135 research outputs found

    The impact of active galactic nuclei on cooling flows

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    This thesis explores the role of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the heating of the intracluster medium (ICM). In the centre of many clusters the radiative cooling tune of the ICM is much shorter than the Hubble time. Unless cooling is balanced by some form of heating, gas will flow into the cluster centre at rates up to ~ 1000 M© yr(^-1). Recent Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observations present almost no evidence that this is happening incluster cores. Moreover, they show that the ICM has a rather complex structure. Some of the features in the X-ray images can be explained as the interaction of the central AGN with the ICM. The most prominent feature are bubbles of hot and underdense gas inflated by jets coming from massive black holes residing in the centre of giant elliptical galaxies. These bubbles are thought to rise buoyantly through the ICM and heat the gas by depositing their energy. I start by introducing the cooling-flow problem and by summarising the current understanding of the ICM heating processes. I then introduce the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) code FLASH that has been used for the simulations in this thesis and the development of new routines and modules. A model of AGN heating is then applied to model clusters to investigate three issues: (1) the quenching of the cooling-flow by injection of bubbles of energy; (2) the determination of the AGN duty cycle by using measurements of sound wave positions; (3) the presence of a mass threshold below which the heating process is no longer effective. I show that cooling can be effectively balanced by AGN heating in a cluster of mass 3 x lO(^14) Mo. Then, I argue that by using measurements of sound wave positions it is possible to determine the duty cycle of the AGN with good accuracy. Finally, I show that there is a threshold mass for which the heating process is ineffective. In the light of this, I discuss the importance of the process in shaping the luminosity function of galaxies. I also apply the heating model to a cluster that has formed in a cosmological environment and discuss how to improve the code performance

    The First Billion Years project: dark matter haloes going from contraction to expansion and back again

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    We study the effect of baryons on the inner dark matter profile of the first galaxies using the First Billion Years simulation between z=16-6 before secular evolution sets in. Using a large statistical sample from two simulations of the same volume and cosmological initial conditions, one with and one without baryons, we are able to directly compare haloes with their baryon-free counterparts, allowing a detailed study of the modifications to the dark matter density profile due to the presence of baryons during the first billion years of galaxy formation. For each of the ~ 5000 haloes in our sample we quantify the impact of the baryons using eta, defined as the ratio of dark matter mass enclosed in 100 pc in the baryonic run to its counterpart without baryons. During this epoch of rapid growth of galaxies, we find that many haloes of these first galaxies show an enhancement of dark matter in the halo centre compared to the baryon-free simulation, while many others show a deficit. We find that the mean value of eta is close to unity, but there is a large dispersion, with a standard deviation of 0.677. The enhancement is cyclical in time and tracks the star formation cycle of the galaxy; as gas falls to the centre and forms stars, the dark matter moves in as well. Supernova feedback then removes the gas, and the dark matter again responds to the changing potential. We study three physical models relating the motion of baryons to that of the dark matter: adiabatic contraction, dynamical friction, and rapid outflows. Abridged, see text for full abstractComment: accepted in MNRA

    The First Billion Years project - IV: Proto-galaxies reionising the Universe

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    The contribution of stars in galaxies to cosmic reionisation depends on the star formation history in the Universe, the abundance of galaxies during reionisation, the escape fraction of ionising photons and the clumping factor of the inter-galactic medium (IGM). We compute the star formation rate and clumping factor during reionisation in a cosmological volume using a high-resolution hydrodynamical simulation. We post-process the output with detailed radiative transfer simulations to compute the escape fraction of ionising photons. Together, this gives us the opportunity to assess the contribution of galaxies to reionisation self-consistently. The strong mass and redshift dependence of the escape fraction indicates that reionisation occurred between z=15 and z=10 and was mainly driven by proto-galaxies forming in dark-matter haloes with masses between 1e7 and 1e8 solar mass. More massive galaxies that are rare at these redshifts and have significantly lower escape fractions contribute less photons to the reionisation process than the more-abundant low-mass galaxies. Star formation in the low-mass haloes is suppressed by radiative feedback from reionisation, therefore these proto-galaxies only contribute when the part of the Universe they live in is still neutral. After z~10, massive galaxies become more abundant and provide most of the ionising photons. In addition, we find that Population (Pop) III stars are too short-lived and not frequent enough to have a major contribution to reionisation. Although the stellar component of the proto-galaxies that produce the bulk of ionising photons during reionisation is too faint to be detected by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), these sources are brightest in the H-alpha and Ly-alpha recombination lines, which will likely be detected by JWST in deep surveys.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    A cosmological context for compact massive galaxies

