3,288 research outputs found

    La identidad femenina en La última niebla

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    Judith Butler discute la tendencia heterosexual de definirse a partir del otro. Tal planteamineto resulta relevante si se observa desde la novela La última niebla, de María Luisa Bombal, en la que, al parecer, la mujer obtiene el sentido de su identidad con base en la relación que establece con el hombre. En el presente trabajo se pretende responder a las interrogantes ¿acaso tiene razon Butler al proponer que "una es mujer [...] en la medida en que funciona como [tal] en la estructura heterosexual dominante"? Si no es así, entonces dentro de la novela ¿en qué se basa o en qué consiste ser mujer? ¿Es un trayecto?, tal como afirmaba Simone de Beauvoir.  

    Does it matter who makes the money? An empirical analysis of women’s bargaining power and child outcomes in Indonesia

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    Could an even larger push for women empowerment be a viable development strategy for developing countries? A large literature relates the bargaining power of women to improved health and education of their children (Majlesi, 2015; Qian, 2008; Bobonis, 2009; Duflo, 2003; Lundberg, Pollak and Wales, 1997). However, it remains a challenge to find a good proxy for bargaining power that truly reflects the decision-making power of the mother in the household. This thesis aims to contribute to the literature by using women's earnings, relative to that of their husband, as a proxy for bargaining power and tracking whether decisions made in the household change hands as the income of the mother rises. Using two waves of panel data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey and a fixed effects methodology, this thesis finds that women's bargaining power has a significant effect on children's health, but not on education. Mothers with a relatively high income display stronger effects for girls, while mothers with a comparatively low income prefer to invest in the health of sons. Curiously, as the income of the mother rises, her decision-making power over education increases while her influence over child health does not change significantly

    Mantle dynamics and volcanism emplacement in the Azores

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    The Azores plateau is a triangular shaped topographic feature encompassing the boundary zone where three major tectonic plates (EU, NU and NA) meet. The eastern side of the plateau is delimited by two major tectonic discontinuities: the Mid Atlantic Ridge, and the Terceira Rift, a recently formed ultra-slow-spreading ridge. The origin of the plateau is still under debate. One hypothesis argues that the plateau would have been formed by successive NE jumps of the oblique spreading axis, where the present TR is the latest stage. Other hypotheses invoke the northward jump of the Azores triple junction, during which the Azores region would have been transferred from the Eurasian plate to the Nubian plate. For some authors, the presence of the Azores plume, a low seismic velocity zone in the mantle beneath, is required to explain the observations: the anomalously shallow seafloor depth as well as the geochemistry of the basaltic lavas erupted within the plateau. Here we use a highly resolved tomography model to quantify the influence of this plume and the surrounding mantle.We model the convection pattern, the induced dynamic topography and stresses, and compare them with the surface observations. The dynamic topography shows two maxima: one northwest of St. Miguel, the other encompassing the Terceira, Graciosa, S. Jorge, Faial and Pico islands. Both swells are approximately located on the Terceira Ridge. The convection pattern displays two distinct upwelling towards these two groups of Islands. This may explain the difference in the geochemical signatures, in particular the unique isotopic ratios observed in some lavas from S. Miguel. The stresses induced by the underlying mantle convection are compared with the surface observations (topographic features, seismic and GPS velocities). The modeled and observed tresses fairly correlate west of our study area but their directions depart east

    Incorporación de estudiantes migrantes en el sistema escolar chileno: ¿una nueva forma de segregación escolar?

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    Desde la década de los noventa, Chile viene mostrando un aumento sostenido en la cantidad de inmigrantes que llegan al país, en busca de mejores oportunidades de vida. Esta situación, está impactando en el sistema escolar nacional, en tanto, la cantidad de estudiantes de origen extranjero, ha crecido en cerca de un 400% en los últimos 20 años. Este artículo, tiene como objetivo analizar de qué forma se está distribuyendo este alumnado en el sistema escolar, determinando si tiende a concentrarse o no, en determinados establecimientos. Con una metodología de carácter geográfico y enfoque descriptivo, se establece la acentuada concentración de este tipo de estudiantado en algunas regiones y comunas del país, así como, en determinados centros escolares, lo que permite visualizar un nuevo tipo de segregación escolar, en la que estarían interviniendo factores geográficos, institucionales y socioculturales. Se concluye, la necesidad de seguir investigando en este campo, en tanto, la segregación escolar por condiciones de migración, es un fenómeno reciente y poco explorado en Chile. Palabras claves: Migraciones; Oleada migratoria en Chile; Inmigrantes; Estudiantes extranjeros, Elección de escuela

    Variáveis comportamentais determinantes de compra no varejo virtual: um estudo com consumidores brasileiros

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    Nowadays, in Brazil, many companies are launching their E-Commerce operations in several areas, through horizontal portals that host several virtual shops or also through vertical portals specialized in pre-determined segments. The internet, together with Cybermarketing, gained its multimedia face, which is no longer a means of communication only, but has also become a tool with new and powerful applications. This research, descriptive in character, sought through the answers of 368 internet users in nine Brazilian states, to identify the behavioral variables determinant for the decision to shop through virtual retail among three groups of users: those who use; those who gave up using and those who do not use E-Commerce. A non-probabilistic methodology was used, by means of which data were collected through a questionnaire developed in HTML and hosted in the site www.pesquisams.hpg.com.br, over the period October 8th to November 28th 2001. The main variable determinants for the three groups were found to be: convenience – the main influence in favor of virtual shopping; preference for the real shop and the fact of not being fond of shopping without seeing and feeling the product – the main influence for giving up virtual shopping; and, for those who do not use this form of shopping, the disliking the idea of shopping without seeing and feeling the product.e-commerce, consumer behavior, internet,

    ¿Es Global o Local la Investigación? La Proliferación Situada de Polímeros, Transgénicos y Colectivos

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    El presente artículo presenta la construcción sociotécnica de dos experiencias de investigación: polímeros cerámicas y papas transgénicas. Ambas tienen por objeto constituirse en una alternativa de análisis a los estudios que resaltan el papel fundamental de la tecnología en la explicación de la globalización. El trabajo muestra dos etnografías de laboratorio. En el caso de los polímeros se muestra cómo la construcción de un saber lo cal se expande internacionalmente; en el segundo, las papas transgénicas, siendo un saber que ha comenzado a ser conocido mundialmente, es necesario situarlo localmente en su proceso de investigación.El presente artículo presenta la construcción sociotécnica de dos experiencias de investigación: polímeros cerámicas y papas transgénicas. Ambas tienen por objeto constituirse en una alternativa de análisis a los estudios que resaltan el papel fundamental de la tecnología en la explicación de la globalización. El trabajo muestra dos etnografías de laboratorio. En el caso de los polímeros se muestra cómo la construcción de un saber lo cal se expande internacionalmente; en el segundo, las papas transgénicas, siendo un saber que ha comenzado a ser conocido mundialmente, es necesario situarlo localmente en su proceso de investigación

    Cultural adaptation of birthing services in rural Ayacucho, Peru.

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    PROBLEM: Maternal mortality is particularly high among poor, indigenous women in rural Peru, and the use of facility care is low, partly due to cultural insensitivities of the health care system. APPROACH: A culturally appropriate delivery care model was developed in poor and isolated rural communities, and implemented between 1999 and 2001 in cooperation with the Quechua indigenous communities and health professionals. Data on birth location and attendance in one health centre have been collected up to 2007. LOCAL SETTING: The international nongovernmental organization, Health Unlimited, and its Peruvian partner organization, Salud Sín Límites Perú, conducted the project in Santillana district in Ayacucho. RELEVANT CHANGES: The model involves features such as a rope and bench for vertical delivery position, inclusion of family and traditional birth attendants in the delivery process and use of the Quechua language. The proportion of births delivered in the health facility increased from 6% in 1999 to 83% in 2007 with high satisfaction levels. LESSONS LEARNED: Implementing a model of skilled delivery attendance that integrates modern medical and traditional Andean elements is feasible and sustainable. Indigenous women with little formal education do use delivery services if their needs are met. This contradicts common victim-blaming attitudes that ascribe high levels of home births to 'cultural preferences' or 'ignorance'

