2,052 research outputs found

    Effect of energy restriction on appetite regulation and metabolism at rest and during exercise

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    Current methods of energy restriction are not successful for achieving long-term weight loss and maintenance for the majority of individuals. As a result, the prevalence of obesity and obesity related diseases continue to increase. This calls for the development of novel lifestyle interventions to combat the obesity epidemic. Hunger has been highlighted as a major factor influencing the long-term success of weight management methods and therefore how a given dietary intervention affects the appetite regulatory system may dictate the success of the diet by augmenting long-term adherence. In addition, the effect of a given dietary intervention on exercise may determine its suitability for exercising individuals and may influence the energy deficit that can be achieved by the diet. This thesis investigated the acute effects of two novel methods of dietary restriction; breakfast omission and severe energy restriction. The main aims for this thesis were to determine the effect of these methods of energy restriction on ad-libitum energy intake, subjective appetite sensations, and peripheral concentrations of hormones involved in appetite regulation. In addition, this thesis also investigated the effects of these methods of energy restriction on metabolism and glycaemic control at rest, and performance and perceived exertion during exercise. This work found that moderate and severe energy deficits induced by breakfast omission and 24 h of severe energy restriction, respectively, resulted in either no (Chapter VIII) or partial (Chapters IV and VII) energy intake compensation over the subsequent 24-48 h. Subjective appetite was increased during (Chapters IV, V, VII and VIII) and shortly after (Chapter VII) energy restriction, but this effect was transient and was offset after an ad-libitum (Chapters IV and VII) or standardised (Chapters V and VIII) meal. In addition, none of the work presented in this thesis demonstrated an appetite hormone response to energy restriction that was indicative of compensatory eating behaviour. Compared to breakfast omission, breakfast consumption resulted in an increased in resting energy expenditure and carbohydrate oxidation, with a concurrent reduction in fat oxidation during the morning. However, there were no differences after lunch (Chapter V). In response to a standardised breakfast, resting energy expenditure was suppressed (Chapter VII) or not different (Chapter VIII) the following morning, after 24 h severe energy restriction compared to energy balance. Plasma NEFA and fat oxidation was greater, carbohydrate oxidation was reduced, and postprandial insulin sensitivity was impaired in the after 24 h severe energy restriction (Chapter VI, VII and VIII). In Chapter IV, omission of breakfast in the morning was shown to reduce exercise performance in evening, even after provision of an ad-libitum lunch 4 h before. However, there was no difference in perception of effort during steady state exercise, independent of breakfast consumption or omission in the morning (Chapters IV and V). Collectively, breakfast omission and 24 h severe energy restriction reduce energy intake and promote an appetite regulatory response conducive to maintenance of a negative energy balance. Chronic intervention studies are now required to confirm whether these effects persist after long-term practice of these dietary interventions

    Adults can be trained to acquire synesthetic experiences

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    Synesthesia is a condition where presentation of one perceptual class consistently evokes additional experiences in different perceptual categories. Synesthesia is widely considered a congenital condition, although an alternative view is that it is underpinned by repeated exposure to combined perceptual features at key developmental stages. Here we explore the potential for repeated associative learning to shape and engender synesthetic experiences. Non-synesthetic adult participants engaged in an extensive training regime that involved adaptive memory and reading tasks, designed to reinforce 13 specific letter-color associations. Following training, subjects exhibited a range of standard behavioral and physiological markers for grapheme-color synesthesia; crucially, most also described perceiving color experiences for achromatic letters, inside and outside the lab, where such experiences are usually considered the hallmark of genuine synesthetes. Collectively our results are consistent with developmental accounts of synesthesia and illuminate a previously unsuspected potential for new learning to shape perceptual experience, even in adulthood

    Stress-Induced Cocaine Seeking Requires a Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor-Regulated Pathway from the Ventral Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis That Regulates CRF Actions in the Ventral Tegmental Area

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    The ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST) has been implicated in stress-induced cocaine use. Here we demonstrate that, in the vBNST, corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) is expressed in neurons that innervate the ventral tegmental area (VTA), a site where the CRF receptor antagonist antalarmin prevents the reinstatement of cocaine seeking by a stressor, intermittent footshock, following intravenous self-administration in rats. The vBNST receives dense noradrenergic innervation and expresses β adrenergic receptors (ARs). Footshock-induced reinstatement was prevented by bilateral intra-vBNST injection of the β-2 AR antagonist, ICI-118,551, but not the β-1 AR antagonist, betaxolol. Moreover, bilateral intra-vBNST injection of the β-2 AR agonist, clenbuterol, but not the β-1 agonist, dobutamine, reinstated cocaine seeking, suggesting that activation of vBNST β-2 AR is both necessary for stress-induced reinstatement and sufficient to induce cocaine seeking. The contribution of a β-2 AR-regulated vBNST-to-VTA pathway that releases CRF was investigated using a disconnection approach. Injection of ICI-118,551 into the vBNST in one hemisphere and antalarmin into the VTA of the contralateral hemisphere prevented footshock-induced reinstatement, whereas ipsilateral manipulations failed to attenuate stress-induced cocaine seeking, suggesting that β-2 AR regulate vBNST efferents that release CRF into the VTA, activating CRF receptors, and promoting cocaine use. Last, reinstatement by clenbuterol delivered bilaterally into the vBNST was prevented by bilateral vBNST pretreatment with antalarmin, indicating that β-2 AR-mediated actions in the vBNST also require local CRF receptor activation. Understanding the processes through which stress induces cocaine seeking should guide the development of new treatments for addiction

    Object-based attention is accentuated by object reward association

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    Humans use selective attention to prioritize visual features, like color or shape, as well as discrete spatial locations, and these effects are sensitive to the experience of reward. Reward-associated features and locations are accordingly prioritized from early in the visual hierarchy. Attention is also sensitive to the establishment of visual objects: selection of one constituent object part often leads to prioritization of other locations on that object. But very little is known about the influence of reward on this object-based control of attention. Here we show in four experiments that reward prioritization and object prioritization interact in visual cognition to guide selection. Experiment 1 establishes groundwork for this investigation, showing that reward feedback does not negate object prioritization. In Experiment 2, we corroborate the hypothesis that reward prioritization and object prioritization emerge concurrently. In Experiment 3, we find that reward prioritization and object prioritization sustain and interact in extinction, when reward feedback is discontinued. We verify this interaction in Experiment 4, linking it to task experience rather than the strategic utility of the reward association. Results suggest that information gathered from locations on reward-associated objects gains preferential access to cognition. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).</p

    Business Employment Dynamics: Tabulations by Employer Size

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    The gross job gains and gross job loss statistics from the BLS Business Employment Dynamics (BED) program measure the large gross job flows that underlie the quarterly net change in employment. In the fourth quarter of 2004, employment grew by 869,000 jobs. This growth is the sum of 8.1 million gross job gains from opening and expanding establishments, and 7.2 million gross job losses from contracting and closing establishments. The new BED data have captured the attention of economists and policymakers across the country, and these data are becoming a major contributor to our understanding of employment growth and business cycles in the U.S. economy. Following the initial release of the BED data in September 2003, the BED data series expanded in May 2004 with the release of industry statistics. The BLS then began work on tabulations by size class. The production of size-class statistics is a complex task involving several economic and statistical issues. Although it is trivial to classify a business into a size class in any given quarter, it is difficult to classify a business into a size class for a longitudinal analysis of employment growth. Several different classifications exist, and many of these possible classifications have appealing theoretical and statistical properties. Furthermore, these alternative classification methodologies result in sharply different portraits of employment growth by size class. In this article, we discuss the alternative statistical methodologies that the BLS considered for creating size class tabulations from the Business Employment Dynamics data. Our primary focus is on four methodologies: quarterly base-sizing, annual base-sizing, mean-sizing, and dynamic-sizing. We discuss the evaluation criteria that BLS considered for choosing its official size class methodology.gross job gains; gross job losses; business employment dynamics; size-class statistics; dynamic-sizing

    The implicit power of positive thinking: The effect of positive episodic simulation on implicit future expectancies

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    Previous research demonstrating that positive episodic simulation enhances future expectancies has relied on explicit expectancy measures. The current study investigated the effects of episodic simulation on implicit expectancies. Using the Future Thinking Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (FT-IRAP), participants made true/false decisions to indicate whether or not they expected positive/negative outcomes after adopting orientations consistent or inconsistent with an optimistic disposition. The outcome measure, DIRAP, was based on response time differences between consistent and inconsistent blocks. Participants then engaged in either positive simulation training, in which they imagined positive future events, or a neutral visualisation task before repeating the FT-IRAP twice following 10-minute intervals. Positive simulation training increased DIRAP scores for don’t-expect-negative trials – boosting participants’ readiness to affirm that negative events were unlikely to happen to them. Although findings did not generalise across all trial types, they show potential for positive simulation training to enhance implicit future expectancies

    Interstellar Krypton Abundances: The Detection of Kiloparsec-scale Differences in Galactic Nucleosynthetic History

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    We present an analysis of Kr I 1236 line measurements from 50 sight lines in the Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph data archives that have sufficiently high resolution and signal-to-noise ratio to permit reliable krypton-to-hydrogen abundance ratio determinations. The distribution of Kr/H ratios in this sample is consistent with a single value for the ISM within 5900 pc of the Sun, log(Kr/H) = -9.02+/-0.02, apart from a rough annulus from between about 600 and 2500 pc distant. The Kr/H ratio toward stars within this annulus is elevated by approximately 0.11 dex, similar to previously noted elevations of O/H and Cu/H gas-phase abundances beyond about 800 pc. A significant drop in the gas-phase N/O ratio in the same region suggests that this is an artifact of nucleosynthetic history. Since the physical scale of the annulus' inner edge is comparable to the radius of the Gould Belt and the outer limit of heliocentric distances where the D/H abundance ratio is highly variable, these phenomena may be related to the Gould Belt's origins.Comment: 32 pages, including 6 figures; accepted by Ap

    Sexual differentiation of the zebra finch song system: potential roles for sex chromosome genes

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    Abstract Background Recent evidence suggests that some sex differences in brain and behavior might result from direct genetic effects, and not solely the result of the organizational effects of steroid hormones. The present study examined the potential role for sex-biased gene expression during development of sexually dimorphic singing behavior and associated song nuclei in juvenile zebra finches. Results A microarray screen revealed more than 2400 putative genes (with a false discovery rate less than 0.05) exhibiting sex differences in the telencephalon of developing zebra finches. Increased expression in males was confirmed in 12 of 20 by qPCR using cDNA from the whole telencephalon; all of these appeared to be located on the Z sex chromosome. Six of the genes also showed increased expression in one or more of the song control nuclei of males at post-hatching day 25. Although the function of half of the genes is presently unknown, we have identified three as: 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type IV, methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase, and sorting nexin 2. Conclusion The data suggest potential influences of these genes in song learning and/or masculinization of song system morphology, both of which are occurring at this developmental stage
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