37 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research was to verify the grafting compatibility between pear cultivars Cascatense, Carrick and Seleta and the quince rootstock ´EMC‘, with three-years old plants. The orchard was growing in field conditions in an high/density system (2000 trees ha-1) and pruned in form of central leader and irrigated with a drip irrigation system (2 L h-1 emitters per tree). The analyzed parameters were: 1) Compatibility of grafting, verified through the diameter of the trunk and visual evaluation; 2) Height of plant and 3) Canopy Volume. The diameter of the trunk was similar for all the treatments, except when compared with the grafting point, which had presented a higher diameter in all rootstock/cultivar combinations. By the visual observation of the grafting point, it was verified that only in the interation Cascatense/EMC the rootstock presented a reduced development in relation to cultivar canopy, besides presenting an extreme developed hipertrofia the grafting point. The cultivars Carrick and Seleta had presented smaller differences, which can be considered normal even if a light hipertrofia was observed. The cv. Cascatense presented greater development with 84.67 cm and 0.144 m3, for height and canopy volume, respectively. On the other hand, the cv. Select showed the lowest development (70.13 cm and 0.022 m3, respectively). The cultivars Carrick and Seleta presented a good grafting compatibility with the EMC quince roostock.Objetivou-se com este trabalho, verificar o grau de compatibilidade entre o porta-enxerto de marmeleiro cv. EMC e as cultivares de pereira Cascatense, Carrick e Seleta, com três anos de idade. O pomar foi conduzido no sistema de média/alta densidade (2000 plantas ha-1), em forma de líder central e irrigado por gotejamento (2 L h-1, por planta). Analisou-se a compatibilidade de enxertia, verificada através do diâmetro do tronco e avaliação visual; a altura de copa e o volume de copa. A área da secção do tronco foi semelhante para todos os tratamentos, exceto quando comparada com o ponto de enxertia, em que o diâmetro deste foi superior ao diâmetro do tronco tanto da cv. copa quanto do porta-enxerto, em todos os tratamentos. Na observação visual da compatibilidade de enxertia, verificou-se que somente na cultivar Cascatense, o porta-enxerto EMC cresceu menos em relação à cultivar copa, ocorrendo hipertrofia acentuada no ponto de enxertia, enquanto que as cultivares Carrick e Seleta, apresentaram visualmente diferenças que podem ser consideradas normais, com leve hipertrofia. Quanto a altura e volume de copa, das plantas, as da cv. Cascatense tiveram maior crescimento (84,67 cm e 0,144 m3, respectivamente), não diferindo da cv. Carrick, em comparação as da cv. Seleta, cujos valores médios foram de 70,13 cm e 0,022 m3, respectivamente. Conclui-se que as cvs. Carrick e Seleta têm boa compatibilidade inicial com o porta-enxerto EMC

