43 research outputs found

    Identifying the psychological processes delineating non-harmful from problematic binge-watching: A machine learning analytical approach

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    As on-demand streaming technology rapidly expanded, binge-watching (i.e., watching multiple episodes of TV series back-to-back) has become a widespread activity, and substantial research has been conducted to explore its potential harmfulness. There is, however, a need for differentiating non-harmful and problematic binge-watching. This is the first study using a machine learning analytical strategy to further investigate the distinct psychological predictors of these two binge-watching patterns. A total of 4275 TV series viewers completed an online survey assessing sociodemographic variables, binge-watching engagement, and relevant predictor variables (i.e., viewing motivations, impulsivity facets, and affect). In one set of analyses, we modeled intensity of non-harmful involvement in binge-watching as the dependent variable, while in a following set of analyses, we modeled intensity of problematic involvement in binge-watching as the dependent variable. Emotional enhancement motivation, followed by enrichment and social motivations, were the most important variables in modeling non-harmful involvement. Coping/escapism motivation, followed by urgency and lack of perseverance (two impulsivity traits), were found as the most important predictors of problematic involvement. These findings indicate that non-harmful involvement is characterized by positive reinforcement triggered by TV series watching, while problematic involvement is linked to negative reinforcement motives and impulsivity traits

    Predictors of Cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study using supervised machine learning.

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    BACKGROUND Cyberchondria is characterized by repeated and compulsive online searches for health information, resulting in increased health anxiety and distress. It has been conceptualized as a multi-dimensional construct fueled by both anxiety and compulsivity-related factors and described as a "transdiagnostic compulsive behavioral syndrome" which is associated with health anxiety, problematic internet use and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Cyberchondria is not included in the ICD-11 or the DSM-5, and its defining features, etiological mechanisms and assessment continue to be debated. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to investigate changes in the severity of cyberchondria during the pandemic and identify predictors of cyberchondria at this time. METHODS Data collection started on May 4, 2020 and ended on June 10, 2020, which corresponds to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe. At the time the present study took place, French-speaking countries in Europe (France, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg) all implemented lockdown or semi-lockdown measures. The survey consisted of a questionnaire collecting demographic information (sex, age, education level and country of residence) and information on socioeconomic circumstances during the first lockdown (e.g., economic situation, housing and employment status), and was followed by several instruments assessing various psychological and health-related constructs. Inclusion criteria for the study were being at least 18 years of age and having a good understanding of French. Self-report data were collected from 725 participants aged 18 to 77 years (mean 33.29, SD 12.88 years), with females constituting the majority (416/725, 57.4%). RESULTS The results show that the COVID-19 pandemic affected various facets of cyberchondria: cyberchondria-related distress and interference with functioning increased (distress z=-3.651, P<.001; compulsion z=-5.697, P<.001), whereas the reassurance facet of cyberchondria decreased (z=-6.680, P<.001). Also, COVID-19-related fears and health anxiety emerged as the strongest predictors of cyberchondria-related distress and interference with functioning during the pandemic. CONCLUSIONS These findings provide evidence about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cyberchondria and identify factors that should be considered in efforts to prevent and manage cyberchondria at times of public health crises. Also, they are consistent with the theoretical model of cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic proposed by Starcevic and his colleagues in 2020. In addition, the findings have implications for the conceptualization and future assessment of cyberchondria

    Scattered tree death contributes to substantial forest loss in California

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    In recent years, large-scale tree mortality events linked to global change have occurred around the world. Current forest monitoring methods are crucial for identifying mortality hotspots, but systematic assessments of isolated or scattered dead trees over large areas are needed to reduce uncertainty on the actual extent of tree mortality. Here, we mapped individual dead trees in California using sub-meter resolution aerial photographs from 2020 and deep learning-based dead tree detection. We identified 91.4 million dead trees over 27.8 million hectares of vegetated areas (16.7-24.7% underestimation bias when compared to field data). Among these, a total of 19.5 million dead trees appeared isolated, and 60% of all dead trees occurred in small groups ( ≀ 3 dead trees within a 30 × 30 m grid), which is largely undetected by other state-level monitoring methods. The widespread mortality of individual trees impacts the carbon budget and sequestration capacity of California forests and can be considered a threat to forest health and a fuel source for future wildfires

