9 research outputs found

    Risk of misdiagnosis and overtreatment in patients with main pancreatic duct dilatation and suspected combined/main-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms

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    Segmental/diffuse dilatation of the main pancreatic duct (MPD) is the typical feature of combined/main-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (CMD-IPMNs). MPD dilation in IPMNs may be also expression of mucus hypersecretion/obstructive chronic pancreatitis (OCP). The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence and extension of MPD involvement by tumor/OCP and assess the risk of overtreatment


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    Le complicanze tromboemboliche in gravidanza e puerperio sono una delle cause principali di mortalita' e morbilita' materna: la donna gravida presenta un'incidenza 5 volte superiore rispetto alla non gravida di contrarre una trombosi venosa profonda: il rischio subisce un ulteriore incremento nella prima settimana di puerperio.. L'incidenza di TVP/EP obiettivamente :provate è di 0.7/1000 partorienti. Il riflesso pratico di questa incidenza è notevole: l' EP è la causa medica più comune di morte materna associata alla nascita di neonati vivi, e la seconda causa medica di morte materna, indipendentemente dalle condizioni del feto. In pazienti con anamnesi positiva per episodi trombotici diretti o di tipo familiare , oppure con presenza di altri fattori di rischio significativi (varici importanti, obesità, preeclampsia....) è quindi senz'altro indicato controllare alcuni fattori del sistema coagulativo, coma l' aPC Resistance, le Proteine C ed S , la Antitrombina III e ricercare la presenza di Lupus anticoagulant e di AB anti-cardiolipina. Tra questi uno delle più frequenti alterazioni nelle gravide è il deficit di Antitrombina II

    Is vasopressin superior to adrenaline or placebo in the management of cardiac arrest? A meta-analysis

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    Vasopressin is currently recommended in the management of patients with cardiac arrest, but its efficacy is still incompletely established. We systematically reviewed randomized trials comparing vasopressin to control treatment in the management of cardiac arrest in humans and animals. Two human and 33 animal studies were retrieved. At pooled analysis vasopressin appeared equivalent to adrenaline (epinephrine) in the management of human cardiac arrest (N=240), with, respectively 63 (78/124) vs 59% (68/116) ROSC (P=0.43), and 16 (20/124) vs 14% (16/116) survival to hospital discharge (P=0.52). In animal trials (N=669) vasopressin appeared instead significantly superior to both placebo (ROSC, respectively 93 [98/105] vs 19% [14/72], P<0.001) or adrenaline (ROSC, respectively 84 [225/268] vs 52% [117/224], P<0.001). In conclusion, vasopressin is superior to both placebo or adrenaline in animal models of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Evidence in humans is still limited and confidence intervals estimates too wide to reliably confirm or disprove results obtained in experimental animal settings. © 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Current practice on the use of prophylactic drain after gastrectomy in Italy: the Abdominal Drain in Gastrectomy ({ADiGe}) survey

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    Evidence against the use of prophylactic drain after gastrectomy are increasing and ERAS guidelines suggest the benefit of drain avoidance. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether this practice is still widespread. We conducted a survey among Italian surgeons through the Italian Gastric Cancer Research Group and the Polispecialistic Society of Young Surgeons, aiming to understand the current use of prophylactic drain. A 28-item questionnaire-based survey was developed to analyze the current practice and the individual opinion about the use of prophylactic drain after gastrectomy. Groups based on age, experience and unit volume were separately analyzed. Response of 104 surgeons from 73 surgical units were collected. A standardized ERAS protocol for gastrectomy was applied by 42% of the respondents. Most of the surgeons, regardless of age, experience, or unit volume, declared to routinely place one or more drain after gastrectomy. Only 2 (1.9%) and 7 surgeons (6.7%) belonging to high volume units, do not routinely place drains after total and subtotal gastrectomy, respectively. More than 60% of the participants remove the drain on postoperative day 4-6 after performing an assessment of the anastomosis integrity. Interestingly, less than half of the surgeons believe that drain is the main tool for leak management, and this percentage further drops among younger surgeons. On the other hand, drain's role seems to be more defined for duodenal stump leak treatment, with almost 50% of the surgeons recognizing its importance. Routine use of prophylactic drain after gastrectomy is still a widespread practice even if younger surgeons are more persuaded that it could not be advantageous

    Tracking the progressive spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in Italy, December 2021 to January 2022

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    The SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern Omicron was first detected in Italy in November 2021.AimTo comprehensively describe Omicron spread in Italy in the 2 subsequent months and its impact on the overall SARS-CoV-2 circulation at population level.MethodsWe analyse data from four genomic surveys conducted across the country between December 2021 and January 2022. Combining genomic sequencing results with epidemiological records collated by the National Integrated Surveillance System, the Omicron reproductive number and exponential growth rate are estimated, as well as SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility.ResultsOmicron became dominant in Italy less than 1 month after its first detection, representing on 3 January 76.9-80.2% of notified SARS-CoV-2 infections, with a doubling time of 2.7-3.3 days. As of 17 January 2022, Delta variant represented &lt; 6% of cases. During the Omicron expansion in December 2021, the estimated mean net reproduction numbers respectively rose from 1.15 to a maximum of 1.83 for symptomatic cases and from 1.14 to 1.36 for hospitalised cases, while remaining relatively stable, between 0.93 and 1.21, for cases needing intensive care. Despite a reduction in relative proportion, Delta infections increased in absolute terms throughout December contributing to an increase in hospitalisations. A significant reproduction numbers' decline was found after mid-January, with average estimates dropping below 1 between 10 and 16 January 2022.ConclusionEstimates suggest a marked growth advantage of Omicron compared with Delta variant, but lower disease severity at population level possibly due to residual immunity against severe outcomes acquired from vaccination and prior infection

    Trattato italiano di elettrofisiologia ed elettrostimolazione cardiaca

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