20 research outputs found

    A Metabolic Imaging Study of Lexical and Phonological Naming Errors in Alzheimer Disease

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    Patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) produce a variety of errors on confrontation naming that indicate multiple loci of impairment along the naming process in this disease. We correlated brain hypometabolism, measured with 18fluoro-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography, with semantic and formal errors, as well as nonwords deriving from phonological errors produced in a picture-naming test by 63 patients with AD. Findings suggest that neurodegeneration leads to: (1) phonemic errors, by interfering with phonological short-term memory, or with control over retrieval of phonological or prearticulatory representations, within the left supramarginal gyrus; (2) semantic errors, by disrupting general semantic or visual-semantic representations at the level of the left posterior middle and inferior occipitotemporal cortex, respectively; (3) formal errors, by damaging the lexical-phonological output interface in the left mid-anterior segment of middle and superior temporal gyri. This topography of semantic-lexical-phonological steps of naming is in substantial agreement with dual-stream neurocognitive models of word generation

    Diagnóstico estructural de estructuras de madera históricas: La sala diplomática del Palacio Real de Nápoles

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    [EN] The aim of this article is to describe the diagnosis process made on the timber structure that holds up the vault of the Diplomatic Room of the Royal Palace in Naples (Italy). After a brief historical description of the Royal Palace and the Diplomatic Room, it discusses the methodology according to Italian regulations and the speci­fic problems that arose during the works. To complete the diagnosis, a dendrochronological analysis of the wooden elements was performed. The results show the residual mechanical properties of each structural element and the main problems to be resolved by the restorers. The dendrochronological conclusions yield that the dating of the elements is compatible with that of the frescoes on the vault and therefore demonstrate that the elements have not been replaced.[ES] El objetivo de este artículo es describir el proceso diagnóstico realizado en la estructura de madera que sostiene la bóveda de la Sala Diplomática del Palacio Real de Nápoles (Italia). Tras una breve descripción histórica del Palacio Real y la Sala Diplomática, se detalla la metodología conforme a la normativa italiana, y los problemas específicos que surgieron durante las operaciones. Para completar el diagnóstico, se realizó un análisis dendrocronológico de los elementos de madera. Los resultados muestran las propiedades mecánicas residuales de cada elemento estructural así como los principales problemas que deben ser resueltos por los restauradores. Las conclusiones dendrocronológicas muestran que la datación de los elementos de madera es compatible con la de los frescos de la bóveda y, por lo tanto, demuestra que los elementos no han sido reemplazados.Calicchio, D.; Bernabei, M.; Brunetti, M.; Crivellaro, A.; Macchioni, N.; Pollini, C. (2012). Diagnóstico estructural de estructuras de madera históricas: La sala diplomática del Palacio Real de Nápoles. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (24-25):112-121. doi:10.4995/loggia.2012.3007SWORD11212124-25BERNETTI, G.: Selvicoltura speciale, UTET, Torino, 1995.BONAMINI, G.; UZIELLI, L.; CECCOTTI, A.: "Sulla valutazione della resistenza meccanica del legno antico", en L'Edilizia, 1991, 5(12):771-777.BONAMINI, G.: "Restoring timber structures-Inspection and evaluation", en Lecture D3: Timber engineering STEP2 - Design - Details and structural systems, STEP/EUROFORTECH, Centrum Hout, The Netherlands, 1995, pp.D3/1-9.FONTI, P.; MACCHIONI, N.; THIBAUT, B.: "Ring shake in Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.): state of the art", en Annals of Forest Science, 2002, 59 (2): 129-139.MACCHIONI, N.: "Inspection techniques for ancient wooden structures", en Structural analysis of historical constructions II de ROCA, P.; GONZÁLES, J.L.; ONATE, E.; LOURENÇO, P.B. Editors, Cimne, 1998, pp. 149-162.MACCHIONI, N. & PIAZZA, M.: "Italian standardisation activity in the field of diagnosis and restoration of ancient timber structures", en Structural analysis of historical construction, de LOURENCO, P.B.; ROCA, P.; MODENA, C.; AGRAWAL, S.; Eds., New Dehli, 2006, pp. 395-404.PIOVESAN, G.; BERNABEI, M.; DI FILIPPO, A.; ROMAGNOLI, M.; SCHIRONE, B.: "A long-term tree ring beech chronology from a highelevation old-growth forest of Central Italy", en Dendrochronologia, 2003, 21(1): 13-22.SCHWEINGRUBER, F. H.: "Data archived at the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Boulder Colorado USA", en http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/ftp-treering.html, 1980.TAMPONE, G.; MANNUCCI, M.; MACCHIONI, N.: Strutture di legno. Cultura, conservazione e restauro, De Lettera, Milano, 2002.EN 334-1/2: Durability of wood and wood-based products. Definition of hazard classes of biological attack, General, 1993.UNI 11119: Cultural heritage - Wooden artefacts- Load-bearing structures - On site inspections for the diagnosis of timber members, UNI (Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione), 2004