    Dependence on Myb expression is attenuated in myeloid leukaemia with N-terminal CEBPA mutations

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    Mutations at the N- or C-terminus of C/EBPα are frequent in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with normal karyotype. Here, we investigate the role of the transcription factor Myb in AMLs driven by different combinations of CEBPA mutations. Using knockdown of Myb in murine cell lines modelling the spectrum of CEBPA mutations, we show that the effect of reduced Myb depends on the mutational status of the two Cebpa alleles. Importantly, Myb knockdown fails to override the block in myeloid differentiation in cells with biallelic N-terminal C/EBPα mutations, demonstrating for the first time that the dependency on Myb is much lower in AML with this mutational profile. By comparing gene expression following Myb knockdown and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing data for the binding of C/EBPα isoforms, we provide evidence for a functional cooperation between C/EBPα and Myb in the maintenance of AML. This co-dependency breaks down when both alleles of CEBPA harbour N-terminal mutations, as a subset of C/EBPα-regulated genes only bind the short p30 C/EBPα isoform and, unlike other C/EBPα-regulated genes, do so without a requirement for Myb

    MICROSCOPE mission: first results of a space test of the equivalence principle

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    According to the weak equivalence principle, all bodies should fall at the same rate in a gravitational field. The MICROSCOPE satellite, launched in April 2016, aims to test its validity at the 10−15 precision level, by measuring the force required to maintain two test masses (of titanium and platinum alloys) exactly in the same orbit. A nonvanishing result would correspond to a violation of the equivalence principle, or to the discovery of a new long-range force. Analysis of the first data gives ÎŽ(Ti,Pt)=[−1±9(stat)±9(syst)]×10−15 (1σ statistical uncertainty) for the titanium-platinum Eötvös parameter characterizing the relative difference in their free-fall accelerations

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    BMP-2 regulation of human chondrocytes phenotype : advances for cartilage tissue engineering

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    Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer si la bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 pouvait aider Ă  contrĂŽler le phĂ©notype de chondrocytes humains dans des conditions de culture Ă  long terme nĂ©cessaires pour la transplantation de chondrocytes autologues (TCA). Nous avons aussi Ă©valuĂ© le potentiel de la BMP-2 comme facteur de rĂ©paration du cartilage, en combinaison avec un biomatĂ©riau Ă  base de collagĂšne, pour Ă©tendre la technique aux lĂ©sions arthrosiques. Des chondrocytes humains ont Ă©tĂ© cultivĂ©s selon la procĂ©dure utilisĂ©e pour la TCA. Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© la rĂ©ponse des chondrocytes Ă  la BMP-2 en culture monocouche ou dans les Ă©ponges de collagĂšne par des analyses par PCR en temps rĂ©el, par Western blotting et Immunohistochimie.L’ajout de BMP-2 amĂ©liore le caractĂšre chondrogĂ©nique des chondrocytes humains amplifiĂ©s en monocouche. L’effet stimulateur de la BMP-2 sur l’expression du collagĂšne de type II a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© au niveau des gĂšnes mais aussi des protĂ©ines, ce qui est une propriĂ©tĂ© essentielle pour la reconstruction d’une matrice cartilagineuse. Nos rĂ©sultats ont aussi montrĂ© que dans des chondrocytes tout d’abord amplifiĂ©s en monocouche puis cultivĂ©s en Ă©ponges de collagĂšne en prĂ©sence de BMP-2, la BMP-2 est capable de restaurer l’expression du gĂšne COL2A1 et la synthĂšse de collagĂšne de type II qui avaient Ă©tĂ© perdues pendant l’amplification. De maniĂšre importante, aucun signe de maturation hypertrophique ou d’induction ostĂ©ogĂ©nique n’a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©. Cette Ă©tude est la premiĂšre Ă  rĂ©vĂ©ler le bĂ©nĂ©fice de l’ajout de BMP-2 Ă  des chondrocytes humains comme un agent thĂ©rapeutique pour la rĂ©paration du cartilage.The aim of this study was to investigate if bone borphogenetic brotein (BMP)-2 could help to control human chondrocytes phenotype in long-term culture conditions necessary for autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). We also evaluated the potential of BMP-2 as a repair factor in combination with collagen-based biomaterials, to extend the technique to osteoarthritic lesions. Human chondrocytes were cultured independently, according to the procedure used for ACI. We evaluated the responsiveness of chondrocytes to BMP-2 when cultured in monolayer or within collagen sponges using Real-time PCR, Western blotting and Immunohistochemistry. Exogenous BMP-2 improved the chondrogenic character of human chondrocytes when amplified in monolayer. The stimulatory effect of BMP-2 on type II collagen expression was observed not only at the mRNA level but also at the protein level, and this is crucial for cartilage matrix reconstruction. Our data with human chondrocytes first amplified in monolayer then cultured in collagen sponges in the presence of BMP-2 have revealed that BMP-2 is able to restore COL2A1 gene expression and type II collagen synthesis that were lost during the amplification step. Importantly, no sign of hypertrophic maturation or osteogenic induction was detected beside the chondrogenic stimulatory effect of BMP-2. This study is the first to reveal the benefit of adding exogenous BMP-2 to human chondrocytes as a therapeutic agent for cartilage repair

    Évaluation de la validitĂ© des critĂšres du Trouble liĂ© au Jeu VidĂ©o en ligne selon le DSM-5 : Une approche en “Machine Learning”

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    INTRODUCTION : En 2013, le trouble liĂ© au jeu vidĂ©o en ligne (TJV) a Ă©tĂ© introduit dans la section III du DSM-5 qui rĂ©pertorie les troubles Ă©mergents nĂ©cessitant plus de recherche avant d’ĂȘtre potentiellement reconnus [1]. 9 critĂšres de diagnostic ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s Ă  partir de ceux initialement Ă©tablis pour les troubles liĂ©s Ă  l’utilisation de substance et au jeu d’argent [2]. Certains de ces critĂšres, comme l’augmentation progressive du temps de jeu, ont Ă©tĂ© critiquĂ©s quant Ă  leur validitĂ© vis-Ă -vis de l’évaluation du TJV [3]. Bien que le score seuil proposĂ© par le DSM-5 pour Ă©tablir un diagnostic semble soutenu dans la littĂ©rature [4], la prĂ©sence de critĂšres jugĂ©s peu pertinents par les experts rend possible une sur-pathologisation des joueurs fortement engagĂ©s dans les jeux vidĂ©o [5]. Le Machine Learning (ML) reprĂ©sente une opportunitĂ© d’innovation dans l’évaluation de la validitĂ© des critĂšres d’un outil diagnostic (validitĂ© clinique, utilitĂ© clinique, valeur pronostique). Bien que le ML soit de plus en plus utilisĂ© en psychologie, il n’y a Ă  notre connaissance aucune Ă©tude qui a utilisĂ© cette approche pour tester la validitĂ© des critĂšres proposĂ©s pour dĂ©finir le TJV selon le DSM-5. OBJECTIF : Évaluer la validitĂ© des critĂšres du DSM-5 concernant le TJV en fonction du score seuil de diagnostic (cut-off) prĂ©dĂ©terminĂ© et observer l’apport du ML. MATERIEL ET METHODE : Trois bases de donnĂ©es venant de deux Ă©tudes publiĂ©es [6, 7] et d’une Ă©tude non publiĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© regroupĂ©es afin d’obtenir un Ă©chantillon final de 412 rĂ©pondants. Les participants sont ĂągĂ©s entre 18 et 43 ans (M=21.89, SD=3.42), prĂ©sentent un temps de jeux hebdomadaire allant de 1 Ă  70 heures (M=12.36, SD=9.06) et ont rĂ©pondu de façon dichotomique Ă  un questionnaire en ligne Ă©valuant la prĂ©sence des 9 critĂšres du DSM-5 [2]. Aucun style de jeu en ligne particulier n’est ciblĂ©. Selon le DSM-5, 95 (23%) participants prĂ©senteraient un TJV. Pour les statistiques traditionnelles, nous avons calculĂ© les scores de Khi carrĂ© pour chaque critĂšre du DSM-5. Concernant le ML, nous avons entraĂźnĂ© 2500 forĂȘts d’arbres dĂ©cisionnels et nous avons ensuite calculĂ© pour chaque critĂšre la moyenne de son importance au sein des 2500 modĂšles de prĂ©diction entrainĂ©s. RESULTATS : Dans les deux types d’analyses, les critĂšres de perte de contrĂŽle et de perte d’intĂ©rĂȘt ont obtenu les plus hauts scores. Les analyses de ML considĂšrent le critĂšre de prĂ©occupation comme Ă©tant le moins important. Du cĂŽtĂ© des statistiques traditionnelles, le critĂšre de