506 research outputs found

    Efectos asimétricos de shocks de inflación e incertidumbre inflacionaria en Bolivia 1990-2013

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    ResumenEste documento de investigación analiza la evolución de la inflación mensual de Bolivia en el periodo 1990:01 a 2013:03 y presenta evidencia a favor de la hipótesis de Friedman y Ball, la cual establece que altos niveles de inflación incrementan la incertidumbre inflacionaria, y en menor magnitud y significancia también se acepta la hipótesis de Cukierman y Metzler, la cual postula que altos niveles de incertidumbre inflacionaria incrementan la tasa de inflación promedio, al mismo tiempo podemos también afirmar que para el caso de Bolivia no se cumple la hipótesis de Holland, Grier y Perry, la cual afirma que existe una relación inversa entre la incertidumbre inflacionaria y la tasa de inflación y en la misma presupone que la dirección de causalidad va de la incertidumbre hacia el nivel de inflación. Además, se encuentra evidencia de que shocks de inflación positivos tienen un impacto mayor sobre la incertidumbre inflacionaria que shock negativos, y que la incertidumbre inflacionaria tiene una tendencia decreciente a través del tiempo, esta última afirmación producto de la buena labor y desempeño de las autoridades monetarias, para promover la estabilidad de precios y mantener así una macroeconomía con inflación baja.AbstractThis research paper examines the evolution of the monthly inflation of Bolivia in the period 1990:01- 2013:03 and presents evidence for the hypothesis of Friedman and Ball,which states that high inflation increases inflation uncertainty, and to a lesser extent and significance the hypothesis Cukierman and Metzler is also accepted, which postulates that high levels of inflation uncertainty increase the average rate of inflation. At the same time we can also say that in the case of Bolivia not the hypothesis Holland, Grier and Perry, which states that there is an inverse relationship between inflation uncertainty and inflation is fulfilled. In addition, there is evidence that positive inflation shocks have a greater impact on the negative shock to inflation uncertainty, and inflation uncertainty has a decreasing trend over time, this last statement product of good work and performance of authorities monetary, to promote price stability and thus maintain low inflation macroeconomics


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    O processo de produção do espaço urbano brasileiro tem apresentado aspectos de segregação de classes e degradação do meio natural. No país observa-se que os atrativos do sítio têm constituído em importante fator de expansão urbana, e que os padrões dos assentamentos nesses espaços têm sido os principais fatores de sua transformação e destruição. Este artigo busca conhecer o processo de produção e segregação em uma zona de preservação do ambiente natural urbano. A cidade de Pelotas R. S. configura o caso de estudo. Nela foi investigada a expansão da área urbanizada de 1976 a 2012, em mapas elaboradosa partir fotografias aéreas e pesquisa local. Foram considerados também o segundo e o terceiro Plano Diretor de desenvolvimento urbano. Observam-se na área dois fenômenos. De um lado, a segregação das classes média e alta e de outro, a destruição das paisagens e da biodiversidade. Os atrativos do sítio consistem em um fator que ao mesmo tempo em que proporcionam crescimento e a segregação das classes médias e altas, por outro não constituem elemento para a preservação desses locais. Assim, a pura e simples especificação de áreas de preservação nas legislações, no caso, Planos Diretores Municipais não contribuem para a sua conservação.

    Microcomputer-based system for the study of the respiratory system in newborns

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    A useful understanding of the respiratory system of premature infants and the factors contributing to different physiological mechanisms and diseases requires extensive clinical research. This project is the result of a need for a fast and reliable system to process the information obtained from biological sources and to obtain results from which different hypothesis can be tested. This document presents a description of one such system and its different subsystems. It describes the biosignals of interest as well as the stages they have to go through in order to obtain an accurate and valid analysis. The system is hardware and software oriented. The system hardware is subdivided into instrumentation system, which is used to pick up and condition the signals, and a data acquisition, monitoring and storage system, where the signals are digitized and stored for later processing. The system software, which is the basic and principal component of the project, participates in the hardware control for the data acquisition, storage and monitoring, as well as the posterior stages of signal processing and analysis, which constitute the key of the system. The biosignals mentioned above can be classified as muscular or EMG, respiratory, chest wall motion, and cardiac signals. The muscular signals are obtained from measuring the electrical activity of the muscles participating in the process of ventilation and the respiratory signals reflect mechanical characteristics of the lungs and airway passages, the chest wall motion signals give a measurement to evaluate the chest wall stability, and the cardiac signals which are measurements of the electrical activity irradiated by the cardiac muscle. These biosignals require extensive processing, especially the EMG signals, before analysis. The signal processing stage uses digital signal processing techniques which were developed or adapted for this purpose. The signal analysis stage is based on research protocols and physical relations to evaluate different respiratory parameters. Special data and file handling software was developed and applied as well as graphics software, to accomplish the stages mentioned above

    Intentos de producción de semilla de papa en Colombia.

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    Papa-Solanum tuberosu

    Nitric oxide release from the S-nitrosothiol zinc phthalocyanine complex by flash photolysis

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    The photogeneration of nitric oxide (NO) using laser flash photolysis was investigated for S-nitroso-glutathione (GSNO) and S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (NacySNO) at pH 6.4 (PBS/HCl) and 7.4 (PBS). Irradiation of S-nitrosothiol with light ( = 355 nm followed by absorption spectroscopy) resulted in the homolytic decomposition of NacySNO and GSNO to generate radicals (GS• and NacyS•) and NO. The release of NO from donor compounds measured with an ISO-Nometer apparatus was larger at pH 7.4 than pH 6.4. NacySNO was also incorporated into dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine liposomes in the presence and absence of zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPC), a well-known photosensitizer useful for photodynamic therapy. Liposomes are usually used as carriers for hydrophobic compounds such as ZnPC. Inclusion of ZnPC resulted in a decrease in NO liberation in liposomal medium. However, there was a synergistic action of both photosensitizers and S-nitrosothiols resulting in the formation of other reactive species such as peroxynitrite, which is a potent oxidizing agent. These data show that NO release depends on pH and the medium, as well as on the laser energy applied to the system. Changes in the absorption spectrum were monitored as a function of light exposure

    Development of VR/AR applications for experimental tests of beams, columns, and frames

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    This material may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers. This material may be found at https://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/%28ASCE%29CP.1943-5487.0000908.This paper depicts a set of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications conceived for the enrichment of laboratory experiences within the field of structural engineering. The experimental program corresponds to the study of beams, columns, and frames of austenitic stainless steel subjected to different types of static loading. The development of these applications encompasses the use of measured data from sensors, the use of 3D modeling tools, the use of game engines, and the corresponding mathematical treatment and postprocess of the structural tests in a real-time fashion. The developed applications provide new possibilities for structural engineering laboratory experiences. In both cases (VR and AR), the developed applications are meant to enhance the experimental program experience to a variety of target users (researchers, technicians, students) by adding customized information related to the structural behavior of all elements during the tests as well as to basic concepts of health and safety in structural engineering laboratories.This experimental program was developed in the frame of Project BIA2016-75678-R, AEI/FEDER, UE “Comportamiento estructural de pórticos de acero inoxidable. Seguridad frente a acciones accidentales de sismo y fuego,” funded by the MINECO (Spain). Financial support from the Industrial Doctorate program (Ref. ID.:2017-DI-069) of AGAUR, Government of Catalonia, is acknowledged by the third author.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft