816 research outputs found

    Organometallic Systems To Sustain A Better Future

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    Almost all branches of chemistry and material science now interface with Organometallic Chemistry. Organometallics are used extensively in the synthesis of useful compounds on both large and small scales. Industrial processes involving plastics, polymers, electronic materials, and pharmaceuticals all depend on advancements in organometallic chemistry. Many catalytic and non-catalytic stereoselective processes that are key steps in creative and non-conventional synthesis of complex molecules have gained significant advantage from organometallic chemistry. The ISOC series is the most important school on organometallic chemistry at the European level, organized under the auspices of EuCheMS (the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences) and the interdivisional group of organometallic chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society with the aim of encouraging the presence of young researchers and Ph.D. students both from University and Industry, including those not directly involved in organometallic research projects, in order to bring together young researchers and distinguished European scientists as a contribution to the important goal of increasing the transfer of knowledge at a high level between different European countries and different generations of Scientists. The major objective of the ISOC is to promote synergy in organometallic research. The number of participants will be limited to around 120 in order to facilitate maximum interaction among the participants and between them and the lecturers. The 9th edition of ISOC (ISOC 2013) will focus on the relevance of organometallics systems to sustain a better future. The development of advanced methodologies based on the peculiar properties of organometallic compounds may lead to important changes in the approach of organometallic chemists to the field. A full roster of scientifically distinguished speakers will present their reading keys. In fact, fundamental studies on the mechanistic and structural aspects, as well as new experimental methods and investigation techniques, support the use of organometallic compounds in different application areas including Organometallic Catalysis, Bioorganometallic Chemistry in Biology and Medicine, Green Chemistry (energy and sustainable development), Industrial chemistry and Polymers production, Metal-mediated organic synthesis and Activation of small molecules

    Reconstruction of the adult hemifacial microsomia patient with temporomandibular joint total joint prosthesis and orthognathic surgery

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    HFM patients' reconstruction has always been a challenge for maxillofacial surgeons, and numerous reconstructive techniques have been described. Surgical treatment depends on the patient's age and contemplates Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) reconstruction in conjunction with orthognathic surgery, usually necessary following completion of growth to maximize the functional and esthetic results. Distraction osteogenesis had gained popularity as valid alternative in growing patients, but the two primary methods to reconstruct the TMJs involve the use of autogenous, using free or microvascular bone grafts, or alloplastic graft, but there is no widely accepted method

    Evoluzione sedimentaria del centro storico di Modena nel tardo Quaternario

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    sondaggi eseguiti nella zona del centro storico di Modena, l’evoluzione sedimentaria del primo sottosuolo che interessa direttamente la Torre Ghirlandina e l’adiacente Duomo. Il tema centrale si sviluppa attorno al carotaggio eseguito nella primavera 2012 in prossimità dell’angolo sud-ovest della torre civica. Esso ha raggiunto la profondità di 21,30 m toccando il tetto ghiaioso appartenente all’acquifero più superficiale. È stata condotta una completa analisi dal punto di vista stratigrafico e sedimentologico, ponendo attenzione allo studio delle facies deposizionali; sono stati inoltre individuati e caratterizzati i livelli archeologici relativi al periodo romano e a quello medievale, fornendo un contributo di tipo cronologico. Elaborando una sezione stratigrafica sulla base di alcuni sondaggi che attraversano in direzione NE-SO la zona del centro storico, è stata proposta una ricostruzione paleoambientale per gli ultimi 30 m di terreno che corrispondono all’ultimo periodo deposizionale tardo quaternario. A 21 m di profondità è stato rinvenuto il tetto dell’Unità di Vignola costituita dai sedimenti grossolani che si sono deposti durante l’ultimo periodo glaciale würmiano, quando lungo tutta la fascia pedeappenninica si estendeva una piana a canali braided. Su di essa poggiano sedimenti fini di piana inondabile relativi al periodo postglaciale che caratterizza la porzione inferiore del Subsintema di Ravenna. Gli orizzonti torbosi che si rinvengono all’interno di questi depositi testimoniano uno scarso drenaggio dell’area e frequenti episodi d’impaludamento. I livelli organici cedono il posto, nell’intervallo tra -7 e -10 m, a corpi limo-sabbiosi di ventaglio di rotta. L’analisi di facies ha inoltre portato al riconoscimento di alcuni depositi riferibili ad argini naturali che indicano la presenza di canali nelle immediate vicinanze. L’insediamento romano nell’area di Modena occupa l’intervallo stratigrafico compreso tra -4 e -7 m, nel quale si registra la concentrazione di frammenti di laterizi e un livello di blocchi lapidei incontrato a 6 m di profondità in alcuni dei sondaggi studiati. La città fu sconvolta nel IV-VI secolo da ripetute alluvioni che ne causarono l’abbandono; a testimonianza di ciò rimane una spessa coltre di depositi di rotta fluviale che ricopre lo strato romano lungo tutta la sezione

    Common-offset CRS for advanced imaging in complex geological settings

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    Increasingly challenging exploration targets with respect to the geological complexity and data quality require more accurate seismic imaging. The common-offset CRS method provides an extension of the CRS technology to such targets as we demonstrate in this case study for complex 2D over thrust data. While both zero- and common-offset CRS stack provide similar noise reduction compared to the conventional PreSTM in areas with relatively simple structure and good coupling, the common-offset results are far superior on very poor data. Moreover, using the CO CRS stack in depth velocity model building can help in event picking and provides a better defined semblance.3744-374

    Italian National Framework for Cybersecurity and Data Protection

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    Data breaches have been one of the most common source of concerns related to cybersecurity in the last few years for many organizations. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, strongly impacted this scenario, as organizations operating with EU citizens now have to comply with strict data protection rules. In this paper we present the Italian National Framework for Cybersecurity and Data Protection, a framework derived from the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, that includes elements and tools to appropriately take into account data protection aspects in a way that is coherent and integrated with cybersecurity aspects. The goal of the proposed Framework is to provide organizations of different sizes and nature with a flexible and unified tool for the implementation of comprehensive cybersecurity and data protection programs

    Oxidoperoxidomolybdenum(VI) complexes with acylpyrazolonate ligands: synthesis, structure and catalytic properties

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    Oxidoperoxido–molybdenum(VI) complexes containing acylpyrazolonate ligands were obtained by reaction of [Mo(O)(O)2(H2O)n] with the corresponding acylpyrazolone compounds HQR. Complexes Ph4P[Mo(O)(O2)2(QR)] (R = neopentyl, 1; perfluoroethyl, 2; hexyl, 3; phenyl, 4; naphthyl, 5; methyl, 6; cyclohexyl, 7; ethylcyclopentyl, 8) were obtained if the reaction was carried out with one equivalent of HQR in the presence of Ph4PCl. Alternatively, neutral complexes [Mo(O)(O2)(QR)2] (R = neopentyl, 9; hexyl, 10; cyclohexyl, 11) were formed when two equivalents of HQR were used in the reaction. These complexes were isolated in good yields as yellow or yellow-orange crystalline solids and were spectroscopically (IR, 1H, 13C{1H} and 31P{1H} NMR), theoretically (DFT) and structurally characterised (X-ray for 1, 2, 9 and 10). Compounds 1 and 9 were selected to investigate their catalytic behaviour in epoxidation of selected alkenes and oxidation of selected sulphides, while 10 and 11 were tested as catalyst precursors in the deoxygenation of selected epoxide substrates to alkenes, using PPh3 as the oxygen-acceptor. Complexes Ph4P[Mo(O)(O2)2(QR)] were shown to be poor catalyst precursors in oxidation reactions, while the activity of [Mo(O)(O2)(QR)2] species is good in all the studied reactions and comparable to related oxidoperoxido–molybdenum(VI) complexes. Complex [Mo(O)2(QC6)2], 12, was obtained by treatment of 10 with one equivalent of PPh3, demonstrating that the first step in the epoxide deoxygenation mechanism was the oxygen atom transfer toward the phosphane.Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia, FQM-7079)Universidad de Sevilla (VI Plan Propio

    Current Trends in Skeletal Borderline Patients: Surgical versus Orthodontic Treatment Decisions—What Is the Evidence?

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    Background: The aim is to assess the current evidence-based knowledge about treatment decisions for skeletal malocclusion in adult borderline patients. Methods: A literature search was con-ducted through three databases. Inclusion criteria were restricted to systematic reviews, prospective, retrospective, and control studies. Only articles comparing orthodontic camouflage and orthog-nathic surgical treatment for Class II and Class III malocclusions in adult patients were selected to be reviewed. Results: Seven articles concerning Class II and nine concerning Class III met the inclusion criteria. Scientific evidence was poor due to low methodological quality. Conclusions: Surgical treatment was found to better improve skeletal and soft-tissue cephalometric values, whereas camouflage treatment mainly involved dentoalveolar movements. Aesthetic changes, as perceived by the patient, were not significantly different in the two groups. Recently improved surgical techniques, differing from those described in the analyzed articles, may provide similar or more stable outcomes compared with orthodontic-only treatment. Although some cephalometric variables can be helpful, the most important parameters for treatment selection are the patient’s presenting complaint and their self-image perception. Further studies with larger sample sizes and similar pretreatment conditions, and considering patient self-evaluation of esthetics and function, should be undertaken

    Three-Dimensional Radiographic Evaluation of the Malar Bone Engagement Available for Ideal Zygomatic Implant Placement

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    Zygomatic implant rehabilitation is a challenging procedure that requires an accurate prosthetic and implant plan. The aim of this study was to evaluate the malar bone available for three-dimensional zygomatic implant placement on the possible trajectories exhibiting optimal occlusal emergence. After a preliminary analysis on 30 computed tomography (CT) scans of dentate patients to identify the ideal implant emergencies, we used 80 CT scans of edentulous patients to create two sagittal planes representing the possible trajectories of the anterior and posterior zygomatic implants. These planes were rotated clockwise on the ideal emergence points and three different hypothetical implant trajectories per zygoma were drawn for each slice. Then, the engageable malar bone and intra- and extra-sinus paths were measured. It was possible to identify the ideal implant emergences via anatomical landmarks with a high predictability. Significant differences were evident between males and females, between implants featuring anterior and those featuring posterior emergences, and between the different trajectories. The use of internal trajectories provided better bone engagement but required a higher intra-sinus path. A significant association was found between higher intra-sinus paths and lower crestal bone heights