1,165 research outputs found

    Why choose an english career path?: type of motivation of three freshmen students of an english teaching program at a chilean private university

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)As English has been the language used to communicate worldwide and has had an impact on the educational system and the working life, the aim of this study is to discover how elements such as type of school and agents influence students’ motivation to enter an English teaching program. This study has a qualitative approach and its research design is life stories. This research focused on freshmen students’ thoughts and experiences, which were collected through semi-structured interviews containing questions that address the participants’ past, present, and future experiences. Freshmen students were chosen for this research since they could provide us with the opportunity to comprehend the elements that influenced their decisions to choose the program. Finally, the data were analyzed by the four researchers individually and the product was discussed collectively so that the study was reliable enough. The results showed that the most predominant types of motivations were intrinsic and altruistic. Furthermore, it was discovered that the type of school they attended influenced the development of these motivations in different degrees.Debido a que el inglés ha sido el idioma predilecto para la comunicación global, éste ha tenido un impacto en el sistema educacional y la vida laboral. El objetivo de este estudio es descubrir cómo elementos como tipo de escuela y agentes, influencian la motivación de estudiantes de primer año para elegir estudiar la carrera de pedagogía en inglés en una universidad privada de Chile. El estudio tiene un enfoque cualitativo, cuya técnica de investigación es historias de vida. El centro de interés es la recolección de pensamientos y experiencias de estos estudiantes a través de entrevistas mixtas que contienen preguntas que apuntan a experiencias de los participantes en el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Elegimos entrevistar a estudiantes cursando el segundo semestre de universidad porque nos provee de la oportunidad de conocer los elementos que influenciaron la decisión de estudiar esta carrera. Finalmente, los resultados fueron analizados por cada uno de los cuatro investigadores por separado para luego discutir los resultados en conjunto, esto con el fin de proporcionar la confiabilidad requerida. Los resultados mostraron que los tipos de motivación predominantes fueron motivación intrínseca y altruista. Además se demostró que el tipo de colegio influenciaba el desarrollo de estas motivaciones en distintos grados

    CP violation with Majorana neutrinos in K meson decays

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    We study the possibility of having CP asymmetries in the decay Kaon(+/-) -> pion(-/+) lepton(+/-) lepton(+/-) (lepton = muon or electron). This decay violates Lepton Number by two units and occurs only if there are Majorana particles that mediate the transition. Even though the absolute rate is highly suppressed by current bounds, we search for Majorana neutrino scenarios where the CP asymmetry arising from the lepton sector could be sizeable. This is indeed the case if there are two or more Majorana neutrinos with similar masses in the range around 10^2 MeV. In particular, the asymmetry is potentially near unity if two neutrinos are nearly degenerate, in the sense that the mass difference is similar to the decay rate. The full decay, however, may be difficult to detect not only because of the suppression caused by the heavy-to-light lepton mixing, but also because of the long lifetime of the heavy neutrino, which would induce large space separation between the two vertices where the charge leptons are produced. This particular problem should be less serious in heavier meson decays, as they involve heavier neutrinos with shorter lifetimes.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Hidden freedom in the mode expansion on static spacetimes

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    We review the construction of ground states focusing on a real scalar field whose dynamics is ruled by the Klein-Gordon equation on a large class of static spacetimes. As in the analysis of the classical equations of motion, when enough isometries are present, via a mode expansion the construction of two-point correlation functions boils down to solving a second order, ordinary differential equation on an interval of the real line. Using the language of Sturm-Liouville theory, most compelling is the scenario when one endpoint of such interval is classified as a limit circle, as it often happens when one is working on globally hyperbolic spacetimes with a timelike boundary. In this case, beyond initial data, one needs to specify a boundary condition both to have a well-defined classical dynamics and to select a corresponding ground state. Here, we take into account boundary conditions of Robin type by using well-known results from Sturm-Liouville theory, but we go beyond the existing literature by exploring an unnoticed freedom that emerges from the intrinsic arbitrariness of secondary solutions at a limit circle endpoint. Accordingly, we show that infinitely many one-parameter families of sensible dynamics are admissible. In other words, we emphasize that physical constraints guaranteeing the construction of full-fledged ground states do not, in general, fix one such state unambiguously. In addition, we provide, in full detail, an example on (1+1)(1 + 1)-half Minkowski spacetime to spell out the rationale in a specific scenario where analytic formulae can be obtained.Comment: 24 pages, 3 fig

