94 research outputs found

    Aspects of Romanian Palaeozoic Palaeobotany and Palynology. Part III. The Late Carboniferous flora of Baia Nouă, Sirinia Basin

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    The Cucuiova Formation is a Pennsylvanian (late Carboniferous) coal-bearing unit in the intramontane Sirinia Basin, which was formed in the Danubian Units of the South Carpathians. The main coal seam in the Cucuiova Formation was worked at Baia Nouă (Nové Doly) and this locality has yielded a typical adpression coal flora. Previous studies have suggested that this flora was Moscovian (late Westphalian or even earliest Stephanian) in age. However, newly collected samples from Baia Nouă have included abundant Neuralethopteris, which clearly indicates a late Bashkirian (Langsettian) age. This suggests a possible link with the Svoge Basin in northern Bulgaria, which is another intramontane basin located on the Balkan Terrane with early Westphalian coal-bearing deposits.</p

    Ursodeoxycholic acid inhibits uptake and vasoconstrictor effects of taurocholate in human placenta

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    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) causes increased transfer of maternal bile acids to the fetus and an increased incidence of sudden fetal death. Treatment includes ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), but it is not clear if UDCA protects the fetus. This study explores the placental transport of the bile acid taurocholate (TC) by the organic anion–transporting polypeptide, (OATP)4A1, its effects on the placental proteome and vascular function, and how these are modified by UDCA. Various methodological approaches including placental villous fragments and Xenopus laevis oocytes were used to investigate UDCA transport. Placental perfusions and myography investigated the effect of TC on vasculature. The effects of acute TC exposure on placental tissue were investigated using quantitative proteomics. UDCA inhibited OATP4A1 activity in placental villous fragments and oocytes. TC induced vasoconstriction in placental and rat vasculature, which was attenuated by UDCA. Quantitative proteomic analysis of villous fragments showed direct effects of TC on multiple placental pathways, including oxidative stress and autophagy. The effects of TC on the placental proteome and vasculature demonstrate how bile acids may cause fetal distress in ICP. UDCA inhibition of OATP4A1 suggests it will protect the mother and fetus against the vascular effects of TC by inhibiting its cellular uptake. UDCA may protect the fetus in ICP by inhibiting OATP4A1-mediated bile acid transfer and TC-induced placental vasoconstriction. Understanding the physiologic mechanisms of UDCA may allow better therapeutic interventions to be designed specifically for the fetus in the future.—Lofthouse, E. M., Torrens, C., Manousopoulou, A., Nahar, M., Cleal, J. K., O’Kelly, I. M., Sengers, B. G., Garbis, S. D., Lewis, R. M. Ursodeoxycholic acid inhibits uptake and vasoconstrictor effects of taurocholate in human placenta

    Ursodeoxycholic acid inhibits uptake and vasoconstrictor effects of taurocholate in human placenta

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    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) causes increased transfer of maternal bile acids to the fetus and an increased incidence of sudden fetal death. Treatment includes ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), but it is not clear if UDCA protects the fetus. This study explores the placental transport of the bile acid taurocholate (TC) by the organic anion–transporting polypeptide, (OATP)4A1, its effects on the placental proteome and vascular function, and how these are modified by UDCA. Various methodological approaches including placental villous fragments and Xenopus laevis oocytes were used to investigate UDCA transport. Placental perfusions and myography investigated the effect of TC on vasculature. The effects of acute TC exposure on placental tissue were investigated using quantitative proteomics. UDCA inhibited OATP4A1 activity in placental villous fragments and oocytes. TC induced vasoconstriction in placental and rat vasculature, which was attenuated by UDCA. Quantitative proteomic analysis of villous fragments showed direct effects of TC on multiple placental pathways, including oxidative stress and autophagy. The effects of TC on the placental proteome and vasculature demonstrate how bile acids may cause fetal distress in ICP. UDCA inhibition of OATP4A1 suggests it will protect the mother and fetus against the vascular effects of TC by inhibiting its cellular uptake. UDCA may protect the fetus in ICP by inhibiting OATP4A1-mediated bile acid transfer and TC-induced placental vasoconstriction. Understanding the physiologic mechanisms of UDCA may allow better therapeutic interventions to be designed specifically for the fetus in the future.—Lofthouse, E. M., Torrens, C., Manousopoulou, A., Nahar, M., Cleal, J. K., O’Kelly, I. M., Sengers, B. G., Garbis, S. D., Lewis, R. M. Ursodeoxycholic acid inhibits uptake and vasoconstrictor effects of taurocholate in human placenta

    The prospectivity of a potential shale gas play: An example from the southern Pennine Basin (central England, UK)

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    During the Serpukhovian (late Mississippian) Stage, the Pennine Basin, now underlying much of northern England, consisted of a series of interlinked sub-basins that developed in response to the crustal extension north of the Hercynic orogenic zone. For the current study, mudstone samples of the Morridge Formation from two sub-basins located in the south-eastern part of the Pennine Basin were collected from the Carsington Dam Reconstruction C3 Borehole (Widmerpool Gulf sub-basin) and the Karenight 1 Borehole (Edale Gulf sub-basin). Detailed palynological analyses indicate that aside from the dominant (often 90% or more) heterogeneous amorphous organic matter (AOM), variable abundances of homogeneous AOM and phytoclasts are present. To complement the palynological dataset, a suite of geochemical and mineralogical techniques were applied to evaluate the prospectivity of these potentially important source rocks. Changes in the carbon isotope composition of the bulk organic fraction (δ13COM) suggest that the lower part (Biozone E2a) of Carsington DR C3 is markedly more influenced by terrigenous kerogen than the upper part of the core (Biozones E2a3–E2b1). The Karenight 1 core yielded more marine kerogen in the lower part (Marine Bands E1–E2b) than the upper part (Marine Band E2b). Present day Rock-Eval™ Total Organic Carbon (TOC) surpasses 2% in most samples from both cores, a proportion suggested by Jarvie (2012) that defines prospective shale gas reservoirs. However, when the pyrolysable component that reflects the generative kerogen fraction is considered, very few samples reach this threshold. The kerogen typing permits for the first time the calculation of an original hydrogen index (HIo) and original total organic carbon (TOCo) for Carboniferous mudstones of the Pennine Basin. The most prospective part of Carsington DR C3 (marine bands E2b1–E2a3) has an average TOCo of 3.2% and an average HIo of 465 mg/g TOCo. The most prospective part of Karenight 1 (242.80–251.89 m) is characterized by an average TOCo of 9.3% and an average HIo of 504 mg/g TOCo. Lastly, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirms that the siliceous to argillaceous mudstones contain a highly variable carbonate content. The palynological, geochemical and mineralogical proxies combined indicate that marine sediments were continuously being deposited throughout the sampled intervals and were punctuated by episodic turbiditic events. The terrestrial material, originating from the Wales-Brabant High to the south of the Pennine Basin, was principally deposited in the Widmerpool Gulf, with much less terrigenous organic matter reaching the Edale Gulf. As a consequence, the prospective intervals are relatively thin, decimetre-to meter-scale, and further high resolution characterization of these intervals is required to understand variability in prospectivitiy over these limited intervals

    Plant fossils in geological investigation : the palaeozoic

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    133 p. : il.; 24 cm