279 research outputs found

    Program for computing partial pressures from residual gas analyzer data

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    A computer program for determining the partial pressures of various gases from residual-gas-analyzer data is given. The analysis of the ion currents of 18 m/e spectrometer peaks allows the determination of 12 gases simultaneously. Comparison is made to ion-gage readings along with certain other control information. The output data are presented in both tabular and graphical form

    Continuity of the von Neumann entropy

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    A general method for proving continuity of the von Neumann entropy on subsets of positive trace-class operators is considered. This makes it possible to re-derive the known conditions for continuity of the entropy in more general forms and to obtain several new conditions. The method is based on a particular approximation of the von Neumann entropy by an increasing sequence of concave continuous unitary invariant functions defined using decompositions into finite rank operators. The existence of this approximation is a corollary of a general property of the set of quantum states as a convex topological space called the strong stability property. This is considered in the first part of the paper.Comment: 42 pages, the minor changes have been made, the new applications of the continuity condition have been added. To appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    Diamond deposition on modified silicon substrates: Making diamond atomic force microscopy tips for nanofriction experiments

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    Fine-crystalline diamond particles are grown on standard Si atomic force microscopy tips, using hot filament-assisted chemical vapor deposition. To optimize the conditions for diamond deposition, first a series of experiments is carried out using silicon substrates covered by point-topped pyramids as obtained by wet chemical etching. The apexes and the edges of the silicon pyramids provide favorable sites for diamond nucleation and growth. The investigation of the deposited polycrystallites is done by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy. The resulting diamond-terminated tips are tested in ultra high vacuum using contact-mode atomic force microscope on a stepped surface of sapphire showing high stability, sharpness, and hardnes

    Corporation tax as a problem of MNC organisational circuits: The case for unitary taxation

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    The tax practices of multinational corporations have become a matter of significant public and political concern. The underlying issues are rooted in the capacity of multinational corporations (MNCs) to construct organisational circuits that shift where sales, revenue and profit are reported. This capacity in turn becomes a focus because of the way MNCs are treated as a series of separate entities, subject to the arm’s length principle. This has become a classic example of a system whose current form and consequences were not foreseen when the original principles were set out. The continued existence of that system owes more to specific interests and inertia than it does to the absence of a viable alternative. Unitary taxation based on formula apportionment clearly resolves the underlying issues and unitary taxation may well ultimately emerge as a new generalised basis for corporate taxation. However, for it to do so, the problems of the current system and the advantages of the alternative need to be more clearly understood within academia, business and on a societal basis. This paper is a contribution to such an understanding

    The New Politics of Global Tax Governance: Taking Stock a Decade After the Financial Crisis

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    The financial crisis of 2007–2009 is now broadly recognised as a once-in-a-generation inflection point in the history of global economic governance. It has also prompted a reconsideration of established paradigms in international political economy (IPE) scholarship. Developments in global tax governance open a window onto these ongoing changes, and in this essay we discuss four recent volumes on the topic drawn from IPE and beyond, arguing against an emphasis on institutional stability and analyses that consider taxation in isolation. In contrast, we identify unprecedented changes in tax cooperation that reflect a significant contemporary reconfiguration of the politics of global economic governance writ large. To develop these arguments, we discuss the links between global tax governance and four fundamental changes underway in IPE: the return of the state through more activist policies; the global power shift towards large emerging markets; the politics of austerity and populism; and the digitalisation of the economy

    Internal medicine specialists' attitudes towards working part-time: a comparison between 1996 and 2004

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    BACKGROUND: Although medical specialists traditionally hold negative views towards working part-time, the practice of medicine has evolved. Given the trend towards more part-time work and that there is no evidence that it compromises the quality of care, attitudes towards part-time work may have changed as well in recent years. The aim of this paper was to examine the possible changes in attitudes towards part-time work among specialists in internal medicine between 1996 and 2004. Moreover, we wanted to determine whether these attitudes were associated with individual characteristics (age, gender, investments in work) and whether attitudes of specialists within a partnership showed more resemblance than specialists' attitudes from different partnerships. METHODS: Two samples were used in this study: data of a survey conducted in 1996 and in 2004. After selecting internal medicine specialists working in general hospitals in The Netherlands, the sample consisted of 219 specialists in 1996 and 363 specialists in 2004. They were sent a questionnaire, including topics on the attitudes towards part-time work. RESULTS: Internal medicine specialists' attitudes towards working part-time became slightly more positive between 1996 and 2004. Full-time working specialists in 2004 still expressed concerns regarding the investments of part-timers in overhead tasks, the flexibility of task division, efficiency, communication and continuity of care. In 1996 gender was the only predictor of the attitude, in 2004 being a full- or a part-timer, age and the time invested in work were associated with this attitude. Furthermore, specialists' attitudes were not found to cluster much within partnerships. CONCLUSION: In spite of the increasing number of specialists working or preferring to work part-time, part-time practice among internal medicine specialists seems not to be fully accepted. The results indicate that the attitudes are no longer gender based, but are associated with age and work aspects such as the number of hours worked. Though there is little evidence to support them, negative ideas about the consequences of part-time work for the quality of care still exist. Policy should be aimed at removing the organisational difficulties related to part-time work and create a system in which part-time practice is fully integrated and accepted

    Fiscal Resources for Inclusive Growth

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    This paper develops a framework to assess the growth and distribution effects of fiscal resources. Resources are classified as debt, other capital receipts, foreign aid and other unilateral grants, non-tax revenue, including resource rents, seigniorage, and taxes. The framework is used to assess the fiscal resource bases of economies in developing Asia to the extent permitted by available data. Although there is great diversity in the amount of resources raised in terms of the importance of different revenue sources and in the sophistication of revenue administrations, the analysis suggests that in order to expand their relatively low fiscal resource bases, developing Asian economies need to pay greater attention to non-tax revenue and to taxes other than broad-based taxes on income and consumption, such as property taxes and corrective taxes
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