28 research outputs found

    Programa pais eficiencia enegetica, sector industrial de la septima region

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    El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad ser un aporte para el Programa País Eficiencia Energética. Esta enfocado en dar a conocer el nivel de eficiencia en el uso de los recursos energéticos de la Región del Maule. Esta organizado en 9 capítulos y contiene el resultado de la revisión de la literatura especializada[1], la propuesta metodológica para la elaboración de los indicadores de eficiencia energética, el resultado de los indicadores construidos, así como, una estimación preliminar del potencial del mejoramiento de la eficiencia energética en la Región. A principios del ano 2005 el Gobierno dio impulso al Programa País de Eficiencia Energética (PPEE), cuyo propósito central es el de construir un sistema de nacional de eficiencia energética. El Programa País de Eficiencia Energética consiste en la convocatoria de múltiples instituciones de gobierno, representantes de la sociedad civil y del sector productivo nacional con el objeto de coordinar esfuerzos para sacar adelante un conjunto de medidas especificas de mejoramiento de la eficiencia energética con impacto en el corto y mediano plazo, así como preparar las bases para establecer una acción permanente en la sociedad para hacer un uso eficiente de los recursos energéticos. Las primeras dos secciones son introductorias al tema de este estudio, en el segundo titulo se abordan temas teóricos relativos a elementos básicos y definiciones[2]. En la parte 4 se presenta la metodología de trabajo y en la 5 se dan a conocer los análisis y resultados. El capitulo 6 presenta un reporte de una de las empresas que participaron con mayor interés. Este fue elaborado después de varias visitas y reuniones que tuvimos con ellos, dándonos cuenta que esta viva tiene un gran potencial de ahorro. El capitulo 7 contempla un pequeño manual que da algunos consejos de buenas practicas para el uso eficiente de los equipos consumidores de energía. El capitulo 8 presenta las conclusiones finales del documento y el capitulo 9 muestra la bibliografía utilizada. Finalmente, es importante dejar en claro que este estudio no tiene la labor de buscar las causas del comportamiento en el uso de los recursos energéticos, si no mas bien, exponer los potenciales ahorros de energía si estos recursos se utilizaran de manera adecuada. Por ende, el propósito de este estudio, es dar a conocer específicamente al Gobierno la manera en que se utilizan los recursos energéticos en la Región del Maule

    Simulated Annealing aplicado al diseno de lamparas de LED’s para el alumbrado publico

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    110 p.El ahorro de energía es un tema de cada vez mayor importancia en el mundo. Uno de los esfuerzos en este sentido es el diseño eficiente de artefactos de iluminación que permitan ahorrar energía. Las características de los componentes electrónicos de iluminación de estado sólido (SSL) tienen cada día mejores niveles de eficiencia sin aumentar el consumo eléctrico. Es necesario adaptar geométricamente los componentes de las luminarias SSL que se diseñen para que la luz emitida sea completamente aprovechada. En este proyecto se ha implementado una aplicación capaz de calcular el espejo que refleja los rayos de luz emitidos por la fuente, dirigiéndolos en su totalidad hacia el área definida por el usuario. Con esto se tendrá un espejo particular para cada tipo de iluminación, dependiendo de las condiciones que lo definan. Para lograr este objetivo se utilizó el algoritmo metaheurístico de Simulated Annealing, tomando como restricciones las características de los SSL y las necesidades de iluminación especificadas por el usuario./ ABSTRACT: Energy saving is an issue with a growing importance in our world. One of the goals is to efficiently design illumination artifacts that allow us to save as much energy as possible. The electronic components of solid state lighting (SSL) feature now better efficiency levels, without raising the electric consumption. It is necessary to geometrically adapt the components of the lighting devices, so that the outgoing light is as efficient as possible and used in its totality. This project, implements an application capable to calculate the light mirror that reflects the light rays emitted by the source, redirecting them totally to the target area defined by the user. This will allow us to have a single mirror for each illumination type, depending on the environment conditions. To achieve this, is used the Simulated Annealing metaheuristic algorithm, taking as restrictions the characteristics of the SSL and lighting requirements specified by the user. The application is also capable of showing the solution in a three-dimension model so that the user can see the proposed design for the system