tolĂ©rance obtient la plus faible valeur. DISCUSSION : Le rajout du ML dans nos analyses a permis de confirmer la pertinence des critĂšres de perte de contrĂŽle et de perte d’intĂ©rĂȘt repĂ©rĂ© dans les analyses faites Ă  l’aide des statistiques traditionnelles. De plus, le ML a attirĂ© notre attention sur le critĂšre de prĂ©occupation comme Ă©tant potentiellement non valide, Ă  l’instar du critĂšre de tolĂ©rance dont la faible validitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© mise en lumiĂšre par les statistiques traditionnelles. Utiliser plusieurs mĂ©thodes d’analyse pour Ă©valuer les critĂšres d’un outil de diagnostic a apportĂ© un avantage certain Ă  notre Ă©tude et semble prometteur pour l’avenir. Bibliographie [1] American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association. [2] Petry, N. M., Rehbein, F., Gentile, D. A., Lemmens, J. S., Rumpf, H. J., MĂ¶ĂŸle, T., Bischof, G., Tao, R., Fung, D. S. S., Borges, G., Auriacombe, M., GonzĂĄlez Ibåñez, A., Tam, P., & O’Brien, C. P. (2014). An international consensus for assessing internet gaming disorder using the new DSM-5 approach. Addiction, 109(9), 1399–1406. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.12457 [3] Castro-Calvo, J., King, D. L., Stein, D. J., Brand, M., Carmi, L., Chamberlain, S. R., Demetrovics, Z., Fineberg, N. A., Rumpf, H. J., YĂŒcel, M., Achab, S., Ambekar, A., Bahar, N., Blaszczynski, A., Bowden-Jones, H., Carbonell, X., Chan, E. M. Lo, Ko, C. H., de Timary, P., 
 Billieux, J. (2021). Expert appraisal of criteria for assessing gaming disorder: an international Delphi study. Addiction. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.15411 [4] Ko, CH., Yen, JY., Chen, SH., Wang, PW., Chen, CS., Yen, CF. (2014). Evaluation of the diagnostic criteria of Internet gaming disorder in the DSM-5 among young adults in Taiwan. J. Psychiatr. Res. 53:103–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.02.008 [5] Billieux, J., Flayelle, M., Rumpf, H.-J., & Stein, D. J. (2019). High Involvement Versus Pathological Involvement in Video Games: a Crucial Distinction for Ensuring the Validity and Utility of Gaming Disorder. Current Addiction Reports, 6(3), 323–330. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-019-00259-x [6] Deleuze, J., Long, J., Liu, T. Q., Maurage, P., & Billieux, J. (2018). Passion or addiction? Correlates of healthy versus problematic use of videogames in a sample of French-speaking regular players. Addictive Behaviors, 82(March), 114–121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.02.031 [7] Deleuze, J., Nuyens, F., Rochat, L., Rothen, S., Maurage, P., & Billieux, J. (2017). Established risk factors for addiction fail to discriminate between healthy gamers and gamers endorsing DSM-5 Internet gaming disorder. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6(4), 516–524. https://doi.org/10.1556/2006.6.2017.07