    Simultaneous selection of peach rootstocks by mixed models

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    The term adaptability refers to the ability of a genotype to respond favorably to environmental spur, while stability is the predictability of genotypic behavior. Therefore, the objective was to select Prunus rootstock cultivars with greater adaptability and genotypic stability for subtropical environmental conditions using the HMPRVG method. The experiment was conducted in Chapecó, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Twenty-one rootstock genotypes were evaluated under the ‘BRS-Libra’ canopy cultivar and one genotype from self-rooted seedlings. The 22 genotypes were evaluated for canopy volume, yield, fruit diameter and fruit set in the growing seasons 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19. Adaptability and stability were measured by means of the harmonic mean relative performance of genotypic values (HMRPGV). In addition, genetic parameters for heritability and ratio test were measured. According to the results, the self-rooted, ‘De Guia’, ‘I-67-52-4’, ‘Mexico Row 1’ and ‘Rosaflor’ genotypes coincided most frequently in the ranking of the three most adaptable and stable genotypes. On the other hand, the ‘P. mandshurica’, ‘Rigitano’ and ‘Santa Rosa’ genotypes corresponded to the lowest adaptability and stability values, thus constituting low quality genetic materials for cultivation. It can be concluded that under the tested conditions the HMPRVG method is efficient for the Prunus rootstock selection cultivars and the ‘BRS-Libra’ grafted on ‘Mexico Row 1’, ‘Rosaflor’ rootstocks and trees from self-rooted seedlings have greater adaptability and phenotypic stability under the subtropical cultivation conditions.The term adaptability refers to the ability of a genotype to respond favorably to environmental spur, while stability is the predictability of genotypic behavior. Therefore, the objective was to select Prunus rootstock cultivars with greater adaptability and genotypic stability for subtropical environmental conditions using the HMPRVG method. The experiment was conducted in Chapecó, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Twenty-one rootstock genotypes were evaluated under the ‘BRS-Libra’ canopy cultivar and one genotype from self-rooted seedlings. The 22 genotypes were evaluated for canopy volume, yield, fruit diameter and fruit set in the growing seasons 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19. Adaptability and stability were measured by means of the harmonic mean relative performance of genotypic values (HMRPGV). In addition, genetic parameters for heritability and ratio test were measured. According to the results, the self-rooted, ‘De Guia’, ‘I-67-52-4’, ‘Mexico Row 1’ and ‘Rosaflor’ genotypes coincided most frequently in the ranking of the three most adaptable and stable genotypes. On the other hand, the ‘P. mandshurica’, ‘Rigitano’ and ‘Santa Rosa’ genotypes corresponded to the lowest adaptability and stability values, thus constituting low quality genetic materials for cultivation. It can be concluded that under the tested conditions the HMPRVG method is efficient for the Prunus rootstock selection cultivars and the ‘BRS-Libra’ grafted on ‘Mexico Row 1’, ‘Rosaflor’ rootstocks and trees from self-rooted seedlings have greater adaptability and phenotypic stability under the subtropical cultivation conditions


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    The present research aimed to evaluate base plus leaf fertilization on pre and post-harvest quality and productivity of peaches cultivar ‘Maciel’. The work was carried out in Pelotas/Brazil, 2005/06 crop. The tree planting density was at 1667 trees/ha in “Y” system. No irrigation method was used. The treatments consisted of 2 batches. The first one was applied on 26/08/2005 and 26/09/2005 and consisted of base fertilization containing 15.5% nitrate + 19% calcium + 0.3% boron, and leaf fertilization containing 0.5% of Kristasol® (12%N + 45%K2O + 1,2%S (nitric nitrogen and soluble non-chloride Potassium)). The second batch was applied on 20/10/2005 and 20/11/2005 consisting of 12% nitrate + 12% potassium + 15% soluble calcium + 0.24% boron (12-00-12 and 10-00-15 fertilization ratio, respectively) for base fertilization and 0.5% of the formulation containing 15.5% nitrogen + 19% soluble calcium for leaf fertilization. The base and leaf fertilization applied for each treatment were: 1) no fertilization (control); 2) 45 g tree-1; 3) 90 g tree-1; 4) 135 g tree-1 and 5) 180 g tree-1. The variables assessed were pulp firmness, total soluble solids (SST), colorimeter, fresh and dry matter of fruits, average fruit weight, yield rates, commercial ranking and decay incidence at the time of harvest and storage. The described fertilization rates did not show any improvement on fruit quality and  productivity of the tested peach cultivar. The only variable that was found to be statically significant was fruit storage. Decay percentage was lower in fruits from treatments 1 and 2 at the 30th day of storage, being significant with respect to treatment 5. The others variables did not differ significatively.O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da adubação de base mais foliar, na qualidade e produtividade pré e pós-colheita de pêssegos cultivar Maciel. O experimento foi realizado em Pelotas/RS, safra 2005/06. O pomar foi conduzido com densidade de 1667 plantas ha-1 e na forma de “Y”, sem irrigação. Os tratamentos foram compostos por adubos de base com o formulado contendo nitrogênio nítrico 15,5% + cálcio 19% + boro 0,3% e foliar com 0,5% de Kristasol® [12%N + 45%K2O + 1,2%S (Nitrogênio Nítrico e Potássio solúvel sem cloro)], em 26/08/2005 e 26/09/2005, e o formulado contendo nitrogênio nítrico 12% + potássio 12% + cálcio solúvel 15% + boro 0,24% (formulações 12-00-12 e 10-00-15, respectivamente) e foliar com 0,5% da formulação contendo nitrogênio nítrico 15,5% + cálcio solúvel em água 19%, ambas em 20/10 e 20/11/2005. Os tratamentos foram: 1 – 0 (testemunha); 2 – 45 g planta-1 de base + foliar; 3 – 90 g planta-1 de base + foliar; 4 – 135 g planta-1 de base + foliar; 5 – 180 g planta-1 de base + foliar. As variáveis analisadas foram firmeza de polpa, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), colorimetria, matéria fresca e seca de frutas, massa média de fruta, produtividade, classificação comercial e incidência de podridão, na colheita e no armazenamento. Nessas condições, as adubações com os formulados não apresentaram melhorias de qualidade de frutas e produtividade do pomar de pessegueiro, cv. Maciel. Verificou-se diferenças estatísticas, somente na variável armazenamento de frutas em câmera fria, onde os tratamentos 1 e 2 aos 30 dias apresentaram menor percentagem de podridões nas frutas,  diferindo do tratamento 5. As demais variáveis não diferiram significativamente

