96 research outputs found

    Feeding Versus Feedback in AGNs from Near-Infrared IFU Observations: The Case of Mrk79

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    We have mapped the gaseous kinematics and the emission-line flux distributions and ratios from the inner ~680pc radius of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk79, using two-dimensional (2D) near-IR J- and Kl-band spectra obtained with the Gemini instrument NIFS at a spatial resolution of ~100pc and velocity resolution of ~40km/s. The molecular hydrogen flux distribution presents two spiral arms extending by ~700pc, one to the north and another to the south of the nucleus, with an excitation indicating heating by X-rays from the central source. The low velocity dispersion (sigma~50km/s) and rotation pattern supports a location of the H2 gas in the disk of the galaxy. Blueshifts observed along the spiral arm in the far side of the galaxy and redshifts in the spiral arm in the near side, suggest that the spiral arms are feeding channels of H2 to the inner 200pc. From channel maps along the H2 l2.1218um emission-line profile we estimate a mass inflow rate of ~4E-3 M_Sun/year, which is one order of magnitude smaller than the mass accretion rate necessary to power the AGN of Mrk79. The emission from the ionized gas (traced by Pabeta and [FeII]l1.2570um emission lines) is correlated with the radio jet and with the narrow-band [OIII] flux distribution. Its kinematics shows both rotation and outflows to the north and south of the nucleus. The ionized gas mass outflow rate through a cross section with radius ~320pc located at a distance of ~455pc from the nucleus is 3.5 MSun/year, which is much larger than the AGN mass accretion rate, indicating that most of the outflowing gas originates in the interstellar medium surrounding the galaxy nucleus, which is pushed away by a nuclear jet.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    A sample of Seyfert-2 galaxies with ultra-luminous galaxy-wide NLRs -- Quasar light echos?

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    We report the discovery of Seyfert-2 galaxies in SDSS-DR8 with galaxy-wide, ultra-luminous narrow-line regions (NLRs) at redshifts z=0.2-0.6. With a space density of 4.4 per cubic Gpc at z~0.3, these "Green Beans" (GBs) are amongst the rarest objects in the Universe. We are witnessing an exceptional and/or short-lived phenomenon in the life cycle of AGN. The main focus of this paper is on a detailed analysis of the GB prototype galaxy J2240-0927 (z=0.326). Its NLR extends over 26x44 kpc and is surrounded by an extended narrow-line region (ENLR). With a total [OIII]5008 luminosity of (5.7+/-0.9)x10e43 erg/s, this is one of the most luminous NLR known around any type-2 galaxy. Using VLT/XSHOOTER we show that the NLR is powered by an AGN, and we derive resolved extinction, density and ionization maps. Gas kinematics is disturbed on a global scale, and high velocity outflows are absent or faint. This NLR is unlike any other NLR or extended emission line region (EELR) known. Spectroscopy with Gemini/GMOS reveals extended, high luminosity [OIII] emission also in other GBs. WISE 24micron luminosities are 5-50 times lower than predicted by the [OIII] fluxes, suggesting that the NLRs reflect earlier, very active quasar states that have strongly subsided in less than a galaxies' light crossing time. These light echos are about 100 times more luminous than any other such light echo known to date. X-ray data are needed for photo-ionization modeling and to verify the light echos.Comment: This is an update of our previous submission (1211.7098). Apart from layout it is identical to the publication in ApJ. Compared to v1 (1211.7098) type settings and language errors have been corrected. We also added 4 more redshifts, confirming 3 sources (objects #002, #017, #21) and rejecting one (#020, low-z HII region

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in the Central Region of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC1808