    The stability and activity of human neuroserpin are modulated by a salt bridge that stabilises the reactive centre loop

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    Neuroserpin (NS) is an inhibitory protein belonging to the serpin family and involved in several pathologies, including the dementia Familial Encephalopathy with Neuroserpin Inclusion Bodies (FENIB), a genetic neurodegenerative disease caused by accumulation of NS polymers. Our Molecular Dynamics simulations revealed the formation of a persistent salt bridge between Glu289 on strand s2C and Arg362 on the Reactive Centre Loop (RCL), a region important for the inhibitory activity of NS. Here, we validated this structural feature by simulating the Glu289Ala mutant, where the salt bridge is not present. Further, MD predictions were tested in vitro by purifying recombinant Glu289Ala NS from E. coli. The thermal and chemical stability along with the polymerisation propensity of both Wild Type and Glu289Ala NS were characterised by circular dichroism, emission spectroscopy and non-denaturant gel electrophoresis, respectively. The activity of both variants against the main target protease, tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), was assessed by SDS-PAGE and chromogenic kinetic assay. Our results showed that deletion of the salt bridge leads to a moderate but clear reduction of the overall protein stability and activity


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    As estratégias de sujeitas negras, que se profissionalizam, com vistas a alcançar deslocamento de seu status sócio educacional, são problematizadas a partir de uma análise (auto)biográfica. Como parte das alternativas de construção do conhecimento arrisco-me a sugerir, como uma contribuição transgressora, alguns atalhos experimentados no percurso de estudante universitária, pesquisadora e professora do ensino superior. Apresento interseções e contornos investigativos sobre a formação acadêmica tomando como objeto uma travessia insurgente em instituições públicas. O ponto de partida é uma análise onde a presença negra e feminina na docência do ensino superior ganha relevo. Sob tal perspectiva, arrisco-me a sugerir, como uma contribuição transgressora, alguns descaminhos experimentados no percurso que fiz como professora e pesquisadora negra

    Ciclos de remoções em Belém (PA): a Bacia do Tucunduba e a reprodução da precariedade

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    This article presents evidence that there is an ongoing cycle of evictions in the Tucunduba River Basin, in the Brazilian city of Belém (PA), where urbanization work has been conducted over several years, thus bringing about an ever-increasing number of displaced families. It is understood that the failure to provide housing for the evicted families has led to an increase in the cases of judicialization, which has thereby contributed to further irregular occupations and, hence, a continuation of precariousness and informality. The contributing factors for this situation have been classified into four groups: operational/planning; political/administrative; ideological; and extralegal. Empirical and documentary sources, interviews with both the technicians from public departments and the population threatened by eviction, together with an analysis of the judicial processes have demonstrated that while evictions intensify the vulnerable conditions of the families, they also serve to maintain structures that support peripheral capitalism. Este artigo apresenta evidências de que existe um ciclo de remoções em curso na Bacia do Tucunduba, em Belém (PA), onde obras de urbanização se prolongam há anos, implicando um número crescente de famílias deslocadas. Compreende-se que a falta de provisão habitacional para as famílias removidas a partir de casos judicializados colabora para que novas ocupações irregulares ocorram e para que a precariedade e a informalidade se perpetuem. Os fatores que contribuem para a construção desse quadro foram organizados em quatro grupos: operacionais/de planejamento; político/administrativos; ideológicos; e extralegais. Fontes empíricas e documentais, entrevistas com técnicos de órgãos públicos e com a população ameaçada de remoção e análises de processos judiciais mostram que as remoções, ao mesmo tempo que aprofundam a condição de vulnerabilidade das famílias, servem para manter estruturas funcionais para a periferia do capitalismo