    Development of the MICROMEGAS Detector for Measuring the Energy Spectrum of Alpha Particles by using a 241-Am Source

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    We have developed MICROMEGAS (MICRO MEsh GASeous) detectors for detecting {\alpha} particles emitted from an 241-Am standard source. The voltage applied to the ionization region of the detector is optimized for stable operation at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The energy of {\alpha} particles from the 241-Am source can be varied by changing the flight path of the {\alpha} particle from the 241 Am source. The channel numbers of the experimentally-measured pulse peak positions for different energies of the {\alpha} particles are associated with the energies deposited by the alpha particles in the ionization region of the detector as calculated by using GEANT4 simulations; thus, the energy calibration of the MICROMEGAS detector for {\alpha} particles is done. For the energy calibration, the thickness of the ionization region is adjusted so that {\alpha} particles may completely stop in the ionization region and their kinetic energies are fully deposited in the region. The efficiency of our MICROMEGAS detector for {\alpha} particles under the present conditions is found to be ~ 97.3 %

    Gestion y evaluacion del proyecto de implementacion de una planta de Biodisel.

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    142 p.El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo entregar una solución sustentable al problema de la dependencia energética de Agrícola Santa Aurora S.A. y la empresa Alimentos Suazo S.A. Esta solución se enmarca en la generación de biodiesel, un biocombustible alternativo al petróleo diesel para el autoabastecimiento de la empresa. El análisis de la solución comienza por identificar las características del actual servicio de abastecimiento de petróleo diesel, con el fin de diseñar un sistema de producción y autoabastecimiento adecuado para las empresas. Una vez identificadas las variables que describen la operación actual del petróleo diesel, se procede a justificar el uso de biodiesel en maquinarias agrícolas y calderas, comparando las características termodinámicas, físicas y químicas de ambos combustibles con el fin de determinar explícitamente la calidad del biodiesel que se necesita producir. Por otro lado, considerando los planes de crecimiento de estas empresas y el poder calorífico del biodiesel, se realiza la proyección del consumo anual de biocombustible para determinar el tamaño del proyecto. La viabilidad legal del proyecto es clave para su éxito, puesto que en Chile no existe legislación en relación a los biocombustibles, en contraste con países vecinos como Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay en los cuales la producción y consumo de biocombustibles está incentivado mediante políticas energéticas y legislaciones. La factibilidad técnica se enfocará a determinar la viabilidad de elaborar biodiesel a partir de tecnologías e insumos nacionales, desarrollando un prototipo que permita la producción de biocombustible para posteriormente analizar el producto y compararlo con el petróleo diesel. Posteriormente con toda la información recabada, se diseñará el sistema de producción que se ajuste mejor a la tecnología disponible junto con establecer el sistema de abastecimiento de materias primas críticas. Por último, se procede a estimar los montos de inversión y los costos de operación del proyecto para evaluar su factibilidad económica. El proyecto de titulación se realizó con la idea de desarrollar un modelo replicable a otras empresas con consumos de combustible similares, aportando de esta forma, a la diversificación de la matriz energética de nuestro país y su descontaminación ambiental

    Simulation of vanadium-48 production using MCNPX code

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    Vanadium-48 was produced through the irradiation of the natural titanium target via the natTi(p, xn)48V reaction. The titanium target was irradiated at 1 mA current and by a 21 MeV proton beam for 4 hours. In this paper, the activity of 48V, 43Sc, and 46Sc radionuclides and the efficacy of the 47Ti(p, g), 48Ti(p, n), and 49Ti(p, 2n) channel reactions to form 48V radionuclide were determined using MCNPX code. Furthermore, the experimental activity of 48V was compared with the estimated value for the thick target yield produced in the irradiation time according to MCNPX code. Good agreement between production yield of the 48V and the simulation yield was observed. In conclusion, MCNPX code can be used for the estimation of the production yield

    Assessing Concentration Changes of Odorant Compounds in the Thermal-Mechanical Drying Phase of Sediment-Like Wastes from Olive Oil Extraction