    Plant training systems for the peach cultivar Della Nona

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    Cultivation of stone fruit trees in many producing countries is traditionally carried out with low planting density and training in open plant systems (pots). However, the higher density systems and training with more compact mills, for example the 'leading system', have been providing better production. The objective of this work was to evaluate the phenological, vegetative, and productive characteristics of the peach cultivar Della Nona, subjected to various training systems. The work was conducted during two production cycles where three driving systems were evaluated: 'central leader' (5.0 m x 0.8 m, 2,500 plants ha-1), 'Y shape' (5.0 m x 1.5 m, 1,333 plants ha-1) and 'vase' (5.0 m x 3.5 m, 571 plants ha-1). We showed that phenological development was not influenced by the different training systems. The training system 'central leader' gave lower cup size, lower production, but higher productivity. We conclude that the 'central leader' training system adapts to the conditions of the region and shows high productivity for the peach cultivar Della Nona

    Conduction systems in fig tree with two cultivars, evaluating fruits quality and yield

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    The fig tree is rustic and one of the fruit species with great economic importance, because it adapts easily to different climate and soil types. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence the branches number and the fig tree cultivar on yield and fruit quality. The orchard implanted with two cultivars, Roxo de Valinhos and Pingo de Mel, and conducted with different numbers of productive branches, being: 16, 24 and 32. The utilized lineation was completely randomized, with three replicates, each replicate being composed of four plants. The analyzed variables were: branches length (cm), number of fruits per plant, number of fruits per branch meter, yield of mature fruits (Kg ha-1), yield of green fruits (Kg ha-1), accumulated productivity (Kg ha-1), fruit size (cm3), average fruit weight (g), soluble solids (°Brix) and fruit dry matter (%). The daily elongation rate and the mean length of the branches did not influence the different treatments. For productivity, noticed superiority on cultivar Roxo de Valinhos, with the higher the number of productive branches in the plants. Fruit quality, relative to soluble solids and dry matter, also did not influence the treatments. Fruits in larger caliber and size found from plants of the cultivar Roxo de Valinhos. Both for the production of fruits for fresh consumption and for the industrialization it is recommended the conduction with greater number of productive branches being between 24 and 32, for the greater productive yield

    Estimativa do plastocrono das videiras 'Cabernet Sauvignon' e 'Chardonnay' na Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul

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    The objective of this work was to estimate the plastochron index of the 'Cabernet Sauvignon' and 'Chardonnay' grapevine varieties in Fronteira Oeste, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in 2010, in a completely randomized design, using 'Cabernet Sauvignon' and 'Chardonnay' grapevines grown in the municipalities of Itaqui, São Borja, and Maçambará, which were referred to as sites 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Phenological monitoring of the varieties was done from the beginning of sprouting until the pruning of canes (green trimming). The daily thermal sum (dTS, ºC day) was calculated using the cardinal temperatures for node appearance in grapevines (10, 25, and 35ºC), whereas the accumulated thermal sum (aTS, oC day) was obtained by adding up the dTS. The plastochron index was estimated by the inverse of the angular coefficient of the linear regression between the number of nodes per cane and aTS. In all three sites, both 'Cabernet Sauvignon' and 'Chardonnay' required degree-days of 10°C and aTS of 810ºC to complete the cycle from the beginning of sprouting until the end of flowering. The estimated plastochron indexes of the 'Cabernet Sauvignon' and 'Chardonnay' grapevines, in Fronteira Oeste, in the state Rio Grande do Sul, were 40.4 and 49.7ºC day per node, respectively.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o plastocrono das variedades de videira 'Cabernet Sauvignon' e 'Chardonnay' na Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido em 2010, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com as videiras 'Cabernet Sauvignon' e 'Chardonnay' cultivadas nos municípios de Itaqui, São Borja e Maçambará, denominados locais 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. Realizou-se o monitoramento fenológico das variedades desde o início da brotação até a realização da desponta dos ramos. A soma térmica diária (STd, oC dia) foi calculada a partir das temperaturas cardinais para o aparecimento de nós em videira (10, 25 e 35ºC), enquanto a soma térmica acumulada (STa, ºC dia) foi obtida pela soma da STd. O plastocrono foi estimado pelo inverso do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre o número de nós por sarmento e a STa. Nos três locais, tanto 'Cabernet Sauvignon' como 'Chardonnay' necessitaram de graus-dia de 10°C e STa de 810°C para completar o ciclo desde o início da brotação até o fim da floração. Os plastocronos estimados das variedades 'Cabernet Sauvignon' e 'Chardonnay', na Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, foram de 40,4 e 49,7ºC dia por nó, respectivamente

    Phenology and thermal accumulation in grapevines in the Fronteira Oeste region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a exigência térmica, obtida por diferentes métodos de cálculo, para caracterizar a fenologia das videiras (Vitis vinifera) 'Cabernet Sauvignon', 'Tannat', 'Ruby Cabernet' e 'Merlot', cultivadas na Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. O desenvolvimento fenológico foi acompanhado durante cinco safras – 2005/2006 a 2009/2010. As temperaturas mínimas e máximas do ar foram coletadas diariamente e foram testados oito métodos de soma térmica: M1.1, M1.2 e M1.3, que utilizaram somente a temperatura base inferior (10°C); M2.1 e M2.2, que consideraram também a temperatura ótima de desenvolvimento de 25°C; e M3.1, M3.2 e M3.3 que, além das anteriores, utilizaram 35°C como temperatura base superior do desenvolvimento. Estes métodos foram comparados pelo erro‑padrão das estimativas de soma térmica. O teste SNK foi utilizado para a comparação da exigência térmica entre as cultivares. O método M3.3 foi o que melhor simulou o desenvolvimento em 'Tannat' e 'Merlot' (1.823,1 e 1.780,8 graus‑dia respectivamente). No entanto, o menor desvio foi obtido em 'Cabernet Sauvignon' e 'Ruby Cabernet', pelo método M3.1 (1.958,9 e 1.944,8 graus‑dia respectivamente). Os métodos que empregaram as três temperaturas cardinais apresentaram maior precisão. 'Tannat' e 'Merlot' são as cultivares de videira que apresentam a menor exigência térmica para completar o ciclo.The objective of this work was to evaluate the thermal requirement, obtained by different thermal time calculation methods, to characterize the grapevine (Vitis vinifera) phenology of 'Cabernet Sauvignon', 'Tannat', 'Ruby Cabernet', and 'Merlot' grown in the Fronteira Oeste region, of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The phenological development was followed for five seasons – 2005/2006 to 2009/2010. Minimum and maximum air temperatures were recorded daily, and the following eight thermal time methods were tested: M1.1, M1.2, and M1.3, which use only the down threshold temperature (10°C); M2.1 and M2.2, which also consider 25°C as the optimum temperature for development; and M3.1, M3.2, and M3.3, which, besides using the prior temperatures, consider 35°C as the upper threshold temperature of development. These methods were compared using the standard error (SE) estimates of accumulated heat. The SNK test was used to compare the thermal requirement between cultivars. M3.3 was the method that best simulated 'Tannat' and 'Merlot' development (1,823.1 and 1,780.8 degree‑day respectively). However, the least deviation was obtained in 'Cabernet Sauvignon' and 'Ruby Cabernet' using the M3.1 method (1,958.9 and 1,944.8 degree‑ day respectively). Methods employing the three cardinal temperatures showed greater accuracy. 'Tannat' and 'Merlot' are the cultivars that show the lowest thermal requirement to complete the cycle