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    We present mid infrared (MIR) spectra of the Seyfert 2 (Sy 2) galaxy NGC 1808, obtained with the Gemini's Thermal-Region Camera Spectrograph (T-ReCS) at a spatial resolution of 26 pc. The high spatial resolution allowed us to detect bright polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emissions at 8.6micron and 11.3micron in the galaxy centre (26 pc) up to a radius of 70 pc from the nucleus. The spectra also present [Ne ii]12.8micron ionic lines, and H2 S(2)12.27micron molecular gas line. We found that the PAHs profiles are similar to Peeters's A class, with the line peak shifted towards the blue. The differences in the PAH line profiles also suggests that the molecules in the region located 26 pc NE of the nucleus are more in the neutral than in the ionised state, while at 26 pc SW of the nucleus, the molecules are mainly in ionised state. After removal of the underlying galaxy contribution, the nuclear spectrum can be represented by a Nenkova's clumpy torus model, indicating that the nucleus of NGC 1808 hosts a dusty toroidal structure with an angular cloud distribution of sigma = 70degree, observer's view angle i = 90degree, and an outer radius of R0 = 0.55 pc. The derived column density along the line of sight is NH = 1.5 x 10^24 cm-2, which is sufficient to block the hard radiation from the active nucleus, and would explain the presence of PAH molecules near to the NGC 1808's active nucleus.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS 2012 December

    Extended Gas in Seyfert Galaxies: Near-Infrared Observations of 15 Active Nuclei

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    Results from an analysis of low resolution (R~250) near-IR long-slit spectra covering simultaneously the I, J, H, and K bands, for a sample of 15 Seyfert galaxies and the N5253 starburst nucleus, are presented. The Seyfert galaxies were selected as presenting `linear' or cone-like high excitation emission line in the optical, most probably due to the collimation of the central source's radiation by a dusty molecular torus. Our goal was to look for signatures of this torus, and to investigate the gaseous distribution, excitation and reddening. The IR emission lines are spatially extended in most cases, and we have used the [FeII]/Pa(beta) ratio as a measure of the gaseous excitation in Mrk573, N1386, and N7582. Values for this ratio between 1.5 and 6 are found, suggesting excitation of [FeII] by X-rays or shock waves in some regions. Nuclear Pa(beta) in N1365, and possibly nuclear Br(gama) in Mrk573, are broad. From analysis of the spatial distribution of the continuum (J-H) and (H-K) colours derived from our spectra, we find redder colours for the nucleus than the nearby bulge in most of the Seyfert 2s observed. Comparison with models including emission from dust and stars shows that hot (T~1000 K) dust emission dominates the nuclear continuum in N1365, N2110, N3281, N7582, and ESO362-G18. In N1386, N5643, and N5728 the main contributor is the underlying stellar population, combined with some foreground reddening and/or cool dust emission. In a few cases, the (J-H) colours on opposite sides of the nucleus differ by 0.3-0.8 mag, an effect that we interpret as partly due to differences in the local stellar population, and possibly extinction gradients.Comment: 19 pages (LaTeX, mn.sty), 27 Postscript figures embedded. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the R.A.

    Feeding Versus Feedback in AGNs from Near-Infrared IFU Observations: The Case of Mrk 766

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    We have mapped the emission-line flux distributions and ratios as well as the gaseous kinematics of the inner 450 pc radius of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 766 using integral field near-IR J- and Kl-band spectra obtained with the Gemini nifs at a spatial resolution of 60 pc and velocity resolution of 40 km/s. Emission-line flux distributions in ionized and molecular gas extend up to ~ 300 pc from the nucleus. Coronal [S IX]{\lambda}1.2523{\mu}m line emission is resolved, being extended up to 150 pc from the nucleus. At the highest flux levels, the [Fe II]{\lambda}1.257{\mu}m line emission is most extended to the south-east, where a radio jet has been observed.The emission-line ratios [Fe II]{\lambda}1.2570{\mu}m/Pa{\beta} and H2H_2{\lambda}2.1218{\mu}m/Br{\gamma} show a mixture of Starburst and Seyfert excitation; the Seyfert excitation dominates at the nucleus, to the north-west and in an arc-shaped region between 0.2" and 0.6" to the south-east at the location of the radio jet. A contribution from shocks at this location is supported by enhanced [Fe II]/[P II] line ratios and increased [Fe II] velocity dispersion. The gas velocity field is dominated by rotation that is more compact for H2H_2 than for Pa{\beta}, indicating that the molecular gas has a colder kinematics and is located in the galaxy plane. There is about 10310^3 solar masses of hot H2H_2, implying ~ 10910^9 solar masses of cold molecular gas. At the location of the radio jet, we observe an increase in the [Fe II] velocity dispersion (150 km/s), as well as both blueshift and redshifts in the channel maps, supporting the presence of an outflow there. The ionized gas mass outflow rate is estimated to be ~ 10 solar masses/yr, and the power of the outflow ~ 0.08 LbolL_{bol}