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    In the industrial production of olive oil, both solid wastes and those produced from their incineration are a serious environmental problem since only 20% w/w of the fruit becomes oil and the rest is waste, mainly orujo and alperujo. A key aspect to transforming these wastes into an important source of energy such as pellets is to recognize the most appropriate time of the year for waste drying, with the objective of minimizing the environmental impact of the volatile compounds contained in the waste. In this work, the emissions produced during thermal-mechanical drying were studied throughout a period of six months of waste storage in which alperujo and orujo were stored in open containers under uncontrolled environmental conditions. The studied emissions were produced when both wastes were dried in a pilot rotary drying trommel at 450 °C to reduce their initial humidity of around 70⁻80% w/w to 10⁻15% w/w. Results indicated that when the storage time of the wastes in the uncontrolled environments increased, the emission of odorant compounds during drying also increased as a consequence of the biological and chemical processes occurring in the containers. The main odorant VOCs were quantified monthly for six months at the outlet of the drying trommel. It was determined that the drying of this type of waste could be carried out properly until the third month of storage. Afterwards, the concentration of most VOCs produced widely exceeded the odor thresholds of selected compounds

    Assessing concentration changes of odorant compounds in the thermal-mechanical drying phase of sediment-likewastes from olive oil extraction

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    In the industrial production of olive oil, both solid wastes and those produced from their incineration are a serious environmental problem since only 20% w/w of the fruit becomes oil and the rest is waste, mainly orujo and alperujo. A key aspect to transforming these wastes into an important source of energy such as pellets is to recognize the most appropriate time of the year for waste drying, with the objective of minimizing the environmental impact of the volatile compounds contained in the waste. In this work, the emissions produced during thermal-mechanical drying were studied throughout a period of six months of waste storage in which alperujo and orujo were stored in open containers under uncontrolled environmental conditions. The studied emissions were produced when both wastes were dried in a pilot rotary drying trommel at 450 °C to reduce their initial humidity of around 70-80% w/w to 10-15% w/w. Results indicated that when the storage time of the wastes in the uncontrolled environments increased, the emission of odorant compounds during drying also increased as a consequence of the biological and chemical processes occurring in the containers. The main odorant VOCs were quantified monthly for six months at the outlet of the drying trommel. It was determined that the drying of this type of waste could be carried out properly until the third month of storage. Afterwards, the concentration of most VOCs produced widely exceeded the odor thresholds of selected compounds

    Dosimetric comparison between three dimensional treatment planning system, Monte Carlo simulation and gel dosimetry in nasopharynx phantom for high dose rate brachytherapy

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    Purpose: For the treatment of nasopharnx carcinoma (NPC) using brachytherapy methods and high-energy photon sources are common techniques. In the common three dimensional (3D) treatments planning, all of the computed tomography images are assumed homogeneous. This study presents the results of Monte Carlo calculations for non-homogeneous nasopharynx phantom, MAGICA normoxic gel dosimetry and 3D treatment planning system (TPS). Materials and Methods: The head phantom was designed with Plexiglas cylinder, head bone, and nasopharynx brachytherapy silicon applicator. For the simulations, version 5 of the Monte Carlo N-particle transport code (MCNP5) was used. 3D treatment planning was performed in Flexiplan software. A normoxic radiosensitive polymer gel was fabricated under normal atmospheric conditions and poured into test tubes (for calibration curve) and the head phantom. In addition, the head phantom was irradiated with Flexitron afterloader brachytherapy machine with 192 Ir source. To obtain calibration curves, 11 dosimeters were irradiated with dose range of 0-2000 cGy. Evaluations of dosimeters were performed on 1.5T scanner. Results: Two-dimensional iso-dose in coronal plan at distances of z = +0.3, –0.3 cm was calculated. There was a good accordance between 3D TPS and MCNP5 simulation and differences in various distances were between 2.4% and 6.1%. There was a predictable accordance between MAGICA gel dosimetry and MCNP5 simulation and differences in various distances were between 5.7% and 7.4%. Moreover, there was an acceptable accordance between MAGICA gel dosimetry and MCNP5 data and differences in various distances were between 5.2% and 9.4%. Conclusion: The sources of differences in this comparison are divided to calculations variation and practical errors that was added in experimental dosimetry. The result of quality assurance of nasopharynx high dose rate brachytherapy is consistent with international standards