    Characterization of Blueberries Fructification habits grown in the middle region of Pelotas/RS, Brazil

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    O mirtileiro é uma espécie exótica para o Brasil, tendo sido introduzida sem estudos prévios quanto o comportamento da planta para as condições de cultivo do sul do Brasil. Neste sentido objetivou-se caracterizar o comportamento das cultivares Climax, Blugem e Powerblue, do grupo rabbiteye, frente à diferenciação das gemas floríferas em diferentes comprimentos de ramos, para as condições de cultivo da mesorregião de Pelotas, RS. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, conduzido sob esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (comprimento do ramo x ano). A coleta dos dados foi realizada, por duas safras consecutivas, 2012/2013 e 2013/2014, em ramos longos e curtos. Sob os ramos foram realizadas contagens do número de gemas floríferas e vegetativas, bem como a posição destas no ramo, ainda avaliando-se o diâmetro da base e do topo do ramo, além do seu comprimento. O número de níveis de gemas floríferas intercaladas as vegetativas, a cultivar Powderblue possui três níveis, quatro para Bluegem e cinco a Climax. O maior número de gemas floríferas foi verificado no primeiro nível, 9,3 e 5,0, respectivamente, nos ramos longos e curtos. O número total de gemas floríferas foi de 10,27 gemas para ramos longos e de 6,33 gemas para ramos curtos.The Blueberry tree is an exotic species in Brazil which has been inducted without any previous studies regarding its behavior to plantations conditions in the south of Brazil. In this way it was aimed to characterize the cultivar Climax behavior, Bluegem and Powderblue, from rabbiteye group, related to the differentiation of flowered gems in different sizes of branches, to different kinds of growing in the middle region of Pelotas, RS. The underlying experiment was completely made by chance, conducted under factorial scheme 2 vs 2 ( branch length vs year). The data collection data was made during two consecutive harvests, 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, in long branches and short. Under the branches were made counting of vegetates and flowered gems as well as their position in the branches and also evaluating the branch diameter from the bottle to the top, and its length. Regarding the level numbers of flower gems interspersed to vegetates, the cultivar Powderblue has tree levels, four to Bluegem and five to Climax. The greatest number of flowered gems was verified in the first level, 9.3 and 5.0 respectively, in long and short branches. The total number of flower gems was 10.27 gems to long branches and 6.33 to short branches.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Characterization of Blueberries Fructification habits grown in the middle region of Pelotas/RS, Brazil

