children: a retrospective case control study

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    Background: During acute Human parvovirus B19 (B19) infection a transient reduction in blood haemoglobin concentration is induced, due to a 5-7 day cessation of red cell production. This can precipitate severe anaemia in subjects with a range of pre-existing conditions. Of the disease markers that occur during B19 infection, high IgM levels occur closest in time to the maximum reduction in haemoglobin concentration. Previous studies of the contribution of B19 to severe anaemia among young children in Africa have yielded varied results. This retrospective case/control study seeks to ascertain the proportion of severe anaemia cases precipitated by B19 among young children admitted to a Kenyan district hospital.Methods: Archival blood samples from 264 children under 6 years with severe anaemia admitted to a Kenyan District Hospital, between 1999 and 2004, and 264 matched controls, were tested for B19 IgM by Enzyme Immunosorbent Assay and 198 of these pairs were tested for B19 DNA by PCR. 536 samples were also tested for the presence of B19 IgG.Results: 7 (2.7%) cases and 0 (0%) controls had high B19 IgM levels (Optical Density > 5 x cut-off value) (McNemar's exact test p = 0.01563), indicating a significant association with severe anaemia. The majority of strongly IgM positive cases occurred in 2003.10/264 (3.7%) cases compared to 5/264 (1.9%) controls tested positive for B19 IgM. This difference was not statistically significant, odds ratio (OR) = 2.00 (CI95 [0.62, 6.06], McNemar's exact test p = 0.3018. There was no significant difference between cases and controls in the B19 IgG (35 (14.8%) vs 32 (13.6%)), OR = 1.103 (CI95 [0.66, 1.89], McNemar's exact test, p = 0.7982), or the detection of the B19 DNA (6 (3.0%) vs 5 (2.5%)), OR = 1.2 (CI95 [0.33, 4.01], McNemar's exact test p = 1).Conclusions: High B19 IgM levels were significantly associated with severe anaemia, being found only among the cases. This suggests that 7/264 (2.7%) of cases of severe anaemia in the population of children admitted to KDH were precipitated by B19. While this is a relatively small proportion, this has to be evaluated in the light of the IgG data that shows that less than 15% of children in the study were exposed to B19, a figure much lower than reported in other tropical areas

    Kinematics of SDSS subdwarfs: Structure and substructure of the Milky Way halo

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    We construct a new sample of ~1700 solar neighbourhood halo subdwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, selected using a reduced proper motion diagram. Radial velocities come from the SDSS spectra and proper motions from the light-motion curve catalogue of Bramich et al. (2008). Using a photometric parallax relation to estimate distances gives us the full phase-space coordinates. Typical velocity errors are in the range 30-50 km/s. This halo sample is one of the largest constructed to-date and the disc contamination is at a level of < 1 per cent. This enables us to calculate the halo velocity dispersion to excellent accuracy. We find that the velocity dispersion tensor is aligned in spherical polar coordinates and that (sigma_r, sigma_phi, sigma_theta) = (143 \pm 2, 82 \pm 2, 77 \pm 2) km/s. The stellar halo exhibits no net rotation, although the distribution of v_phi shows tentative evidence for asymmetry. The kinematics are consistent with a mildly flattened stellar density falling with distance like r^{-3.75}. Using the full phase-space coordinates, we look for signs of kinematic substructure in the stellar halo. We find evidence for four discrete overdensities localised in angular momentum and suggest that they may be possible accretion remnants. The most prominent is the solar neighbourhood stream previously identified by Helmi et al. (1999), but the remaining three are new. One of these overdensities is potentially associated with a group of four globular clusters (NGC5466, NGC6934, M2 and M13) and raises the possibility that these could have been accreted as part of a much larger progenitor.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, MNRAS (in press). Revised following referee's comments; using new and improved parallax relation. Results and conclusions unchange

    The Century Survey Galactic Halo Project III: A Complete 4300 deg^2 Survey of Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in the Metal-Weak Thick Disk and Inner Halo

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    We present a complete spectroscopic survey of 2414 2MASS-selected blue horizontal branch (BHB) candidates selected over 4300 deg^2 of the sky. We identify 655 BHB stars in this non-kinematically selected sample. We calculate the luminosity function of field BHB stars and find evidence for very few hot BHB stars in the field. The BHB stars located at a distance from the Galactic plane |Z|<4 kpc trace what is clearly a metal-weak thick disk population, with a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]= -1.7, a rotation velocity gradient of dv_{rot}/d|Z|= -28+-3.4 km/s in the region |Z|<6 kpc, and a density scale height of h_Z= 1.26+-0.1 kpc. The BHB stars located at 5<|Z|<9 kpc are a predominantly inner-halo population, with a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]= -2.0 and a mean Galactic rotation of -4+-31 km/s. We infer the density of halo and thick disk BHB stars is 104+-37 kpc^-3 near the Sun, and the relative normalization of halo to thick-disk BHB stars is 4+-1% near the Sun.Comment: 12 pages in emulateapj format, accepted for publication in February A

    Field Blue Stragglers and Related Mass Transfer Issues

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    This chapter contains my impressions and perspectives about the current state of knowledge about field blue stragglers (FBS) stars, drawn from an extensive literature that I searched. I conclude my review of issues that attend FBS and mass transfer, by a brief enumeration of a few mildly disquieting observational facts.Comment: Chapter 4, in Ecology of Blue Straggler Stars, H.M.J. Boffin, G. Carraro & G. Beccari (Eds), Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springe