    Boundary conditions and infrared divergences

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    We review the procedure to construct quasi-free ground states, for real scalar fields whose dynamics is dictated by the Klein-Gordon equation, on standard static Lorentzian manifolds with a time-like boundary. We observe that, depending on the assigned boundary condition of Robin type, this procedure does not always lead to the existence of a suitable bi-distribution w2D(M×M)w_2\in \mathcal{D}'(M\times M) due to the presence of infrared divergences. As a concrete example we consider a Bertotti-Robinson spacetime in two different coordinate patches. In one case we show that infrared divergences do not occur only for Dirichlet boundary conditions as one might expect a priori, while, in the other case, we prove that they occur only when Neumann boundary conditions are imposed at the time-like boundary.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Diagnóstico del cumplimiento de la reglamentación para la obtención de autorización sanitaria en 6 Centros de Hemodiálisis de la Región del Maule, al 30 de octubre del año 2013

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    65 p.Se pretende en la investigación “Diagnosticar el cumplimiento de la reglamentación para la obtención de autorización sanitaria”, a través de la aplicación de una pauta estandarizada a los 6 Centros de Hemodiálisis de las comunas de Talca, Linares y Cauquenes de la Región del Maule, obtenida a partir del Decreto Nº 2357/84, Reglamento sobre Centros de Diálisis, del Ministerio de Salud, a fin de evaluar su acatamiento, dado que las brechas que puedan encontrarse podrían afectar directamente la seguridad del paciente, lo que objetivaría la importancia del proceso de autorización sanitaria en la garantía de calidad en la atención de salud . Para esta investigación se utilizó estudio de tipo No experimental, descriptivo – transversal, el que da como resultado la importancia de la fiscalización por parte de la SEREMI de Salud en estos establecimientos de alta complejidad, y el seguimiento de las observaciones realizadas, para que de esta manera disminuyan las complicaciones de salud y se estimule la calidad de vida del usuario sometido a Hemodiálisis. El estudio de los centros mencionados, permitió observar brechas importantes que deben ser subsanadas, respecto de la reglamentación sanitaria vigente atingente a dichos establecimientos, como las que constan en los ámbitos de Recursos Humanos y calidad y seguridad del paciente, interpretándose en un alto riesgo para la salud de las personas que en ellos se atienden. Para lo anterior se propone un Plan de Control de Gestión que sociabiliza el estudio con los centros de diálisis analizados, de manera individual, y que despliega un reforzamiento en la fiscalización y supervigilancia del cumplimiento de la normativa que debe ser ejercida por la SEREMI de Salud del Maul


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    Para que a eficiência seja um fator que diferencie uma organização e para que seja possível oferecer qualidade ao seu público, é imprescindível que a melhoria contínua esteja presente dentro da organização. Neste artigo, analisaremos como a realização de manutenção preditiva, novos controles operacionais e uma mudança de mentalidade por parte dos operadores de produção pode resultar em uma melhora de performance de uma linha de produção. Foi realizado um estudo de caso das mudanças realizadas em uma fábrica de óleo lubrificante em uma linha de produção de 1L

    Evaluation and correction of aberrations in an optical correlator by phase-shifting interferometry

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    We propose a new method for evaluating and correcting aberrations in a Vander Lugt correlator. The technique is achieved with liquid-crystal displays of the correlator and allows the task to be performed in situ. We present the theory on which the method is based and the experimental results that we obtained by applying it in a convergent correlator