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    O mirtileiro é uma espécie exótica para o Brasil, tendo sido introduzida sem estudos prévios quanto o comportamento da planta para as condições de cultivo do sul do Brasil. Neste sentido objetivou-se caracterizar o comportamento das cultivares Climax, Blugem e Powerblue, do grupo rabbiteye, frente à diferenciação das gemas floríferas em diferentes comprimentos de ramos, para as condições de cultivo da mesorregião de Pelotas, RS. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, conduzido sob esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (comprimento do ramo x ano). A coleta dos dados foi realizada, por duas safras consecutivas, 2012/2013 e 2013/2014, em ramos longos e curtos. Sob os ramos foram realizadas contagens do número de gemas floríferas e vegetativas, bem como a posição destas no ramo, ainda avaliando-se o diâmetro da base e do topo do ramo, além do seu comprimento. O número de níveis de gemas floríferas intercaladas as vegetativas, a cultivar Powderblue possui três níveis, quatro para Bluegem e cinco a Climax. O maior número de gemas floríferas foi verificado no primeiro nível, 9,3 e 5,0, respectivamente, nos ramos longos e curtos. O número total de gemas floríferas foi de 10,27 gemas para ramos longos e de 6,33 gemas para ramos curtos.The Blueberry tree is an exotic species in Brazil which has been inducted without any previous studies regarding its behavior to plantations conditions in the south of Brazil. In this way it was aimed to characterize the cultivar Climax behavior, Bluegem and Powderblue, from rabbiteye group, related to the differentiation of flowered gems in different sizes of branches, to different kinds of growing in the middle region of Pelotas, RS. The underlying experiment was completely made by chance, conducted under factorial scheme 2 vs 2 ( branch length vs year). The data collection data was made during two consecutive harvests, 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, in long branches and short. Under the branches were made counting of vegetates and flowered gems as well as their position in the branches and also evaluating the branch diameter from the bottle to the top, and its length. Regarding the level numbers of flower gems interspersed to vegetates, the cultivar Powderblue has tree levels, four to Bluegem and five to Climax. The greatest number of flowered gems was verified in the first level, 9.3 and 5.0 respectively, in long and short branches. The total number of flower gems was 10.27 gems to long branches and 6.33 to short branches.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Selection of Prunus clonal rootstocks based on nutritional efficiency state

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    Rootstock contributes to increase the absorption and nutrients translocation efficiency. We aimed to select rootstocks according to the nutritional physiological state of the scion cultivar. The experiment was carried out during three periods of leaf collect on the 4-year old peach cv. BRS Libra budded onto 21 rootstocks cultivated in a high density orchard. The following traits were evaluated: xylem water potential, dry leaf mass and chemical leaf nutritional analysis. The collected data were submitted to analysis of variance by the F test and some genetic parameters were estimated. When significant, the means were compared using the Scott-Knott test, at 5% significance. The principal component analysis was performed to verify the interrelationships between the rootstocks and the evaluated traits. The deviation from optimum percentage index was used to select the most nutritional stable rootstock. We observed that rootstock affects the dynamic absorption nutrient parameters in interactions with the scion. The highest foliar levels of P were found in the BRS Libra cultivar when budded onto the rootstocks ʹSanta Rosaʹ, ʹBarrierʹ, ʹTsukuba-1ʹ and ʹRosaflorʹ. The leaf analysis revealed a high variation in the mineral nutritional status among the studied Prunus rootstocks. Most of the mineral macro-elements varied between medium and optimal levels. The rootstocks ʹRigitanoʹ and ʹNemaredʹ showed less nutritional limitation and is recommended for cultivations in high density orchards.Rootstock contributes to increase the absorption and nutrients translocation efficiency. We aimed to select rootstocks according to the nutritional physiological state of the scion cultivar. The experiment was carried out during three periods of leaf collect on the 4-year old peach cv. BRS Libra budded onto 21 rootstocks cultivated in a high density orchard. The following traits were evaluated: xylem water potential, dry leaf mass and chemical leaf nutritional analysis. The collected data were submitted to analysis of variance by the F test and some genetic parameters were estimated. When significant, the means were compared using the Scott-Knott test, at 5% significance. The principal component analysis was performed to verify the interrelationships between the rootstocks and the evaluated traits. The deviation from optimum percentage index was used to select the most nutritional stable rootstock. We observed that rootstock affects the dynamic absorption nutrient parameters in interactions with the scion. The highest foliar levels of P were found in the BRS Libra cultivar when budded onto the rootstocks ʹSanta Rosaʹ, ʹBarrierʹ, ʹTsukuba-1ʹ and ʹRosaflorʹ. The leaf analysis revealed a high variation in the mineral nutritional status among the studied Prunus rootstocks. Most of the mineral macro-elements varied between medium and optimal levels. The rootstocks ʹRigitanoʹ and ʹNemaredʹ showed less nutritional limitation and is recommended for cultivations in high density orchards