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    To provide a quantitative cosmological context to ongoing observational work on the formation histories and location of compact massive galaxies, we locate and study a sample of exceptionally compact systems in the Bolshoi simulation, using the dark matter structural parameters from a real, compact massive galaxy (NGC 1277) as a basis for our working criteria. We find that over 80% of objects in this nominal compact category are substructures of more massive groups or clusters, and that the probability of a given massive substructure being this compact increases significantly with the mass of the host structure; rising to ~30% for the most massive clusters in the simulation. Tracking the main progenitors of this subsample back to z=2, we find them all to be distinct structures with scale radii and densities representative of the population as a whole at this epoch. What does characterise their histories, in addition to mostly becoming substructures, is that they have almost all experienced below-average mass accretion since z=2; a third of them barely retaining, or even losing mass during the intervening 10 Gyr.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Gaussian covariance matrices for anisotropic galaxy clustering measurements

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    Measurements of the redshift-space galaxy clustering have been a prolific source of cosmological information in recent years. Accurate covariance estimates are an essential step for the validation of galaxy clustering models of the redshift-space two-point statistics. Usually, only a limited set of accurate N-body simulations is available. Thus, assessing the data covariance is not possible or only leads to a noisy estimate. Further, relying on simulated realisations of the survey data means that tests of the cosmology dependence of the covariance are expensive. With these points in mind, this work presents a simple theoretical model for the linear covariance of anisotropic galaxy clustering observations with synthetic catalogues. Considering the Legendre moments (`multipoles') of the two-point statistics and projections into wide bins of the line-of-sight parameter (`clustering wedges'), we describe the modelling of the covariance for these anisotropic clustering measurements for galaxy samples with a trivial geometry in the case of a Gaussian approximation of the clustering likelihood. As main result of this paper, we give the explicit formulae for Fourier and configuration space covariance matrices. To validate our model, we create synthetic HOD galaxy catalogues by populating the haloes of an ensemble of large-volume N-body simulations. Using linear and non-linear input power spectra, we find very good agreement between the model predictions and the measurements on the synthetic catalogues in the quasi-linear regime.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables; modified to match version accepted by MNRA

    The Aurora radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of reionization: calibration and first results

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    We introduce a new suite of radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation and reionization called Aurora. The Aurora simulations make use of a spatially adaptive radiative transfer technique that lets us accurately capture the small-scale structure in the gas at the resolution of the hydrodynamics, in cosmological volumes. In addition to ionizing radiation, Aurora includes galactic winds driven by star formation and the enrichment of the universe with metals synthesized in the stars. Our reference simulation uses 2x512^3 dark matter and gas particles in a box of size 25 comoving Mpc/h with a force softening scale of at most 0.28 kpc/h. It is accompanied by simulations in larger and smaller boxes and at higher and lower resolution, employing up to 2x1024^3 particles, to investigate numerical convergence. All simulations are calibrated to yield simulated star formation rate (SFR) functions in close agreement with observational constraints at redshift z = 7 and to achieve reionization at z = 8.3, which is consistent with the observed optical depth to reionization. We focus on the design and calibration of the simulations and present some first results. The median stellar metallicities of low-mass galaxies at z = 6 are consistent with the metallicities of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group, which are believed to have formed most of their stars at high redshifts. After reionization, the mean photoionization rate decreases systematically with increasing resolution. This coincides with a systematic increase in the abundance of neutral hydrogen absorbers in the IGM.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The impact of baryonic processes on the two-point correlation functions of galaxies, subhaloes and matter

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    The observed clustering of galaxies and the cross-correlation of galaxies and mass provide important constraints on both cosmology and models of galaxy formation. Even though the dissipation and feedback processes associated with galaxy formation are thought to affect the distribution of matter, essentially all models used to predict clustering data are based on collisionless simulations. Here, we use large hydrodynamical simulations to investigate how galaxy formation affects the autocorrelation functions of galaxies and subhaloes, as well as their cross-correlation with matter. We show that the changes due to the inclusion of baryons are not limited to small scales and are even present in samples selected by subhalo mass. Samples selected by subhalo mass cluster ~10% more strongly in a baryonic run on scales r > 1Mpc/h, and this difference increases for smaller separations. While the inclusion of baryons boosts the clustering at fixed subhalo mass on all scales, the sign of the effect on the cross-correlation of subhaloes with matter can vary with radius. We show that the large-scale effects are due to the change in subhalo mass caused by the strong feedback associated with galaxy formation and may therefore not affect samples selected by number density. However, on scales r < r_vir significant differences remain after accounting for the change in subhalo mass. We conclude that predictions for galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-mass clustering from models based on collisionless simulations will have errors greater than 10% on sub-Mpc scales, unless the simulation results are modified to correctly account for the effects of baryons on the distributions of mass and satellites.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Replaced to match the version accepted by MNRA
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