1,152 research outputs found

    Modeling void abundance in modified gravity

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    We use a spherical model and an extended excursion set formalism with drifting diffusive barriers to predict the abundance of cosmic voids in the context of general relativity as well as f(R) and symmetron models of modified gravity. We detect spherical voids from a suite of N-body simulations of these gravity theories and compare the measured void abundance to theory predictions. We find that our model correctly describes the abundance of both dark matter and galaxy voids, providing a better fit than previous proposals in the literature based on static barriers. We use the simulation abundance results to fit for the abundance model free parameters as a function of modified gravity parameters, and show that counts of dark matter voids can provide interesting constraints on modified gravity. For galaxy voids, more closely related to optical observations, we find that constraining modified gravity from void abundance alone may be significantly more challenging. In the context of current and upcoming galaxy surveys, the combination of void and halo statistics including their abundances, profiles and correlations should be effective in distinguishing modified gravity models that display different screening mechanisms

    The role of platelet and plasma markers of antioxidant status and oxidative stress in thrombocytopenia among patients with vivax malaria

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    Malaria remains an important health problem in tropical countries like Brazil. Thrombocytopenia is the most common hematological disturbance seen in malarial infection. Oxidative stress (OS) has been implicated as a possible mediator of thrombocytopenia in patients with malaria. This study aimed to investigate the role of OS in the thrombocytopenia of Plasmodium vivax malaria through the measurement of oxidant and antioxidant biochemical markers in plasma and in isolated platelets. Eighty-six patients with P. vivax malaria were enrolled. Blood samples were analyzed for total antioxidant and oxidant status, albumin, total protein, uric acid, zinc, magnesium, bilirubin, total thiols, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), malondialdehyde (MDA), antibodies against mildly oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL-/nLDL ratio) and nitrite/nitrate levels in blood plasma and GPx and MDA in isolated platelets. Plasma MDA levels were higher in thrombocytopenic (TCP) (median 3.47; range 1.55-12.90 µmol/L) compared with the non-thrombocytopenic (NTCP) patients (median 2.57; range 1.95-8.60 µmol/L). Moreover, the LDL-/nLDL autoantibody ratio was lower in TCP (median 3.0; range 1.5-14.8) than in NTCP patients (median 4.0; range 1.9-35.5). Finally, GPx and MDA were higher in the platelets of TPC patients. These results suggest that oxidative damage of platelets might be important in the pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia found in P. vivax malaria as indicated by alterations of GPx and MDA.CNP

    Direct determination of Cu and Fe in jet fuel by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with injection of sample as detergent emulsions

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    AbstractThis paper reports the development of a method for the determination of copper and iron in jet fuels employing the electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). In order to allow the direct determination of the analytes, the samples were injected into the graphite furnace as detergent emulsions in order to avoid their volatilization during analysis. The results obtained in this work indicated that a stable emulsion can be formed by mixing 1mL of a 7% m/v Triton X-100 solution containing 10% v/v HNO3 with 4mL of jet fuel. The injection of emulsions provided integrated absorbance signals with suitable sensitivity and precision for 300min at least. The addition of chemical modifier was not necessary because background values were always very low, allowing the use of pyrolysis temperature around 1000°C for both analytes. Both Triton X-100 and HNO3 concentrations in the solution used to form the emulsion had remarkable influence on the sensitivity as well as the heating rate employed in the drying step. Under the best conditions established in the present work, limits of detection of 0.50 and 0.46μgL−1 were observed for copper when oil-based and aqueous standards were added to the emulsions for calibration, respectively. For iron, the limits of detection were 0.88 and 0.90μgL−1 for oil-based and aqueous standards, respectively. The method was applied in the determination of Cu and Fe in five samples of jet fuels and a recovery test was performed, producing recovery percentages between 95% and 105%

    Composite carbon materials from winery composted waste for the treatment of effluents contaminated with ketoprofen and 2-nitrophenol

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    The present work consisted of preparing and characterizing composite carbon materials (WRCC) from raw winery residues (WR) activated with zinc chloride to produce a carbon adsorbent. The WRCC was used for the adsorption of emerging contaminants in aqueous media. The WRCC presented a morphology with favorable characteristics for the adsorption process, giving an abundant porous structure with pores of different sizes. The results show the WRCC’s effectiveness, presenting surface area values (227 m2 g−1) and total pore volume (0.175 cm3 g−1). The general order kinetic model predicted the experimental curves sufficiently. The Sips model better described the two adsorbates' equilibrium data, with maximum adsorption capacities of 376.0 and 119.6 mg g−1 for 2-nitrophenol and ketoprofen, respectively. The WRCC carbon material was also highly efficient, with maximum removal of 81.4% and 94% in 1000 mg L−1 of the compounds 2-nitrophenol and ketoprofen. Finally, the prepared material has essential characteristics that make it an efficient adsorbent in treating effluents with emerging contaminants

    Oficinas comunitárias para elaboração de catálogo de sementes crioulas no agreste alagoano.

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    A biodiversidade da agricultura no Semiárido de Alagoas vem sendo desenvolvida a partir do conhecimento tradicional ao longo de décadas. Este relato apresenta a experiência junto às guardiãs(ões) do Território Agreste Alagoano, realizada em junho de 2023, com o objetivo de levantar informações sobre a agrobiodiversidade conservada, visando a elaboração participativa de umCatálogo de Sementes Crioulas com as espécies e variedades utilizadas pelas famílias camponesas do território. Em 04 oficinas comunitárias reuniram-se 38 guardiãs(ões) e guardiãs de 19 comunidades e 4 municípios. As oficinas resultaram em um acervo de 104 variedades de 15 espécies alimentares. Além de valorizar a riqueza do patrimônio genético das famílias, a atividade promove o conhecimento tradicional a partir do intercâmbio de guardiãs(ões) e mobiliza as redes locais de sementes crioulas
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