    Gemini Frontier Fields: Wide-field Adaptive Optics KsK_s-band Imaging of the Galaxy Clusters MACS J0416.1-2403 and Abell 2744

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    We have observed two of the six Frontier Fields galaxy clusters, MACS J0416.1-2403 and Abell 2744, using the Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS) and the Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI). With 0.08"-0.10" FWHM our data are nearly diffraction-limited over a 100"x100" wide area. GeMS/GSAOI complements the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) redwards of 1.6microns with twice the angular resolution. We reach a 5 sigma depth of Ks = 25.6 mag (AB) for compact sources. In this paper we describe the observations, the data processing and the initial public data release. We provide fully calibrated, co-added images matching the native GSAOI pixel scale as well as the larger plate scales of the HST release, adding to the legacy value of the Frontier Fields. Our work demonstrates that even for fields at high galactic latitude, where natural guide stars are rare, current multi-conjugated adaptive optics technology at 8m-telescopes has opened a new window on the distant Universe. Observations of a third Frontier Field, Abell 370, are planned.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS; significantly revised compared to the first submissio

    A photometric and kinematic study of the stars and interstellar medium in the central two kpc of NGC 3379

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    HST images of NGC 3379 show that the V and I luminosity profiles in the inner 13 arcsec of this E1 galaxy are represented by two different components: a stellar bulge following a Sersic Law with exponent n = 2.36, and a central core (r < 0.7 arcsec) with a characteristic "cuspy" profile. Subtraction of the underlying stellar component represented by the fitted Sersic profile revealed the presence of a small (r ~ 105 pc) dust disk of about 150 solar masses, oriented at PA = 125 degrees and inclined ~ 77 degrees with respect to the line of sight. The same absorption structure is detected in the color-index (V-I) image. The stellar rotation in the inner 20 arcsec is well represented by a parametric planar disk model, inclined ~ 26 degrees relative to the plane of the sky, and apparent major axis along PA ~ 67 degrees. The gas velocity curves in the inner 5 arcsec show a steep gradient, indicating that the gas rotates much faster than the stars, although in the same direction. The velocity field of the gaseous system, however, is not consistent with the simple model of Keplerian rotation sustained by the large (7 x 10E9 solar masses within a radius of ~ 90 pc) central mass implied by the maximum velocity observed, but the available data precludes a more detailed analysis.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX(aaspp4.sty), 9 figures included. Figs. 1 and 5 are colour plates. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (part 1

    Streaming Motions Towards the Supermassive Black Hole in NGC 1097

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    We have used GMOS-IFU and high resolution HST-ACS observations to map, in unprecedented detail, the gas velocity field and structure within the 0.7 kpc circumnuclear ring of the SBb LINER/Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 1097. We find clear evidence of radial streaming motions associated with spiral structures leading to the unresolved (<3.5 parsecs) nucleus, which we interpret as part of the fueling chain by which gas is transported to the nuclear starburst and supermassive black hole.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures using emulateapj. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Download high-resolution version from http://www.astro.uu.se/~kambiz/DOC/paper-N1097.pd