    Effects of soil and vineyard characteristics on volatile, phenolic composition and sensory profile of Cabernet Sauvignon wines of Campanha Gaúcha

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    The influence of vineyard on wines was evaluated for the first time using a broader analytical approach: sensory analyses and several analytical techniques (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), GC flame ionization detection (FID), GC-olfactometry-Osme technique (GC-O-Osme), GC × GC-MS), taking into account odoriferous compounds of Cabernet Sauvignon wines. Sensory attributes were correlated to the concentration of volatiles and also to favorable climate/solar exposition, less clayey/lower organic matter soil, and lower vegetative growth of one out of five vineyards, C1. Among 30 coelutions in GC-MS, 12 involved some of the odoriferous volatiles and GC × GC-MS was required to elucidate their identities. Higher concentrations of ethyl propanoate and diacetyl (related with red fruits/aromatic intensity) and of acetoin (aroma of dry fruits, but coeluted with octanal in first dimension (1D), which presents green odor) were found in C1 wine. It was also correlated with positive appearance attributes, gustatory persistence, body, smell and taste harmony, as well as with higher concentrations of phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonols, stilbenes, and flavanols

    Salorno—Dos de la Forca (Adige Valley, Northern Italy): A unique cremation site of the Late Bronze Age

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    none5noThe archaeological site of Salorno—Dos de la Forca (Bozen, Alto Adige) provides one of the rarest and most significant documentations of cremated human remains preserved from an ancient cremation platform (ustrinum). The pyre area, located along the upper Adige valley, is dated to the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1150–950 BCE) and has yielded an unprecedented quantity of cremated human remains (about 63.5 kg), along with burnt animal bone fragments, shards of pottery, and other grave goods made in bronze and animal bone/antler. This study focuses on the bioanthropological analysis of the human remains and discusses the formation of the unusual burnt deposits at Salorno through comparisons with modern practices and protohistoric and contemporaneous archaeological deposits. The patterning of bone fragmentation and commingling was investigated using spatial data recorded during excavation which, along with the bioanthropological and archaeological data, are used to model and test two hypotheses: Salorno—Dos de la Forca would be the result of A) repeated primary cremations left in situ; or B) of residual material remaining after select elements were removed for internment in urns or burials to unknown depositional sites. By modelling bone weight and demographic data borrowed from regional affine contexts, the authors suggest that this cremation site may have been used over several generations by a small community–perhaps a local elite. With a quantity of human remains that exceeds that of any other coeval contexts interpreted as ustrina, Salorno may be the product of a complex series of rituals in which the human cremains did not receive individual burial, but were left in situ, in a collective/communal place of primary combustion, defining an area of repeated funeral ceremonies involving offerings and libations across a few generations. This would represent a new typological and functional category that adds to the variability of mortuary customs at the end of the Bronze Age in the Alpine are, at a time in which “globalising” social trends may have stimulated the definition of more private identities.openCrivellaro, Federica; Cavazzuti, Claudio; Candilio, Francesca; Coppa, Alfredo; Tecchiati, UmbertoCrivellaro, Federica; Cavazzuti, Claudio; Candilio, Francesca; Coppa, Alfredo; Tecchiati, Umbert

    Clinical and diagnostic aspects of cystic insulinoma

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    Abstract Cystic endocrine tumors of the pancreas rarely occur, and only a few cases of cystic insulinoma have been reported to date. Diagnosis of insulinoma could be difficult if the functional activity is incomplete, possibly leading to blunted symptoms of hypoglycemia and failure in the laboratory to provide evidence of hyperinsulinemia. We report a clinical case of cystic insulinoma confirmed by histological examination after surgery, characterized by a high intracystic insulin concentration despite normal blood basal levels of the hormone. New diagnostic findings from dynamic tests and cystic fluid examination have been carefully focused on